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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2006-12-07 18:42
Adevaul care face de tzi se zbirleste parul ....

Gates recunoaste ca statul paria Israel are arma atomica ...

By Dan Williams

JERUSALEM, Dec 7 (Reuters) - Robert Gates, the incoming U.S. secretary of defense, won plaudits in Washington this week for his candour on the Iraq war.

Some Israelis were less pleased, however, to hear Gates mention with equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided saying in public -- that the Jewish state has the Middle East's only nuclear arsenal.

To be fair, it was pretty oblique.

During his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Gates mentioned why Iran might be seeking the means to build an atomic bomb: "They are surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons: Pakistan to their east, the Russians to the north, the Israelis to the west and us in the Persian Gulf," he said.

zwilling carol din israel (...@012.net.il, IP: 87.69.45...)
2006-12-07 18:58
Re: Adevaul care face de tzi se zbirleste parul ....

La 2006-12-07 18:42:15, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Gates recunoaste ca statul paria Israel are arma atomica ...
> By Dan Williams
> JERUSALEM, Dec 7 (Reuters) - Robert Gates, the incoming U.S. secretary
> of defense, won plaudits in Washington this week for his candour on
> the Iraq war.
> Some Israelis were less pleased, however, to hear Gates mention with
> equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided saying in
> public -- that the Jewish state has the Middle East's only nuclear
> arsenal.
> To be fair, it was pretty oblique.
> During his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Gates mentioned why
> Iran might be seeking the means to build an atomic bomb: "They are
> surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons: Pakistan to their east, the
> Russians to the north, the Israelis to the west and us in the Persian
> Gulf," he said.

Da Cocoselule,o fi avand iar declaratia lui Gates ca si intreaga strategia Americanilor e bine venita si isi are substratul ei.....ai inteles???????
Se pune in dilema adversarul...........

folclorist din trei-iezi-cucuieti (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2006-12-07 19:05
Re: Adevaul care face de tzi se zbirleste parul ....

La 2006-12-07 18:42:15, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Gates recunoaste ca statul paria Israel are arma atomica ...
A avut si in razboiul din '67 ! Este in miini sigure. Israel este o democratie.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.241...)
2006-12-07 19:20
Re: Adevaul care face de tzi se zburlesc penele....

Wow, n-ai stiut pana acum.... Te pomeni ca Israelul a amenintzat America si Iranul cu distrugrea,,,,

De aia tzi s-au zburlit penele...

La 2006-12-07 18:42:15, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Gates recunoaste ca statul paria Israel are arma atomica ...
> By Dan Williams
> JERUSALEM, Dec 7 (Reuters) - Robert Gates, the incoming U.S. secretary
> of defense, won plaudits in Washington this week for his candour on
> the Iraq war.
> Some Israelis were less pleased, however, to hear Gates mention with
> equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided saying in
> public -- that the Jewish state has the Middle East's only nuclear
> arsenal.
> To be fair, it was pretty oblique.
> During his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Gates mentioned why
> Iran might be seeking the means to build an atomic bomb: "They are
> surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons: Pakistan to their east, the
> Russians to the north, the Israelis to the west and us in the Persian
> Gulf," he said.

b.d. din israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.65.215...)
2006-12-07 19:55
Re: Adevaul care face de tzi se zbirleste parul ....

''statul paria Israel'' ???

Cocosule, tzi s-au zbarlit penele de-atata ura...''Paria'' ???
Chiar cunosti tu insemnatatea cuvantului, de l-ai folosit ?

Uite ce scrie Dex-ul : ''Paria - Persoana sau colectivitate urgisita,
dispretuita, careia nu i se recunoaste nici un drept ''.

Si cine, ma rog, nu recunoaste nici un drept statului Israel ?
Iranul, arabii si...Giuseppe Cocos ?!
Chiar, am uitat sa-ti cerem aprobarea si tie, in 1948...


La 2006-12-07 18:42:15, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Gates recunoaste ca statul paria Israel are arma atomica ...
> By Dan Williams
> JERUSALEM, Dec 7 (Reuters) - Robert Gates, the incoming U.S. secretary
> of defense, won plaudits in Washington this week for his candour on
> the Iraq war.
> Some Israelis were less pleased, however, to hear Gates mention with
> equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided saying in
> public -- that the Jewish state has the Middle East's only nuclear
> arsenal.
> To be fair, it was pretty oblique.
> During his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Gates mentioned why
> Iran might be seeking the means to build an atomic bomb: "They are
> surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons: Pakistan to their east, the
> Russians to the north, the Israelis to the west and us in the Persian
> Gulf," he said.

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