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  Nr. 3534 de vineri, 27 ianuarie 2006 
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2006-01-27 05:07:06

Logan was a car that could hold, four adults, a pig, a sink, and 100 kilos of potatoes"?

Q: Is it true that the original design brief you were given for the Logan was a car that could hold, "four adults, a pig, a sink, and 100 kilos of potatoes"?
A: [Laughs] Our product-planning team did research on-site in Romania. And it's true that Romanians use their cars for everything, including the transport of pigs. Until now, they have had small, poorly designed cars -- there was a real need for a car that could transport a lot of goods. The product-planning brief was a value-for-money car with a lot of space. And it had to have the stately look of a sedan.


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