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Vrancean (...@comcast.net, IP: 24.147.75...)
2006-08-15 06:58
Cine a cistigat, din Johannesburg

Imi pare rau pentru cei pro Israel, dar realitatea este cu totul alta, din punct de vedere al opiniei publice mondiale. Israel si USA au pierdut mult din imaginea de tari asa zis democrate. Notiunea actuala de democratie sub "corporate power" si totalul control al guvernului sub pretextul luptei antiteroriste, seamana "deja vue" cu viata in comunism in Romania.
Un articol de opinie
si unul din comentarii din Johannesburg:
Mr Hames says, "As victories rank, not being destroyed, disarmed or discredited is not that impressive." The Israelis, with a numerical advantage of 10-1, with tanks, armoured cars, heavy artillery, jet fighters, missiles, remote-controlled drones, and state-of-the-art intelligence equipment, have been unable to overcome Hezbollah after a full month of fighting. If it was British soldiers who were outnumbered 10-1 and fighting against an overwhelmingly superior enemy force, and who still showed no sign of defeat after a month of continuous assault, I feel sure that Mr Hames would not be making disparaging remarks about their performance.
Mark Snegg, Johannesburg, South Africa

Seherezada (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.242.237...)
2006-08-15 10:31
Re: Cine a cistigat, din Johannesburg

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