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  Nr. 3803 de luni, 11 decembrie 2006 
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evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.108.10...)
2006-12-11 14:53
Se misca ceva in Iran?!

Students try to disrupt Iran president's speech

Several dozen students call 'death to the dictator,' burn Ahmadinejad's photos in bid to disrupt his speech Monday

Reuters Published: 12.11.06, 14:23

Dozens of Iranian students burned pictures of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and threw firecrackers in an effort to disrupt his speech at a university on Monday, a presidential office spokesman said.

It was first time the president, elected in a landslide in June 2005, had faced such open hostility at a public event. But the spokesman said Ahmadinejad was not deterred and completed his address at Tehran's Amir Kabir University.

"While he was speaking today they tried to interrupt but they couldn't and they even burned his pictures while he was speaking and they threw firecrackers but Ahmadinejad continued his speech," the spokesman said.

He said 50 to 60 students were involved and confirmed local news agency reports they had chanted "death to the dictator" and that scuffles had broken out between pro- and anti-Ahmadinejad students at the event.

'Prepared to be burned for freedom'

The ISNA students' news agency said Ahmadinejad had responded to the burning of his pictures by saying: "Everyone should know that Ahmadinejad is prepared to be burned in the path of true freedom, independence and justice."

The semi-official Fars news agency said supporters of the president had prevented the protesters from approaching the podium where the president was speaking and chanted: "Ahmadi, Ahmadi, we support you."

Ahmadinejad told the students: "The minority group which says there is no freedom of speech are not allowing the majority to hear my remarks," Fars said.

Ahmadinejad's policies draw strong reactions from his supporters and opponents alike.

The president, who pledged to share out Iran's oil wealth more fairly when he swept to office, draws enthusiastic crowds particularly in poor provinces where he regular holds rallies.

But a squeeze on press freedoms and clampdown on student activists at universities has drawn strong criticism from those who back reforms in the Islamic Republic. His spending policies have been blamed by critics for inflating prices.

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2006-12-11 15:38
Re: Se misca ceva in Iran?!

Cinste lor ! Sa traiasca 100 de ani ! Acesti oameni trebuie ajutati.

La 2006-12-11 14:53:47, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Students try to disrupt Iran president's speech
> Several dozen students call 'death to the dictator,' burn
> Ahmadinejad's photos in bid to disrupt his speech Monday
> Reuters Published: 12.11.06, 14:23
> Dozens of Iranian students burned pictures of President Mahmoud
> Ahmadinejad and threw firecrackers in an effort to disrupt his speech
> at a university on Monday, a presidential office spokesman said.
> It was first time the president, elected in a landslide in June 2005,
> had faced such open hostility at a public event. But the spokesman
> said Ahmadinejad was not deterred and completed his address at
> Tehran's Amir Kabir University.
> "While he was speaking today they tried to interrupt but they couldn't
> and they even burned his pictures while he was speaking and they threw
> firecrackers but Ahmadinejad continued his speech," the spokesman
> said.
> He said 50 to 60 students were involved and confirmed local news
> agency reports they had chanted "death to the dictator" and that
> scuffles had broken out between pro- and anti-Ahmadinejad students at
> the event.
> 'Prepared to be burned for freedom'
> The ISNA students' news agency said Ahmadinejad had responded to the
> burning of his pictures by saying: "Everyone should know that
> Ahmadinejad is prepared to be burned in the path of true freedom,
> independence and justice."
> The semi-official Fars news agency said supporters of the president
> had prevented the protesters from approaching the podium where the
> president was speaking and chanted: "Ahmadi, Ahmadi, we support you."
> Ahmadinejad told the students: "The minority group which says there is
> no freedom of speech are not allowing the majority to hear my
> remarks," Fars said.
> Ahmadinejad's policies draw strong reactions from his supporters and
> opponents alike.
> The president, who pledged to share out Iran's oil wealth more fairly
> when he swept to office, draws enthusiastic crowds particularly in
> poor provinces where he regular holds rallies.
> But a squeeze on press freedoms and clampdown on student activists at
> universities has drawn strong criticism from those who back reforms in
> the Islamic Republic. His spending policies have been blamed by
> critics for inflating prices.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.241...)
2006-12-11 15:43
Re: Se misca!

Am inceput sa vad in ultimul timp articole care descriu situatzia din Iran in urmatorii termeni:

1. Criza demografica - populatzia a inceput sa scada, dupa unii analisti armata iraniana ar putea ajunge la mai putzin de jumatate in cca o generatzia. Asta ar fi unul din motivele pentru care Ahmedinejad a cerut femeilor persane intr-un recent discurs sa nasca cat mai multzi copii, promitzand ca statul va sprijini familiile.

2. Somaj de 30-40%

3. Rezervele de petrol au inceput sa scada, exportul iranian scade cam cu 14% pe an (dupa declaratziile ministerului iranian responsabil in materie). La ora actuala Iranul produce cu 5% mai putzin decat ii permite norma OPEC.

4. Bursa: In timp ce bursele din Vest si Asia prospera in ultimii 2 ani, bursa iraniana a scazut cu 30% si cine poate, investeste in strainatate.

La 2006-12-11 14:53:47, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Students try to disrupt Iran president's speech
> Several dozen students call 'death to the dictator,' burn
> Ahmadinejad's photos in bid to disrupt his speech Monday
> Reuters Published: 12.11.06, 14:23
> Dozens of Iranian students burned pictures of President Mahmoud
> Ahmadinejad and threw firecrackers in an effort to disrupt his speech
> at a university on Monday, a presidential office spokesman said.
> It was first time the president, elected in a landslide in June 2005,
> had faced such open hostility at a public event. But the spokesman
> said Ahmadinejad was not deterred and completed his address at
> Tehran's Amir Kabir University.
> "While he was speaking today they tried to interrupt but they couldn't
> and they even burned his pictures while he was speaking and they threw
> firecrackers but Ahmadinejad continued his speech," the spokesman
> said.
> He said 50 to 60 students were involved and confirmed local news
> agency reports they had chanted "death to the dictator" and that
> scuffles had broken out between pro- and anti-Ahmadinejad students at
> the event.
> 'Prepared to be burned for freedom'
> The ISNA students' news agency said Ahmadinejad had responded to the
> burning of his pictures by saying: "Everyone should know that
> Ahmadinejad is prepared to be burned in the path of true freedom,
> independence and justice."
> The semi-official Fars news agency said supporters of the president
> had prevented the protesters from approaching the podium where the
> president was speaking and chanted: "Ahmadi, Ahmadi, we support you."
> Ahmadinejad told the students: "The minority group which says there is
> no freedom of speech are not allowing the majority to hear my
> remarks," Fars said.
> Ahmadinejad's policies draw strong reactions from his supporters and
> opponents alike.
> The president, who pledged to share out Iran's oil wealth more fairly
> when he swept to office, draws enthusiastic crowds particularly in
> poor provinces where he regular holds rallies.
> But a squeeze on press freedoms and clampdown on student activists at
> universities has drawn strong criticism from those who back reforms in
> the Islamic Republic. His spending policies have been blamed by
> critics for inflating prices.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.241...)
2006-12-11 16:13
Re: Cocos

Ah, ce echilibrat esti.... Cum ai de gand sa-i ajutzi?

La 2006-12-11 15:38:14, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Cinste lor ! Sa traiasca 100 de ani ! Acesti oameni trebuie ajutati.
> La 2006-12-11 14:53:47, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > Students try to disrupt Iran president's speech
> >
> > Several dozen students call 'death to the dictator,' burn
> > Ahmadinejad's photos in bid to disrupt his speech Monday
> >
> > Reuters Published: 12.11.06, 14:23
> >
> > Dozens of Iranian students burned pictures of President Mahmoud
> > Ahmadinejad and threw firecrackers in an effort to disrupt his speech
> > at a university on Monday, a presidential office spokesman said.
> >
> > It was first time the president, elected in a landslide in June 2005,
> > had faced such open hostility at a public event. But the spokesman
> > said Ahmadinejad was not deterred and completed his address at
> > Tehran's Amir Kabir University.
> >
> > "While he was speaking today they tried to interrupt but they couldn't
> > and they even burned his pictures while he was speaking and they threw
> > firecrackers but Ahmadinejad continued his speech," the spokesman
> > said.
> >
> >
> >
> > He said 50 to 60 students were involved and confirmed local news
> > agency reports they had chanted "death to the dictator" and that
> > scuffles had broken out between pro- and anti-Ahmadinejad students at
> > the event.
> >
> > 'Prepared to be burned for freedom'
> >
> > The ISNA students' news agency said Ahmadinejad had responded to the
> > burning of his pictures by saying: "Everyone should know that
> > Ahmadinejad is prepared to be burned in the path of true freedom,
> > independence and justice."
> >
> >
> >
> > The semi-official Fars news agency said supporters of the president
> > had prevented the protesters from approaching the podium where the
> > president was speaking and chanted: "Ahmadi, Ahmadi, we support you."
> >
> >
> > Ahmadinejad told the students: "The minority group which says there is
> > no freedom of speech are not allowing the majority to hear my
> > remarks," Fars said.
> >
> > Ahmadinejad's policies draw strong reactions from his supporters and
> > opponents alike.
> >
> > The president, who pledged to share out Iran's oil wealth more fairly
> > when he swept to office, draws enthusiastic crowds particularly in
> > poor provinces where he regular holds rallies.
> >
> > But a squeeze on press freedoms and clampdown on student activists at
> > universities has drawn strong criticism from those who back reforms in
> > the Islamic Republic. His spending policies have been blamed by
> > critics for inflating prices.
> >

Sobru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.137.60...)
2006-12-11 18:23
Re: Se misca ceva in Iran?!

Asta dovedeste ca Iranul este iata, o democratie... la fel ca Israel.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.241...)
2006-12-11 19:26
Re: Sobru

Iranul este o democratzie foarte potrivita pentru tine din punct de vedere ideologic.

La 2006-12-11 18:23:23, Sobru a scris:

> Asta dovedeste ca Iranul este iata, o democratie... la fel ca Israel.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.108.10...)
2006-12-11 19:27
Re: Se misca ceva in Iran?!

Sigur ca e democratie, intreaba-l pe Salman Rushdi...

La 2006-12-11 18:23:23, Sobru a scris:

> Asta dovedeste ca Iranul este iata, o democratie... la fel ca Israel.

Mache din Illinois (...@sbcglobal.net, IP: 12.2.142...)
2006-12-11 19:56
Re: Cocos

Roy, ideea era sa-i ajutati voi:) Vrei sa spui ca aviatia voastra nu bate pana-n Iran?

La 2006-12-11 16:13:20, roy a scris:

> Ah, ce echilibrat esti.... Cum ai de gand sa-i ajutzi?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2006-12-11 15:38:14, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > Cinste lor ! Sa traiasca 100 de ani ! Acesti oameni trebuie ajutati.
> >
> > La 2006-12-11 14:53:47, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> >
> > > Students try to disrupt Iran president's speech
> > >
> > > Several dozen students call 'death to the dictator,' burn
> > > Ahmadinejad's photos in bid to disrupt his speech Monday
> > >
> > > Reuters Published: 12.11.06, 14:23
> > >
> > > Dozens of Iranian students burned pictures of President Mahmoud
> > > Ahmadinejad and threw firecrackers in an effort to disrupt his speech
> > > at a university on Monday, a presidential office spokesman said.
> > >
> > > It was first time the president, elected in a landslide in June 2005,
> > > had faced such open hostility at a public event. But the spokesman
> > > said Ahmadinejad was not deterred and completed his address at
> > > Tehran's Amir Kabir University.
> > >
> > > "While he was speaking today they tried to interrupt but they couldn't
> > > and they even burned his pictures while he was speaking and they threw
> > > firecrackers but Ahmadinejad continued his speech," the spokesman
> > > said.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > He said 50 to 60 students were involved and confirmed local news
> > > agency reports they had chanted "death to the dictator" and that
> > > scuffles had broken out between pro- and anti-Ahmadinejad students at
> > > the event.
> > >
> > > 'Prepared to be burned for freedom'
> > >
> > > The ISNA students' news agency said Ahmadinejad had responded to the
> > > burning of his pictures by saying: "Everyone should know that
> > > Ahmadinejad is prepared to be burned in the path of true freedom,
> > > independence and justice."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > The semi-official Fars news agency said supporters of the president
> > > had prevented the protesters from approaching the podium where the
> > > president was speaking and chanted: "Ahmadi, Ahmadi, we support you."
> > >
> > >
> > > Ahmadinejad told the students: "The minority group which says there is
> > > no freedom of speech are not allowing the majority to hear my
> > > remarks," Fars said.
> > >
> > > Ahmadinejad's policies draw strong reactions from his supporters and
> > > opponents alike.
> > >
> > > The president, who pledged to share out Iran's oil wealth more fairly
> > > when he swept to office, draws enthusiastic crowds particularly in
> > > poor provinces where he regular holds rallies.
> > >
> > > But a squeeze on press freedoms and clampdown on student activists at
> > > universities has drawn strong criticism from those who back reforms in
> > > the Islamic Republic. His spending policies have been blamed by
> > > critics for inflating prices.
> > >
> >
> >

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.254.193...)
2006-12-11 21:01
Re: Cocos

La 2006-12-11 19:56:57, Mache a scris:

> Roy, ideea era sa-i ajutati voi:) Vrei sa spui ca aviatia voastra nu
> bate pana-n Iran?

De ce inveti omul la prostii , asa pretin ii esti? Ce sa caute aviatia lor in Iran?

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