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Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.187.130...)
2005-09-03 06:55
Hmm! Incercati aici.


alias din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2005-09-03 08:40
Re: Incercati si aici. Tractorist are dreptate

La 2005-09-03 06:55:21, Zen a scris:

> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22New+Orleans+faces+destruction%22

New Orleans is comprised of roughly 485,000 residents, with an astonishing 28 percent living at or below the poverty level! It is sometimes called a “checkerboard city,” for one can walk through a block of stately homes and plush gardens only to find himself, one block later, in a low-rent projects complex—a ghetto reminiscent of a war-ravaged third world village.
Even the police hesitate to enter.

There, little children are being reared in fatherless homes, where residents have subsisted on welfare for three and four generations.

In 2003, the local murder per capita rate was nearly eight times higher than the national average—and robbery was nearly double that rate! In an environment of brazenly-open drug deals and drive-by shootings, many youth have seen more dead bodies lying in the streets of New Orleans than soldiers have seen in combat.

In these ghettos, being released from prison is given more value than academic achievement! It is little wonder that the New Orleans public school system is among the worst in the nation. Violence at school, violence in the streets and, often, violence at home conditions young children and teens to settle for lower standards.

Young minds are daily being fed real-life images of abject poverty and brutal—and often unsolved—crimes. And, because this is all they will have been exposed to, today’s youths are growing up believing that all this is normal! Someday, this will become the next generation that will perpetuate the same endless cycle of despair.

Atamild (...@t-online.de, IP: 84.169.236...)
2005-09-03 09:14
Re: Incercati si aici. Tractorist are dreptate - Eu ma uit in N24

La 2005-09-03 08:40:17, alias a scris:

> La 2005-09-03 06:55:21, Zen a scris:
> > http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22New+Orleans+faces+destruction%22
> > 
> New Orleans is comprised of roughly 485,000 residents, with an
> astonishing 28 percent living at or below the poverty level! It is
> sometimes called a “checkerboard city,” for one
> can walk through a block of stately homes and plush gardens only to
> find himself, one block later, in a low-rent projects
> complex—a ghetto reminiscent of a war-ravaged third world
> village.
> Even the police hesitate to enter.
> There, little children are being reared in fatherless homes, where
> residents have subsisted on welfare for three and four generations.
> In 2003, the local murder per capita rate was nearly eight times
> higher than the national average—and robbery was nearly
> double that rate! In an environment of brazenly-open drug deals and
> drive-by shootings, many youth have seen more dead bodies lying in
> the streets of New Orleans than soldiers have seen in combat.
> In these ghettos, being released from prison is given more value than
> academic achievement! It is little wonder that the New Orleans public
> school system is among the worst in the nation. Violence at school,
> violence in the streets and, often, violence at home conditions young
> children and teens to settle for lower standards.
> Young minds are daily being fed real-life images of abject poverty and
> brutal—and often unsolved—crimes. And, because
> this is all they will have been exposed to, today’s youths
> are growing up believing that all this is normal! Someday, this will
> become the next generation that will perpetuate the same endless
> cycle of despair.
Nu stiu daca voi prindeti acest program tv, se dau actualitati acum despre catastrofa de la New Orleans.

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