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  Nr. 4577 de vineri, 3 iulie 2009 
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2009-07-02 22:28:36

Nu e rau deloc.

Acum europenii ar trebui sa se trezeasca din somnul lor de veci, si sa se alature Americii si sa le-o traga astora, purtatori de daipare pe cap !!!!

carol zwilling1
2009-07-02 22:53:09

Re: Nu e rau deloc.

La 2009-07-02 22:28:36, CALUGARU a scris:

> Acum europenii ar trebui sa se trezeasca din somnul lor de veci, si sa
> se alature Americii si sa le-o traga astora, purtatori de daipare pe
> cap !!!!

Poate,poate EU s-o trezi.......daaaaar, Obama inca viseaza,naiv copilul minune....

2009-07-02 23:23:18

Propaganda ...


2009-07-02 23:58:03

Re: Nu e rau deloc.

La 2009-07-02 22:53:09, carol zwilling1 a scris:

> La 2009-07-02 22:28:36, CALUGARU a scris:
> > Acum europenii ar trebui sa se trezeasca din somnul lor de veci, si sa
> > se alature Americii si sa le-o traga astora, purtatori de daipare pe
> > cap !!!!
> >
> Poate,poate EU s-o trezi.......daaaaar, Obama inca viseaza,naiv
> copilul minune....

Probabil ca UE se va trezi....ptr a face un pic de ordine si prin ograda propie, nu doar prin cele ale altora. Cu ce drept UE isi permite sa se amestece in problemele interne ale unor state care nici macar nu sunt membre ale Uniunii?
In ceea ce priveste politica practicata de Obama fata de Iran, imi pare cam singura realizare remarcabila pe plan extern cu care liderul de la Casa Alba se poate lauda: diplomatie=succes repurtat asupra inamicului.

2009-07-02 23:59:09

pana cand sa primim zoaie ce la Ahmadinejah si porcii lui? HUO REPUBLICA ISLAMICA !!!!

si jos hokusatii

2009-07-03 00:02:19


iar porcii de rusi kaghebisti sa crape de asemenea

La 2009-07-02 23:58:03, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2009-07-02 22:53:09, carol zwilling1 a scris:
> > La 2009-07-02 22:28:36, CALUGARU a scris:
> >
> > > Acum europenii ar trebui sa se trezeasca din somnul lor de veci, si sa
> > > se alature Americii si sa le-o traga astora, purtatori de daipare pe
> > > cap !!!!
> > >
> >
> > Poate,poate EU s-o trezi.......daaaaar, Obama inca viseaza,naiv
> > copilul minune....
> Probabil ca UE se va trezi....ptr a face un pic de ordine si prin
> ograda propie, nu doar prin cele ale altora. Cu ce drept UE isi
> permite sa se amestece in problemele interne ale unor state care nici
> macar nu sunt membre ale Uniunii?
> In ceea ce priveste politica practicata de Obama fata de Iran, imi
> pare cam singura realizare remarcabila pe plan extern cu care liderul
> de la Casa Alba se poate lauda: diplomatie=succes repurtat asupra
> inamicului.

2009-07-03 00:09:09


ca numai nazismul ii este egal, in principiu, caci republica islamica poate conduce la aberatii inca si mai mari decat cele naziste

2009-07-03 00:16:39

CATRE RADIO EREVAN: Cine este acest rahat-rus? Pute forumu de prostiile lui.

Deci intrebarea pusa este: Cine este acest rahat-rus, caci pute forumu de prostiile lui? Sa vedem ce raspunde.

2009-07-03 00:42:27

Re: CATRE RADIO EREVAN: Cine este acest rahat-rus? Pute forumu de prostiile lui.

La 2009-07-03 00:16:39, cercetas a scris:

> Deci intrebarea pusa este: Cine este acest rahat-rus, caci pute forumu
> de prostiile lui? Sa vedem ce raspunde.

Radio Erevan raspunde: Cercetas.

2009-07-03 01:07:16

Ups! Cercetasul a calcat pe grabla.

Doare nasucul ? Batem coada de grabla, ca e rea.

2009-07-03 01:55:51

incercare esuata

de 'revolutie'. Ba au mai fost si prinsi cu mina-n sacul cu malai. UK si SUA au fost amestecate in aceasta afacere si exista dovezi. Nestiind sa-si tina boturile s-au laudat cu guritele lor imputite in legatura cu ceea ce aveau sa faca:

'Economic sanctions "with pain" had to be the next step, followed by attempting to overthrow the theocratic regime and, ultimately, military action to destroy nuclear sites.'

Dobitocului de 'cercetas': oricum ar fi Ahmadinedjad, porcii nu au nici un drept sa-si bage ritul in treburile lor. A propos, nici noua nu ne place de ai vostrii ba chiar ii gasim a fi mult mai zoaie decit Ahmadinedjad.

2009-07-03 01:58:24


Ce este aia Europenii sa se trezeasca...sa le-o traga si asa mai departe..
Va place sa sa scoateti castanele cu mainile altuia.
Puneti-va voi copii sa moara ...astia de va tremura tichiuta de iranieni.
Iranul nu este Irak ..este cam de trei ori mai mare..si mai tare..
Iar acum sunt interese majore in zona...
Asa ca stiti ce o sa faceti.....?
O sa va dati iarasi de zidul ala ca buimacii si o sa intonati cantecul...in mana de malineanu....
Ca si in cazul Coreei de nord, marea putere America

2009-07-03 02:02:05

Re: bai..manarilor

Nu, ideea e sa-i trimita pe altii sa moara in locul lor. Ei nu se lupta decit cu femei, copii si barbati neinarmati si infometati. Poate dupa ce ii distrug altii pe iranieini o sa apara si evreii la sfirsit sa termine citiva muribunzi la baioneta...

2009-07-03 02:52:49

Asteptarile mele nu au fost in zadar. Am primit confirmarea: uciderea Nedei a fost regizata

Uciderea Nedei Soltan, devenita ulterior simbol al protestelor, a fost regizata, a declarat seful politiei iraniene, afirmatie calificata ca minciuna a propagandei de grupurile independente
Neda a devenit simbol al protestatarilor dupa asasinarea sa pe 20 iunie.
Atunci se spunea ca membri ai gruparii paramilitare Basij au impuscat-o.
Seful politiei Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqadam a declarat insa ca impuscarea acesteia a fost " un scenariu prearanjat, un act de crima cu premeditare", ce nu putea fi comis de politia iraniana.
Casa Alba a calificat afirmatiile ca parte a "campaniei iraniene de dezinformare" in legatura cu evenimentele post-electorale
Moqadam a condus ancheta, declansata de ordinului presedintelui Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, intrigat de natura suspicioasa a asasinatului. Acesta declara chiar inainte de ancheta ca elemente anti-guvernamentale s-ar ascunde in spatele asasinatului.

Neda's death staged

Si acum, intrebare de baraj ptr. cunoscatori: Cine a impuscat-o pe Neda?
Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting?

2009-07-03 03:52:26

Re: CATRE RADIO EREVAN: Cine este acest rahat-rus? Pute forumu de prostiile lui.

La 2009-07-03 00:16:39, cercetas a scris:

> Deci intrebarea pusa este: Cine este acest rahat-rus, caci pute forumu
> de prostiile lui? Sa vedem ce raspunde.
Cica (si) d-aia suntem "noi" diferiti de "ei".
La "noi", "ei" pot sa croncane ca e liber la croncanit. La "ei"... vezi Politkovskaya. Panimayesh, Rahatov?

2009-07-03 03:54:09

MAI USOR CU POLONICU DE CACAT ...... "Asteptarile mele nu au fost in zadar"

Al dracu paduche, cica "Asteptarile mele nu au fost in zadar" adica s-a fortat sa astepte. Daaar, surpriza! Si baga rahatu in gura cu polonicu, se linge pe buze si continua "Am primit confirmarea: uciderea Nedei a fost regizata".
Gata, d-acu e hotarat de la latrina asta se va indopa, aia care-i da lui confirmarea.
Ca e absolut sigur, pai daca s-a transmis de la Teheran?!

La 2009-07-03 02:52:49, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Uciderea Nedei Soltan, devenita ulterior simbol al protestelor, a fost
> regizata, a declarat seful politiei iraniene, afirmatie calificata ca
> minciuna a propagandei de grupurile independente
> Neda a devenit simbol al protestatarilor dupa asasinarea sa pe 20
> iunie.
> Atunci se spunea ca membri ai gruparii paramilitare Basij au
> impuscat-o.
> Seful politiei Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqadam a declarat insa ca impuscarea
> acesteia a fost " un scenariu prearanjat, un act de crima cu
> premeditare", ce nu putea fi comis de politia iraniana.
> Casa Alba a calificat afirmatiile ca parte a "campaniei iraniene de
> dezinformare" in legatura cu evenimentele post-electorale
> Moqadam a condus ancheta, declansata de ordinului presedintelui
> Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, intrigat de natura suspicioasa a asasinatului.
> Acesta declara chiar inainte de ancheta ca elemente
> anti-guvernamentale s-ar ascunde in spatele asasinatului.
> Neda's death staged
> http://www.smh.com.au/world/us-blasts-iran-over-neda-deathstaged-claims-20090702-d5fx.html
> Si acum, intrebare de baraj ptr. cunoscatori: Cine a impuscat-o pe
> Neda?
> Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting?
> http://vodpod.com/watch/1816316-cia-killed-neda

2009-07-03 03:58:15



La 2009-07-03 03:52:26, Nashu a scris:

> La 2009-07-03 00:16:39, cercetas a scris:
> > Deci intrebarea pusa este: Cine este acest rahat-rus, caci pute forumu
> > de prostiile lui? Sa vedem ce raspunde.
> >
> Cica (si) d-aia suntem "noi" diferiti de "ei".
> La "noi", "ei" pot sa croncane ca e liber la croncanit. La "ei"...
> vezi Politkovskaya. Panimayesh, Rahatov?

2009-07-03 04:01:08

Re: incercare esuata

La 2009-07-03 01:55:51, Anca2008 a scris:

> de 'revolutie'. Ba au mai fost si prinsi cu mina-n sacul cu malai. UK
> si SUA au fost amestecate in aceasta afacere si exista dovezi.
> Nestiind sa-si tina boturile s-au laudat cu guritele lor imputite in
> legatura cu ceea ce aveau sa faca:
> 'Economic sanctions "with pain" had to be the next step, followed by
> attempting to overthrow the theocratic regime and, ultimately,
> military action to destroy nuclear sites.'
> Dobitocului de 'cercetas': oricum ar fi Ahmadinedjad, porcii nu au
> nici un drept sa-si bage ritul in treburile lor. A propos, nici noua
> nu ne place de ai vostrii ba chiar ii gasim a fi mult mai zoaie decit
> Ahmadinedjad.
Asa de bine le spui, ca un om mare.
Oriunde ai fi (chiar si Canada...), e destul de probabil ca la ora asta impachetezi si o tai spre Iran, sa contribui activ la victoria revolutiei Islamice. Multa bafta!
A propos: "noua" nu ne place de "ai vostri". Care "noua"? Tu si mai cine?

2009-07-03 04:03:06


La 2009-07-03 03:58:15, cercetas a scris:

> kriminilinalii
> La 2009-07-03 03:52:26, Nashu a scris:
> > La 2009-07-03 00:16:39, cercetas a scris:
> >
> > > Deci intrebarea pusa este: Cine este acest rahat-rus, caci pute forumu
> > > de prostiile lui? Sa vedem ce raspunde.
> > >
> > Cica (si) d-aia suntem "noi" diferiti de "ei".
> > La "noi", "ei" pot sa croncane ca e liber la croncanit. La "ei"...
> > vezi Politkovskaya. Panimayesh, Rahatov?
> >
Cercetasule relaxeaza-te ca-ti cauzeaza. Io m-am adresat lu' alde Evreu-rus. El s-a prins, tu nu.

2009-07-03 04:34:37

toare rautatile vin de la regimul islamic

toare rautatile vin de la regimul islamic
alt blestem prin care trebuie sa treaca omenirea
sa fi fost o religie era ceva
dar este religie numai in masura in care sa servesca imami extremisti la putere pe viata.
este un regim.

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 04:42:39

Re: Nu e rau deloc.

La 2009-07-02 22:28:36, CALUGARU a scris:

> Acum europenii ar trebui sa se trezeasca din somnul lor de veci, si sa
> se alature Americii si sa le-o traga astora, purtatori de daipare pe
> cap !!!!
Piei satana spurcata==AI VRUT SA ZICI;Sa ne unim pt.pace cu o tzara adevarat democratica--IRAN--

The banks and multinationals may eventually merge together and then merge with the one world government, who will make sure almost no small businesses are left to bypass their system. Probably almost the only ones selling will be multinationals, controlled by the one world government. Therefore everyone will be forced to rely on a monopoly, which will have complete control over everyone.

In countries with above average costs and wages it is better to reduce costs because wage rises increase costs, inflation, interest rates, small business bankruptcies and unemployment. Exports are reduced. Wage rises take money away from small businesses, pensioners, unpaid volunteers and carers who often work hard for no pay. Although trade unions are correct in some ways, they still support destructive and selfish policies that cause unemployment, destroy the poor and destroy the economy.

Instead of enabling small businesses to produce products much cheaper, the government imports identical products to those produced locally. The importing of foreign imports from multinationals is destroying local producers and giving more power to the conspirators. This is also spreading disease.
Competition and free trade is an advantage for the wealthy and powerful. There is a deception that we need serious competition to have fun, keep prices down have a large variety of goods and services. However, the opposite is happening and powerful corrupt companies with redundant products are taking advantage of and destroying honest innovators and small businesses with good products and services. As a result good products are becoming suppressed. This is resulting in a smaller variety of and poorer quality goods and services.
Deregulation enables multinationals to get products much cheaper than small businesses, at the poor primary producers expense.
Multinationals raise prices higher than the small businesses did before they were annihilated.
God's way is a rightfully regulated fair go for everyone where everyone is well off.
Competition encourages many outlets to sell the same things, which causes confusion to shoppers.
If one succeeds in a career or enterprise to make money, they prevent someone else from succeeding under such a competitive environment of limited opportunities.
Serious competition means over training, lust for worldly success, money or medals. There can be pride if you win and distraction from doing God's will. Anger, disappointment, envy, regret and resentment may result when you lose.

Many of the conspirators' products are deliberately made not to last so that customers will be distracted with problems and buy more products or parts. Multinationals suppress inventions and discoveries so that the world is forced to rely on their redundant, wasteful, costly and addictive products that bring them great profit.
Only approximately 0.1% of inventors make a living from their inventions. Patents cost money and expire. Little support for inventors means almost all revolutionary inventions including free energy devices and natural medical cures have been suppressed.
The conspirators control the price of energy and essential products and services despite the fact that there are much more efficient but suppressed methods available.

Such a plan means it is logical that the system does not support people without power or money who have good ideas and the potential to make the world a better place. Doing so would mean a transfer of wealth and power away from the conspirators and into the hands of those who wish to do Good.

Increasing numbers of people are controlled by the government, as they are forced to rely on welfare.

Consumption taxes will only hurt the poor, increase costs and destroy small businesses. There are too many taxes. The cost of complying with and enforcing taxation is therefore a major problem which is draining the economy.

International laws appear good, but are deceptively introduced to give the powerful more power.
If countries don't accept a condition, they are given sanctions or their leaders are brought down.
Peace agreements and common ties between countries have some benefit, but give the world a false sense of security and tie countries together ready for a one world government.
Disarmament gives more power to the powerful and less arms for citizens to resist them.
The goal of the world government is to remove the weapons of honest citizens, so that they can more easily persecute and exterminate anyone who resists their control.

Foreign aid is mostly only transferred into the hands of the rich and powerful to gain more power and exploit the poor.

The stock market is overvalued and rigged. People are deceived into investing in banks and multinationals. A crash will give the citizens' property to the powerful.
Boom and bust cycles, market fluctuations and stock market crashes are deliberately caused so that people lose money to the conspirators.

Christmas and Easter have lost their true meaning. Unnecessary spending helps the powerful.

UFO's are probably man made craft which may be used to fool the world into accepting the One World Government. They are secretly hidden and tested at military bases.

Banks create money from nothing and demand it back, together with unnecessarily high interest.
They encourage waste of money so that they can profit from the interest.
The conspirators deliberately create problems such as wars, market depressions and other crises. This is so that they can control, confuse and distract people, and also benefit from the interest on the money that they lend to fund and then stop these crises. Also it is so that the world will accept their solutions, which are really only steps towards their plan and more of their control.
Sources give strong proof that the conspirators have funded both sides of most of the wars in the last 200 years, including the world wars.

2009-07-03 04:42:58

GOD BLESS - Maine este 4th July, ziua care marcat omenirea

Deci sa ne uitam la aspectele pozitive, sa ne bucuram si sa jucam.
Sa curga artificiile si berea!
O sa fie bine.

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 04:45:48

Re: pana cand sa primim zoaie ce la Ahmadinejah si porcii lui? HUO REPUBLICA ISLAMICA !!!!

La 2009-07-02 23:59:09, cercetas a scris:

> si jos hokusatii
maninci rahat turcesc BANDITZII SUNT ASTIA DE MAI JOS;;

The powerful conspirators are made up largely of the international bankers, and the Illuminati, which is a super-rich organization, which controls the mainstream media, workforce, education system, companies, banks, energy supplies and governments. They are controlled by the richest people in the world such as the super-rich Rothschild and Rockefeller families. They also hide behind many organizations such as the United Nations, the WTO and the Council on Foreign relations.
There is also a Jesuit-Vatican connection, planning the merging of many faiths into the apostate one world church which will serve Satan. The New Age movements are also part of the plan.
To gain full control of the world's money would mean full control over everyone, especially those in debt. This is exactly what the international bankers conspiracy is doing. Every government is in debt to them. This debt is increasing. Personal debt is very widespread and increasing. Hence almost everyone is in debt. Wasteful spending, borrowing and debt are encouraged. Therefore people and governments are becoming increasingly in the bankers control, as they have to pay interest, which the bankers can manipulate to their will.

Governments are forced to sell assets, lose sovereignty, and place citizens in poverty to repay their debt.

The conspirators are privatising, buying and controlling government assets.

The conspirators bribe governments with political donations.

They gain ownership of land through world heritage, which is then miss-managed and restricted.

Things that prove a trend towards a one world government include; a rising amount of globalization, free trade, privatization, foreign investment, mergers, international organizations, debt, international problems that need an international solution and peace agreements that give false security.

Perhaps the greatest conspiracy is to distract us from the truth, so that we will lose money and property to the powerful conspirators, who corruptly monopolize wealth and power, and gain more power as a result.

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 04:50:13


ptiu drace, ce a sarit gasca satanista de jidovei pe forum impotriva marelui patriot
tot asa parintzi lor erau in jurul lu stalin, de au macelarit zeci de milioane de rusi

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 04:59:58

Re: Asteptarile mele nu au fost in zadar. Am primit confirmarea: uciderea Nedei a fost regizata

Si cel mai prost,prost,prost stia de la inceput ca totul a fost inscenare=e mina mossadului-100% mai au nevoie de iran sa inchida cercul cu NOM si cu camataria
Iar revolutziile colorate unde nu stapinesc guvernele mai sunt o taina doar pt.imbecili si ipocritzi

La 2009-07-03 02:52:49, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Uciderea Nedei Soltan, devenita ulterior simbol al protestelor, a fost
> regizata, a declarat seful politiei iraniene, afirmatie calificata ca
> minciuna a propagandei de grupurile independente
> Neda a devenit simbol al protestatarilor dupa asasinarea sa pe 20
> iunie.
> Atunci se spunea ca membri ai gruparii paramilitare Basij au
> impuscat-o.
> Seful politiei Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqadam a declarat insa ca impuscarea
> acesteia a fost " un scenariu prearanjat, un act de crima cu
> premeditare", ce nu putea fi comis de politia iraniana.
> Casa Alba a calificat afirmatiile ca parte a "campaniei iraniene de
> dezinformare" in legatura cu evenimentele post-electorale
> Moqadam a condus ancheta, declansata de ordinului presedintelui
> Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, intrigat de natura suspicioasa a asasinatului.
> Acesta declara chiar inainte de ancheta ca elemente
> anti-guvernamentale s-ar ascunde in spatele asasinatului.
> Neda's death staged
> http://www.smh.com.au/world/us-blasts-iran-over-neda-deathstaged-claims-20090702-d5fx.html
> Si acum, intrebare de baraj ptr. cunoscatori: Cine a impuscat-o pe
> Neda?
> Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting?
> http://vodpod.com/watch/1816316-cia-killed-neda

2009-07-03 05:05:50

citeam sfanta biblie si deodata a aparut!

deodata a aparut intrebarea fireasca: de unde apare atihristul?
pe multi prosti vad ca deja ahmadinejaful i-a incantat peste masura, multi iobagi si rusi, ca sa spun in general fara sa dau nume.
dar, daca e asa, o sa crape.
scrie la biblie bre!

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 05:08:05

nashu,votka si cercetasiu si-o trag la muiene intre ei==de dobitoci ce sunt==

nu intzeleg de ce mossadul isi face de lucru cu asemena spurcaciuni?
Bravo Anca;

2009-07-03 02:02:05
Re: bai..manarilor--zile mirlani

Nu, ideea e sa-i trimita pe altii sa moara in locul lor. Ei nu se lupta decit cu femei, copii si barbati neinarmati si infometati. Poate dupa ce ii distrug altii pe iranieini o sa apara si evreii la sfirsit sa termine citiva muribunzi la baioneta...

2009-07-03 05:27:40

In timp ce europenii nu stiu pe unde sa-si mai scoata camasa cu un Iran mult prea independent

ptr gusturile lor, nationalismul israelian isi trece pe raboj inca o victima "colaterala":

O tanara palestiniana a decedat si alte cateva persoane au fost ranite dupa ce un obuz israelien a lovit o cladire din Fasia Gaza. Bombardamentul a avut loc langa tabara de refugiati al-Bureij in centrul Fasiei Gaza, dupa un atac al unor palestinieni asupra unei patrule israeliene de la terminalul petrolier Nahal Oz.
Fata omorata avea 12 ani, iar alte 3 persoane au fost ranite in timpul incidentului.
Presa israeliana relateaza insa, citand surse militare, ca ciocnirile de joi nu au dus la ranirea niciunui palestinian. Armata sustine ca fata ar fi fost ucisa de tirurile palestiniene.
Palestinian child killed by Israeli shell in Gaza

2009-07-03 05:31:45

Prizonierii Domnului!!!!

US remains silent over McKinney arrest by Israel
Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:28:11 GMT
McKinney has served as a Democrat in the US House of Representatives from 1993–2003 and 2005–2007.
Nearly a day after the detention of former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney by Israeli forces, Washington has yet to make a reaction.
Israeli Navy detained former US congresswoman and Nobel Prize laureate Cynthia McKinney and twenty other human rights activists on board a relief boat outside Israel's territorial waters on Tuesday as they were heading to Gaza on a humanitarian mission.
Tel Aviv claims the boat was trying to break Israel's two-year siege on Gaza.

Ms McKinney -- the 2008 Green Party nominee for President of the United States-- has accused Tel Aviv of violating the international law by seizing an aid vessel in international waters.

"This is an outrageous violation of international law against us. Our boat was not in Israeli waters, and we were on a human rights mission to the Gaza Strip," McKinney said in a statement.

"We are asking the international community to demand our release so we can continue our journey," she added.

"My wife and I are very concerned about her safety," Cynthia's father told Press TV in a phone call.

Bill McKinney said that the US government should support Cynthia's message and added, "Her major concern is human."

Green Party leaders have called on the White House and the US State Department to intervene and demand the immediate release of all the activists.

On Monday, the International Committee of the Red Cross warned of dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, saying 1.5 million Palestinians living in the coastal sliver are 'trapped in despair' because of the continuing Israeli blockade on the territory.

Since June 2007, when Israel imposed a blockade on the territory, no raw material has entered Gaza, stalling any attempt to rebuild the strip.

According to the humanitarian agency report, seriously ill patients were not receiving the treatment they needed and thousands of Gazans whose homes were destroyed during Israel's three-week Christmas war were still without shelter.


evreu mandru din israel
2009-07-03 08:08:28

Re: Nu e rau deloc.

Who are the conspirators?

La 2009-07-03 04:42:39, iobagul roman a scris:

> The banks and multinationals may eventually merge together and then
> merge with the one world government, who will make sure almost no
> small businesses are left to bypass their system. Probably almost the
> only ones selling will be multinationals, controlled by the one world
> government. Therefore everyone will be forced to rely on a monopoly,
> which will have complete control over everyone.
> In countries with above average costs and wages it is better to
> reduce costs because wage rises increase costs, inflation, interest
> rates, small business bankruptcies and unemployment. Exports are
> reduced. Wage rises take money away from small businesses,
> pensioners, unpaid volunteers and carers who often work hard for no
> pay. Although trade unions are correct in some ways, they still
> support destructive and selfish policies that cause unemployment,
> destroy the poor and destroy the economy.
> Instead of enabling small businesses to produce products much
> cheaper, the government imports identical products to those produced
> locally. The importing of foreign imports from multinationals is
> destroying local producers and giving more power to the conspirators.
> This is also spreading disease.
> Competition and free trade is an advantage for the wealthy and
> powerful. There is a deception that we need serious competition to
> have fun, keep prices down have a large variety of goods and
> services. However, the opposite is happening and powerful corrupt
> companies with redundant products are taking advantage of and
> destroying honest innovators and small businesses with good products
> and services. As a result good products are becoming suppressed. This
> is resulting in a smaller variety of and poorer quality goods and
> services.
> Deregulation enables multinationals to get products much cheaper
> than small businesses, at the poor primary producers expense.
> Multinationals raise prices higher than the small businesses did
> before they were annihilated.
> God's way is a rightfully regulated fair go for everyone where
> everyone is well off.
> Competition encourages many outlets to sell the same things, which
> causes confusion to shoppers.
> If one succeeds in a career or enterprise to make money, they
> prevent someone else from succeeding under such a competitive
> environment of limited opportunities.
> Serious competition means over training, lust for worldly success,
> money or medals. There can be pride if you win and distraction from
> doing God's will. Anger, disappointment, envy, regret and resentment
> may result when you lose.
> Many of the conspirators' products are deliberately made not to
> last so that customers will be distracted with problems and buy more
> products or parts. Multinationals suppress inventions and discoveries
> so that the world is forced to rely on their redundant, wasteful,
> costly and addictive products that bring them great profit.
> Only approximately 0.1% of inventors make a living from their
> inventions. Patents cost money and expire. Little support for
> inventors means almost all revolutionary inventions including free
> energy devices and natural medical cures have been suppressed.
> The conspirators control the price of energy and essential products
> and services despite the fact that there are much more efficient but
> suppressed methods available.
> Such a plan means it is logical that the system does not support
> people without power or money who have good ideas and the potential
> to make the world a better place. Doing so would mean a transfer of
> wealth and power away from the conspirators and into the hands of
> those who wish to do Good.
> Increasing numbers of people are controlled by the government, as
> they are forced to rely on welfare.
> Consumption taxes will only hurt the poor, increase costs and
> destroy small businesses. There are too many taxes. The cost of
> complying with and enforcing taxation is therefore a major problem
> which is draining the economy.
> International laws appear good, but are deceptively introduced to
> give the powerful more power.
> If countries don't accept a condition, they are given sanctions or
> their leaders are brought down.
> Peace agreements and common ties between countries have some
> benefit, but give the world a false sense of security and tie
> countries together ready for a one world government.
> Disarmament gives more power to the powerful and less arms for
> citizens to resist them.
> The goal of the world government is to remove the weapons of
> honest citizens, so that they can more easily persecute and
> exterminate anyone who resists their control.
> Foreign aid is mostly only transferred into the hands of the rich
> and powerful to gain more power and exploit the poor.
> The stock market is overvalued and rigged. People are deceived into
> investing in banks and multinationals. A crash will give the citizens'
> property to the powerful.
> Boom and bust cycles, market fluctuations and stock market crashes
> are deliberately caused so that people lose money to the
> conspirators.
> Christmas and Easter have lost their true meaning. Unnecessary
> spending helps the powerful.
> UFO's are probably man made craft which may be used to fool the
> world into accepting the One World Government. They are secretly
> hidden and tested at military bases.
> Banks create money from nothing and demand it back, together with
> unnecessarily high interest.
> They encourage waste of money so that they can profit from the
> interest.
> The conspirators deliberately create problems such as wars, market
> depressions and other crises. This is so that they can control,
> confuse and distract people, and also benefit from the interest on
> the money that they lend to fund and then stop these crises. Also it
> is so that the world will accept their solutions, which are really
> only steps towards their plan and more of their control.
> Sources give strong proof that the conspirators have funded both
> sides of most of the wars in the last 200 years, including the world
> wars.

evreu mandru din israel
2009-07-03 08:14:25

Re: Prizonierii Domnului!!!!

Inca cativa idioti utili...

La 2009-07-03 05:31:45, frinaru a scris:

> US remains silent over McKinney arrest by Israel
> Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:28:11 GMT
> McKinney has served as a Democrat in the US House of Representatives
> from 1993–2003 and 2005–2007.
> Nearly a day after the detention of former US lawmaker Cynthia
> McKinney by Israeli forces, Washington has yet to make a reaction.
> Israeli Navy detained former US congresswoman and Nobel Prize laureate
> Cynthia McKinney and twenty other human rights activists on board a
> relief boat outside Israel's territorial waters on Tuesday as they
> were heading to Gaza on a humanitarian mission.
> Tel Aviv claims the boat was trying to break Israel's two-year siege
> on Gaza.
> Ms McKinney -- the 2008 Green Party nominee for President of the
> United States-- has accused Tel Aviv of violating the international
> law by seizing an aid vessel in international waters.
> "This is an outrageous violation of international law against us. Our
> boat was not in Israeli waters, and we were on a human rights mission
> to the Gaza Strip," McKinney said in a statement.
> "We are asking the international community to demand our release so we
> can continue our journey," she added.
> "My wife and I are very concerned about her safety," Cynthia's father
> told Press TV in a phone call.
> Bill McKinney said that the US government should support Cynthia's
> message and added, "Her major concern is human."
> Green Party leaders have called on the White House and the US State
> Department to intervene and demand the immediate release of all the
> activists.
> On Monday, the International Committee of the Red Cross warned of dire
> humanitarian situation in Gaza, saying 1.5 million Palestinians living
> in the coastal sliver are 'trapped in despair' because of the
> continuing Israeli blockade on the territory.
> Since June 2007, when Israel imposed a blockade on the territory, no
> raw material has entered Gaza, stalling any attempt to rebuild the
> strip.
> According to the humanitarian agency report, seriously ill patients
> were not receiving the treatment they needed and thousands of Gazans
> whose homes were destroyed during Israel's three-week Christmas war
> were still without shelter.

evreu mandru din israel
2009-07-03 08:17:56

Re: In timp ce europenii nu stiu pe unde sa-si mai scoata camasa cu un Iran mult prea independent

Si care e problema, teroristii au deschis focul si Israelul a raspuns in directia de unde s-a tras.No shoot, no die...

La 2009-07-03 05:27:40, Evreu-rus a scris:

> ptr gusturile lor, nationalismul israelian isi trece pe raboj inca o
> victima "colaterala":
> O tanara palestiniana a decedat si alte cateva persoane au fost ranite
> dupa ce un obuz israelien a lovit o cladire din Fasia Gaza.
> Bombardamentul a avut loc langa tabara de refugiati al-Bureij in
> centrul Fasiei Gaza, dupa un atac al unor palestinieni asupra unei
> patrule israeliene de la terminalul petrolier Nahal Oz.
> Fata omorata avea 12 ani, iar alte 3 persoane au fost ranite in timpul
> incidentului.
> Presa israeliana relateaza insa, citand surse militare, ca ciocnirile
> de joi nu au dus la ranirea niciunui palestinian. Armata sustine ca
> fata ar fi fost ucisa de tirurile palestiniene.
> Palestinian child killed by Israeli shell in Gaza
> http://en.rian.ru/world/20090702/155418001.html

evreu mandru din israel
2009-07-03 08:26:23

Re: bai..manarilor

Ciudat, am participat la cateva razboaie incepand la cel din 1967 si n-am vazut niciun soldat strain luptand de partea Israelului. Ar fi fost probabil pe alt front.

La 2009-07-03 02:02:05, Anca2008 a scris:

> Nu, ideea e sa-i trimita pe altii sa moara in locul lor. Ei nu se
> lupta decit cu femei, copii si barbati neinarmati si infometati.
> Poate dupa ce ii distrug altii pe iranieini o sa apara si evreii la
> sfirsit sa termine citiva muribunzi la baioneta...

2009-07-03 08:52:03

Neda Soltani ucisa precum Franciszek Honiok in 1939 ?

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 09:59:18

Re: In timp ce europenii nu stiu pe unde sa-si mai scoata camasa cu un Iran mult prea independent

La 2009-07-03 05:27:40, Evreu-rus a scris:

> ptr gusturile lor, nationalismul israelian isi trece pe raboj inca o
> victima "colaterala":
> O tanara palestiniana a decedat si alte cateva persoane au fost ranite
> dupa ce un obuz israelien a lovit o cladire din Fasia Gaza.
> Bombardamentul a avut loc langa tabara de refugiati al-Bureij in
> centrul Fasiei Gaza, dupa un atac al unor palestinieni asupra unei
> patrule israeliene de la terminalul petrolier Nahal Oz.
> Fata omorata avea 12 ani, iar alte 3 persoane au fost ranite in timpul
> incidentului.
> Presa israeliana relateaza insa, citand surse militare, ca ciocnirile
> de joi nu au dus la ranirea niciunui palestinian. Armata sustine ca
> fata ar fi fost ucisa de tirurile palestiniene.
> Palestinian child killed by Israeli shell in Gaza
> http://en.rian.ru/world/20090702/155418001.html
traim in lumea animalelor dresate cu pepsi si hamburgeri

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 10:04:06

Re: Nu e rau deloc.

La 2009-07-03 08:08:28, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Who are the conspirators?
SUNT FRATZII TAI DIN AL XIII-LEA TRIB(aia la care toata lumea le e datoare miliarde de trilioane de $$$mardanei==aia care cind voi va inmultzitzi va face sapun si pe noi ne carbonizeaza
> La 2009-07-03 04:42:39, iobagul roman a scris:
> > The banks and multinationals may eventually merge together and then
> > merge with the one world government, who will make sure almost no
> > small businesses are left to bypass their system. Probably almost the
> > only ones selling will be multinationals, controlled by the one world
> > government. Therefore everyone will be forced to rely on a monopoly,
> > which will have complete control over everyone.
> >
> > In countries with above average costs and wages it is better to
> > reduce costs because wage rises increase costs, inflation, interest
> > rates, small business bankruptcies and unemployment. Exports are
> > reduced. Wage rises take money away from small businesses,
> > pensioners, unpaid volunteers and carers who often work hard for no
> > pay. Although trade unions are correct in some ways, they still
> > support destructive and selfish policies that cause unemployment,
> > destroy the poor and destroy the economy.
> >
> > Instead of enabling small businesses to produce products much
> > cheaper, the government imports identical products to those produced
> > locally. The importing of foreign imports from multinationals is
> > destroying local producers and giving more power to the conspirators.
> > This is also spreading disease.
> > Competition and free trade is an advantage for the wealthy and
> > powerful. There is a deception that we need serious competition to
> > have fun, keep prices down have a large variety of goods and
> > services. However, the opposite is happening and powerful corrupt
> > companies with redundant products are taking advantage of and
> > destroying honest innovators and small businesses with good products
> > and services. As a result good products are becoming suppressed. This
> > is resulting in a smaller variety of and poorer quality goods and
> > services.
> > Deregulation enables multinationals to get products much cheaper
> > than small businesses, at the poor primary producers expense.
> > Multinationals raise prices higher than the small businesses did
> > before they were annihilated.
> > God's way is a rightfully regulated fair go for everyone where
> > everyone is well off.
> > Competition encourages many outlets to sell the same things, which
> > causes confusion to shoppers.
> > If one succeeds in a career or enterprise to make money, they
> > prevent someone else from succeeding under such a competitive
> > environment of limited opportunities.
> > Serious competition means over training, lust for worldly success,
> > money or medals. There can be pride if you win and distraction from
> > doing God's will. Anger, disappointment, envy, regret and resentment
> > may result when you lose.
> >
> > Many of the conspirators' products are deliberately made not to
> > last so that customers will be distracted with problems and buy more
> > products or parts. Multinationals suppress inventions and discoveries
> > so that the world is forced to rely on their redundant, wasteful,
> > costly and addictive products that bring them great profit.
> > Only approximately 0.1% of inventors make a living from their
> > inventions. Patents cost money and expire. Little support for
> > inventors means almost all revolutionary inventions including free
> > energy devices and natural medical cures have been suppressed.
> > The conspirators control the price of energy and essential products
> > and services despite the fact that there are much more efficient but
> > suppressed methods available.
> >
> > Such a plan means it is logical that the system does not support
> > people without power or money who have good ideas and the potential
> > to make the world a better place. Doing so would mean a transfer of
> > wealth and power away from the conspirators and into the hands of
> > those who wish to do Good.
> >
> > Increasing numbers of people are controlled by the government, as
> > they are forced to rely on welfare.
> >
> > Consumption taxes will only hurt the poor, increase costs and
> > destroy small businesses. There are too many taxes. The cost of
> > complying with and enforcing taxation is therefore a major problem
> > which is draining the economy.
> >
> > International laws appear good, but are deceptively introduced to
> > give the powerful more power.
> > If countries don't accept a condition, they are given sanctions or
> > their leaders are brought down.
> > Peace agreements and common ties between countries have some
> > benefit, but give the world a false sense of security and tie
> > countries together ready for a one world government.
> > Disarmament gives more power to the powerful and less arms for
> > citizens to resist them.
> > The goal of the world government is to remove the weapons of
> > honest citizens, so that they can more easily persecute and
> > exterminate anyone who resists their control.
> >
> > Foreign aid is mostly only transferred into the hands of the rich
> > and powerful to gain more power and exploit the poor.
> >
> > The stock market is overvalued and rigged. People are deceived into
> > investing in banks and multinationals. A crash will give the citizens'
> > property to the powerful.
> > Boom and bust cycles, market fluctuations and stock market crashes
> > are deliberately caused so that people lose money to the
> > conspirators.
> >
> > Christmas and Easter have lost their true meaning. Unnecessary
> > spending helps the powerful.
> >
> > UFO's are probably man made craft which may be used to fool the
> > world into accepting the One World Government. They are secretly
> > hidden and tested at military bases.
> >
> > Banks create money from nothing and demand it back, together with
> > unnecessarily high interest.
> > They encourage waste of money so that they can profit from the
> > interest.
> > The conspirators deliberately create problems such as wars, market
> > depressions and other crises. This is so that they can control,
> > confuse and distract people, and also benefit from the interest on
> > the money that they lend to fund and then stop these crises. Also it
> > is so that the world will accept their solutions, which are really
> > only steps towards their plan and more of their control.
> > Sources give strong proof that the conspirators have funded both
> > sides of most of the wars in the last 200 years, including the world
> > wars.
> >
> >
> >

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 10:14:01

Re: Neda Soltani ucisa precum Franciszek Honiok in 1939 ?

iobagul roman
2009-07-03 10:19:00

Re: bai..manarilor

La 2009-07-03 08:26:23, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Ciudat, am participat la cateva razboaie incepand la cel din 1967 si
> n-am vazut niciun soldat strain luptand de partea Israelului. Ar fi
> fost probabil pe alt front.

se refera ca atzi asmutzit buldogul amerloc sa va lupte razboaiele prin estul mijlociu(afgan,irak,siria,pakistan si il asmutzitzi continuu pe iran si rusia(nu tu,sefii tai ceausisti)
> La 2009-07-03 02:02:05, Anca2008 a scris:
> > Nu, ideea e sa-i trimita pe altii sa moara in locul lor. Ei nu se
> > lupta decit cu femei, copii si barbati neinarmati si infometati.
> > Poate dupa ce ii distrug altii pe iranieini o sa apara si evreii la
> > sfirsit sa termine citiva muribunzi la baioneta...
> >

2009-07-03 10:27:01

Asa iobagule, arde-l pe templerul ug!

2009-07-03 10:50:01

fasole boaba szerusz

acusika ca "ug si iobag- beavis and Butthead Stan si Bran Lolek si Bolek" is preocupati zi lumina, conform graficelor in vigoare, cu tema expusa la panoul de perete, pentru Arici Pogonici-----------tu ce faci :? vii la o bere in Munchen:?

2009-07-03 12:32:06

Chomsky o fi ruda cu doctorul Ciomu ?

Ma intreb si eu.

2009-07-03 12:55:01

Re: CATRE RADIO EREVAN: Cine este acest rahat-rus? Pute forumu de prostiile lui.

La 2009-07-03 00:42:27, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2009-07-03 00:16:39, cercetas a scris:
> > Deci intrebarea pusa este: Cine este acest rahat-rus, caci pute forumu
> > de prostiile lui? Sa vedem ce raspunde.
> Radio Erevan raspunde: Cercetas.
Cercetasule ai cautat-o si ai gasit-o. Daca ai ridicat mingea la plasa ti-a tras-o evreu rus la fix.

2009-07-03 13:03:16

Obama ...


2009-07-03 13:29:00

Re: In timp ce europenii nu stiu pe unde sa-si mai scoata camasa cu un Iran mult prea independent

La 2009-07-03 08:17:56, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Si care e problema, teroristii au deschis focul si Israelul a raspuns
> in directia de unde s-a tras.No shoot, no die...

"Teroristii" au deschis focul iar "pacifistii" israelieni au replicat dupa posibilitati: au facut prapad pe bucata de pamant palestinian, masacrand nediscriminatoriu civilii inocenti, semanand teroare printre amaratii aceia care nu se fac vinovati cu nimic. Ciclul violentei ar functiona astfel: palestinienii ucid ce pot din disperare, israelienii ucid ce vor din razbunare. „Persecutatii de ieri sunt persecutorii de azi“.

2009-07-03 13:34:34

Re: In timp ce europenii nu stiu pe unde sa-si mai scoata camasa cu un Iran mult prea independent

La 2009-07-03 13:29:00, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2009-07-03 08:17:56, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > Si care e problema, teroristii au deschis focul si Israelul a raspuns
> > in directia de unde s-a tras.No shoot, no die...
> "Teroristii" au deschis focul iar "pacifistii" israelieni au replicat
> dupa posibilitati: au facut prapad pe bucata de pamant palestinian,
> masacrand nediscriminatoriu civilii inocenti, semanand teroare
> printre amaratii aceia care nu se fac vinovati cu nimic. Ciclul
> violentei ar functiona astfel: israelienii ucid pe cine vor din aroganta, palestinienii ucid pe cine pot din disperare, israelienii riposteaza crunt, razbunandu-se.
"Persecutatii de ieri sunt persecutorii de azi".

2009-07-03 13:53:29

CE, PUSLAMAUA-RUSA??? Insasi mama lui ii cheama "son of a bitch", atunci ce mai vreti?

Vedeti, problema e ca Dumnezeu i-a dat barbatului un creier si un penis, dar nu i-a dat suficient sange pentru a le folosi pe amandoua deodata.

2009-07-03 14:10:05

Re: CE, PUSLAMAUA-RUSA??? Insasi mama lui ii cheama "son of a bitch", atunci ce mai vreti?

La 2009-07-03 13:53:29, cercetas a scris:

> Vedeti, problema e ca Dumnezeu i-a dat barbatului un creier si un
> penis, dar nu i-a dat suficient sange pentru a le folosi pe amandoua
> deodata.

Dumneata esti exemplul perfect care ilustreaza validitatea acestei teorii.

2009-07-03 14:10:33

Karzai ...

... l-a felicitat pe Ahmedinajad pentru landslide victory inainte de terminarea numararii voturilor !

Afghan President Hamid Karzai called Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday to congratulate him on his victory in his country's presidential election, Karzai's office said.
Karzai lauded the large turnout and congratulated the Iranian people "for making a decision about their destiny," according to a statement from the presidential palace.

2009-07-03 14:12:20

Se aude cioc-cioc la poarta Railui, era Ben-Laden....

Cioc, cioc la poarta raiului! Raspunde Sf.Petru!
Cand stupoare in usa era Ben-Laden!
- Tu, tu aici, tu care ai facut atatea rele, tu vrei sa intrii in RAI?!?
Ben-Laden sictirit ... - Am zis eu ca vreau sa intru? Aveti 2 min sa iesiti cu totii!!!

2009-07-03 14:13:32

Re: CE, PUSLAMAUA-RUSA??? Insasi mama lui ii cheama "son of a bitch", atunci ce mai vreti?

Era o data un arab care fugea de un tank american. Arabul a aruncat o bomba in el nu a patit nimica. A aruncat si a doua nimic, a aruncat si a treia nimic a inceput sa traga cu mitraliera in tanc tragea si tragea si i s-a consumat gloantele. Opreste tankul si iese omul din el si ii spune la arab:
- Arabule, mai vrei munitie?

La 2009-07-03 14:10:05, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2009-07-03 13:53:29, cercetas a scris:
> > Vedeti, problema e ca Dumnezeu i-a dat barbatului un creier si un
> > penis, dar nu i-a dat suficient sange pentru a le folosi pe amandoua
> > deodata.
> Dumneata esti exemplul perfect care ilustreaza validitatea acestei
> teorii.

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