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2006-09-11 18:49
Pt Katty

Despre praful generat in urma prabusirii cladirilor:

"NIST estimated that the buildings collapsed in about 12 seconds. They collapsed symmetrically and more or less straight down, though there was some tilting of the tops of the towers. "The building section above came down essentially in free fall ... The falling mass of the building compressed the air ahead of it, much like the action of a piston, forcing material, such as smoke and debris, out the windows."[11] The collapses also spread debris in a wide radius around the buildings, damaging other buildings nearby and producing enormous clouds of dust that covered Manhattan for days. These were composed mainly of pulverized gypsum cladding and dry wall, finely ground concrete from the towers' floors, glass particles, lead (from the many computers in the buildings), and some radioactive material (from the fire detectors).[citation needed]

Plumes of dust and debris were observed shooting out of windows during the collapses. Shyam Sunder, NIST lead investigator, explained this as being consistent with pancaking. "When you have a significant portion of a floor collapsing, it's going to shoot air and concrete dust out the window. Those clouds of dust may create the impression of a controlled demolition, but it is the floor pancaking that leads to that perception."[4]"


Alte cateva intrebari si raspunsuri in urma unui studiu facut de Universitatea din Sydney, Australia:

The way the building collapsed must have been caused by explosions?

One demolition expert on the day of the collapse said it looked like implosion but this is not very strong evidence. Implosion firstly requires a lot of explosives placed in strategic areas all around the building. When and how was this explosive placed in the building without anyone knowing about it. Second, implosion required more than just explosives. Demolition experts spend weeks inside a derelict building planning an event. Many of the beams are cut through by about 90% so that the explosion only has to break a small bit of steel. In this state the building is highly dangerous, and there is no way such a prepared building could still be running day to day like WTC was.

Why did the building fall so quickly?

The buildings did fall quickly - almost (but not exactly) at the same speed as if there was no resistance. Shouldn't the floors below have slowed it down? The huge dynamic loads due to the very large momentum of the upper floors falling were so great that they smashed through the lower floors very quickly. The columns were not designed to carry these huge loads and they provided little resistance.

What about World Trade Center 7?

I have not studied WTC in any great detail and cannot offer any theories on its collapse mechanism. In the chaos of the day, little attention was paid to WTC7, so there is less evidence available on the damage it sustained before it collapsed. However, some questions that you may want to ponder ...
* While it did not receive any direct impact form the planes, how much debris hit at as the main towers collapsed and what damage did it cause?
* To what extent (if any) did the shock or vibrations caused by the collapse of WTC1 & 2 affect the integrity of WTC7?
* Did any unseen damage to the WTC7 foundations occur in the collapse of WTC 1 & 2?
* Did any of the fire suppression systems in WTC7 function?

The author respect people's right to question theories, but at the present time the author does not believe there is enough evidence for him to change his views on this incident."


Scopurile teoriilor de conspiratie sunt uneori politice, dar de cele mai multe ori sunt nimic mai mult decat un business. De fiecare data cand accesati acele pagini de web obscure, contribuiti la imbogatirea conspiratorilor. Multi dintre ei au devenit milionari (michael moore) prin vanzarea teoriilor lor.

Sa presupunem ca administratia Bush ar sfi planuit atacurile. Cate sute de experti, agenti secreti, persoane care erau gata sa devina martiri in numele lui Bush, etc. ar fi trebuit sa fie recrutati pentru un asemena plan? Ca doar nu-l creditati pe un Bush, Cheney si Rumsfeled cu o asemenea reusita?
Daca nu a fost un avion care a lovit Pentagonul ce s-a intamplat cu pasagerii acelui zbor? Au fost omorati cu sange rece de administratie?

Cum se face ca nici un guvern democratic nu condamna administratia Bush in legatura cu 9/11, sa fie si ele parte din ipocrizia guvernului american? Poate co-conspiratoare? Doar au fos omorati cetateni din 84 de tari in acele atacuri.
Sau nici un "mainstream" media nu au muscat din acele teorii de conspiratie, agentii de presa sau orice alta medie cu renume mondial? Doar sunt atatea care sunt anti-Bush?
Dar din reprentantii de seama, sau intregul partid Democratic din SUA, nu l-am auzit pe John Kerry sa intrebe vreodata ceva in legatura cu 9/11 la ultimele alegeri prezidentiale? Pe Clinton l-au umilit republicanii cu Monica Lewinski.

Cat depsre mecanica si detaliile techince a prabusirii cladirilor, cititi cu atentie link-urile pe care le-am trimis si apoi argumentati detaliile expertilor in materie la ce s-ar fi intamplat.

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