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  Nr. 3597 de marti, 11 aprilie 2006 
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roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 83.130.79...)
2006-04-11 18:51
Anuntzul lui Ahmadinejad asta seara


TEHRAN: Iranians will hear ‘good news’ on their country’s atomic programme on Tuesday night, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency.

“After hearing all the good news on Tuesday night, Iranians should prostrate themselves before almighty God,” he said in Mashhad on Monday night.

A conservative newspaper close to key officials has speculated the news would be that Iran had enriched uranium to the 3.5 percent level needed for fuel to run nuclear power stations.

A reporter for the Arabic-language Al-Arabiya satellite channel said Iran had already successfully achieved this level of enrichment, but did not give a source.

Iranian officials could not immediately comment on this report. Iran has been referred to the UN Security Council after failing to convince the international community that its scientists are enriching uranium for power stations, and not for weapons

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