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achile din Romania (...@spymac.com, IP: 89.36.50...)
2006-10-09 11:08
"We are not governed by sharia, after all"

The vice-president of the European Commission Franco Frattini has said Europe can only respect Muslim traditions if they do not contradict the bloc's own basic values, such as freedom of speech or equality between men and women.

"We are not governed by sharia, after all," he said in an interview with the Italian daily La Repubblica published on Monday (9 October).

Mai mult la: http://euobserver.com/9/22591/?rk=1

achile din Romania (...@spymac.com, IP: 89.36.50...)
2006-10-09 17:42
Re: "We are not governed by sharia, after all"

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-10-09 18:40
"We are not governed by sharia, after all"

Franco Frattini, un tip serios, vicele lui Barroso (catolic), e un magistrat, din nordul Italiei, parca din Cuneo or Bergamo, trimis la Bruxelles de Silvio personal, ergo e din Forta Ita, nu are cum sa admita sharia in Europa, "prabliema" e ca el e 1, iar la Bruxelles socialistii si comunistii trag cu dintii de orice pretentie avansata de organizatiile islamice inradacinate in toate - toate colturile Europei.

La 2006-10-09 11:08:05, achile a scris:

The vice-president of the European Commission Franco Frattini has said Europe can only respect Muslim traditions if they do not contradict the bloc's own basic values, such as freedom of speech or equality between men and women.

"We are not governed by sharia, after all," he said in an interview with the Italian daily La Repubblica published on Monday (9 October).

Mai mult la: http://euobserver.com/9/22591/?rk=1

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