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  Nr. 3607 de sambata, 22 aprilie 2006 
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2006-04-22 01:28:29

Iranul e pregatit !

A cumparat malai sa o puna de mamaliga si griu pt coliva.

Gogu Dema
2006-04-22 03:45:00

Toti arabii stiu

2006-04-22 04:20:58

Re: Toti arabii stiu

cosor ion
2006-04-22 05:47:07

Re: Toti arabii stiu

2006-04-25 10:41:10

Abraham Lincoln despre "preventive war"

In February 1848 Rep. Abraham Lincoln explained his opposition to the Mexican War: "Allow the President to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose -- and you allow him to make war at pleasure [emphasis added]. . . . If, today, he should choose to say he thinks it necessary to invade Canada to prevent the British from invading us, how could you stop him? You may say to him, 'I see no probability of the British invading us'; but he will say to you, 'Be silent; I see it, if you don't.' "

evreu mandru din israel
2006-04-25 10:59:01

Re: Abraham Lincoln despre "preventive war"

2006-04-25 11:54:17


Iraul nu este populat de arabi, inteleg sa faca aceasta gresala poetul Dinescu dar matale????

2006-04-25 13:50:10

Re: Abraham Lincoln nu avea alternative

Gogu Dema
2006-04-25 16:28:48

Re: Re:Gogu

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