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Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 71.72.208...)
2006-07-17 14:38
Pentru cei interesati

de "root causes" ale acestui conflict (ireductibil) recomand un articol din Axis News de Michel Elbaz intitulat: Dangereous liaisons: a covert "love affair " between Russia and Hezbollah.
Acest articol dovedeste cu fapte un fapt de care multi nu au cunostinta si anume legaturile DIRECTE ale Rusiei (nu numai prin intermediul Siriei si Iranului) cu Hezbollah. Partea a IV-a a acestui articol trateaza relatiile Hezbollah cu Romania lui Iliescu (pina in 1997) si apoi cu R. Moldova (chiar de rudenie) pina in 2001. In 2001 existau la Chisinau 2245 de studenti arabi din care 600 erau deja parte a unor celule Hezbollah.Iata prima parte:

The Imam asks for Russian help

The relations between Russia and the Shiite's religious leadership in Lebanon started to develop in the beginning of the seventies. The spiritual leader of the Lebanese Shia community, Imam Moussa Al-Sadr, visited Moscow in 1972 and asked Soviet authorities to issue humanitarian aid to his people.
At the same time cooperation between the Marxist factions of the PLO that were active in Lebanon and Soviet military intelligence – GRU, intensified greatly. Several soviet officers (speaking fluent Arabic) even visited Palestinian terrorist training camps in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon between 1972-1975. Using their connections in PLO they managed to establish contact with Iranian opposition members and radical Lebanese Shiite groups, which also were training in Palestinian camps at that time.
Later, these contacts between Shiite extremists and GRU officers, allowed access of the Soviet intelligence to the AMAL and the Hezbollah leaders. In the beginning of the eighties, after Al- Sadr`s disappearance (1978) Moscow established tight relations with Nabih Berri, following the strengthening of his position as AMAL`s leader. The head of the KGB branch in Beirut, Yuri Perfiliev, and GRU officers acting in Syria and Lebanon, conducted links with Berri. On the contrary, Hezbollah in the beginning tried to avoid any direct contact with Moscow representatives at that time. Its spiritual leaders even expressed hostility towards the USSR because of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and oppression of the Muslim nations in the Soviet Union.
In September 1985 Imad Mughnieh`s (the head of the special operations unit of Hezbollah) militants abducted four employees of the Russian Embassy in Beirut. In exchange for setting them free the abductors demanded to cease all Syrian Army actions against Hezbollah, FATAH, Sunni radicals and left wing militia bases in Beirut and Tripoli. Moscow accepted these terms and put pressure on Syria, stopping the fighting.
Concurrently, the head of the KGB in Beirut Perfiliev, using the sources of Walid Jumblatt`s intelligence services made a direct contact with Hezbollah`s spiritual leader Sheikh Muhammad Fadlallah. A day after they have met for the second time, three of the kidnapped employees of the Russian embassy were set free. The fourth one – a senior officer of the KGB, was murdered, but the main reason of his death was more in the power rivalry between the KGB and Soviet military intelligence in Lebanon and less in Hezbollah`s intentions to harm Soviet representatives. After that incident there was no substantial data on contacts between Moscow and Hezbollah for at least a decade. But, according to the testimony of GRU agent in Sweden Stig Berling, Soviet military intelligence continued to cooperate with terrorist organizations in Lebanon until 1993.
Azerbaijani Defense Minister's deputy and the head of the Azerbaijani secret service Department of operations (until April 2005) Taufik Babayev, claims that in 1994 the Russian intelligence SVR (ex-Foreign Department of the KGB in the Soviet era) tried to renew contacts with Hezbollah. Babayev was responsible for keeping an eye on Iranian activities directed against his country and Tehran's connections with Islamic extremist organizations.
According to Israeli sources Babayev discovered that at the end of 1994 the head of SVR, Evgeny Primakov, using his close relations with Syria and Iran, found a channel to contact Hezbollah.
By the way, the same Yuri Perfiliev, who managed relations with Fadlallah during the eighties, worked for the SVR in 1994.

Diplomats on a Secret Service
Primakov`s appointment to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry in January, 1996, brought drastic changes in Moscow's foreign policy. The pro-western orientation of his predecessor gave way to the revival of traditional Soviet diplomacy. The main manifestation of the change was the process of rapprochement between Russia and the Arab world, India and Iran. Concurrently, Primakov continued to define the goals of the Russian intelligence services. His close confidant, Vyacheslav Trubnikov, was appointed to lead the SVR (Sluzhba Vnesnei Razvedki), and coordinated all actions with his patron throughout his tenure in the office. Primakov has continued nurturing all of the initiatives and projects that he started as head of the SVR. Several months after he had replaced the previous Foreign Minister, he started to seek contacts with Hezbollah. In December, 1997, the Russian ambassador to Israel, Michail Bogdanov, admitted during an interview that Moscow constantly keeps in touch with Sheikh Nasralla`s subordinates. According to him, the contacts are kept primarily through the Russian embassy in Beirut. Bogdanov noted: "our cooperation with the organization is meant to encourage restraint. Less then a month before this interview, Primakov had visited Beirut. While he was conducting official meetings with Lebanese government figures, his attendant, Viktor Posovaluk, secretly met with the leaders of Hezbollah, including its General Secretary's deputy, Naim Kassem. Later in Moscow, during his meeting with journalists, Posovaluk called Hezbollah a "national liberation organization".
He came back to Lebanon in May, 1998, and again unofficially met with Naim Kassem., Posovaluk was conducting the contacts with Hezbollah on behalf of the Russian Foreign Office until he died in the summer of 1999. All this time he was the Russian President's special envoy to the Middle East and a deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Incidentally, he also managed contacts with representatives of the Taliban.
After his death, several meetings between representatives of the Russian Foreign Office and Hezbollah took place in 2000-2001. During his conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Sharon in November, 2003, President Putin admitted the existence of such contacts, but claimed that they were conducted solely for the sake of receiving information on three abducted Israeli soldiers.

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-17 14:55
"love affair " between Russia and Hezbollah... iar valea Bekaa !

Foarte bun articol.

La 2006-07-17 14:38:11, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> de "root causes" ale acestui conflict (ireductibil) recomand
> un articol din Axis News de Michel Elbaz intitulat: Dangereous
> liaisons: a covert "love affair " between Russia and
> Hezbollah.
> Acest articol dovedeste cu fapte un fapt de care multi nu au
> cunostinta si anume legaturile DIRECTE ale Rusiei (nu numai prin
> intermediul Siriei si Iranului) cu Hezbollah. Partea a IV-a a acestui
> articol trateaza relatiile Hezbollah cu Romania lui Iliescu (pina in
> 1997) si apoi cu R. Moldova (chiar de rudenie) pina in 2001. In 2001
> existau la Chisinau 2245 de studenti arabi din care 600 erau deja
> parte a unor celule Hezbollah.Iata prima parte:
> The Imam asks for Russian help
> The relations between Russia and the Shiite's religious leadership in Lebanon started to develop in the beginning of the seventies. The
> spiritual leader of the Lebanese Shia community, Imam Moussa Al-Sadr,
> visited Moscow in 1972 and asked Soviet authorities to issue
> humanitarian aid to his people.

At the same time cooperation between the Marxist factions of the PLO
that were active in Lebanon and Soviet military intelligence GRU, intensified greatly. Several soviet officers (speaking fluent Arabic) even visited Palestinian terrorist training camps in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon between 1972-1975.

Using their connections in PLO they managed to establish contact with Iranian
> opposition members and radical Lebanese Shiite groups, which also were training in Palestinian camps at that time.

Later, these contacts between Shiite extremists and GRU officers, allowed access of the Soviet intelligence to the AMAL and the Hezbollah leaders.

In the beginning of the eighties, after Al- Sadr`s disappearance (1978) Moscow established tight relations with Nabih Berri, following the strengthening of his position as AMAL`s leader.

> The head of the KGB branch in Beirut, Yuri Perfiliev, and GRU officers acting in Syria and Lebanon, conducted links with Berri.
On the contrary, Hezbollah in the beginning tried to avoid any direct contact with Moscow representatives at that time.

Its spiritual leaders even expressed hostility towards the USSR because of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and oppression of the Muslim nations
> in the Soviet Union.

> In September 1985 Imad Mughnieh`s (the head of the special operations unit of Hezbollah) militants abducted four employees of the Russian Embassy in Beirut. In exchange for setting them free the abductors
> demanded to cease all Syrian Army actions against Hezbollah, FATAH, Sunni radicals and left wing militia bases in Beirut and Tripoli.

> Moscow accepted these terms and put pressure on Syria, stopping the
> fighting.

Concurrently, the head of the KGB in Beirut Perfiliev, using the sources of Walid Jumblatt`s intelligence services made a direct contact with Hezbollah`s spiritual leader Sheikh Muhammad Fadlallah.

> A day after they have met for the second time, three of the kidnapped employees of the Russian embassy were set free.

The fourth one
a senior officer of the KGB, was murdered, but the main reason of his death was more in the power rivalry between the KGB and Soviet military intelligence in Lebanon and less in Hezbollah`s intentions to harm Soviet representatives.

After that incident there was no substantial data on contacts between Moscow and Hezbollah for at least a decade.

But, according to the testimony of GRU agent in Sweden Stig Berling, Soviet military intelligence continued to cooperate with terrorist organizations in Lebanon until 1993.

Azerbaijani Defense Minister's deputy and the head of the Azerbaijani secret service Department of operations (until April 2005) Taufik Babayev, claims that in 1994 the Russian intelligence SVR (ex-Foreign Department of the KGB in the Soviet era) tried to renew contacts with Hezbollah.

Babayev was responsible for keeping an eye on Iranian activities directed against his country and Tehran's connections with Islamic extremist organizations.

> According to Israeli sources Babayev discovered that at the end of 1994 the head of SVR, Evgeny Primakov, using his close relations with Syria and Iran, found a channel to contact Hezbollah.

> By the way, the same Yuri Perfiliev, who managed relations with Fadlallah during the eighties, worked for the SVR in 1994.
> Diplomats on a Secret Service Primakov`s appointment to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry in January, 1996, brought drastic changes in Moscow's foreign policy.

> The pro-western orientation of his predecessor gave way to the revival of traditional Soviet diplomacy. The main manifestation of the change was the process of rapprochement between Russia and the Arab world, India and Iran.

Concurrently, Primakov continued to define the goals of the Russian intelligence services. His close confidant, Vyacheslav Trubnikov, was appointed to lead the SVR (Sluzhba Vnesnei Razvedki), and coordinated all actions with his patron throughout his tenure in the office.

Primakov has continued nurturing all of the initiatives and projects that he started as head of the SVR. Several months after he had replaced the previous Foreign Minister, he started to seek contacts with Hezbollah.

In December, 1997, the Russian ambassador to Israel, Michail Bogdanov, admitted during an interview that Moscow constantly keeps in touch with Sheikh Nasralla`s subordinates.

According to him, the contacts are kept primarily through the Russian embassy in Beirut. Bogdanov noted: "our cooperation with the organization is meant to encourage restraint.

Less then a month before this interview, Primakov had visited Beirut. While he was conducting official meetings with Lebanese government figures, his attendant, Viktor Posovaluk, secretly met with the leaders of Hezbollah, including its General Secretary's deputy, Naim Kassem.

Later in Moscow, during his meeting with journalists, Posovaluk called Hezbollah a "national liberation organization".

> He came back to Lebanon in May, 1998, and again unofficially met with Naim Kassem., Posovaluk was conducting the contacts with Hezbollah on behalf of the Russian Foreign Office until he died in the summer of 1999.

All this time he was the Russian President's special envoy to the Middle East and a deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

> Incidentally, he also managed contacts with representatives of the Taliban.

> After his death, several meetings between representatives of the Russian Foreign Office and Hezbollah took place in 2000-2001.

During his conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Sharon in November, 2003, President Putin admitted the existence of such contacts, but claimed that they were conducted solely for the sake of receiving information on three abducted Israeli soldiers.

Bumerang din Frankfurt (...@gmx.de, IP: 62.157.215...)
2006-07-17 15:06
Re: Pentru cei interesati - si ce-i nou in asta?

Unde crezi ca sunt fabricate Katiusele??

Razboiul este din pacate o componenta, unii zic majora, a economiei. Daca vrei sa aflii cine se afla in spatele acestui razboi, trebuie doar sa analizezi cine profita cel mai mult de el.

Oare este statul Israel o utopie?
Se pare ca interesele financiare nu vor lasa OM in pace! Acolo ajunge doar un chibrit ca sa se produca o explozie. Si daca stai sa te gandesti tot europenii, in special englezii, stau la baza acestor experiente politice. Oare este Israelul o alternativa reala pentru evrei?
Eu daca a-si fi evreu as pleca de acolo. Cum as pleca de oriunde unde viata mea si a familiei mele ar fi in pericol. Patriotismul are margini, si anume atunci cand i-ti risti viata pentru altii. Din experienta pe care am facut-o inainte, in 89, si efectele "revolutie" in care puteam sa-mi pierd viata, am tras concluzia ca eroii sunt cei care pierd tot timpul. Eu nu (mai) sunt erou, si nici nu vreu sa fiu unul.

La 2006-07-17 14:38:11, Paul din Ohio a scris:

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 71.72.208...)
2006-07-17 15:07
Re: "love affair " between Russia and Hezbollah... iar valea Bekaa !

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 71.72.208...)
2006-07-17 15:47
Re: Pentru cei interesati - si ce-i nou in asta?Mai gindeste-te

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-17 15:49
Tot textul la: http://www.axisglobe.com/hezbollah4.htm

Thanks a lot, Paul.

La 2006-07-17 15:07:53, Paul din Ohio a scris:

Asta este numai prima parte.Articolul are 4 parti. Poate fi citit pe net la


La 2006-07-17 14:55:13, Oriana a scris:

Foarte bun articol.

La 2006-07-17 14:38:11, Paul din Ohio a scris:

de "root causes" ale acestui conflict (ireductibil) recomand un articol din Axis News de Michel Elbaz intitulat: Dangereous liaisons: a covert "love affair " between Russia and Hezbollah.


Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-17 15:59
Hezbollah, "the PARTY of GOD", FOUNDED by Ayatollah KHOMEINI and financed by IRAN

Ei uite, multi nu stiu si back ground, implicatiile poltice, intre Rusia si Hezbollah, ca asta analizeaza art. postat de Paul, nu armele care cad peste Israel, pe asta o stiu toti.

Recent s-a oficializat si despre cele 4 baze militare ruse in Syria, cica pt. a-i proteja de atacuri, pe syrieni. Or ca sa protejeze taberele teroristilor din Syria ?

Analogia Romania ante '89 si Israel, e trasa de par, urla, ca in Ro nu erau teroristi de natura Hezbollahului, cu totul alt profil, politic, socialo, economic, ideologic, militar.

Utopie or nu, Israelul este si o sa ramana unde este, cu sau fara voia Hezbollahului KHOMEINIST. Vad ca majoritatea habar nu au ca asta e "creatia" lui KHOMEINI ! ! !

The once dominate Lebanese CHRISTANS responsible for giving the world "the Paris of the Middle East" as Lebanon used to be known, have been KILLED, MASSACRED, DRIVEN OUT of their homes and scattered around the world as RADICAL Islam declared its HOLY WAR war in the 70s and TOOK HOLD of the country.

They voice an opinion that they and Israel have learned from personal experience, which is now belatedly being discovered by the rest of the world.

While the world PROTECTED the PLO withdrawing from Lebanon in 1983 with Israel hot on their heals, another more volatile and religiously idealistic organization was being BORN:

Hezbollah, "the PARTY of GOD", FOUNDED by Ayatollah KHOMEINI and financed by IRAN.

It was Hezbollah who BLEW the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon in October,1983 KILLING
241 Americans
and 67 FRENCH paratroopers

that same day.

President Reagan ordered U.S. Multilateral Force units to withdraw and closed the books on the marine MASSACRE and US involvement in Lebanon February 1984.

La 2006-07-17 15:06:44, Bumerang a scris:

> > Unde crezi ca sunt fabricate Katiusele??
> Razboiul este din pacate o componenta, unii zic majora, a economiei.
> Daca vrei sa aflii cine se afla in spatele acestui razboi, trebuie
> doar sa analizezi cine profita cel mai mult de el.
> Oare este statul Israel o utopie?
> Se pare ca interesele financiare nu vor lasa OM in pace! Acolo ajunge
> doar un chibrit ca sa se produca o explozie. Si daca stai sa te
> gandesti tot europenii, in special englezii, stau la baza acestor
> experiente politice. Oare este Israelul o alternativa reala pentru
> evrei?
> Eu daca a-si fi evreu as pleca de acolo. Cum as pleca de oriunde unde
> viata mea si a familiei mele ar fi in pericol. Patriotismul are
> margini, si anume atunci cand i-ti risti viata pentru altii. Din
> experienta pe care am facut-o inainte, in 89, si efectele
> "revolutie" in care puteam sa-mi pierd viata, am tras
> concluzia ca eroii sunt cei care pierd tot timpul. Eu nu (mai) sunt
> erou, si nici nu vreu sa fiu unul.
> La 2006-07-17 14:38:11, Paul din Ohio a scris:

omida vesela din Basra (...@yahoo.co.in, IP: 69.70.247...)
2006-07-17 16:09
Re: Pentru cei interesati - si ce-i nou in asta?Mai gindeste-te

Bumerang din Frankfurt (...@gmx.de, IP: 62.157.215...)
2006-07-17 16:14
Re: Pentru cei interesati - si ce-i nou in asta?Mai gindeste-te

Cum faci tu deosebirea intre arme de atac si arme de aparare? Cu DRM-ul lui Bill Gates? Eu nu am auzit inca nici un stat sa spuna ca necesita arme pentru atac. Toti se apara. Numai ca ma intreb eu, atunci cum de se declanseaza razboaie?
Un lucru este cert. Daca arabii n-ar fi avut arme de la rusi sau americani, trageau si azi cu prastia. Tot asa si-n Africa.
N-ar fi mai simplu daca s-ar face o conventie intre producatorii de armament in care se stabileste ce se livreza si ce nu? De exemplu interzicerea rachetelor, a minelor, a tancurilor cu bataie lunga, samd?
Ba ar fi, insa ar fi si nasol ata pt USA cat si pentru Rusia. Iar asa si Bush si Putin someaza partile implicate sa renuntze la forta, pe care o au dtorita armamentului importat de la ei! Ridicol.

La 2006-07-17 15:47:45, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Iarasi un talmes balmes. Una e sa vinzi arme pentru aparare si cu
> totul alta este sa sustii TIRANI si CRIMINALI pentru a le vinde
> arme.La 2006-07-17 15:06:44, Bumerang a scris:
> >
> > Unde crezi ca sunt fabricate Katiusele??
> >
> > Razboiul este din pacate o componenta, unii zic majora, a economiei.
> > Daca vrei sa aflii cine se afla in spatele acestui razboi, trebuie
> > doar sa analizezi cine profita cel mai mult de el.
> >
> > Oare este statul Israel o utopie?
> > Se pare ca interesele financiare nu vor lasa OM in pace! Acolo ajunge
> > doar un chibrit ca sa se produca o explozie. Si daca stai sa te
> > gandesti tot europenii, in special englezii, stau la baza acestor
> > experiente politice. Oare este Israelul o alternativa reala pentru
> > evrei?
> > Eu daca a-si fi evreu as pleca de acolo. Cum as pleca de oriunde unde
> > viata mea si a familiei mele ar fi in pericol. Patriotismul are
> > margini, si anume atunci cand i-ti risti viata pentru altii. Din
> > experienta pe care am facut-o inainte, in 89, si efectele
> > "revolutie" in care puteam sa-mi pierd viata, am tras
> > concluzia ca eroii sunt cei care pierd tot timpul. Eu nu (mai) sunt
> > erou, si nici nu vreu sa fiu unul.
> >
> > La 2006-07-17 14:38:11, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> >
> >
> >

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-17 16:20
Tot asa si-n Africa. ? IA INTREABA-I PE EUROPENI !

La 2006-07-17 16:14:18, Bumerang a scris:

> Un lucru este cert. Daca arabii n-ar fi avut arme de la rusi sau
> americani, trageau si azi cu prastia. Tot asa si-n Africa.

> La 2006-07-17 15:47:45, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > Iarasi un talmes balmes. Una e sa vinzi arme pentru aparare si cu
> > totul alta este sa sustii TIRANI si CRIMINALI pentru a le vinde
> > arme.La 2006-07-17 15:06:44, Bumerang a scris:
> >
> > >
> > > Unde crezi ca sunt fabricate Katiusele??


Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 71.72.208...)
2006-07-17 16:31
Re: Pentru cei interesati - si ce-i nou in asta?Mai gindeste-te

Bumerang din Frankfurt (...@gmx.de, IP: 62.157.215...)
2006-07-17 16:47
Re: Pentru cei interesati - si ce-i nou in asta?Mai gindeste-te

La 2006-07-17 16:31:10, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Eu fac deosebirea intre cei care vind arme unor tari RESPONSABILE si
> cei care vind arme unor tirani si criminali pentru a intretine
> conflictele. Pentru acestia din urma, acesta este singurul mod in
> care ei isi pot dovedi "maretia". Este o deosebire
> fundamentala pe care tu nu o vei intelege niciodata.

Poate faci tu asemenea deosebiri fundamentale. SUA insa NU fac asemenea deosebir fundamentale. Altfel nu l-ar fi inarmat nici pe Sadam si nici talibanii!
Rusii spun la fel. Ei livreaza armament Siriei pentru aparare!
Cum se rezolva aceasta problema Paule? Ca razboaiele vad ca nu inceteaza. Oare strategia pe care o sustii tu nu are efecte?

La 2006-07-17
> 16:14:18, Bumerang a scris:
> >
> > Cum faci tu deosebirea intre arme de atac si arme de aparare? Cu
> > DRM-ul lui Bill Gates? Eu nu am auzit inca nici un stat sa spuna ca
> > necesita arme pentru atac. Toti se apara. Numai ca ma intreb eu,
> > atunci cum de se declanseaza razboaie?
> > Un lucru este cert. Daca arabii n-ar fi avut arme de la rusi sau
> > americani, trageau si azi cu prastia. Tot asa si-n Africa.
> > N-ar fi mai simplu daca s-ar face o conventie intre producatorii de
> > armament in care se stabileste ce se livreza si ce nu? De exemplu
> > interzicerea rachetelor, a minelor, a tancurilor cu bataie lunga,
> > samd?
> > Ba ar fi, insa ar fi si nasol ata pt USA cat si pentru Rusia. Iar asa
> > si Bush si Putin someaza partile implicate sa renuntze la forta, pe
> > care o au dtorita armamentului importat de la ei! Ridicol.
> >
> >
> > La 2006-07-17 15:47:45, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> >
> > > Iarasi un talmes balmes. Una e sa vinzi arme pentru aparare si cu
> > > totul alta este sa sustii TIRANI si CRIMINALI pentru a le vinde
> > > arme.La 2006-07-17 15:06:44, Bumerang a scris:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Unde crezi ca sunt fabricate Katiusele??
> > > >
> > > > Razboiul este din pacate o componenta, unii zic majora, a economiei.
> > > > Daca vrei sa aflii cine se afla in spatele acestui razboi, trebuie
> > > > doar sa analizezi cine profita cel mai mult de el.
> > > >
> > > > Oare este statul Israel o utopie?
> > > > Se pare ca interesele financiare nu vor lasa OM in pace! Acolo ajunge
> > > > doar un chibrit ca sa se produca o explozie. Si daca stai sa te
> > > > gandesti tot europenii, in special englezii, stau la baza acestor
> > > > experiente politice. Oare este Israelul o alternativa reala pentru
> > > > evrei?
> > > > Eu daca a-si fi evreu as pleca de acolo. Cum as pleca de oriunde unde
> > > > viata mea si a familiei mele ar fi in pericol. Patriotismul are
> > > > margini, si anume atunci cand i-ti risti viata pentru altii. Din
> > > > experienta pe care am facut-o inainte, in 89, si efectele
> > > > "revolutie" in care puteam sa-mi pierd viata, am tras
> > > > concluzia ca eroii sunt cei care pierd tot timpul. Eu nu (mai) sunt
> > > > erou, si nici nu vreu sa fiu unul.
> > > >
> > > > La 2006-07-17 14:38:11, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Bumerang din Frankfurt (...@gmx.de, IP: 62.157.215...)
2006-07-17 16:48
Re: Tot asa si-n Africa. ? IA INTREABA-I PE EUROPENI !

Nici eurpenii nu-s usa de biserica! Recunosc. Desi nu se pot compara cu USA sau Rusia.

La 2006-07-17 16:20:48, Oriana a scris:

> La 2006-07-17 16:14:18, Bumerang a scris:
> > Un lucru este cert. Daca arabii n-ar fi avut arme de la rusi sau
> > americani, trageau si azi cu prastia. Tot asa si-n Africa.
> >
> > La 2006-07-17 15:47:45, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> >
> > > Iarasi un talmes balmes. Una e sa vinzi arme pentru aparare si cu
> > > totul alta este sa sustii TIRANI si CRIMINALI pentru a le vinde
> > > arme.La 2006-07-17 15:06:44, Bumerang a scris:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Unde crezi ca sunt fabricate Katiusele??
> >

Arogantu' din Tibet (...@k.ro, IP: 82.78.83...)
2006-07-17 22:18
Re: Pentru cei interesati - si ce-i nou in asta?Mai gindeste-te

"Daca arabii n-ar fi avut arme de la rusi sau americani, trageau si azi cu prastia."

Ba sa ma ierti - cred ca ar fi catadixit sa munceasca !
Asa cum arabii din Israel o fac - fara sa-i bage cineva in lagare (era unu' zis Volodea SARIoNovici care tipa in gura mare ca nu mai are loc de nazisti).

La 2006-07-17 16:14:18, Bumerang a scris:

> Cum faci tu deosebirea intre arme de atac si arme de aparare? Cu
> DRM-ul lui Bill Gates? Eu nu am auzit inca nici un stat sa spuna ca
> necesita arme pentru atac. Toti se apara. Numai ca ma intreb eu,
> atunci cum de se declanseaza razboaie?
> Un lucru este cert. Daca arabii n-ar fi avut arme de la rusi sau
> americani, trageau si azi cu prastia. Tot asa si-n Africa.
> N-ar fi mai simplu daca s-ar face o conventie intre producatorii de
> armament in care se stabileste ce se livreza si ce nu? De exemplu
> interzicerea rachetelor, a minelor, a tancurilor cu bataie lunga,
> samd?
> Ba ar fi, insa ar fi si nasol ata pt USA cat si pentru Rusia. Iar asa
> si Bush si Putin someaza partile implicate sa renuntze la forta, pe
> care o au dtorita armamentului importat de la ei! Ridicol.
> La 2006-07-17 15:47:45, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > Iarasi un talmes balmes. Una e sa vinzi arme pentru aparare si cu
> > totul alta este sa sustii TIRANI si CRIMINALI pentru a le vinde
> > arme.La 2006-07-17 15:06:44, Bumerang a scris:
> >
> > >
> > > Unde crezi ca sunt fabricate Katiusele??
> > >
> > > Razboiul este din pacate o componenta, unii zic majora, a economiei.
> > > Daca vrei sa aflii cine se afla in spatele acestui razboi, trebuie
> > > doar sa analizezi cine profita cel mai mult de el.
> > >
> > > Oare este statul Israel o utopie?
> > > Se pare ca interesele financiare nu vor lasa OM in pace! Acolo ajunge
> > > doar un chibrit ca sa se produca o explozie. Si daca stai sa te
> > > gandesti tot europenii, in special englezii, stau la baza acestor
> > > experiente politice. Oare este Israelul o alternativa reala pentru
> > > evrei?
> > > Eu daca a-si fi evreu as pleca de acolo. Cum as pleca de oriunde unde
> > > viata mea si a familiei mele ar fi in pericol. Patriotismul are
> > > margini, si anume atunci cand i-ti risti viata pentru altii. Din
> > > experienta pe care am facut-o inainte, in 89, si efectele
> > > "revolutie" in care puteam sa-mi pierd viata, am tras
> > > concluzia ca eroii sunt cei care pierd tot timpul. Eu nu (mai) sunt
> > > erou, si nici nu vreu sa fiu unul.
> > >
> > > La 2006-07-17 14:38:11, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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