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  Nr. 3578 de luni, 20 martie 2006 
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evreu mandru din israel (, IP: 81.218.7...)
2006-03-20 00:25
Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

" Insa palestinienii au demonstrat de-a lungul vremii ca sunt un popor mandru, care nu cedeaza doar pentru ca adversarul este mult mai puternic din punct de vedere militar sau politic. "

Palestinienii au demonstrat un singur lucru, nu sunt dispusi la compromis, vor totul si daca nu primesc vor continua razboiul.
Va dau mai jos comentariul scris de o persoana neutrala pe care l-am preluat din ziarul "Haaretz". As mai adauga ca un popor normal nu respinge o oferta de a primi un stat pe 97% din teritoriul reclamat (asa cum le-a oferit Barak) si prefera in continuare saracia si mizeria.

"The Palestinians have basically taken an all or nothing position. Either they get almost everything they want, or the war will continue.

Or will it? Are Palestinians, living in a permanent military stranglehold, really in a position to effectively wage war?

It`s one thing to proclaim to all and sundry that you are prepared to fight to the bitter end, but as we have seen with the surrender of the PFLP men yesterday in Jericho, saying it doesn`t mean that you are actually prepared to do it!

I believe that Palestinians need a negotiated solution even more than the Jews. Israel has found a workable formula for successfully prosecuting this low intensity war, and can maintain the status quo indefinitely. Palestinians on the other hand, are financially bankrupt and increasingly incapable of striking out effectively. Simply put, the Palestinians are LOSING the war.

Fairness to Palestinians is synonymous with the destruction of Israel, so I guess that the Jews are not inclined to play "fair".

I have NEVER seen a single offer put on the table by an elected Palestinian government spelling out acceptable terms for a final status agreement with Israel, not even ONCE. In ten years of negotiations your people didn`t even try to make a firm offer.

All your people do is sit around and whine like women about what big "victims" you are. I think all of you are such pathetic little men."

akimote din MuyotoCity (...@msn.com, IP: 24.200.64...)
2006-03-20 00:53
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

Sobru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.186.129...)
2006-03-20 01:48
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

Tot pagubitul trebuie sa lase de la el, se faca compromis?
Israelul sa se retraga in granitele de la infiintare si dupa aia poate avea orice pretentii. Pana atunci, ramane ocupant, agresor si terorist, vinovat de toate consecintele.

evreu mandru din israel (, IP: 81.218.7...)
2006-03-20 08:09
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

Puiutul din Bucuresti (...@zappmobile.ro, IP: 86.120.134...)
2006-03-20 12:59
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.252.166...)
2006-03-20 13:13
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

Harbuzache din Pe langa plopi din Erlangen (...@web.de, IP: 195.93.60...)
2006-03-20 16:01
Re: evreu mandru

Eu cred ca acum se cocace buba ... cu hamas la conducere nu mai aveti scuze ca pana acum sa va purtati ca lasii.... adica aia va omoara copii in statia de autobus si voi le dati terenul cucerit cu sudoare si sange .... mare rusine pentru conducatorii israelului sa cedeze la santajul fanaticilor!

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.252.166...)
2006-03-20 17:23
Re: evreu mandru

traktorist din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2006-03-20 17:51
Re: evreu mandru

Christa (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 81.243.102...)
2006-03-20 21:21
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

Katty (...@home.com, IP: 83.252.166...)
2006-03-20 22:16
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

pt din US (...@yahoo.com, IP: 64.21.149...)
2006-03-20 22:30
Re: Ce vrea o sa primeasca...

antiohus (...@hotmail.com, IP: 85.250.176...)
2006-03-20 22:43
tante Christa

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