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  Nr. 3688 de sambata, 29 iulie 2006 
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Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2006-07-29 17:48
AIA staff: Heads of two Romanian intelligence services...



<< Heads of two Romanian intelligence services to remain on duty until Parliament considers their resignation July 27, the joint permanent bureaus of the Senate and of the Deputies&#8217; Chamber decided that Radu TIMOFTE, the SRI (the Romanian Information Service) director, and Gheorghe FULGA,

BASESCU in the centre of dispute the SIE (the External Information Service) director, would remain on the same positions until the Parliament would consider their resignation, the Jurnalul NATIONAL writes today.

The paper comments that the President Traian Basescu didn' t want to punish the people responsible for the disappearance of businessman HAYSSAM accused of having orchestrated the operation

... in which three Romanian journalists were kidnapped last year in Iraq, but he wanted &#8220;to launch a smoke bomb, which was proved afterwards by the disappearance of the Virgil Ardeleanu (army intelligence chief) character&#8221;.

Radu TIMOFTE and Gheorghe FULGA have to come in front of the Parliament and explain their decisions, the daily says.

Otherwise, the suspicion that Traian BASESCU blackmailed the two leaders of the information services to determine them to resign could be seen as TRUE. The weekly Prezent also comments on the Hayssam flight scandal and the involvement in the affair of the Romanian intelligence services, especially those of the army.

This was the perfect motive for President Traian Basescu to ask for the resignations of the heads of three secret services and the general prosecutor. The four on the one hand, the media and the political class on the other, are trying to find justification, explanations and solutions for getting through the crisis.

According to a variant also confirmed by official sources, that wish to remain anonymous, the tremor was caused by the army' s SECRET SERVICE.

This secret service has continuously monitored the Hayssam affair and presented to Basescu ALL the unorthodox iINTERFERENCES of the 3 Secret Services and the General Prosecutors' Office in Hayssam's flight.

The COMPROMISING information provided by the Defense Ministry' s General Intelligence Department (DGIA) seems to refer to certain corruption affairs and connections to the previous disappearance of former Deputy Ristea Priboi.

This hypothesis implies that the big winner of the Hayssam scandal is the army' s secret service, the paper notes.

Shedding a NEGATIVE LIGHT on the other Intelligence Services, the DGIA is re-establishing itself in front of the head of state and repairing its image, which has been seriously weakened by the statements made by Minister of Defense Teodor Atanasiu.

Alleged Securitate collaborator says he did his duty during communism

Romanian Conservative leader Dan VOICULESCU was heard yesterday by the Council for the Study of the SECURITATE Archives (CNSAS) in Bucharest

... with regard to the body's ruling on the politician' s PAST collaboration with the former secret communist police, the SECURITATE, Bucharest Daily News writes today.

VOICULESCU said he tried to shed light on the circumstances under communism, stressing that he has explained to the members of the council the difference between doing political police activities and being an INFORMANT of the SECURITATE.

CNSAS members heard him for about an hour.
Voiculescu told the press the hearing did not bring to light any new elements; he added that, back then, he did his duty for the country from all perspectives.

Voiculescu told journalists that he answered the questions of all the council's members, except for those posed by MIRCEA DINESCU.

Relationships between writer and POET DINESCU and capricious politician Voiculescu have been tense in recent days.

The latter was accused of having had close ties with the former secret communist police, the Securitate, and has claimed that DINESCU is responsible for making public information on this issue.

Dinescu said last week that VOICULESCU' s lawyer is making "ridiculous" accusations, explaining that the information publicized about the Conservative leader, a rich media mogul in the country, was the result of OPENING his Securitate FILE.

Conservative lawyer SERGIU ANDON, who last week submitted a request to temporarily revoke Dinescu from the body, filed a complaint yesterday against the body' s ruling on Voculescu' s PAST.

The body's spokesman, CAZIMIR IONESCU, said yesterday that the council might give a ruling in Voiculescu' s CASE BEFORE August 4.

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