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  Nr. 3600 de vineri, 14 aprilie 2006 
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Omul cu Picioare foarte Paroase
2006-04-14 18:23:16

Well..Dramatic ‘Churchill in straitjacket' statue challenges mental health..

... and our understanding regarding the Yalta Convention...

For 45 years - Romania suffered the slavery of communism and Russian invasion and dictatorship - due to a Decision scribbled on a napkin by the Prim-Minister Churchill...in spite of being allies, and fighting against nazi Germany together with the Allies... We've lost as well Bassarabia.. and that Republic of Moldova today, stands for half of the lost territory.. Mr. Churchill sold us to Stalin... So morals, coming from the part of a Mr. Gallagher on what should be done with the "communist condemnation" are more than hypocrite and tendentious.. Are insulting...

And what about Churchill in straitjacket ?

A mental health charity defended its creation of a statue of Winston Churchill in a straitjacket, saying it wanted to "portray a more positive image of people with mental illness".

The statue of Churchill, who suffered from depression, was unveiled in the centre of Norwich in March 2006 as part of a continuing campaign by the charity Rethink.

The statue was unveiled by Norwich North Labour MP Dr Ian Gibson and Rethink chief executive Cliff Prior.

Rethink said Churchill was chosen because despite evidence of his mental health he was able to become Prime Minister and lead Britain to victory over Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

So WHAT should we think about your comments regarding the judgement of the communist era in Romania - Mr. Gallagher ?

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