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  Nr. 4630 de joi, 3 septembrie 2009 
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Deva din New York, USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 66.108.95...)
2009-09-03 10:44


Deputy Chief of Mission ) la Ambasada Romaniei- Washington, DC.
Domnule Gaginsky

Pentru ca discutia sa fie fluida am trimis un material informativ prin internet, bazat pe comentarii si articole aparute in presa si pe bloguri. Iata ce se spune prima pagina trimisa (comentariul 4).
” Saptamana viitoare am o filmare la ONU . Ambasadorii pacii din Japonia se intalnesc cu secretarul general. Materialul ( Kiyoko sotia mea – foto Robert video ) este prezentat la toate statiile japoneze. La receptie voi ridica problema traficului ilegal de arme .( Spargerea embargoului ONU a patruns in aceste zile in presa internationala) Traficul mortii incurajat de BASESCU trebue oprit. Romania merita o mai buna imagine.”
De altfel voi publica in presa mesajul catre Secretarul General aratand intregii lumi cum arma AK-47 fabricata la Cugir, a invadat continentul African. Cumparate la un pret derizoriu ( un sfert din pretul de market) ele se gasesc in toate regiunile acoperite de Embargoul ONU sau de conventii internationala semnate de Romania, Mii de arme trimise au dus la sute de mii de morti. Este momentul ca opinia publica sa afle gravul adevar, iar Basescu sa fie chemat in fata unui tribunal international. Sper ca fiecare cetatean al Romaniei sa citeasca articolul despre genocidul perpetuat pentru a umple buzunarele unei mafii lipsite de orice urma de umanitate si scapate de orice control. Iata cateva fragmente care nu pot fi uitate usor :

The guns of Africa: Violence-wracked nations are dumping grounds for world’s arsenals
By Paul Salopek
Billions of dollars’ worth of rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers and pistols have flooded the continent, fueling the wars that have killed millions of Africans and impoverished hundreds of millions more over the past decade.
” Ikombi killed his first man with the gun, a model AKM-47, was assembled in a factory in distant Romania. He would boast how he had shot three more soldiers with his gun. And, smiling slyly, he later would describe gunning down two village women. Rootless, with a past mutilated by war and a future reduced to a hungry blank, there are a million Grace Ikombis in Africa.According to London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies, of the 100,000 people killed directly by warfare just in oane year.Millions more Africans have died in wars over the last decade.
This is the story of just one, wielded by a small player in Africa’s modern agonies.
Military and forensic experts traced Grace Ikombi’s AKM-47, serial number DA 0889 1995, to an obscure arms factory in the foothills of Romania’s Transylvanian Alps.
Romanian export documents suggest that it followed the route of 20,000 identical assault rifles shipped out of the same weapons plant in May, bound for neighboring Uganda, one of seven countries that have meddled in Congo’s brutal civil war.
Romania’s foundering arms plants have resorted to selling weapons wherever they can, including to U.N.-embargoed nations. In 1998, Romanian rocket components slipped into Iraq. Last year, the country’s guns and ammunition made it into the hands of die-hard rebels in Angola, where one of Africa’s longest civil wars has killed at least 500,000 people.
Ikombi, 22, patrols this Wild West tableau with his Romanian rifle along with other members of his unit.African insurgents such as Ikombi make up the world’s biggest market for illicit gun sales, arms experts say.In a study published this year, the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies calculated that Africa, home to about 200,000 rebels, guerrillas and other “nonstate actors,” was blighted by more irregular forces than the rest of the planet combined.”
va multumesc din nou pentru timp si amabilitate.
Robert Horvath DEVA cineast USA www.devagallery.com 3 Septembrie 2009

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