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Sobru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.196.220...)
2005-11-22 22:15

Imbecilul de la Cotroceni a mai facut o data tara de ras in vizita asta in Franta. Un alt esec pentru aceasta "catastrofa politica", in persoana lui Basescu, un esec care pune Romania in pericol. Integrarea poate fi compromisa de aberatiile acestui papitoi ridicol care nici macar sa suga la licuriciul ales nu stie ca lumea, ca da pe jos. Lasa-i tu pe amerloci sa fiarba de oftica pentru ca in Franta nu s-a intamplat mare lucru, caci sint treburi mai importante de analizat.

fasolaboaba din Franta (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 83.199.231...)
2005-11-22 22:34
Domnu profesor Lucid, elevul Sobru a zis "imbecilul de la Cotroceni"

va rog inteveniti. Lasati bagajele cu eticheta air france ca nu vi le fura nimenea si luati-l de guler pe acest flintic, daca nu, vine el tata la sedinta cu parintii.
Ete-al draculu , imbecilu!

Adrian v.D. din Germania (...@dmdg.de, IP: 84.162.116...)
2005-11-22 22:45

La 2005-11-22 22:15:53, Sobru a scris:

> Imbecilul de la Cotroceni a mai facut o data tara de ras in vizita
> asta in Franta. Un alt esec pentru aceasta "catastrofa
> politica", in persoana lui Basescu, un esec care pune Romania in
> pericol. Integrarea poate fi compromisa de aberatiile acestui papitoi
> ridicol care nici macar sa suga la licuriciul ales nu stie ca lumea,
> ca da pe jos. Lasa-i tu pe amerloci sa fiarba de oftica pentru ca in
> Franta nu s-a intamplat mare lucru, caci sint treburi mai importante
> de analizat.
Sobrule, nici nu mai poti sa dezamagesti cu prostiile pe care le debitezi.
Dupa ce au ars scoli si gradinite,case, biserici si mii de masini,bati campii cu "..in Franta nu s-a intamplat mare lucru"(!)


Farimitza Lambru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 207.44.180...)
2005-11-22 22:45
Paznic moare de atac de cord in timpul unui nou atac al huliganilor "francezi"

PARIS (AP) - A high school guard suffered a heart attack and died today while trying to extinguish cars set aflame by vandals in the latest unrest in troubled French suburbs, police said.

The guard collapsed southwest of Paris in Trappes, one of about 300 cities and towns that were hit by three weeks of rioting, arson attacks or other violence that shook France earlier this month.

While the violence has abated, sporadic arson attacks continue, as they did before the rioting. Police say dozens of cars are torched each night on average in France’s depressed suburbs, where frustrations over unemployment and discrimination often run high, especially among youths from immigrant families.

Yesterday, youths in a public housing project in the eastern city of Colmar threw stones at firefighters called in to extinguish burning scooters, said Jean-Christophe Schneider, a regional spokesman. No one was injured, but the windshield of the rescuers’ vehicle was smashed.

French President Jacques Chirac, as part of renewed government efforts to combat the inequalities laid bare by the riots, meets tomorrow with business and labor leaders and national TV executives to discuss ways of hiring young people from poor neighborhoods and airing more programs that reflect France’s racial diversity.

The rioting began Oct. 27 and peaked early this month with vandals torching more than 1,400 cars in one night. The government responded by declaring a state of emergency that is still in place. It allows authorities to impose curfews, conduct searches of homes and take other measures to prevent unrest if needed.

Several mosques have been attacked or vandalized in what Muslim leaders fear is a possible anti-immigrant backlash from the rioting.

Yesterday, authorities discovered racist and extremist slogans spray-painted on a mosque being built in Saint-Etienne in the southeast.

Larbi Marchiche, who heads a Moroccan cultural association overseeing the mosque construction, called the vandalism "a provocation by brainless kids."

Associated Press.

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