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  Nr. 3602 de luni, 17 aprilie 2006 
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Omul cu Picioare foarte Paroase din Bimbilezia Meridionala (...@aust.net, IP: 211.27.248...)
2006-04-17 15:14
...author warns about crimes committed by members of the Romanian community in Australia.. Wowsers..

.. so.. the best defense - for a team of communist / PSD political zombies... Fulga, Grecea & Markakis - should be an attack... against a nameless, shapeless entity.. who can not defend itself.. the Australian Romanian Community - who rejected them - as what they are, at the face value... dirt - human, social and political...

Well, Mr. Fulga... the future of Mr. Grecea is clear.. YOURS is in balance... The law in Australia - punishes the slander.. therefore I think that you are going to give account in front of an Australian judge - about insults and slander against a whole community... i.e. the Romanian Community of an Australian background from Sydney... Think about it... It's coming...

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