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  Nr. 3803 de luni, 11 decembrie 2006 
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CONU (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.45.143...)
2006-12-11 01:18

G. SOROS, este un caz unic in istoria financiaro-mafiota.

ingineru din vancouver (...@yahoo.com, IP: 154.5.86...)
2006-12-11 05:45
Re: SOROS "filantropul MARIHUANEI si-al PROSTITUTIEI"... alt admirator al "socialismului luminat"...

... cu limuzina la scara.

Capitalismul si America ii put, insa n-a avut nici o problema sa se umple de bani de pe urma lor.
Un ipocrit din aceeasi categorie cu Ted Turner (ex CNN) insa cu infinit mai multe parale...

La 2006-12-11 01:18:11, CONU a scris:

> G. SOROS, este un caz unic in istoria financiaro-mafiota.

moroianu (...@k.ro, IP: 89.122.217...)
2006-12-11 07:42
Re: Pentru coerenta discutiei: ati putea argumenta pe scurt...

1. De ce este George Soros "filantropul marijuanei si al prostitutiei"?

2. Cand s-a declarat el "admirator al socialismului luminat"?

La 2006-12-11 05:45:36, ingineru a scris:

> ... cu limuzina la scara.
> Capitalismul si America ii put, insa n-a avut nici o problema sa se
> umple de bani de pe urma lor.
> Un ipocrit din aceeasi categorie cu Ted Turner (ex CNN) insa cu
> infinit mai multe parale...
> La 2006-12-11 01:18:11, CONU a scris:
> > G. SOROS, este un caz unic in istoria financiaro-mafiota.
> >
> >

Robin din http://www.ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 68.110.67...)
2006-12-11 11:13
Re: Pentru coerenta discutiei: ati putea argumenta pe scurt... - Try this:

La 2006-12-11 07:42:26, moroianu a scris:

> 2. Cand s-a declarat el "admirator al socialismului luminat"?


Reforming Global Capitalism

Ai 29 de Customer Reviews din care sa te documentezi - asta daca cartea n-o fi aparut si prin Romania. Daca e dupa subiect, nu m-as mira prea tare.

Here's a good one:

One of Soros' most compelling arguments comes out of his experiences during the 90's- mostly during the Clinton years- that the Open Society should take an active role in becoming a strong advocate for creating nascent Open societies in areas of political and economic strife. He berates America (as the leader of the free world) for not taking an active role in promoting stable and fair markets in Russia, and not doing enough to prevent the tragedies in the Balkans. He even goes as far as to say that America should step up and become the "policeman of the world".

Then again... isnt that exactly what he's spent the years after this book was authored trying to stop in his attacks on the campaign of George W Bush? Soros is fascinating in the sense that he feels perfectly comfortable documenting his complete ineptitude at coming up with theories about world politics. He even deconstructs his earlier writings, pointing out his flaws, suggesting that the fact that he can be falsified reinforces his self-title as thoretician.

Soros makes the bold claim that if you can get people to agree with you, you can make money off them on the upside, and then make money off them on the downside as long as you don't continue believing your own guff past the sell-by date. He defends this as moral, because it is playing by the rules. He trumpets his years of philanthropy as the justification for a life spent in raiding the economies of the world.

This is a book well-worth reading, and attempting to understand, because he makes/confirms his own point about the evils of market fundamentalism in autobiography. It is an expose on the evils of self-deception and over-reliance on the rules of the game to create morality. Laws and civility, like economics, do not construct good morals and ethics. He leaves himself lost, essentially falling into recourse to a higher power (of a more perfect UN or WTO or IMF, rather than a deity), but calling upon a higher power nonetheless to check the excesses of which has been his daily bread and butter for fifty years.

moroianu (...@k.ro, IP: 89.122.218...)
2006-12-11 11:25
Re: Robin: M-ai facut sa-mi pierd cel putin 5 minute...

... citind un "customer review" rauvoitor si confuz, in care termenul "socialism" (ca sa nu mai vorbim de "socialism luminat") nu aparea
nici o singura data!
Iar asta dupa ce incepeai prin a-mi cita intrebarea care NU-ti era adresata.
De ce-ai simtit nevoia sa-mi demonstrezi inca o data ca esti un om profund incorect?

La 2006-12-11 11:13:12, Robin a scris:

> La 2006-12-11 07:42:26, moroianu a scris:
> > 2. Cand s-a declarat el "admirator al socialismului luminat"?
> http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-reviews/1586480197/ref=cm_cr_dp_2_1/103-7598355-1278251?ie=UTF8&customer-reviews.sort%5Fby=-SubmissionDate&n=283155
> Reforming Global Capitalism
> Ai 29 de Customer Reviews din care sa te documentezi - asta daca
> cartea n-o fi aparut si prin Romania. Daca e dupa subiect, nu m-as
> mira prea tare.
> Here's a good one:
> One of Soros' most compelling arguments comes out of his experiences
> during the 90's- mostly during the Clinton years- that the Open
> Society should take an active role in becoming a strong advocate for
> creating nascent Open societies in areas of political and economic
> strife. He berates America (as the leader of the free world) for not
> taking an active role in promoting stable and fair markets in Russia,
> and not doing enough to prevent the tragedies in the Balkans. He even
> goes as far as to say that America should step up and become the
> "policeman of the world".
> Then again... isnt that exactly what he's spent the years after this
> book was authored trying to stop in his attacks on the campaign of
> George W Bush? Soros is fascinating in the sense that he feels
> perfectly comfortable documenting his complete ineptitude at coming up
> with theories about world politics. He even deconstructs his earlier
> writings, pointing out his flaws, suggesting that the fact that he can
> be falsified reinforces his self-title as thoretician.
> Soros makes the bold claim that if you can get people to agree with
> you, you can make money off them on the upside, and then make money
> off them on the downside as long as you don't continue believing your
> own guff past the sell-by date. He defends this as moral, because it
> is playing by the rules. He trumpets his years of philanthropy as the
> justification for a life spent in raiding the economies of the world.
> This is a book well-worth reading, and attempting to understand,
> because he makes/confirms his own point about the evils of market
> fundamentalism in autobiography. It is an expose on the evils of
> self-deception and over-reliance on the rules of the game to create
> morality. Laws and civility, like economics, do not construct good
> morals and ethics. He leaves himself lost, essentially falling into
> recourse to a higher power (of a more perfect UN or WTO or IMF, rather
> than a deity), but calling upon a higher power nonetheless to check
> the excesses of which has been his daily bread and butter for fifty
> years.

Robin din http://www.ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 68.110.67...)
2006-12-11 11:55
Iar te dai lovit in haripa...

La 2006-12-11 11:25:16, moroianu a scris:

> ... citind un "customer review" rauvoitor si confuz, in care
> termenul "socialism" (ca sa nu mai vorbim de "socialism luminat") nu
> aparea
> nici o singura data!
> Iar asta dupa ce incepeai prin a-mi cita intrebarea care NU-ti
> era adresata.
> De ce-ai simtit nevoia sa-mi demonstrezi inca o data ca esti
> un om profund incorect?

Nu ti-am raspuns tie, draga, ci cititorilor. Cineva si-a exprimat o opinie, iar tu te-ai prezentat prompt sa sadesti un simbure de indoiala in inimile lor sensibile. Cum persoana respectiva nu era momentan de fata, am considerat ca e corect sa vin si eu cu my 2 cents. Nu-sh dac-ai observat, da' asa merg treburile pe aici.

Cit priveste "socialismul luminat", nu mai era nevoie sa-mi demonstrezi ca ai tot atita umor cit o scrumbie. Omul (Soros) vrea control guvernamental al economiei (nici macar nationale, ci mondiale!). Daca asta nu e socialism luminat, atunci ce e?

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