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  Nr. 3594 de vineri, 7 aprilie 2006 
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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 213.22.126...)
2006-04-07 13:36
Katty, in sfirsit Libby a ciripit precum John Dean in timpul Watergate-ului

Iti mai aduci aminte de figura lui Bush cind a fost intrebat pentru prima oara daca stie ceva? "If anyone has made public classified information I would like to know too..." "We will catch him"... Well, Libby n-a mai vrut sa fie tap ispasitor si a povestit povestea asa cum s-a intimplat ea....Urmareste continuarea ca va fi interesanta....

Published on Thursday, April 6, 2006 by the National Journal
Libby Says Bush Authorized Leaks
by Murray Waas

Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff has testified that President Bush authorized him to disclose the contents of a highly classified intelligence assessment to the media to defend the Bush administration's decision to go to war with Iraq, according to papers filed in federal court on Wednesday by Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby testified to a federal grand jury that he had received "approval from the President through the Vice President" to divulge portions of a National Intelligence Estimate regarding Saddam Hussein's purported efforts to develop nuclear weapons, according to the court papers. Libby was said to have testified that such presidential authorization to disclose classified information was "unique in his recollection," the court papers further said.

Libby also testified that an administration lawyer told him that Bush, by authorizing the disclosure of classified information, had in effect declassified the information. Legal experts disagree on whether the president has the authority to declassify information on his own.

The White House had no immediate reaction to the court filing.

Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 213.22.126...)
2006-04-07 16:35
Re: Pe Nixon nu razboiul l-a doborit ci MINCIUNA!!!!! Proaspat si de la AP

Papers: Cheney Aide Says Bush OK'd Leak

WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice President Dick Cheney's former top aide told prosecutors that President Bush authorized a leak of sensitive intelligence information about Iraq, according to court papers filed by prosecutors in the CIA leak case.

The filing by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald also describes Cheney involvement in I. Lewis Libby's communications with the press.

The disclosure in documents filed Wednesday means that the president and the vice president put Libby in play as a secret provider of information to reporters about prewar intelligence on Iraq.

Libby's testimony indicates both the president and the vice president authorized leaks. Bush and Cheney both have long said they abhor that practice, so much so that the administration has put in motion criminal investigations to hunt down leakers.

Libby is asking for voluminous amounts of classified information from the government in order to defend himself against five counts of perjury, obstruction and lying to the FBI in the Plame affair.

He is accused of making false statements about how he learned of Plame's CIA employment and what he told reporters about it.

Bush's political foes jumped on the revelation about Libby's testimony.

``The fact that the president was willing to reveal classified information for political gain and put the interests of his political party ahead of America's security shows that he can no longer be trusted to keep America safe,'' Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said.

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said, ``The more we hear, the more it is clear this goes way beyond Scooter Libby. At the very least, President Bush and Vice President Cheney should fully inform the American people of any role in allowing classified information to be leaked.''

The court filing was first disclosed by The New York Sun.

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