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  Nr. 3985 de joi, 19 iulie 2007 
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Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2007-07-19 15:17
Cunostiinte vechi.............................

............................................Western fighters were often sent to intercept Tu-95s as they performed their missions along the periphery of NATO airspace, often in very close formation. This sometimes led to unofficial communication between the two sides. According to one RAF Phantom pilot:

In the daytime the mission was straightforward, and there was time for a little play with the "Bears". As far as the Soviets went, this got a little out of hand, for they started putting a KGB officer on board to stop the crew waving at us.

Close-up of the tail of a Tu-95Some "Bear" variants had a crawl way between the front and back compartments -- a long and uncomfortable journey that involved clambering over unprotected wing spars and other obstructions. We soon worked out that by moving our jet forwards and backwards we could get this poor idiot to spend hours crawling back and forth down this tunnel, just to stop the crew from waving at us. [4

Ratacitul (...@lycos.com, IP: 74.57.191...)
2007-07-19 16:32
Re: Cunostiinte vechi.............................

Banuiesc ca pilotii RAF vedeau prin aluminiu si citeau la prima pana rapoartele KGB.

Ai si de Fratii Grimm?


La 2007-07-19 15:17:46, Mos Grigore a scris:

> ............................................Western fighters were
> often sent to intercept Tu-95s as they performed their missions along
> the periphery of NATO airspace, often in very close formation. This
> sometimes led to unofficial communication between the two sides.
> According to one RAF Phantom pilot:
> In the daytime the mission was straightforward, and there was time for
> a little play with the "Bears". As far as the Soviets went, this got a
> little out of hand, for they started putting a KGB officer on board to
> stop the crew waving at us.
> Close-up of the tail of a Tu-95Some "Bear" variants had a crawl way
> between the front and back compartments -- a long and uncomfortable
> journey that involved clambering over unprotected wing spars and other
> obstructions. We soon worked out that by moving our jet forwards and
> backwards we could get this poor idiot to spend hours crawling back
> and forth down this tunnel, just to stop the crew from waving at us.
> [4

ingineru din vancouver (...@yahoo.com, IP: 207.232.97...)
2007-07-19 19:12
Re: Banuiesc ca pilotii RAF vedeau prin aluminiu... mostra de ironie quebecoasa ? :-)

Pt. cultura ta generala, structura unui Tu-95 (proiectat tocmai in anii 50) nu era chiar asa un secret pt. oricare din fortele aeriene NATO ale anilor 80-90. In definitiv n-ar fi avut la dispozitie decat vreo 30 de ani (minimum) pt. a se familiariza cu ea...

La 2007-07-19 16:32:51, Ratacitul a scris:

> Banuiesc ca pilotii RAF vedeau prin aluminiu si citeau la prima pana
> rapoartele KGB.
> Ai si de Fratii Grimm?
> ========================
> La 2007-07-19 15:17:46, Mos Grigore a scris:
> > ............................................Western fighters were
> > often sent to intercept Tu-95s as they performed their missions along
> > the periphery of NATO airspace, often in very close formation. This
> > sometimes led to unofficial communication between the two sides.
> > According to one RAF Phantom pilot:
> >
> > In the daytime the mission was straightforward, and there was time for
> > a little play with the "Bears". As far as the Soviets went, this got a
> > little out of hand, for they started putting a KGB officer on board to
> > stop the crew waving at us.
> >
> >
> > Close-up of the tail of a Tu-95Some "Bear" variants had a crawl way
> > between the front and back compartments -- a long and uncomfortable
> > journey that involved clambering over unprotected wing spars and other
> > obstructions. We soon worked out that by moving our jet forwards and
> > backwards we could get this poor idiot to spend hours crawling back
> > and forth down this tunnel, just to stop the crew from waving at us.
> > [4
> >
> >

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2007-07-19 19:45
ma tem ca trebe' sa-ti desenez ca de inteles....NEAM

uite si fratii GRIMM, daca esti stare sa citesti...........


La 2007-07-19 16:32:51, Ratacitul a scris:

> Banuiesc ca pilotii RAF vedeau prin aluminiu si citeau la prima pana
> rapoartele KGB.
> Ai si de Fratii Grimm?
> ========================
> La 2007-07-19 15:17:46, Mos Grigore a scris:
> > ............................................Western fighters were
> > often sent to intercept Tu-95s as they performed their missions along
> > the periphery of NATO airspace, often in very close formation. This
> > sometimes led to unofficial communication between the two sides.
> > According to one RAF Phantom pilot:
> >
> > In the daytime the mission was straightforward, and there was time for
> > a little play with the "Bears". As far as the Soviets went, this got a
> > little out of hand, for they started putting a KGB officer on board to
> > stop the crew waving at us.
> >
> >
> > Close-up of the tail of a Tu-95Some "Bear" variants had a crawl way
> > between the front and back compartments -- a long and uncomfortable
> > journey that involved clambering over unprotected wing spars and other
> > obstructions. We soon worked out that by moving our jet forwards and
> > backwards we could get this poor idiot to spend hours crawling back
> > and forth down this tunnel, just to stop the crew from waving at us.
> > [4
> >
> >

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