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Pinkie din Franta (...@voila.fr, IP: 84.100.231...)
2006-07-13 13:20
Ce zic iranienii -Le Monde de azi :


evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.51...)
2006-07-13 13:38
Re: Ce zic iranienii -Le Monde de azi :

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2006-07-13 15:22
Cand omori civili nevinovati esti terorist, cand omori copii esti monstru...

Ciufulici din Emisfera cealalta, cea buna! (...@mighty.co.za, IP: 70.80.27...)
2006-07-13 15:44
ALO, MOSADU' ! Ce-i cu vanzoleala asta? Acusica vine si Yom Kipur si sa nu vie muscarea degetelor!

bazileus din ROMANIA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.186.30...)
2006-07-13 17:04
Re: Cand omori civili nevinovati esti terorist, cand omori copii esti monstru...

Sobru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.186.129...)
2006-07-13 17:31
Re: Cand omori civili nevinovati esti terorist, cand omori copii esti monstru...

Civilii care sustin o armata de asasini, moral si prin taxe nu sint nevinovati.

ivan naica din bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.108.154...)
2006-07-13 18:05
Re: Cand omori civili nevinovati esti terorist, cand omori copii esti monstru...

Vrancean (...@comcast.net, IP: 24.147.75...)
2006-07-13 19:51
Yiddish Language

Mai frate-miu, stai prost la capitolul istorie si cultura.
Ce scrii tu nu este in IDDISH. Limba khazarilor este alta.
Yiddish Language, chief vernacular of Ashkenazic Jews, who are native to, or who have antecedents in, eastern and central Europe. One of the Germanic languages, Yiddish is written in Hebrew characters (some of them used differently than for writing Hebrew). Yiddish (meaning "Jewish") arose between the 9th and 12th centuries in southwestern Germany as an adaptation of Middle High German dialects to the special needs of Jews.

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