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Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 71.72.209...)
2006-09-23 02:20

Mediator inseamna NEUTRU. Poate fi Romania neutra? Poate, dar motivul pe care il vad eu nu este prea magulitor pentru romani. Evident ca Romania comunista a dus politica Rusiei de peste 60 de ani incoace (inclusiv pastrarea relatiilor diplomatice cu Israelul care era necesara "lagarului"). In plus, istoria suzeranitatii otmane si-a pus amprenta asupra moravurilor, legilor si chiar a practicii religiei. Chiar daca religia ortodoxa a fost conservata in mod FORMAL in sud-estul europen, practicarea acesteia in teritoriul controlat politic de turci a fost in mod evident influentata de legile si obiceiurile musulmane turcesti. Mai ales ca biserica ortodoxa a fost un apendice al puterii politice in toate timpurile.
P.S. Istoria religiei rusesti este destul de similara. In sec. al XI-lea slavii de est s-au crestinat. Dupa mai putin de doua secole, acesti "crestini" au intrat sub stapinirea mongola care a durat aproape PATRU secole ("pastrindu-si" religia). Aceste patru secole i-au format pe rusi (mai numerosi ca mongolii) si au transferat expansionismul mongol elitei politice rusesti .

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-09-23 02:59
Mediator inseamna NEUTRU. Si Elvetia este neutrala, dar...

vinde arme peste tot in lume. Nu exista tari neutrale, cand la mijloc sunt parale si interese, pina si pt. pacifica Elvetie.

La 2006-09-23 02:20:42, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Mediator inseamna NEUTRU. Poate fi Romania neutra?

Poate, dar motivul pe care il vad eu nu este prea magulitor pentru romani. Evident ca Romania comunista a dus politica Rusiei de peste 60 de ani incoace (inclusiv pastrarea relatiilor diplomatice cu Israelul care era necesara "lagarului").

In plus, istoria suzeranitatii otmane si-a pus amprenta asupra moravurilor, legilor si chiar a practicii religiei.

Chiar daca religia ortodoxa a fost conservata in mod FORMAL in sud-estul europen, practicarea acesteia in teritoriul controlat politic de turci a fost in mod evident influentata de legile si obiceiurile musulmane turcesti.

Mai ales ca biserica ortodoxa a fost un apendice al puterii politice in toate timpurile.

> P.S. Istoria religiei rusesti este destul de similara. In sec. al XI-lea slavii de est s-au crestinat.

Dupa mai putin de doua secole, acesti "crestini" au intrat sub stapinirea mongola care a durat aproape PATRU secole ("pastrindu-si" religia).

Aceste patru secole i-au format pe rusi (mai numerosi ca mongolii) si au
> transferat expansionismul mongol elitei politice rusesti .

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 71.72.209...)
2006-09-23 03:22
Re: Mediator inseamna NEUTRU. Si Elvetia este neutrala, dar...Sa nu deraiem

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 217.132.51...)
2006-09-23 06:34

motanul incaltat din USA (...@aol.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2006-09-23 10:21
Re: Mediator inseamna NEUTRU. Si Elvetia este neutrala, dar...

alwis46 (, IP: 86.121.162...)
2006-09-23 11:13

Dictionarul limbii romane moderne explica termenul Mediator astfel :
"Persoana fizica sau juridica care mijloceste o intelegere intre doi adversari; mijlocitor, intermediar."
iar Mediatie astfel :
" Actiunea de a interveni intre parti adverse, persoane, tari, etc, pentru a le aduce la o intelegere, la un acord."

Pentru cei care nu stiu, pentru cei care au uitat si pentru cei care omit cu buna stiinta realitatea istorica, Romania a fost mediatorul dintre China si SUA cand aceste doua tari au reluat legaturile, cum de altfel tot Romania a fost mediator intre anumite parti aflate in conflict in Orientul Mijlociu.
Nu trebuie sa fii nici putere armata, nici putere financiara si nu trebuie nici sa ai sute de milioane de locuitori ca sa indeplinesti acest rol.
Sa nu uitam ca in medierea chino-americana, Romania nu era deloc NEUTRA, Romania fiind ca si China o tara a lagarului socialist, afirmatia lui Paul din Ohio neavand acoperire din acest punct de vedere.
Ca sa glumim nitel, un mediator intre marile companii producatoare de petrol si tarile exportatoare de petrol a fost Gulbenkian supranumit domnul 5% pentru ca atat era comisionul lui din valoarea tranzactiei. Gulbenkian era mai degraba apropiat companiilor de petrol decat tarilor exportatoare, dar acest lucru nu l-a impiedicat sa fie acceptat de aceste parti ca mediator.
Nu neutralitatea mediatorului este esentiala ci capacitatea lui de a intelege si patrunde fenomenul pe care-l mediaza. Mediatorul nu poate fi partizanul uneia sau alteia dintre parti, el doar le aduce la masa de discutii si urmareste desfasurarea negocierilor intervenind atunci cand anumite niveluri sunt depasite si exista pericolul blocarii negocierilor dintre parti.
Mediatorul poate proveni dintr-o parte sau alta a celor aflati in disputa, dar la fel de bine poate proveni si din afara lor. Totul este ca mediatorul sa pastreze acel echilibru necesar care sa conduca la un acord, de multe ori dorit chiar de cei aflati in conflict.
Beneficiul negociatorului este dat de rezultatul actiunii sale iar el consta de cele mai multe ori in cresterea credibilitatii sale ca intermediar, lucru esential pentru o persoana fizica sau juridica aflata in aceasta postura si care si-a asumat aceasta responsabilitate.

La 2006-09-23 02:20:42, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Mediator inseamna NEUTRU. Poate fi Romania neutra? Poate, dar motivul
> pe care il vad eu nu este prea magulitor pentru romani. Evident ca
> Romania comunista a dus politica Rusiei de peste 60 de ani incoace
> (inclusiv pastrarea relatiilor diplomatice cu Israelul care era
> necesara "lagarului"). In plus, istoria suzeranitatii
> otmane si-a pus amprenta asupra moravurilor, legilor si chiar a
> practicii religiei. Chiar daca religia ortodoxa a fost conservata in
> mod FORMAL in sud-estul europen, practicarea acesteia in teritoriul
> controlat politic de turci a fost in mod evident influentata de
> legile si obiceiurile musulmane turcesti. Mai ales ca biserica
> ortodoxa a fost un apendice al puterii politice in toate timpurile.
> P.S. Istoria religiei rusesti este destul de similara. In sec. al
> XI-lea slavii de est s-au crestinat. Dupa mai putin de doua secole,
> acesti "crestini" au intrat sub stapinirea mongola care a
> durat aproape PATRU secole ("pastrindu-si" religia). Aceste
> patru secole i-au format pe rusi (mai numerosi ca mongolii) si au
> transferat expansionismul mongol elitei politice rusesti .

Giculica zbanghiul-turbat din Lumea de Apoi, acolo unde merg sufletele dupa moartea trupului. (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.180.13...)
2006-09-23 12:58
Re: ROMANIA MEDIATOR? / Bre colega da forum alwis pariez ca RO a fost doar un mijlocitor nu un mediator intre China si

mikele durul din Franta (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.12.150...)
2006-09-23 15:45
Re: ROMANIA MEDIATOR? / Bre colega da forum alwis pariez ca RO a fost doar un mijlocitor nu un mediator intre China si

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 71.72.209...)
2006-09-23 20:28

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-09-23 22:31
Cit despre "pacifica Elvetie", hai sa fim seriosi !

Mie-mi spui ce potlogarii fac numai bancile elvetiene... e proaspat scandalul bancii care tinea banii seihului Nader, om din alqaeda, nu mai zic de arme, le produc si le vand, altro che balle.

Elvetia este in mina socialistilor.

Gen. Stanculescu si paralele romanilor care au ramas in banci elvetiene, la asta te referi ?

(ps. Paulica isi cam ia nasul la purtare, cu deraiatul, o s-o pateasca la fel ca trenul ala german, fara conducator... )


La 2006-09-23 10:21:44, motanul incaltat a scris:

La 2006-09-23 02:59:27, Oriana a scris:

vinde arme peste tot in lume. Nu exista tari neutrale, cand la mijloc sunt parale si interese, pina si pt. pacifica Elvetie.

Asta inca n-ar fi nimic ! (pentru ca oricum, ei NU produc arme...ei vind armele altora !)
Cit despre "pacifica Elvetie", hai sa fim seriosi !
O tzara cladita pe BANDITISM ...nu poate fi "pacifica".
Si dac'ar fi f'un DUBIU, ia-ntreaba-l pe dom' gheneral Stanculescu.....
(Asta asa, de-o pilda).
Stiu ca ma-ntelegi....
> Motanul

motanul incaltat din USA (...@aol.com, IP: 205.188.116...)
2006-09-24 12:22
Re: Cit despre "pacifica Elvetie", hai sa fim seriosi !

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 66.134.185...)
2006-09-24 20:00
Cit despre "pacifica Elvetie", A FUGIT PUIU CU ATZA!

Swiss asylum, immigration laws ratified
By BRADLEY S. KLAPPER, Associated Press Writer 20 minutes ago
Swiss voters ratified new asylum and immigration laws Sunday making it more difficult for refugees to receive assistance and effectively blocking non-European unskilled workers from entering the country.
More than 67 percent voted in favor of the stricter rules on asylum, originally approved by the Swiss government in December. The proposal was overwhelmingly accepted in all of Switzerland's 26 cantons, according to results released by the federal government.
The government says the law is designed to prevent abuses in the system caused by non-refugees finding ways to stay indefinitely in Switzerland. It makes it easier to send home people whose asylum requests have been rejected, which the government says will allow it to devote more resources to real refugees.
Those refusing to leave despite a rejected application can now be denied social welfare. Adults deemed to be only posing as refugees can be imprisoned for up to two years, and children can be kept in state custody for one year even if they are never charged with a crime.
"We take note of the results of the referendum and regret that it has been adopted," said William Spindler, a spokesman for the United Nations refugee agency.
The Geneva-based body has criticized the law as being one of Europe's strictest and noted its adoption comes at a time when asylum applications in Switzerland have reached a two-decade low.
Critics contend the new requirements will close the door on victims of war and persecution around the world who are unable to produce valid identity papers within 48 hours of entering Switzerland, as the law demands.
They say the bill — passed after heavy campaigning from the right-wing Swiss People's Party and its billionaire leader, Christoph Blocher — is unrealistic in expecting rape or torture victims to be able to furnish papers after fleeing their homes. Rights groups have said it could lead to violations of international law.
"Many don't have the opportunity to obtain documents," Spindler told The Associated Press. "There are historical examples of oppressive authorities getting rid of documents, and it is also true today."
There were 10,061 asylum applications in Switzerland last year, a 30 percent drop from 2004, according to the U.N. refugee agency. People from Serbia, Turkey, Iraq and Russia were the most frequent to seek refugee status in the country.
Numbers have continued to fall this year, though Switzerland still remains one of the world's top destinations for asylum seekers in proportion to its population of 7.4 million people.
More than 20 percent of all people living in Switzerland are foreign nationals, one of the highest rates in the world. More than half of all foreigners come from non-European countries — who opponents of the law say will now unfairly become second-class immigrants.
Sixty-eight percent of voters also approved new immigration rules that effectively cut off legal immigration routes for unskilled workers coming from non-European countries. Supporters of the law say it will alleviate unemployment, which has risen to an estimated 5.5 percent.
On a separate issue, voters rejected an initiative to funnel billions of dollars from the central bank's profits in the coming years to prop up the country's pension system.
The plan aimed to annually redirect about $1.2 billion from the Swiss National Bank to the national pension system.
Switzerland is one of a number of European countries battling ballooning pension costs caused by low birth rates and an increasing number of retirees.
Associated Press writer Frank Sieber in Bern contributed to this report.

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-09-24 22:05
More than 20 % of all people living in Switzerland are foreign nationals

Foarte bine, Christoph Blocher, ca e plina Elvetia de trantori, platiti din buzunarele helveticilor. Ce-l urasc verzii, socialistii pe Blocher, te doare mintea !
E de jale unde au dus socialistii, si Elvetia, moschei, refugiati pe hartie, paraziti sociali, taxe peste taxe. Fiecare canton face ce vrea, acum or sa se dea pe brazda. Din pacate sunt si f. multi talhari din Est Europa, am vazut niste documentare la tv, de te ingrozesti, iti vine sa te baricadezi in casa !

Din Evetia vine acel fanatic de Tarik Ramadan ce impuie acum Franta de tampenii !

La 2006-09-24 20:00:33, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Swiss asylum, immigration laws ratified
By BRADLEY S. KLAPPER, Associated Press Writer 20 minutes ago Swiss voters ratified new asylum and immigration laws Sunday making it more difficult for refugees to receive assistance and effectively blocking non-European unskilled workers from entering the country.

More than 67 percent voted in favor of the stricter rules on asylum, originally approved by the Swiss government in December.

The proposal was overwhelmingly accepted in all of Switzerland's 26 cantons, according to results released by the federal government.

The government says the law is designed to prevent abuses in the system caused by non-refugees finding ways to stay indefinitely in Switzerland.
It makes it easier to send home people whose asylum requests have been rejected, which the government says will allow it to devote more resources to real refugees.

Those refusing to leave despite a rejected application can now be denied social welfare. Adults deemed to be only posing as refugees can be imprisoned for up to two years, and children can be kept in state custody for one year even if they are never charged with a crime.

"We take note of the results of the referendum and regret that it has been adopted," said William Spindler, a spokesman for the UN refugee agency.

The Geneva-based body has criticized the law as being one of Europe's strictest and noted its adoption comes at a time when asylum applications in Switzerland have reached a two-decade low.

Critics contend the new requirements will close the door on victims of war and persecution around the world who are unable to produce valid identity papers within 48 hours of entering Switzerland, as the law demands.

They say the bill ' passed after heavy campaigning from the right-wing Swiss People's Party and its billionaire leader, Christoph Blocher' is unrealistic in expecting rape or torture victims to be able to furnish papers after fleeing their homes.
Rights groups have said it could lead to violations of international law.
"Many don't have the opportunity to obtain documents," Spindler told The Associated Press.

"There are historical examples of oppressive authorities getting rid of documents, and it is also true today."

There were 10,061 asylum applications in Switzerland last year, a 30% drop from 2004, according to the U.N. refugee agency.

People from Serbia, Turkey, Iraq and Russia were the most frequent to seek refugee status in the country.

Numbers have continued to fall this year, though Switzerland still remains one of the world's top destinations for asylum seekers in proportion to its

population of 7.4 million people.

More than 20 % of all people living in Switzerland are foreign nationals, one of the highest rates in the world.
More than half of all foreigners come from non-European countries ' who
opponents of the law say will now unfairly become second-class immigrants.

Sixty-eight % of voters also approved new immigration rules that effectively cut off legal immigration routes for unskilled workers coming from non-European countries.

Supporters of the law say it will alleviate unemployment, which has risen to an estimated 5.5 %.

On a separate issue, voters rejected an initiative to funnel billions of dollars from the central bank's profits in the coming years to prop up the country's pension system.

The plan aimed to annually redirect about $1.2 billion from the Swiss National Bank to the national pension system.
Switzerland is one of a number of European countries battling ballooning pension costs caused by low birth rates and an increasing number of retirees.
Associated Press writer Frank Sieber in Bern contributed to this report.

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