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titipreda din New Jersey (...@yahoo.com, IP: 162.84.202...)
2005-11-28 16:52
Lumea zice ca mi-a iesit cel mai bun curcan!

Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu, bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline, cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque sos)!
Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate !!!!!
A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......

P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!

beatle-maniacul din Buzias (...@yahoo.com, IP: 209.142.155...)
2005-11-28 17:15

titi, vezi ca te transformi in Oriana, cu povestile astea lungi numai despre tine.
in rest, HAI NOROC, hac (sughit)

La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:

> Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea
> pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu,
> bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini
> zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
> A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline,
> cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper
> pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque
> sos)!
> Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe
> deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si
> jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de
> obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate
> !!!!!
> A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea
> mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......
> P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 212.25.124...)
2005-11-28 17:19
Re: Ai grija sa nu mananci shnitzel de curcan, ca pe germana se numeste "putten schnitzel" /ndc

La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:

> Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea
> pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu,
> bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini
> zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
> A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline,
> cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper
> pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque
> sos)!
> Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe
> deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si
> jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de
> obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate
> !!!!!
> A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea
> mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......
> P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-11-28 17:23
Titilicaaaa, vezi ca te fraieresc aia! Ca nu prea se stie ce e organic FOOD. Numai California are legislatie mai de Dne


La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:

> Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....

Nebulous Definitions

The term "organic foods" refers to the methods used to produce the foods rather than to characteristics of the food themselves. The most common concept of "organically grown" food was articulated in 1972 by Robert Rodale, editor of Organic Gardening and Farming magazine, at a public hearing:

Food grown without pesticides; grown without artificial fertilizers; grown in soil whose humus content is increased by the additions of organic matter, grown in soil whose mineral content is increased by the application of natural mineral fertilizers; has not been treated with preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, etc. [5]

In 1980, a team of scientists appointed by the USDA concluded that there was no universally accepted definition of "organic farming." Their report stated:

The organic movement represents a spectrum of practices, attitudes, and philosophies. On the one hand are those organic practitioners who would not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides under any circumstances. These producers hold rigidly to their purist philosophy. At the other end of the spectrum, organic farmers espouse a more flexible approach. While striving to avoid the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, these practitioners do not rule them out entirely. Instead, when absolutely necessary, some fertilizers and also herbicides are very selectively and sparingly used as a second line of defense. Nevertheless, these farmers, too, consider themselves to be organic farmers [6].

Passage of the Organic Foods Production Act forced the USDA to develop an official definition. On December 16, 1997, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service proposed rules for a National Organic Program [7]. The proposal applied to all types of agricultural products and all aspects of their production and handling, ranging from soil fertility management to the packaging and labeling of the final product. The proposal included: (a) national standards for production and handling, (b) a National List of approved synthetic substances, (c) a certification program, (d) a program for accrediting certifiers, (e) labeling requirements, (f) enforcement provisions, and (g) rules for importing equivalent products. The proposed rule defined organic farming and handling as:

A system that is designed and managed to produce agricultural products by the use of methods and substances that maintain the integrity of organic agricultural products until they reach the consumer. This is accomplished by using, where possible, cultural, biological and mechanical methods, as opposed to using substances, to fulfill any specific function within the system so as to: maintain long-term soil fertility; increase soil biological activity; ensure effective pest management; recycle wastes to return nutrients to the land; provide attentive care for farm animals; and handle the agricultural products without the use of extraneous synthetic additives or processing in accordance with the Act and the regulations in this part.

The weed and pest-control methods to which this refers include crop rotation, hand cultivation, mulching, soil enrichment, and encouraging beneficial predators and microorganisms. If these methods are not sufficient, various listed chemicals can be used. (The list does not include cytotoxic chemicals that are carbon-based.) The proposal did not call for monitoring specific indicators of soil and water quality, but left the selection of monitoring activities to the producer in consultation with the certifying agent.

For raising animals, antibiotics would not be permitted as growth stimulants but would be permitted to counter infections. The rules permit up to 20% of animal feed to be obtained from non-organic sources. This was done because some nutrients (such as trace minerals) are not always available organically. Irradiation, which can reduce or eliminate certain pests, kill disease-causing bacteria, and prolong food shelf-life, would be permitted during processing. Genetic engineering would also be permissible.

Health-food-industry trade and consumer publications expressed widespread dissatisfaction with the 1997 proposal. The Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture, for example, called it "Fatally flawed." [8] The Organic Farmers Marketing Association stated:
The definition of organic as written in the proposed national organic standards lacks the holistic approach central to organic practices. The proposed rules take a reductionist approach to organic food production that eliminates key concepts such as the health of the agro-ecosystem and biodiversity on the farm.

The USDA received more than 270,000 comments on the proposed rules [9]. One distributors' association official wrote that if the rules are implemented, its members would seek to buy its agricultural products from foreign sources. Others complained that the proposed fees were too high. Other objections included permitted use of amino acids as growth promoters, antibiotics (when necessary to save the animal's life), synthetic animal drugs, food additives, and animal feed from non-organic sources. Certification agencies with "higher standards" objected that they would be prohibited from stating this on their labels. Some poultry farmers objected to provisions enabling intermingling of range-free poultry and other poultry. However, the vast majority of the objections pertain to the provisions that permitted irradiation, genetic engineering, and the use of sewage sludge as fertilizer [10].

The final regulations,published in December 2002, eliminated these three provisions. Canada, which in 1999 became the first country to establish a national organic standard, also excludes these methods [11].



Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2005-11-28 17:58
Re: Lumea zice ca mi-a iesit cel mai bun curcan!

pai ai borsit-o .... ca toate acloolurile si ierburile care le-ai pus n-au fost organice ...deci curcanul organic a fost poluat ..

La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:

> Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea
> pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu,
> bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini
> zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
> A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline,
> cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper
> pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque
> sos)!
> Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe
> deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si
> jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de
> obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate
> !!!!!
> A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea
> mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......
> P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!

titipreda din New Jersey (...@yahoo.com, IP: 162.84.202...)
2005-11-28 18:14
nea Grigore, pe produse scrie "organic", In NY si NJ nu sint decit 2(doua) astfel de magazine_Whole Foods_!

Unul in Manhattan si unul linga mine, ATIT !
Cu doi ani in urma, luam de la ei peste "Telapia", cind am cerut intr-o zi, mi-au zis ca " l-au scos pentru ca erea crescut cu hormoni..."!!
Este cel mai " procopsit magazin alimentar" din US, de obicei in el intra numai oameni cu bani (si locatia o spune de fapt), iti dau un exemplu, un lb cotlet de miel e ....$35 !

La 2005-11-28 17:23:54, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:
> > Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> > organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> > unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> > merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> =======================
> Nebulous Definitions
> The term "organic foods" refers to the methods used to
> produce the foods rather than to characteristics of the food
> themselves. The most common concept of "organically grown"
> food was articulated in 1972 by Robert Rodale, editor of Organic
> Gardening and Farming magazine, at a public hearing:
> Food grown without pesticides; grown without artificial fertilizers;
> grown in soil whose humus content is increased by the additions of
> organic matter, grown in soil whose mineral content is increased by
> the application of natural mineral fertilizers; has not been treated
> with preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, etc. [5]
> In 1980, a team of scientists appointed by the USDA concluded that
> there was no universally accepted definition of "organic
> farming." Their report stated:
> The organic movement represents a spectrum of practices, attitudes,
> and philosophies. On the one hand are those organic practitioners who
> would not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides under any
> circumstances. These producers hold rigidly to their purist
> philosophy. At the other end of the spectrum, organic farmers espouse
> a more flexible approach. While striving to avoid the use of chemical
> fertilizers and pesticides, these practitioners do not rule them out
> entirely. Instead, when absolutely necessary, some fertilizers and
> also herbicides are very selectively and sparingly used as a second
> line of defense. Nevertheless, these farmers, too, consider
> themselves to be organic farmers [6].
> Passage of the Organic Foods Production Act forced the USDA to develop
> an official definition. On December 16, 1997, the USDA Agricultural
> Marketing Service proposed rules for a National Organic Program [7].
> The proposal applied to all types of agricultural products and all
> aspects of their production and handling, ranging from soil fertility
> management to the packaging and labeling of the final product. The
> proposal included: (a) national standards for production and
> handling, (b) a National List of approved synthetic substances, (c) a
> certification program, (d) a program for accrediting certifiers, (e)
> labeling requirements, (f) enforcement provisions, and (g) rules for
> importing equivalent products. The proposed rule defined organic
> farming and handling as:
> A system that is designed and managed to produce agricultural products
> by the use of methods and substances that maintain the integrity of
> organic agricultural products until they reach the consumer. This is
> accomplished by using, where possible, cultural, biological and
> mechanical methods, as opposed to using substances, to fulfill any
> specific function within the system so as to: maintain long-term soil
> fertility; increase soil biological activity; ensure effective pest
> management; recycle wastes to return nutrients to the land; provide
> attentive care for farm animals; and handle the agricultural products
> without the use of extraneous synthetic additives or processing in
> accordance with the Act and the regulations in this part.
> The weed and pest-control methods to which this refers include crop
> rotation, hand cultivation, mulching, soil enrichment, and
> encouraging beneficial predators and microorganisms. If these methods
> are not sufficient, various listed chemicals can be used. (The list
> does not include cytotoxic chemicals that are carbon-based.) The
> proposal did not call for monitoring specific indicators of soil and
> water quality, but left the selection of monitoring activities to the
> producer in consultation with the certifying agent.
> For raising animals, antibiotics would not be permitted as growth
> stimulants but would be permitted to counter infections. The rules
> permit up to 20% of animal feed to be obtained from non-organic
> sources. This was done because some nutrients (such as trace
> minerals) are not always available organically. Irradiation, which
> can reduce or eliminate certain pests, kill disease-causing bacteria,
> and prolong food shelf-life, would be permitted during processing.
> Genetic engineering would also be permissible.
> Health-food-industry trade and consumer publications expressed
> widespread dissatisfaction with the 1997 proposal. The Henry A.
> Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture, for example, called it
> "Fatally flawed." [8] The Organic Farmers Marketing
> Association stated:
> The definition of organic as written in the proposed national organic
> standards lacks the holistic approach central to organic practices.
> The proposed rules take a reductionist approach to organic food
> production that eliminates key concepts such as the health of the
> agro-ecosystem and biodiversity on the farm.
> The USDA received more than 270,000 comments on the proposed rules
> [9]. One distributors' association official wrote that if the rules
> are implemented, its members would seek to buy its agricultural
> products from foreign sources. Others complained that the proposed
> fees were too high. Other objections included permitted use of amino
> acids as growth promoters, antibiotics (when necessary to save the
> animal's life), synthetic animal drugs, food additives, and animal
> feed from non-organic sources. Certification agencies with
> "higher standards" objected that they would be prohibited
> from stating this on their labels. Some poultry farmers objected to
> provisions enabling intermingling of range-free poultry and other
> poultry. However, the vast majority of the objections pertain to the
> provisions that permitted irradiation, genetic engineering, and the
> use of sewage sludge as fertilizer [10].
> The final regulations,published in December 2002, eliminated these
> three provisions. Canada, which in 1999 became the first country to
> establish a national organic standard, also excludes these methods
> [11].
> http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/organic.html

S (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 82.123.254...)
2005-11-28 18:25
Bulibaseala amerloca

Mai bine-l "gratiai". Ai facut o zama ca n-a inteles nimeni nimic...nici macar curcanul.
Poate-mi zici si mie ce gust are varza murata amestecata cu cea "verde" si cum ai facut sa le amesteci. Ca sa nu mai vorbesc de celelalte engrediente.
Hai, las-o balta, zii mai bine ca ti-ai luat un hamburgher in forma de curcan.
Hai noroc ! ... si altu'n loc.

La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:

> Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea
> pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu,
> bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini
> zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
> A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline,
> cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper
> pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque
> sos)!
> Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe
> deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si
> jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de
> obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate
> !!!!!
> A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea
> mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......
> P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!

titipreda din New Jersey (...@yahoo.com, IP: 162.84.202...)
2005-11-28 18:53
Giuseppe, Eu am niste Palinca ...ORGANICA, da mi-a fost mila s-o stric pe sectorist

chiar daca am numai ......30 de litri !~!
Astazi aterizeaza soacra'mea cu inca 6 litri (sper!)

La 2005-11-28 17:58:35, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> pai ai borsit-o .... ca toate acloolurile si ierburile care le-ai pus
> n-au fost organice ...deci curcanul organic a fost poluat ..
> La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:
> > Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> > organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> > unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> > merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> > L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea
> > pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu,
> > bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini
> > zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
> > A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline,
> > cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper
> > pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque
> > sos)!
> > Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe
> > deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si
> > jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de
> > obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate
> > !!!!!
> > A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea
> > mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......
> >
> > P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!
> >

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2005-11-28 19:02
Re: Palinca ...ORGANICA,

.....buna nu zic nu ....dar eu m-am profilat pe 151 ....

La 2005-11-28 18:53:28, titipreda a scris:

> chiar daca am numai ......30 de litri !~!
> Astazi aterizeaza soacra'mea cu inca 6 litri (sper!)
> La 2005-11-28 17:58:35, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > pai ai borsit-o .... ca toate acloolurile si ierburile care le-ai pus
> > n-au fost organice ...deci curcanul organic a fost poluat ..
> >
> >
> > La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:
> >
> > > Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> > > organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> > > unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> > > merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> > > L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea
> > > pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu,
> > > bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini
> > > zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
> > > A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline,
> > > cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper
> > > pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque
> > > sos)!
> > > Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe
> > > deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si
> > > jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de
> > > obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate
> > > !!!!!
> > > A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea
> > > mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......
> > > am mincat VARZA, SI CURCANUL CU CATEI DE USTUROI !!!!!!!
> > >
> > > P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!
> > >
> >
> >

ingineru din vancouver (...@yahoo.com, IP: 207.232.97...)
2005-11-28 19:45
Re: Lumea zice ca mi-a iesit cel mai bun curcan!... cel mai bun curcan e porcu' ! ndc

La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:

> Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> L-am bagat de seara intr-o oala mare , unde am ...aruncat tot ce erea
> pi jumatate-n sticle (Chivas, Votca, Coniac, rom, vin alb'rosu,
> bere...), piper boabe, sare, foi de dafin, usturoi doua capatini
> zgrobit_Capac si lasat afara!
> A doua zi, l-am spalat si-am pregatit o chestie cu, ulei de masline,
> cimbru din RO, niste condimente di la Paris , paprica, sare, piper
> pisat, sos de spaghete Bertolli, miere, usturoi praf, putin barbeque
> sos)!
> Am injectat cu siringa in el, si l-am minjit din belsug pe
> deasupra_Si l-am gabat in punga_LA CUPTOR 325 grade F doua ore si
> jumatate, si fara punga, inca o jumate de ora! A IESIT O NEBUNIE, de
> obicei curcanul are un miros specific, ....NIET, .....o bunatate
> !!!!!
> A tocat titi si patru verze + doua murate (mi-a iesit anula asta cea
> mai buna zeama de varza_PE PARIU !), si.......
> P.S. Anonymus , sau cum draq il cheama, sa inghita in sec!

Ted (...@austin.rr.com, IP: 70.240.217...)
2005-11-28 20:46
Re: nea Grigore, pe produse scrie "organic", In NY si NJ nu sint decit 2(doua) astfel de magazine_Whole Foods_!

La 2005-11-28 18:14:56, titipreda a scris:

> Unul in Manhattan si unul linga mine, ATIT !
> Cu doi ani in urma, luam de la ei peste "Telapia", cind am
> cerut intr-o zi, mi-au zis ca " l-au scos pentru ca erea crescut
> cu hormoni..."!!
> Este cel mai " procopsit magazin alimentar" din US, de
> obicei in el intra numai oameni cu bani (si locatia o spune de fapt),
> iti dau un exemplu, un lb cotlet de miel e ....$35 !
> Yo, am incercat si io Whole Foods, excelent magazin,
sa-l maninci din sa-nu-i- fie -da- daochi.
Da te haleste si el da buzunar. Dupa fo' luna mi l-am cintarit si l-am gasit mai slab cu $ 800+ ...Si-am cumparat numa' chestii da dinner...

PS. Stiu o familie da 4 persoane care se aprovizioneaza d-acolo in excusivitate. Ii costa in medie cam 2500/luna...

> La 2005-11-28 17:23:54, Mos Grigore a scris:
> > AJUTA!
> > 
> > La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:
> > 
> > > Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul
> > > organic(10-12 lb), de la Whole Foods, mai nou ( de cind s-a deschis
> > > unul linga mine) imi fac cumparaturile numai de acolo, e scump dar se
> > > merita_decit mincare cu hormoni si alte....
> > =======================
> > 
> > Nebulous Definitions
> > 
> > The term "organic foods" refers to the methods used to
> > produce the foods rather than to characteristics of the food
> > themselves. The most common concept of "organically grown"
> > food was articulated in 1972 by Robert Rodale, editor of Organic
> > Gardening and Farming magazine, at a public hearing:
> > 
> > Food grown without pesticides; grown without artificial fertilizers;
> > grown in soil whose humus content is increased by the additions of
> > organic matter, grown in soil whose mineral content is increased by
> > the application of natural mineral fertilizers; has not been treated
> > with preservatives, hormones, antibiotics, etc. [5]
> > 
> > In 1980, a team of scientists appointed by the USDA concluded that
> > there was no universally accepted definition of "organic
> > farming." Their report stated:
> > 
> > 
> > The organic movement represents a spectrum of practices, attitudes,
> > and philosophies. On the one hand are those organic practitioners who
> > would not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides under any
> > circumstances. These producers hold rigidly to their purist
> > philosophy. At the other end of the spectrum, organic farmers espouse
> > a more flexible approach. While striving to avoid the use of chemical
> > fertilizers and pesticides, these practitioners do not rule them out
> > entirely. Instead, when absolutely necessary, some fertilizers and
> > also herbicides are very selectively and sparingly used as a second
> > line of defense. Nevertheless, these farmers, too, consider
> > themselves to be organic farmers [6].
> > 
> > Passage of the Organic Foods Production Act forced the USDA to develop
> > an official definition. On December 16, 1997, the USDA Agricultural
> > Marketing Service proposed rules for a National Organic Program [7].
> > The proposal applied to all types of agricultural products and all
> > aspects of their production and handling, ranging from soil fertility
> > management to the packaging and labeling of the final product. The
> > proposal included: (a) national standards for production and
> > handling, (b) a National List of approved synthetic substances, (c) a
> > certification program, (d) a program for accrediting certifiers, (e)
> > labeling requirements, (f) enforcement provisions, and (g) rules for
> > importing equivalent products. The proposed rule defined organic
> > farming and handling as:
> > 
> > A system that is designed and managed to produce agricultural products
> > by the use of methods and substances that maintain the integrity of
> > organic agricultural products until they reach the consumer. This is
> > accomplished by using, where possible, cultural, biological and
> > mechanical methods, as opposed to using substances, to fulfill any
> > specific function within the system so as to: maintain long-term soil
> > fertility; increase soil biological activity; ensure effective pest
> > management; recycle wastes to return nutrients to the land; provide
> > attentive care for farm animals; and handle the agricultural products
> > without the use of extraneous synthetic additives or processing in
> > accordance with the Act and the regulations in this part.
> > 
> > The weed and pest-control methods to which this refers include crop
> > rotation, hand cultivation, mulching, soil enrichment, and
> > encouraging beneficial predators and microorganisms. If these methods
> > are not sufficient, various listed chemicals can be used. (The list
> > does not include cytotoxic chemicals that are carbon-based.) The
> > proposal did not call for monitoring specific indicators of soil and
> > water quality, but left the selection of monitoring activities to the
> > producer in consultation with the certifying agent.
> > 
> > For raising animals, antibiotics would not be permitted as growth
> > stimulants but would be permitted to counter infections. The rules
> > permit up to 20% of animal feed to be obtained from non-organic
> > sources. This was done because some nutrients (such as trace
> > minerals) are not always available organically. Irradiation, which
> > can reduce or eliminate certain pests, kill disease-causing bacteria,
> > and prolong food shelf-life, would be permitted during processing.
> > Genetic engineering would also be permissible.
> > 
> > Health-food-industry trade and consumer publications expressed
> > widespread dissatisfaction with the 1997 proposal. The Henry A.
> > Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture, for example, called it
> > "Fatally flawed." [8] The Organic Farmers Marketing
> > Association stated:
> > The definition of organic as written in the proposed national organic
> > standards lacks the holistic approach central to organic practices.
> > The proposed rules take a reductionist approach to organic food
> > production that eliminates key concepts such as the health of the
> > agro-ecosystem and biodiversity on the farm.
> > 
> > The USDA received more than 270,000 comments on the proposed rules
> > [9]. One distributors' association official wrote that if the rules
> > are implemented, its members would seek to buy its agricultural
> > products from foreign sources. Others complained that the proposed
> > fees were too high. Other objections included permitted use of amino
> > acids as growth promoters, antibiotics (when necessary to save the
> > animal's life), synthetic animal drugs, food additives, and animal
> > feed from non-organic sources. Certification agencies with
> > "higher standards" objected that they would be prohibited
> > from stating this on their labels. Some poultry farmers objected to
> > provisions enabling intermingling of range-free poultry and other
> > poultry. However, the vast majority of the objections pertain to the
> > provisions that permitted irradiation, genetic engineering, and the
> > use of sewage sludge as fertilizer [10].
> > 
> > The final regulations,published in December 2002, eliminated these
> > three provisions. Canada, which in 1999 became the first country to
> > establish a national organic standard, also excludes these methods
> > [11].
> > 
> > 
> > http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/organic.html
> > 
> > 

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-11-28 22:05
beatle, ORIANULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

care povesti din alea lungi, ia da-mi si mie un exemplu, ca sa nu cred ca bati campii aiurea ?
Nu cumva ma confunzi ?


La 2005-11-28 17:15:44, beatle-maniacul a scris:

> titi, vezi ca te transformi in Oriana, cu povestile astea lungi numai
> despre tine.
> in rest, HAI NOROC, hac (sughit)
> La 2005-11-28 16:52:27, titipreda a scris:
> > > Nu e vorba de ....tehnica, am cumparat in primul rind unul

beatle-maniacul din Buzias (...@yahoo.com, IP: 209.142.155...)
2005-11-28 22:19
nu te supara, cumatra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nu te confund, tie iti place sa dai mereu exemple din Italia ta.
si apoi mai e si Olguta, cu america ei........... voi doua faceti supa (a se citi forumu') buna
hai pa

La 2005-11-28 22:05:17, Oriana a scris:

> care povesti din alea lungi, ia da-mi si mie un exemplu, ca sa nu cred
> ca bati campii aiurea ?
> Nu cumva ma confunzi ?

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