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  Nr. 3602 de luni, 17 aprilie 2006 
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anonymous din No Man's Land (...@gmail.com, IP: 68.149.215...)
2006-04-17 19:45
Russian roulette in Gaza? teroarea israeliana

Six Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations on Sunday petitioned the High Court of Justice to instruct the army to cancel an order reducing the "safety margin" for IDF artillery and tank gunners from 300 meters to 100 meters from civilian targets in the Gaza Strip.

Attorney Michael Sfard, who is representing the petitioners, asked the court for an immediate hearing to prevent any more Palestinian casualties due to the army's new policy, which was allegedly introduced to stop Kassam attacks by Palestinian terrorists against targets inside Israel. However, Supreme Court Justice Asher Grunis gave the state a week to reply and did not set a time for the court hearing despite the petitioners' request.

In the petition, Sfard charged that "the army is playing Russian roulette with the lives of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by deliberately including them within the firing range. The question of whether civilians, including entire families, will be harmed depends on variables over which the army has no control."

The change in the safety range from 300 to 100 meters caused last week's bombing of a Gaza Strip home which killed seven-year-old Hadil Ghaban and wounded 12 members of her family, Sfard charged. He added that dozens of shells had fallen close to Palestinian homes during recent IDF bombardments.

According to Sfard, the army's policy violates international humanitarian law, which calls on it to make a clear distinction between fighters and civilians, to keep its response to an attack within proper proportions, and to use force with caution.


Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2006-04-17 21:29
Re: Russian roulette in Gaza? teroarea israeliana. FUGI CU BULL-ul!

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