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Serp i Molot (...@fsmail.net, IP: 219.240.12...)
2006-07-23 05:54
Lumea intreaga protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI

Lumea intreaga protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI (in afara de guvernele lumii "civilizate" care aproba tacit GENOCIDUL )

World protests against Israeli raids
Sunday 23 July 2006, 3:57 Makka Time, 0:57 GMT

Protestors gathered at demonstrations across the world

Thousands of people around the world gathered in street protests on Saturday to demand an end to Israel's offensive in Lebanon and Gaza.

The biggest rally took place in London where thousands of demonstrators urged Tony Blair, the British prime minister, to stop what they described as his refusal to condemn Israel's actions and join international calls for an immediate ceasefire.

"Peace for Lebanon!" they chanted as the march weaved its way through central London, past the US embassy and on to Hyde Park, watched all the way by the police.

"Stop the killing, stop the bombs. Israel out of Lebanon," shouted the peaceful protestors, many draped in Lebanese or Palestinian flags.

Others shouted "Hezbollah is here to stay. Zionism go away".

Betty Hunter, the general-secretary of the Palestine solidarity campaign, one of the groups that organised the event, said it was vital to reject Israel's two-pronged campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.


Arogantu' din Tibet (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.83...)
2006-07-23 07:13
Re: Fugi d-aici cu serpalaul ! Nu vezi ca dezinformeaza ?!

Mai devreme s-a jurat ciufulici-trombonici ca sint MILIOANE, iar tu vii acum cu fituica aia de Makka sa spuneti ca sint "mii" ?!
Eu ca eu - ca nu ma uit in gura lu' Al Javrazeera ! Dar altii poate cred ...

La 2006-07-23 05:54:09, Serp i Molot a scris:

> Lumea intreaga protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI (in afara
> de guvernele lumii "civilizate" care aproba tacit GENOCIDUL
> )
> World protests against Israeli raids
> Sunday 23 July 2006, 3:57 Makka Time, 0:57 GMT
> Protestors gathered at demonstrations across the world
> Thousands of people around the world gathered in street protests on
> Saturday to demand an end to Israel's offensive in Lebanon and Gaza.
> The biggest rally took place in London where thousands of
> demonstrators urged Tony Blair, the British prime minister, to stop
> what they described as his refusal to condemn Israel's actions and
> join international calls for an immediate ceasefire.
> "Peace for Lebanon!" they chanted as the march weaved its
> way through central London, past the US embassy and on to Hyde Park,
> watched all the way by the police.
> "Stop the killing, stop the bombs. Israel out of Lebanon,"
> shouted the peaceful protestors, many draped in Lebanese or
> Palestinian flags.
> Others shouted "Hezbollah is here to stay. Zionism go away".
> Betty Hunter, the general-secretary of the Palestine solidarity
> campaign, one of the groups that organised the event, said it was
> vital to reject Israel's two-pronged campaign against Hezbollah
> targets in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
> http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7549F47F-725C-49E3-85C0-C5E5F0B4D59A.htm

CONU (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.45.143...)
2006-07-23 07:14
S-o crezi tu ca se opreste Israelul,...mai ales la protestul tau !

De oprit se va opri,...pe strada VALI-E-ASR in Teheran.!

Radu Dragan din patagonia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.126.108...)
2006-07-23 07:43
Re: Serp i Molot protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI

Dumneavostra nu sunteti toata lumea domnule m Serp i Molot !
E adevara ca o mica parte protesteaza dar ei sunt ori arabi, ori persani ori persoane care influentate de povetile celor 1001 de nopti, ori de poze trucate ori de media care le coordoneaza pana si respratia! Dar in afara de acestia mai sunt mari majoritati care gandesc si nu lasa pa alti sa o faca pentru ei!
Cu stima,
Radu Dragan!

La 2006-07-23 05:54:09, Serp i Molot a scris:

> Lumea intreaga protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI (in afara
> de guvernele lumii "civilizate" care aproba tacit GENOCIDUL
> )
> World protests against Israeli raids
> Sunday 23 July 2006, 3:57 Makka Time, 0:57 GMT
> Protestors gathered at demonstrations across the world
> Thousands of people around the world gathered in street protests on
> Saturday to demand an end to Israel's offensive in Lebanon and Gaza.
> The biggest rally took place in London where thousands of
> demonstrators urged Tony Blair, the British prime minister, to stop
> what they described as his refusal to condemn Israel's actions and
> join international calls for an immediate ceasefire.
> "Peace for Lebanon!" they chanted as the march weaved its
> way through central London, past the US embassy and on to Hyde Park,
> watched all the way by the police.
> "Stop the killing, stop the bombs. Israel out of Lebanon,"
> shouted the peaceful protestors, many draped in Lebanese or
> Palestinian flags.
> Others shouted "Hezbollah is here to stay. Zionism go away".
> Betty Hunter, the general-secretary of the Palestine solidarity
> campaign, one of the groups that organised the event, said it was
> vital to reject Israel's two-pronged campaign against Hezbollah
> targets in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
> http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7549F47F-725C-49E3-85C0-C5E5F0B4D59A.htm

Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.34.48...)
2006-07-23 08:39
Eu ca eu - ca nu ma uit in gura lu' Al Javrazeera !

Nu crezi ca ar trebui?? Ca sa te potzi lauda ca esti.....obiectiv ??

La 2006-07-23 07:13:23, Arogantu' a scris:

> Mai devreme s-a jurat ciufulici-trombonici ca sint MILIOANE, iar tu
> vii acum cu fituica aia de Makka sa spuneti ca sint "mii"
> ?!
> Eu ca eu - ca nu ma uit in gura lu' Al Javrazeera ! Dar altii poate
> cred ...
> La 2006-07-23 05:54:09, Serp i Molot a scris:
> > Lumea intreaga protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI (in afara
> > de guvernele lumii "civilizate" care aproba tacit GENOCIDUL
> > )
> >
> > World protests against Israeli raids
> > Sunday 23 July 2006, 3:57 Makka Time, 0:57 GMT
> >
> > Protestors gathered at demonstrations across the world
> >
> > Thousands of people around the world gathered in street protests on
> > Saturday to demand an end to Israel's offensive in Lebanon and Gaza.
> >
> > The biggest rally took place in London where thousands of
> > demonstrators urged Tony Blair, the British prime minister, to stop
> > what they described as his refusal to condemn Israel's actions and
> > join international calls for an immediate ceasefire.
> >
> > "Peace for Lebanon!" they chanted as the march weaved its
> > way through central London, past the US embassy and on to Hyde Park,
> > watched all the way by the police.
> >
> > "Stop the killing, stop the bombs. Israel out of Lebanon,"
> > shouted the peaceful protestors, many draped in Lebanese or
> > Palestinian flags.
> >
> > Others shouted "Hezbollah is here to stay. Zionism go away".
> >
> >
> > Betty Hunter, the general-secretary of the Palestine solidarity
> > campaign, one of the groups that organised the event, said it was
> > vital to reject Israel's two-pronged campaign against Hezbollah
> > targets in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
> >
> > http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7549F47F-725C-49E3-85C0-C5E5F0B4D59A.htm
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

alwis46 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.160...)
2006-07-23 11:54
Re: Lumea intreaga protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI

Ai bre , du-ti secera la ascutit si ciocanu' la nichelat. Nu vazui pui de roman sa demonstreze, ca au dat toti navala la stranduri si pe litoral.
Daca noi care suntem buricul pamantului nu demonstram atunci grupuletele alea se agita de pomana pe strazi.
Si am vazut cine erau demonstrantii. Arabi d-astia de fugira din raiul lor de acasa ca sa manance si ei o paine alba in iadul capitalist.
Astia sunt lumea intreaga ?

La 2006-07-23 05:54:09, Serp i Molot a scris:

> Lumea intreaga protesteaza impotriva AGRESIUNII ISRAELULUI (in afara
> de guvernele lumii "civilizate" care aproba tacit GENOCIDUL
> )
> World protests against Israeli raids
> Sunday 23 July 2006, 3:57 Makka Time, 0:57 GMT
> Protestors gathered at demonstrations across the world
> Thousands of people around the world gathered in street protests on
> Saturday to demand an end to Israel's offensive in Lebanon and Gaza.
> The biggest rally took place in London where thousands of
> demonstrators urged Tony Blair, the British prime minister, to stop
> what they described as his refusal to condemn Israel's actions and
> join international calls for an immediate ceasefire.
> "Peace for Lebanon!" they chanted as the march weaved its
> way through central London, past the US embassy and on to Hyde Park,
> watched all the way by the police.
> "Stop the killing, stop the bombs. Israel out of Lebanon,"
> shouted the peaceful protestors, many draped in Lebanese or
> Palestinian flags.
> Others shouted "Hezbollah is here to stay. Zionism go away".
> Betty Hunter, the general-secretary of the Palestine solidarity
> campaign, one of the groups that organised the event, said it was
> vital to reject Israel's two-pronged campaign against Hezbollah
> targets in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.
> http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7549F47F-725C-49E3-85C0-C5E5F0B4D59A.htm

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 212.199.49...)
2006-07-23 12:51
Re: serpoi

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-23 16:26
Al Javrazeera !

Bravo Vasilica, inaintezi de un grad, uite mie nu-mi trecuse-n minte un nume mai apropriat !

La 2006-07-23 08:39:43, Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici a scris:

> Nu crezi ca ar trebui?? Ca sa te potzi lauda ca esti.....obiectiv ??

AU DAT LA TV birourile unor redactori din Al JAVRA-zeera, pe pereti, aveau posters giganti de asasini din bandele pe care le stim cu totii, iaca de unde se inspira. Pacat ca nu au posters si cu "trofeele" asasinilor, vreun cap in mina lor, pe care Javra se grabea sa le transmita imediat !

Arogantu' din Tibet (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.83...)
2006-07-23 18:25
Re: Al Javrazeera ! - Lui i-a scapat din ... "neatentie", dar numele eu l-am dat ! NDC

La 2006-07-23 16:26:13, Oriana a scris:

> Bravo Vasilica, inaintezi de un grad, uite mie nu-mi trecuse-n minte
> un nume mai apropriat !
> La 2006-07-23 08:39:43, Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici a scris:
> > Nu crezi ca ar trebui?? Ca sa te potzi lauda ca esti.....obiectiv ??
> AU DAT LA TV birourile unor redactori din Al JAVRA-zeera, pe pereti,
> aveau posters giganti de asasini din bandele pe care le stim cu
> totii, iaca de unde se inspira. Pacat ca nu au posters si cu
> "trofeele" asasinilor, vreun cap in mina lor, pe care Javra
> se grabea sa le transmita imediat !

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-23 19:46
Al Javrazeera ! - Lui i-a scapat din ... "neatentie", dar numele eu l-am dat ! NDC

Chiar ma miram de unde asa o perla de la el !

Punct pt. tine Arogantule !


La 2006-07-23 18:25:43, Arogantu' a scris:
La 2006-07-23 16:26:13, Oriana a scris:
> > Bravo Vasilica, inaintezi de un grad, uite mie nu-mi trecuse-n minte
> > un nume mai apropriat !
> >
> > La 2006-07-23 08:39:43, Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici a scris:
> >
> > > Nu crezi ca ar trebui?? Ca sa te potzi lauda ca esti.....obiectiv ??
> >
> > AU DAT LA TV birourile unor redactori din Al JAVRA-zeera, pe pereti,
> > aveau posters giganti de asasini din bandele pe care le stim cu
> > totii, iaca de unde se inspira. Pacat ca nu au posters si cu
> > "trofeele" asasinilor, vreun cap in mina lor, pe care Javra
> > se grabea sa le transmita imediat !

Arogantu' din Tibet (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.83...)
2006-07-23 21:01
Re: Al Javrazeera ! - Lui i-a scapat din ... "neatentie", dar numele eu l-am dat !

Plecaciune !

Ehei - nici nu stii cit ma bucura toate link-urile care citeaza respectiva telejavraziune !

Dar adun "puncte" de anul trecut, din vremea episodului cu ziaristii romani rapiti de Hayssam - atunci mi-a venit "pe limba".

La 2006-07-23 19:46:10, Oriana a scris:

> Chiar ma miram de unde asa o perla de la el !
> Punct pt. tine Arogantule !
> ------------------------------------
> La 2006-07-23 18:25:43, Arogantu' a scris:
> La 2006-07-23 16:26:13, Oriana a scris:
> >
> > > Bravo Vasilica, inaintezi de un grad, uite mie nu-mi trecuse-n minte
> > > un nume mai apropriat !
> > >
> > > La 2006-07-23 08:39:43, Vladimir Ilici Visarionovici a scris:
> > >
> > > > Nu crezi ca ar trebui?? Ca sa te potzi lauda ca esti.....obiectiv ??
> > >
> > > AU DAT LA TV birourile unor redactori din Al JAVRA-zeera, pe pereti,
> > > aveau posters giganti de asasini din bandele pe care le stim cu
> > > totii, iaca de unde se inspira. Pacat ca nu au posters si cu
> > > "trofeele" asasinilor, vreun cap in mina lor, pe care Javra
> > > se grabea sa le transmita imediat !

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