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  Nr. 3502 de luni, 12 decembrie 2005 
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Morkova Vesela
2005-12-12 14:49:09

Vad ca si prin Australia si prin Franta incep sa culega turbanele mai coapte. Deci e bine!

E bine, dar se poate si mai bine.
Numai ca de la focul din UK nu sunt noutati, inca nu se stie cum l-au aprins.

Nitu Rodica
2005-12-12 15:23:57

pt. roy

La 2005-12-12 09:41:38, california a scris:

> Cum sa gestioneze?
> Nici paduri nu mai au in care sa se refugieze, ca le-au taiat, de
> holde in flacari iar n-are rost sa vorbim, ramane sa goleasca toate
> mall-urile din calea dusmanului, sa stea frumusel acasa si sa
> boceasca uitandu-se la "Stupize, stupize"!
> La 2005-12-12 06:37:25, roy a scris:
> > Uite - o alta intrebare retorica pentru domnul Grosan: hai sa zicem ca
> > romanii sant singuri intr-o viitoare posibila agresiune. Oare cum vor
> > gestiona ei agresiunea impotriva Romania? Mai bine?
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Asa ca incepi sa ai dubii: ... atunci cum va gestiona o - Doamne
> > fereste! - posibila agresiune impotriva Romaniei? Sper sa nu fie o
> > intrebare retorica, macar dupa ce mandatul lui Bush jr. si-al echipei
> > lui se va fi incheiat.
> > 
> > 
Uite ca am ajuns sa-i dau dreptate lui Ionion:la intrebarea retorica,cum se apara Romania de agresiune ,cu rticolul 5 din statutul Nato a carei membra parca suntem; sau rapspunsul meu: si daca nu pica drobul de sare, o tinem tot intr-un plans?

Giuseppe Cocos
2005-12-12 15:43:11

Re: Situatia din Irak: un sondaj recent arata un optimism surprinzator (pentru unii)

> > Foarte interesant. Irakienii au mai multa incredere in politia lor
> > decat romanii in Politia Romana.
> >
Sau chiar decit au americanii incredere in CIA si FBI-ul lor ...

Giuseppe Cocos
2005-12-12 15:55:39

"un dezastru provocat de actuala administratie americana."

Cinta prostie. Cum poate cineva sa creeze un Uragan ? Orcit de impotrivit ar fi cineva administartiei Bush, a i se reprosa ca a "provocat" uraganul Katrina, este prea mult.

Orasul New Orlean este unul din cele mai sarace orase din America. Cu putin mai rasarit decit bidonvilurile brazilene. El a fost construit, in mare parte la niveleul de 2 m. sub nivelul marii. Si asa aste inca de la infiintare. Asa ca in momentul cin care digurile s-au rupt a venit potopul. Digurile se mai rup si fara uragane. Digurile de la New Olreans erau diguri de pamint intarile de radacinile vegatatiei specifice care se planteaza pe digurile de lemn. Se pare ca problem digurilor din NO a fost cauzata in principal de subrezitea fundatie lor care era facut din piatra, nisip si lemn.

Asa ca mai lasti-o balta.

Mos Grigore
2005-12-12 16:14:50

Inca unul

Egypt Terror Suspect Faces Trial in Italy

By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer
Sun Dec 11, 1:43 PM ET

Italian police were listening as the man identified as an Egyptian radical shouted with joy while watching a video of the beheading of American Nicholas Berg by his al-Qaida captors.

"Come nearer, watch closely, this is the politics you have to follow, the politics of the sword," he advised another man as Berg's screams rang out.

"Go to hell, enemy of God, kill him, kill him, cut it well, cut off his head," he said.

Authorities say the statements recorded from phone taps and microphones show that Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, a 34-year-old Egyptian facing trial in Milan next month on terrorism charges, preached a radical form of Islam and the need to carry out holy war against Western elements.

The trial is considered one of Europe's major terrorist prosecutions in recent years. Ahmed is not only accused of terrorist crimes in Italy and of having links to cells across Europe, but he also is considered one of the masterminds of the March 11, 2004, train bombings in Madrid that killed 191 people and wounded more than 1,600.

Guido Guella, Ahmed's lawyer, said his client maintains his innocence and claims he "never had any role in any association with terrorist aims." He said the Egyptian also says he is not the person speaking on the tapes.

But prosecutors say the statements, which appear in a report prepared by Italian anti-terrorism police, are proof of Ahmed's extremist beliefs. He has been indicted on terrorism charges for allegedly planning an attack in an undisclosed location.

In the May 28, 2004, conversation about the Berg tape, Ahmed's co-defendant, 22-year-old Egyptian Yahia Ragheh — described by authorities as a would-be suicide bomber — questions Ahmed's assertions.

"It's not a sin?" he asks.

"Who said this?" Ahmed replied. "It's never a sin ... because the cause is never a sin ... Are you scared? Are you shocked?"

"No no, I think it is a sin, I only think it's a sin," Ragheh said.

"When you enter a movement it's never a sin because there's a cause, the Islamic cause, all in hell ... everyone finishes in hell, everyone. For those who wound Islam the end is this."

Ragheh's lawyer, Roberta Ligotti, did not return calls from The Associated Press seeking comment.

Berg, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, went missing April 10, 2004, after leaving his Baghdad hotel. The video that surfaced shows him in an orange jumpsuit being held by captors, then being beheaded by a man who some U.S. officials believe to be terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

The taped conversations also reveal Ahmed's alleged connection to the Madrid bombings, authorities say.

"There is something, there is something I can't hide from you," he said, lowering his voice in a conversation overheard in a Milan apartment two months after the attacks. "The Madrid attack is my project and those who died as martyrs are my dearest friends."

Spanish officials have described Ahmed as one of the March 11 ringleaders. The Italian interior minister Giuseppe Pisanu said after his arrest that Ahmed was "probably among the principal authors" of the Madrid bombings and that he was "preparing other attacks."

Officials have not said where Ahmed, who was trained in the use of explosives in the Egyptian army, was planning the attacks.

Italy handed Ahmed over to Spain last December for interrogation in the Madrid bombings and Spanish authorities sent him back to Italy in April.

Spanish Judge Juan del Olmo has filed provisional charges against him of mass murder and terrorism. It is not known when indictments may be handed down in Spain.

In the arrest warrant, del Olmo said that while living in Madrid the Egyptian "managed to take control of a small group of Arab followers, all of them with extremist Islamic ideology, supporters of jihad and Osama bin Laden."

The Italian police report alleges that Ahmed used tapes, cell phones and computers as recruitment tools in his travels across Europe. He is also accused of giving lessons on falsifying documents, computers and the need for caution in using communications.

Italian prosecutors cite the case as an example of cooperation among European law enforcement agencies, often seen as unable to coordinate their investigations because of differing laws and traditions.

"Real cooperation is the only instrument to successfully battle international terrorism," said prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli.

They say that investigations in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and Belgium have turned up evidence that a dangerous group of Islamic militants have moved into Western Europe to recruit insurgents to fight in Iraq.

Mos Grigore
2005-12-12 16:29:32

Cocoshicaaaaaaaaaaa, vad ca te pricepi si la diguri.................

La 2005-12-12 15:55:39, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

>  Cinta prostie. Cum poate cineva sa creeze un Uragan ? Orcit de
> impotrivit ar fi cineva administartiei Bush, a i se reprosa ca a
> "provocat" uraganul Katrina, este prea mult.
> Orasul New Orlean este unul din cele mai sarace orase din America. Cu
> putin mai rasarit decit bidonvilurile brazilene. El a fost construit,
> in mare parte la niveleul de 2 m. sub nivelul marii. Si asa aste inca
> de la infiintare. Asa ca in momentul cin care digurile s-au rupt a
> venit potopul. Digurile se mai rup si fara uragane.

Digurile nu s-au rupt ci au fost spalate prin deversare! erau dimensionate pentru o furtuna de gradul 3 si a venit gradul 4! Deci erau insuficient de inalte!

Digurile de la
> New Olreans erau diguri de pamint intarile de radacinile vegatatiei
> specifice care se planteaza pe digurile de lemn.

Unde dracu' ai auzit de diguri din LEMN?

Se pare ca problem
> digurilor din NO a fost cauzata in principal de subrezitea fundatie
> lor care era facut din piatra, nisip si lemn.
Alta prostie; digurile n-au nicio fundatie decit terenul natural descopertat doar de stratul vegetal, pe care se pune si se compacteaza umplutura de ce-o fi ea!
> Asa ca mai lasti-o balta.

Aici ai dreptate 

2005-12-12 16:31:46

Pina de Craciun mai scriu aici, apoi mai citesc pina la anul nou.

La 2005-12-12 15:55:39, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

>  Cinta prostie. Cum poate cineva sa creeze un Uragan ? Orcit de
> impotrivit ar fi cineva administartiei Bush, a i se reprosa ca a
> "provocat" uraganul Katrina, este prea mult.
> Orasul New Orlean este unul din cele mai sarace orase din America. Cu

De la Anul Nou am plecat in durerea mea. Cu asa ziaristi, zau ca-ti pierzi vremea, cu ce scriu ei la betzie.
Poate am sa trec la Islam sa ma iubeasca Miruna. Apoi ma inscriu in P Comunist American sa ma placa Ileana Cornea. Apoi am sa strig " hotii " ! , sa ma iubeasca Paul Goma.
Daca ma pun pe crescut iepuri, ma va iubi Ion la patrat.

Este ( NO ) orasul in care s-au bagat bani cu remorca. Toata lumea pe ajutoare si , digurile in cauza manica MILIOANE de dolari ZILNIC>. Are conducere democratica din 1944 si pina in prezent. Sint generatii intregi care nu au avut niciodata un serviciu, nu stiu sa scrie si sa citeasca, beau , drogati, destrabalari in lantz de face Sodoma un oras pasnic.

Giuseppe Cocos
2005-12-12 16:40:41

Re: Inca unul

La pirnaie cu el !

La 2005-12-12 16:14:50, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Egypt Terror Suspect Faces Trial in Italy
> By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer
> Sun Dec 11, 1:43 PM ET
> Italian police were listening as the man identified as an Egyptian
> radical shouted with joy while watching a video of the beheading of
> American Nicholas Berg by his al-Qaida captors.
> "Come nearer, watch closely, this is the politics you have to
> follow, the politics of the sword," he advised another man as
> Berg's screams rang out.
> "Go to hell, enemy of God, kill him, kill him, cut it well, cut
> off his head," he said.
> Authorities say the statements recorded from phone taps and
> microphones show that Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, a 34-year-old Egyptian
> facing trial in Milan next month on terrorism charges, preached a
> radical form of Islam and the need to carry out holy war against
> Western elements.
> The trial is considered one of Europe's major terrorist prosecutions
> in recent years. Ahmed is not only accused of terrorist crimes in
> Italy and of having links to cells across Europe, but he also is
> considered one of the masterminds of the March 11, 2004, train
> bombings in Madrid that killed 191 people and wounded more than
> 1,600.
> Guido Guella, Ahmed's lawyer, said his client maintains his innocence
> and claims he "never had any role in any association with
> terrorist aims." He said the Egyptian also says he is not the
> person speaking on the tapes.
> But prosecutors say the statements, which appear in a report prepared
> by Italian anti-terrorism police, are proof of Ahmed's extremist
> beliefs. He has been indicted on terrorism charges for allegedly
> planning an attack in an undisclosed location.
> In the May 28, 2004, conversation about the Berg tape, Ahmed's
> co-defendant, 22-year-old Egyptian Yahia Ragheh — described
> by authorities as a would-be suicide bomber — questions
> Ahmed's assertions.
> "It's not a sin?" he asks.
> "Who said this?" Ahmed replied. "It's never a sin ...
> because the cause is never a sin ... Are you scared? Are you
> shocked?"
> "No no, I think it is a sin, I only think it's a sin,"
> Ragheh said.
> "When you enter a movement it's never a sin because there's a
> cause, the Islamic cause, all in hell ... everyone finishes in hell,
> everyone. For those who wound Islam the end is this."
> Ragheh's lawyer, Roberta Ligotti, did not return calls from The
> Associated Press seeking comment.
> Berg, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, went missing April 10, 2004, after
> leaving his Baghdad hotel. The video that surfaced shows him in an
> orange jumpsuit being held by captors, then being beheaded by a man
> who some U.S. officials believe to be terror leader Abu Musab
> al-Zarqawi.
> The taped conversations also reveal Ahmed's alleged connection to the
> Madrid bombings, authorities say.
> "There is something, there is something I can't hide from
> you," he said, lowering his voice in a conversation overheard in
> a Milan apartment two months after the attacks. "The Madrid
> attack is my project and those who died as martyrs are my dearest
> friends."
> Spanish officials have described Ahmed as one of the March 11
> ringleaders. The Italian interior minister Giuseppe Pisanu said after
> his arrest that Ahmed was "probably among the principal
> authors" of the Madrid bombings and that he was "preparing
> other attacks."
> Officials have not said where Ahmed, who was trained in the use of
> explosives in the Egyptian army, was planning the attacks.
> Italy handed Ahmed over to Spain last December for interrogation in
> the Madrid bombings and Spanish authorities sent him back to Italy in
> April.
> Spanish Judge Juan del Olmo has filed provisional charges against him
> of mass murder and terrorism. It is not known when indictments may be
> handed down in Spain.
> In the arrest warrant, del Olmo said that while living in Madrid the
> Egyptian "managed to take control of a small group of Arab
> followers, all of them with extremist Islamic ideology, supporters of
> jihad and Osama bin Laden."
> The Italian police report alleges that Ahmed used tapes, cell phones
> and computers as recruitment tools in his travels across Europe. He
> is also accused of giving lessons on falsifying documents, computers
> and the need for caution in using communications.
> Italian prosecutors cite the case as an example of cooperation among
> European law enforcement agencies, often seen as unable to coordinate
> their investigations because of differing laws and traditions.
> "Real cooperation is the only instrument to successfully battle
> international terrorism," said prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli.
> They say that investigations in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and
> Belgium have turned up evidence that a dangerous group of Islamic
> militants have moved into Western Europe to recruit insurgents to
> fight in Iraq.

2005-12-12 17:12:45

Franciza U.S.A.

Cu 20 de soldati delocalizati intr-un sat nu aduci pacea si bunastarea nici macar a satului respectiv ca sa nu mai vorbim de o regiune sau o tara. Noile baze militare americane nici nu urmaresc acest lucru.
Totul seamana cu o franciza : cumperi marca, cumperi utilajele, cumperi "savoir-faire"-ul, faci ce spun sefii de la "casa mama". Doua lucruri de facut, muncesti si platesti chiria.
Epoca bazelor americane in Germania a apus. Cand 20 000 de soldati, veniti cu mame, tati, bunici, caini si pisici care faceau sa traiasca in spatele lor alti 200 000.
Poate ar trebui sa ne dam seama ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca. De exemplu... elicopterele.

Giuseppe Cocos
2005-12-12 17:34:13

Re: erata:

La 2005-12-12 15:55:39, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> New Olreans erau diguri de pamint intarile de radacinile vegatatiei
> specifice care se planteaza pe digurile de lemn.

in loc de lemn a se citii pamint.

Giuseppe Cocos
2005-12-12 17:37:24

Re: Pina de Craciun mai scriu aici, apoi mai citesc pina la anul nou.

Si zi mai tractor: daca conducerea era republicana digurile nu se rupeau ? Sau poate ca nici uraganul nu trecea pe acolo ca erau repubicanii la putere , ca de, Dumnezeu a vrut ca Bush sa vina la putere, nu ?

La 2005-12-12 16:31:46, traktorist a scris:

> La 2005-12-12 15:55:39, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> >
> > Cinta prostie. Cum poate cineva sa creeze un Uragan ? Orcit de
> > impotrivit ar fi cineva administartiei Bush, a i se reprosa ca a
> > "provocat" uraganul Katrina, este prea mult.
> >
> > Orasul New Orlean este unul din cele mai sarace orase din America. Cu
> De la Anul Nou am plecat in durerea mea. Cu asa ziaristi,
> zau ca-ti pierzi vremea, cu ce scriu ei la betzie.
> Poate am sa trec la Islam sa ma iubeasca Miruna. Apoi ma
> inscriu in P Comunist American sa ma placa Ileana Cornea.
> Apoi am sa strig " hotii " ! , sa ma iubeasca
> Paul Goma.
> Daca ma pun pe crescut iepuri, ma va iubi Ion la patrat.
> Este ( NO ) orasul in care s-au bagat bani cu remorca. Toata lumea pe ajutoare si , digurile in cauza manica MILIOANE de dolari ZILNIC>. Are conducere democratica din 1944 si pina in prezent. Sint generatii intregi care nu au avut niciodata un serviciu, nu stiu sa scrie si sa citeasca, beau , drogati, destrabalari in lantz de face Sodoma un oras pasnic.

2005-12-12 17:42:53

Si care e treaba ta, prooroc mincinos ?

La 2005-12-12 17:12:45, S a scris:

> Cu 20 de soldati delocalizati intr-un sat nu aduci pacea si bunastarea
> nici macar a satului respectiv ca sa nu mai vorbim de o regiune sau o
> tara. Noile baze militare americane nici nu urmaresc acest lucru.
> Totul seamana cu o franciza : cumperi marca, cumperi utilajele,
> cumperi "savoir-faire"-ul, faci ce spun sefii de la
> "casa mama". Doua lucruri de facut, muncesti si platesti
> chiria.
> Epoca bazelor americane in Germania a apus. Cand 20 000 de soldati,
> veniti cu mame, tati, bunici, caini si pisici care faceau sa traiasca
> in spatele lor alti 200 000.
> Poate ar trebui sa ne dam seama ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca. De
> exemplu... elicopterele.
Si ce e cu asta ?
Ti-e ciuda ? Va ameninta armonia socialista multilateral dezvoltata ?

2005-12-12 17:44:45

Re: Cocoshicaaaaaaaaaaa, vad ca te pricepi si la diguri.................

La 2005-12-12 16:29:32, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-12-12 15:55:39, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > 

Mare lucru de nu cinta dimineata de pe un dig ! Sa scoale pescarii sa se duca la pescuit. Ca daca nu se duc, vor taia cocosul.

2005-12-12 17:46:37

Re: Traktorist, eu iti tin pumnii si iti urez noroc ...

... nu stiu de ce mi-a venit sa-ti scriu asta ...
sa nu te schimbi ...

La 2005-12-12 16:31:46, traktorist a scris:

> De la Anul Nou am plecat in durerea mea. Cu asa ziaristi,
> zau ca-ti pierzi vremea, cu ce scriu ei la betzie.
> Poate am sa trec la Islam sa ma iubeasca Miruna. Apoi ma
> inscriu in P Comunist American sa ma placa Ileana Cornea.
> Apoi am sa strig " hotii " ! , sa ma iubeasca
> Paul Goma.
> Daca ma pun pe crescut iepuri, ma va iubi Ion la patrat.
>  Este ( NO ) orasul in care s-au bagat bani cu remorca. Toata lumea pe ajutoare si , digurile in cauza manica MILIOANE de dolari ZILNIC>. Are conducere democratica din 1944 si pina in prezent. Sint generatii intregi care nu au avut niciodata un serviciu, nu stiu sa scrie si sa citeasca, beau , drogati, destrabalari in lantz de face Sodoma un oras pasnic.

2005-12-12 17:47:51

Re: Sunteti da. niste vite din vie, nu?

Cred ca aia asa au vrut sa spuna.

Morkova Vesela
2005-12-12 18:38:38

Eu vad ca rusii "atrag" pana si Polul Nord Magnetic la ei, asa ca nu ma mira misculatiile cu Katrina


Eu vad ca rusii "atrag" pana si Polul Nord Magnetic la ei, asa ca nu ma mira misculatiile cu Katrina. Ei sunt pasionati de geofizica, de unde si interesul pt scoartza Pamantului, spre exemplu scoarta dinspre Prut si alte scoartze.

2005-12-12 18:51:39

Re: pt. roy

Da, dar daca inca nu stii NATO este de fapt SUA, adica americanii aia de care Grosan are mari dubii in materie de gestiune.
La 2005-12-12 15:23:57, Nitu Rodica a scris:

> La 2005-12-12 09:41:38, california a scris:
> > Cum sa gestioneze?
> > Nici paduri nu mai au in care sa se refugieze, ca le-au taiat, de
> > holde in flacari iar n-are rost sa vorbim, ramane sa goleasca toate
> > mall-urile din calea dusmanului, sa stea frumusel acasa si sa
> > boceasca uitandu-se la "Stupize, stupize"!
> > 
> > La 2005-12-12 06:37:25, roy a scris:
> > 
> > > Uite - o alta intrebare retorica pentru domnul Grosan: hai sa zicem ca
> > > romanii sant singuri intr-o viitoare posibila agresiune. Oare cum vor
> > > gestiona ei agresiunea impotriva Romania? Mai bine?
> > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Asa ca incepi sa ai dubii: ... atunci cum va gestiona o - Doamne
> > > fereste! - posibila agresiune impotriva Romaniei? Sper sa nu fie o
> > > intrebare retorica, macar dupa ce mandatul lui Bush jr. si-al echipei
> > > lui se va fi incheiat.
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> Uite ca am ajuns sa-i dau dreptate lui Ionion:la intrebarea
> retorica,cum se apara Romania de agresiune ,cu rticolul 5 din
> statutul Nato a carei membra parca suntem; sau rapspunsul meu: si
> daca nu pica drobul de sare, o tinem tot intr-un plans?

Morkova Vesela
2005-12-12 18:56:41

Tovarasi, contrarevolutia nu a castigat! Americanii au zis ca VOR veni, si deci infrangerea nu e inca definitiva

Bolshevicii mei, dragi tovarasi, contrarevolutia nu a castigat inca! Americanii au zis ca VOR veni, si deci infrangerea nu e inca definitiva,
mai este timp sa contracaram. La nevoie aruncam in lupta si metodele KGB, mai tunam niste benzina peste focul ala si alalalt, mai cu o lovitura maiastra sub centrura, vedem noi! Nu va lasati!
Am instruit comisarii cu ideologia si zvonologia sa actioneze responsabil + cu tarie bolshevica.
Lupta continua!
Nu scapa astia asa de usor de noi.

2005-12-12 19:13:48

Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed: "Go to hell, enemy of God, kill him, kill him, cut it well, cut off his head,"

cand va spun ca in Ita e nenorocire cu atatea cuiburi si bande si tot ce mai vreti in care misuna tot soiul de fanatici, ma luati drept vizionara !!!

Are proces, s-ar putea sa- "salveze" iar magistratura roshie, cu au facut cu marocanul Daki (expuls sambata trecuta!), dar de nu e condamnat, in Italia e clar ca nu ramine: EXPULSIA il asteapta.

Sa-i vedeti pe stangisti cum se trag de cap, cu drepturile omului, ce grijulii sunt sa le procure "crema" avocatilor la asasinii astia ! Daca n-ar fr de ris, e de plins de imbecilitatea si INCONSTIENTA stangistilor italieni !

La 2005-12-12 16:14:50, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Egypt Terror Suspect Faces Trial in Italy
> By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer
> Sun Dec 11, 1:43 PM ET

> Italian police were listening as the man identified as an Egyptian
> radical shouted with joy while watching a video of the beheading of
> American Nicholas Berg by his al-Qaida captors.
> "Come nearer, watch closely, this is the politics you have to
> follow, the politics of the sword," he advised another man as
> Berg's screams rang out.
> "Go to hell, enemy of God, kill him, kill him, cut it well, cut
> off his head," he said.
> Authorities say the statements recorded from phone taps and
> microphones show that Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, a 34-year-old Egyptian
> facing trial in Milan next month on terrorism charges, preached a
> radical form of Islam and the need to carry out holy war against
> Western elements.
> The trial is considered one of Europe's major terrorist prosecutions
> in recent years. Ahmed is not only accused of terrorist crimes in
> Italy and of having links to cells across Europe, but he also is
> considered one of the masterminds of the March 11, 2004, train
> bombings in Madrid that killed 191 people and wounded more than
> 1,600.
> Guido Guella, Ahmed's lawyer, said his client maintains his innocence
> and claims he "never had any role in any association with
> terrorist aims." He said the Egyptian also says he is not the
> person speaking on the tapes.
> But prosecutors say the statements, which appear in a report prepared
> by Italian anti-terrorism police, are proof of Ahmed's extremist
> beliefs. He has been indicted on terrorism charges for allegedly
> planning an attack in an undisclosed location.
> In the May 28, 2004, conversation about the Berg tape, Ahmed's
> co-defendant, 22-year-old Egyptian Yahia Ragheh — described
> by authorities as a would-be suicide bomber — questions
> Ahmed's assertions.
> "It's not a sin?" he asks.
> "Who said this?" Ahmed replied. "It's never a sin ...
> because the cause is never a sin ... Are you scared? Are you
> shocked?"
> "No no, I think it is a sin, I only think it's a sin,"
> Ragheh said.
> "When you enter a movement it's never a sin because there's a
> cause, the Islamic cause, all in hell ... everyone finishes in hell,
> everyone. For those who wound Islam the end is this."
> Ragheh's lawyer, Roberta Ligotti, did not return calls from The
> Associated Press seeking comment.
> Berg, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, went missing April 10, 2004, after
> leaving his Baghdad hotel. The video that surfaced shows him in an
> orange jumpsuit being held by captors, then being beheaded by a man
> who some U.S. officials believe to be terror leader Abu Musab
> al-Zarqawi.
> The taped conversations also reveal Ahmed's alleged connection to the
> Madrid bombings, authorities say.
> "There is something, there is something I can't hide from
> you," he said, lowering his voice in a conversation overheard in
> a Milan apartment two months after the attacks. "The Madrid
> attack is my project and those who died as martyrs are my dearest
> friends."
> Spanish officials have described Ahmed as one of the March 11
> ringleaders. The Italian interior minister Giuseppe Pisanu said after
> his arrest that Ahmed was "probably among the principal
> authors" of the Madrid bombings and that he was "preparing
> other attacks."
> Officials have not said where Ahmed, who was trained in the use of
> explosives in the Egyptian army, was planning the attacks.
> Italy handed Ahmed over to Spain last December for interrogation in
> the Madrid bombings and Spanish authorities sent him back to Italy in
> April.
> Spanish Judge Juan del Olmo has filed provisional charges against him
> of mass murder and terrorism. It is not known when indictments may be
> handed down in Spain.
> In the arrest warrant, del Olmo said that while living in Madrid the
> Egyptian "managed to take control of a small group of Arab
> followers, all of them with extremist Islamic ideology, supporters of
> jihad and Osama bin Laden."
> The Italian police report alleges that Ahmed used tapes, cell phones
> and computers as recruitment tools in his travels across Europe. He
> is also accused of giving lessons on falsifying documents, computers
> and the need for caution in using communications.
> Italian prosecutors cite the case as an example of cooperation among
> European law enforcement agencies, often seen as unable to coordinate
> their investigations because of differing laws and traditions.
> "Real cooperation is the only instrument to successfully battle
> international terrorism," said prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli.
> They say that investigations in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and
> Belgium have turned up evidence that a dangerous group of Islamic
> militants have moved into Western Europe to recruit insurgents to
> fight in Iraq.

2005-12-12 19:19:38

limba romana... ciopirtzita...

deja terminologia mediatica pare o italiana stricata, cu atatea neologisme cu desinente romanesti... mai vine si Academia... ce-o mai iesi ?
Ca vii peste vreo 10 ani in Ro si te iau derept... analfabet ?

La 2005-12-12 17:47:51, OARE CINE a scris:

> Cred ca aia asa au vrut sa spuna.

2005-12-12 19:23:56

la pirnaie cu Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, dar in Egipt !

La 2005-12-12 16:40:41, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

nu in puscariile italiene, unde sa primeasca constant vizitele politicienilor stangisti, radicali, verzi si alti pestriti... ba ca nu are meniu musulman... ba ca-l trage curentul de la geam... ba ca saltaua e prea dura...

Cam asta e scenariul cu tembelii prinsi, ba daca tot insista "tovarasii" magistratii amici ii mai dau si un permis de iesire, "per buona condotta", adica pt. ca fanaticul s-a comportat bine in puscarie.

De parca in puscarie, cum naiba sa se poata comporta "rau", ca n-are cu ce !

> La pirnaie cu el !
> La 2005-12-12 16:14:50, Mos Grigore a scris:
> > Egypt Terror Suspect Faces Trial in Italy
> >
> >
> > By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer
> > Sun Dec 11, 1:43 PM ET
> >
> >
> >
> > Italian police were listening as the man identified as an Egyptian
> > radical shouted with joy while watching a video of the beheading of
> > American Nicholas Berg by his al-Qaida captors.
> >
> > "Come nearer, watch closely, this is the politics you have to
> > follow, the politics of the sword," he advised another man as
> > Berg's screams rang out.
> >
> > "Go to hell, enemy of God, kill him, kill him, cut it well, cut
> > off his head," he said.
> >
> > Authorities say the statements recorded from phone taps and
> > microphones show that Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, a 34-year-old Egyptian
> > facing trial in Milan next month on terrorism charges, preached a
> > radical form of Islam and the need to carry out holy war against
> > Western elements.
> >
> > The trial is considered one of Europe's major terrorist prosecutions
> > in recent years. Ahmed is not only accused of terrorist crimes in
> > Italy and of having links to cells across Europe, but he also is
> > considered one of the masterminds of the March 11, 2004, train
> > bombings in Madrid that killed 191 people and wounded more than
> > 1,600.
> >
> > Guido Guella, Ahmed's lawyer, said his client maintains his innocence
> > and claims he "never had any role in any association with
> > terrorist aims." He said the Egyptian also says he is not the
> > person speaking on the tapes.
> >
> > But prosecutors say the statements, which appear in a report prepared
> > by Italian anti-terrorism police, are proof of Ahmed's extremist
> > beliefs. He has been indicted on terrorism charges for allegedly
> > planning an attack in an undisclosed location.
> >
> > In the May 28, 2004, conversation about the Berg tape, Ahmed's
> > co-defendant, 22-year-old Egyptian Yahia Ragheh — described
> > by authorities as a would-be suicide bomber — questions
> > Ahmed's assertions.
> >
> > "It's not a sin?" he asks.
> >
> > "Who said this?" Ahmed replied. "It's never a sin ...
> > because the cause is never a sin ... Are you scared? Are you
> > shocked?"
> >
> > "No no, I think it is a sin, I only think it's a sin,"
> > Ragheh said.
> >
> > "When you enter a movement it's never a sin because there's a
> > cause, the Islamic cause, all in hell ... everyone finishes in hell,
> > everyone. For those who wound Islam the end is this."
> >
> > Ragheh's lawyer, Roberta Ligotti, did not return calls from The
> > Associated Press seeking comment.
> >
> > Berg, a 26-year-old entrepreneur, went missing April 10, 2004, after
> > leaving his Baghdad hotel. The video that surfaced shows him in an
> > orange jumpsuit being held by captors, then being beheaded by a man
> > who some U.S. officials believe to be terror leader Abu Musab
> > al-Zarqawi.
> >
> > The taped conversations also reveal Ahmed's alleged connection to the
> > Madrid bombings, authorities say.
> >
> > "There is something, there is something I can't hide from
> > you," he said, lowering his voice in a conversation overheard in
> > a Milan apartment two months after the attacks. "The Madrid
> > attack is my project and those who died as martyrs are my dearest
> > friends."
> >
> > Spanish officials have described Ahmed as one of the March 11
> > ringleaders. The Italian interior minister Giuseppe Pisanu said after
> > his arrest that Ahmed was "probably among the principal
> > authors" of the Madrid bombings and that he was "preparing
> > other attacks."
> >
> > Officials have not said where Ahmed, who was trained in the use of
> > explosives in the Egyptian army, was planning the attacks.
> >
> > Italy handed Ahmed over to Spain last December for interrogation in
> > the Madrid bombings and Spanish authorities sent him back to Italy in
> > April.
> >
> > Spanish Judge Juan del Olmo has filed provisional charges against him
> > of mass murder and terrorism. It is not known when indictments may be
> > handed down in Spain.
> >
> > In the arrest warrant, del Olmo said that while living in Madrid the
> > Egyptian "managed to take control of a small group of Arab
> > followers, all of them with extremist Islamic ideology, supporters of
> > jihad and Osama bin Laden."
> >
> > The Italian police report alleges that Ahmed used tapes, cell phones
> > and computers as recruitment tools in his travels across Europe. He
> > is also accused of giving lessons on falsifying documents, computers
> > and the need for caution in using communications.
> >
> > Italian prosecutors cite the case as an example of cooperation among
> > European law enforcement agencies, often seen as unable to coordinate
> > their investigations because of differing laws and traditions.
> >
> > "Real cooperation is the only instrument to successfully battle
> > international terrorism," said prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli.
> >
> > They say that investigations in Italy, Spain, Germany, France and
> > Belgium have turned up evidence that a dangerous group of Islamic
> > militants have moved into Western Europe to recruit insurgents to
> > fight in Iraq.
> >
> >
> >

George W. Bush
2005-12-12 19:29:44

Re: draga Felix,

La 2005-12-12 11:42:46, Adrian v.D. a scris:

O mare patinatoare(K. Witt) din RDG,a spus,dupa cativa ani de la
Unirea celor doua Germanii, ca ea datoreaza totul guvernului RDG,care
i-a pus patinele in mana si a ajutat-o sa-si faca o cariera....

"si yo care in naivitatea mea credeam ca patinele se poarta
in picioare"...da' mai sti?poate ca n-am vazut yo bine.

O lume de oameni cu creierele spalate! Pacat....
Pentru ca pentru astfel de oameni argumentele NU CONTEAZA.....

"p-asta in schimb ai nimerit-o la fix".bush.


Mos Grigore
2005-12-12 19:38:03

Ooooops, pe unde scoatem camasa?

M&S ruling may cost EU govts billions in tax refunds

Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:13 PM ET

By Jan Strupczewski

BRUSSELS, Dec 12 (Reuters) - The European Union's top court will rule on Tuesday in a landmark company tax case that may cost EU governments billions of euros in tax refunds and mean windfall gains for dozens of large European firms.

The European Court of Justice will rule around 0830-0845 GMT on whether British retailer Marks & Spencer (MKS.L: Quote, Profile, Research) can offset losses from subsidiaries in other EU countries against profits at home, just as it would be allowed if the subsidiaries were in Britain.

Marks & Spencer wants to reclaim 30 million pounds ($52.92 million) in back taxes, but experts estimate the total financial impact of a ruling in its favour could cost European Union governments billions of euros if other EU companies make similar claims.

Britain said M&S could not offset losses from other EU states -- a stance that the company said was discriminatory and went against its freedom to set up shop across the 25-nation bloc.

Scores of other British companies have claimed similar relief and are waiting for Tuesday's outcome.

Among companies that stood to gain from a M&S victory are telecoms operators Vodafone (VOD.L: Quote, Profile, Research) and BT Group (BT.L: Quote, Profile, Research) , Dutch construction firm BAM (BAMN.AS: Quote, Profile, Research) , Europe's biggest baby food company Numico (NUMCc.AS: Quote, Profile, Research) and the world's largest paper and board maker Stora Enso (STERV.HE: Quote, Profile, Research) .

EU finance ministers expressed concern over the potential budget impact of the ruling earlier this year, but governments would not comment on Monday as the court decision could come with various conditions.

"There is general agreement that the ministers do not want to confront the European Court of Justice, but work with it," said Jonathan Allen, spokesman for the British presidency of the European Union. "Let's wait and see what happens tomorrow."


Expectations of a ruling in favour of M&S were raised by an advisor to the court, Advocate General Poiares Maduro, who said in April firms should be allowed to claim tax relief on losses in other EU states. The court backs its advisors in most cases.

But the advisor said firms cannot claim tax relief on losses at home and in the EU member states where they are incurred, which would help reduce the level of possible payouts.

Apart from Britain, countries likely to be affected most by the ruling are Germany, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Greece, Ireland and Sweden -- all of which submitted comments during the court's proceedings.

"We will analyse the judgement very carefully," said Tommi Viikala, a Finnish finance ministry adviser.

Austria, Denmark and Italy already permit the write-offs that M&S is fighting for, according to the European Federation of Accountants.

German state finance ministers warned in June that a decision in favour of Marks & Spencer would have "grave consequences" for the country's budget, already strained by efforts to cut its deficit below the EU ceiling of 3 percent of GDP in 2007.

Some of the ministers then estimated the impact in double-digit billions of euros. France and Germany, the euro zone's two biggest nations, have been in breach of the EU deficit ceiling every year since 2002 and an unplanned return of tax would be an added financial headache.


More pressure on budgets could come from another tax case that will be heard by the ECJ on Tuesday, led by Cadbury Schweppes (CBRY.L: Quote, Profile, Research) .

Cadbury says Britain's controlled foreign company law, which penalises companies that take advantage of lower taxes in other EU countries, is incompatible with EU law. If it wins, EU governments may lose 400-500 million euros in annual tax revenues, the Financial Times quoted a tax expert as saying.

Apart from Britain the controlled foreign company law is applied by Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden.

A ruling for Marks & Spencer could strengthen the European Commission's hand in making proposals to harmonise the way tax is calculated in the EU, leaving the setting of the levels of tax to national parliaments.

The Brussels executive is studying if it should propose a common tax base for companies in the EU, which would also help resolve the issue raised by the Marks & Spencer case.

EU Tax Commissioner Laszlo Kovacs has urged EU member states to back an EU approach to corporate tax to avoid national tax policies being determined by the European court. (Additional reporting by Daniel Frykholm in Helsinki and Huw Jones in Brussels)

2005-12-12 19:41:17

Vad ca si prin Australia si prin Franta incep sa culega turbanele mai coapte. Deci e bine!

la asa niste proportii, cum sa nu te duca gandul la un sabotaj... ?

La 2005-12-12 14:49:09, Morkova Vesela a scris:

> E bine, dar se poate si mai bine.
> Numai ca de la focul din UK nu sunt noutati, inca nu se stie cum l-au
> aprins.

2005-12-12 19:42:14

In lupta contra debarcarii americane sa incepem prin a denigra statul roman! Cuvantul cheie este "CORUPTIE"

Fesenisti, in lupta impotriva debarcarii americane, sa incepem prin a denigra statul si presedintele roman!
"Coruptie" este cuvantul, sa vorbim coruptie, sa facm coruptie, sa ne lasam corupti, sa corupem, intr-un cuvant sa facem totul incat lumea sa zica "coruptia domneste".
Cum punem mana pe putere,schimbam noi foaia.
Comand sa fie incredintata unor tovarasi fesenisi mai experimentati, dintre cadrele senioare foste PCR, si anume ultima lista aprobata de PCUS.
Eu va urez succes deplin!

2005-12-12 19:44:48

in Irak, din 2003 au murit 30.000 de irakieni si 2.140 de americani


in declaratia lui Bush, la Philadelphia

2005-12-12 19:48:57

Re: Si care e treaba ta, prooroc mincinos ?... lasa-l ca-i suparat de vreo cateva saptamani...

L-o fi lasat "contesa"... Plus ca nici "multiculturalismul" din cartier s-ar putea sa nu mearga prea bine... Om necajit ! :-))

La 2005-12-12 17:42:53, traktorist a scris:

> La 2005-12-12 17:12:45, S a scris:
> > Cu 20 de soldati delocalizati intr-un sat nu aduci pacea si bunastarea
> > nici macar a satului respectiv ca sa nu mai vorbim de o regiune sau o
> > tara. Noile baze militare americane nici nu urmaresc acest lucru.
> > Totul seamana cu o franciza : cumperi marca, cumperi utilajele,
> > cumperi "savoir-faire"-ul, faci ce spun sefii de la
> > "casa mama". Doua lucruri de facut, muncesti si platesti
> > chiria.
> > Epoca bazelor americane in Germania a apus. Cand 20 000 de soldati,
> > veniti cu mame, tati, bunici, caini si pisici care faceau sa traiasca
> > in spatele lor alti 200 000.
> > Poate ar trebui sa ne dam seama ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca. De
> > exemplu... elicopterele.
> > 
>  Si ce e cu asta ?
> Ti-e ciuda ? Va ameninta armonia socialista multilateral
> dezvoltata ?

2005-12-12 19:53:43

mesaj pt Matilda

vezi ca maine soseste Gheorghe cu Anci
si cu Fanica. Sa le faci mamaliga si cu
branza si smantana - in Peru nu au mai
mancat mamaliga de 5 ani.
Ai fost la shoping de Craciun ?
Vezi ca a bagat marfa noua si pe Ilieana Cosanzeana...
Hai noroc si sa tropaie iepurii

2005-12-12 19:57:59

Re: Traktorist, eu iti tin pumnii si iti urez noroc ...

La 2005-12-12 17:46:37, Seherezada a scris:

> ... nu stiu de ce mi-a venit sa-ti scriu asta ...

Asa e cand sultanul merge pe la alte haremuri...cadanele neglijate cica sunt total confuze si actioneaza inexplicabil...

2005-12-12 19:58:07

Intrebarea-i alta...

Nu de ce sunt capabili sa faca (vazand ca de 6 ani nu sunt capabili de nimic, nici intern, nici extern). Ci vor veni sa faca ce ?

2005-12-12 20:07:55

In micimea subiectivitatii mele, de cam 20-30 de ani cum aud de o explozie, gandesc a, ca sa zic asa, rab!

Dar, deoarece chiar si una dintr-o mie, se sie sigur, sunt de natura accidentala, mai ales acestea din urma nu sunt de origine a, ca sa zic asa, raba.
Trebuie sa lucrez cu mine insumi, sa ma autoeduc, ca nu se mai poate.
Pai ce vina au ei?

2005-12-12 20:15:27

Re: DEBARCAREA AMERICANA O PUTEM OPRI CU UN NOR DE MINCIUNI, dar sa nu uitam sa punem noroi si pe Base!

Da, tovarasu', asa, asa!
Lupta cea mare ne va cali.
Traiasca clasa conductoare fesenista!
Dar sa nu uitam sa punem noroi si pe Base, si in general pe Romania, ca sa-i scarbim pe amerloci, caci cum se cara de aici, harst! Punem laba din nou pe tara!

La 2005-12-12 19:58:07, S a scris:

> Nu de ce sunt capabili sa faca (vazand ca de 6 ani nu sunt capabili de
> nimic, nici intern, nici extern). Ci vor veni sa faca ce ?

2005-12-12 20:24:33

Tovarasu S noi ne bazam pe tine. Fruntea sus, ia taria partinica in mana si la lupta! Vezi ca esti propus la medalie

La 2005-12-12 19:48:57, ingineru a scris:

> L-o fi lasat "contesa"... Plus ca nici
> "multiculturalismul" din cartier s-ar putea sa nu mearga
> prea bine... Om necajit ! :-))
> La 2005-12-12 17:42:53, traktorist a scris:
> > La 2005-12-12 17:12:45, S a scris:
> > 
> > > Cu 20 de soldati delocalizati intr-un sat nu aduci pacea si bunastarea
> > > nici macar a satului respectiv ca sa nu mai vorbim de o regiune sau o
> > > tara. Noile baze militare americane nici nu urmaresc acest lucru.
> > > Totul seamana cu o franciza : cumperi marca, cumperi utilajele,
> > > cumperi "savoir-faire"-ul, faci ce spun sefii de la
> > > "casa mama". Doua lucruri de facut, muncesti si platesti
> > > chiria.
> > > Epoca bazelor americane in Germania a apus. Cand 20 000 de soldati,
> > > veniti cu mame, tati, bunici, caini si pisici care faceau sa traiasca
> > > in spatele lor alti 200 000.
> > > Poate ar trebui sa ne dam seama ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca. De
> > > exemplu... elicopterele.
> > > 
> >  Si ce e cu asta ?
> > Ti-e ciuda ? Va ameninta armonia socialista multilateral
> > dezvoltata ?
> > 

2005-12-12 20:29:24

"inginere", nu fi cartezian, ca sa nu zic...

...obtuz. Aici toata lumea-i fericita, la sfarsitul lunii incep vacantele, strazile sunt luminate pentru sarbatoare, nimanui nu-i frica pe strada.
Citeste mai bine (daca ai capacitatile necesare) ca sa gasesti "necajitii". Tractoristul e aparte, se surpa postamentul idolului si el nu si nu. Si eu am sarit intr-un picior acum 10 ani cand a iesit Chirac (dupa 14 ani de socialism prezidential), dar dupa un an am am lasat-o balta. Diferenta fiind ca eu mi-am uitat in Romania ochelarii de cal.
Hai noroc si altu-n loc !

La 2005-12-12 19:48:57, ingineru a scris:

> L-o fi lasat "contesa"... Plus ca nici
> "multiculturalismul" din cartier s-ar putea sa nu mearga
> prea bine... Om necajit ! :-))
> La 2005-12-12 17:42:53, traktorist a scris:
> > La 2005-12-12 17:12:45, S a scris:
> > 
> > > Cu 20 de soldati delocalizati intr-un sat nu aduci pacea si bunastarea
> > > nici macar a satului respectiv ca sa nu mai vorbim de o regiune sau o
> > > tara. Noile baze militare americane nici nu urmaresc acest lucru.
> > > Totul seamana cu o franciza : cumperi marca, cumperi utilajele,
> > > cumperi "savoir-faire"-ul, faci ce spun sefii de la
> > > "casa mama". Doua lucruri de facut, muncesti si platesti
> > > chiria.
> > > Epoca bazelor americane in Germania a apus. Cand 20 000 de soldati,
> > > veniti cu mame, tati, bunici, caini si pisici care faceau sa traiasca
> > > in spatele lor alti 200 000.
> > > Poate ar trebui sa ne dam seama ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca. De
> > > exemplu... elicopterele.
> > > 
> >  Si ce e cu asta ?
> > Ti-e ciuda ? Va ameninta armonia socialista multilateral
> > dezvoltata ?
> > 

2005-12-12 20:37:50

Da bre ziaristule daca e asa cum vorghesti mata in articoliul aista, iaste trist!

Trist, da taica.

2005-12-12 20:40:44

Re: DEBARCAREA AMERICANA O PUTEM OPRI CU UN NOR DE MINCIUNI, dar sa nu uitam sa punem noroi si pe Base!

Ai direptate firtate ENGELS. La 2005-12-12 20:15:27, ENGELS a scris:

> Da, tovarasu', asa, asa!
> Lupta cea mare ne va cali.
> Traiasca clasa conductoare fesenista!
> Dar sa nu uitam sa punem noroi si pe Base, si in general pe Romania,
> ca sa-i scarbim pe amerloci, caci cum se cara de aici, harst! Punem
> laba din nou pe tara!
> La 2005-12-12 19:58:07, S a scris:
> > Nu de ce sunt capabili sa faca (vazand ca de 6 ani nu sunt capabili de
> > nimic, nici intern, nici extern). Ci vor veni sa faca ce ?
> > 

2005-12-12 20:42:08

"Diferenta fiind ca eu mi-am uitat in Romania ochelarii de cal" ...

si ce-i cu asta, e plina Franta de alti... oculisti sa-ti prescrie alti ... "ochelari", acuma, la care... "dioptrii" ai ajuns... ? usa or invers, sua ?

La 2005-12-12 20:29:24, S a scris:

> ...obtuz.

Aici toata lumea-i fericita, la sfarsitul lunii incep vacantele, strazile sunt luminate pentru sarbatoare, nimanui nu-i
> frica pe strada.

Diferenta fiind ca eu mi-am uitat in Romania ochelarii de cal.
> La 2005-12-12 19:48:57, ingineru a scris:
> > L-o fi lasat "contesa"... Plus ca nici "multiculturalismul" din cartier s-ar putea sa nu mearga prea bine... Om necajit ! :-))


2005-12-12 20:55:09

Re: Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed: "Go to hell, enemy of God, kill him, kill him, cut it well, cut off his head,"

La 2005-12-12 19:13:48, Oriana a scris:

> cand va spun ca in Ita e nenorocire cu atatea cuiburi si bande si tot
> ce mai vreti in care misuna tot soiul de fanatici, ma luati drept
> vizionara !!!
> Are proces, s-ar putea sa- "salveze" iar magistratura
> roshie, cu au facut cu marocanul Daki (expuls sambata trecuta!), dar
> de nu e condamnat, in Italia e clar ca nu ramine: EXPULSIA il
> asteapta.
> Sa-i vedeti pe stangisti cum se trag de cap, cu drepturile omului, ce
> grijulii sunt sa le procure "crema" avocatilor la asasinii
> astia ! Daca n-ar fr de ris, e de plins de imbecilitatea si
> INCONSTIENTA stangistilor italieni !

Tot Moscova-i finanteaza? Sau micul popor chinez?

2005-12-12 20:58:13

Re: Eu vad ca rusii "atrag" pana si Polul Nord Magnetic la ei, asa ca nu ma mira misculatiile cu Katrina

La 2005-12-12 18:38:38, Morkova Vesela a scris:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4520982.stm
> Eu vad ca rusii "atrag" pana si Polul Nord Magnetic la ei,
> asa ca nu ma mira misculatiile cu Katrina. Ei sunt pasionati de
> geofizica, de unde si interesul pt scoartza Pamantului, spre exemplu
> scoarta dinspre Prut si alte scoartze.
Numa' cheresteaua e cam groasa.

2005-12-12 20:59:57

Re: Tovarasi, contrarevolutia nu a castigat! Americanii au zis ca VOR veni, si deci infrangerea nu e inca definitiva

La 2005-12-12 18:56:41, Morkova Vesela a scris:

> Bolshevicii mei, dragi tovarasi, contrarevolutia nu a castigat inca!
> Americanii au zis ca VOR veni, si deci infrangerea nu e inca
> definitiva,
> mai este timp sa contracaram. La nevoie aruncam in lupta si metodele
> KGB, mai tunam niste benzina peste focul ala si alalalt, mai cu o
> lovitura maiastra sub centrura, vedem noi! Nu va lasati!
> Am instruit comisarii cu ideologia si zvonologia sa actioneze
> responsabil + cu tarie bolshevica.
> Lupta continua!
> Nu scapa astia asa de usor de noi.
De unde dreaq, bre, cu tarie, ca au pus astia accize pe tot! Nu mai poate omu sa bea o Saniuta, ca se-neaca cu acciza si TVA-ul

2005-12-12 21:07:01

Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed: "Go to hell, enemy of God, kill him, kill him, cut it well, cut off his head,"

La 2005-12-12 20:55:09, spaiu' a scris:

> La 2005-12-12 19:13:48, Oriana a scris:
> > cand va spun ca in Ita e nenorocire cu atatea cuiburi si bande si tot
> > ce mai vreti in care misuna tot soiul de fanatici, ma luati drept
> > vizionara !!!
> > 
> > Are proces, s-ar putea sa- "salveze" iar magistratura
> > roshie, cu au facut cu marocanul Daki (expuls sambata trecuta!), dar
> > de nu e condamnat, in Italia e clar ca nu ramine: EXPULSIA il
> > asteapta.
> > 
> > Sa-i vedeti pe stangisti cum se trag de cap, cu drepturile omului, ce
> > grijulii sunt sa le procure "crema" avocatilor la asasinii
> > astia ! Daca n-ar fr de ris, e de plins de imbecilitatea si
> > INCONSTIENTA stangistilor italieni !
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tot Moscova-i finanteaza? Sau micul popor chinez?

Care Moscova ? se duc ei personal in Golf si vin cu buzunarele pline - moscheea a devenit "pile" pt. orice clandestin, pt. un loc de munca, bani imprumut, casa in chirie, etc - numai ca omul sa vina in moschee, asa-i trag de nas pe multi, care nici la ei acasa nu pasheau vreodata in moschee.

Pe de alta parte, primariile rosh, ii ajuta cum nu-i ajuta nici pe italieni - am vazut case, vilute date strainilor, in loc familiilor tinere or batranilor cu pensii minime, plus stiu ca sunt sctititi de anumitre taxe, pe care italieni - TOTI - le platesc, ba le mai acorda si cate vreun magazin, vreo fabrica goala ca sa aiba unde se ruga, fara nici sa intrebe pe proprietari.

Nu mai reuseste nimeni sa-i mai scoata, iar daca, in extremis proprietarul invinge in tribunal, stii ce fac ? protesteaza cu stangistii si cei de mai sus, in fata autoritatilor, isi astern pe jos si stau acolo, in drum, cica... sa se roage.
E o bataie de joc ce fac fanaticii pe aici- din pacate e majoritatea, pt ca minoranta este de tot respectul.

2005-12-12 21:25:44

Tovarasi, iata superioritatea nostra! Mos Craciun este depasit de departe de Mos Gerila, deoarece

al nostru are pana si steaua rosie.
Nu mai mentionez barbile fesenoase, care sunt cu mult mai zdavene.
Sa punem deci barbi in problema americana.
Pai ce cauta acesti cetateni in bazele din Romania, cand toata lumea stie ca istoric acestea le-am rezervat prietenilor sovietici?
In plus dansii se inghesuie mai pe la mare, unde elementele tinere romanesti se plimba in slip si costume de baie, de unde este evident ca de fapt vin sa staga cu ochiul, atitudine contrara unei familii sanatoase.

2005-12-12 21:39:24

Re: mesaj pt Matilda

La 2005-12-12 19:53:43, ionion a scris:

> vezi ca maine soseste Gheorghe cu Anci
> si cu Fanica. Sa le faci mamaliga si cu
> branza si smantana - in Peru nu au mai
> mancat mamaliga de 5 ani.
> Ai fost la shoping de Craciun ?
> Vezi ca a bagat marfa noua si pe Ilieana Cosanzeana...
> ================================
> Hai noroc si sa tropaie iepurii
Nici n-apuci sa gatesti.. ca deja se anunta musafiri..si unde mai pui, tocmai din America de Sud! Apoi domnule ionion draga, om minca si mamaliga cu smintina. Ii buna si asta, domnule, nu-i bai! Si dupa cina iesim la o mica plimbare prin parc si Laudat sa fie Isus, draga domnule..
D-apoi chiar m-am gindit la musafiri, da eu ca gazda sint ingrijorata, asa numai de intirzierea lor..
Sarbatori fericite!

2005-12-12 22:03:11

Re: Tovarasi, iata superioritatea nostra! Mos Craciun este depasit de departe de Mos Gerila, deoarece

La 2005-12-12 21:25:44, ENGELS a scris:

> al nostru are pana si steaua rosie.
> Nu mai mentionez barbile fesenoase, care sunt cu mult mai zdavene.
> Sa punem deci barbi in problema americana.
> Pai ce cauta acesti cetateni in bazele din Romania, cand toata lumea
> stie ca istoric acestea le-am rezervat prietenilor sovietici?
> In plus dansii se inghesuie mai pe la mare, unde elementele tinere
> romanesti se plimba in slip si costume de baie, de unde este evident
> ca de fapt vin sa staga cu ochiul, atitudine contrara unei familii
> sanatoase.
> Rusine!

Tovaras esti cu tractorist , mos Grigore, Oriana , nu cu mine !!!

2005-12-12 22:10:35

Re: limba romana... ciopirtzita... tu vorbesti ?

La 2005-12-12 19:19:38, Oriana a scris:

> deja terminologia mediatica pare o italiana stricata, cu atatea
> neologisme cu desinente romanesti... mai vine si Academia... ce-o mai
> iesi ?
> Ca vii peste vreo 10 ani in Ro si te iau derept... analfabet ?
> La 2005-12-12 17:47:51, OARE CINE a scris:
> > Cred ca aia asa au vrut sa spuna.
> > 

O limba invatata de mic nu ai cum s-o uiti. Nu mai vorbi prosti. Cine te opreste sa mai citesti carti in limba romana ca sa-ti mentii nivelul de limba ? Stai la vila , banuies , bagat-i o parabolica si poti prinde canale romanesti cu filme, stiri divertisment. La Pro-TV international am vazut romani din Italia plecati de multi ani care inca vorbesc foarte bine romaneste.

2005-12-12 22:23:20

Re: Tovarasi, iata superioritatea nostra! Mos Craciun este depasit de departe de Mos Gerila, deoarece

La 2005-12-12 22:03:11, Katty a scris:

> Tovaras esti cu tractorist , mos Grigore, Oriana , nu cu mine !!!

Dta te tovarasesti numai cu tovarasii adevaratzi, care va sa zica. Cu alde tovarasu Bobu, Ceausescu, Dej, etc. Vezi, te-ai demascat! :-))))

2005-12-12 22:42:15

Re: Tovarasi, iata superioritatea nostra! Mos Craciun este depasit de departe de Mos Gerila, deoarece

La 2005-12-12 22:23:20, Golanul a scris:

> La 2005-12-12 22:03:11, Katty a scris:
> > 
> > Tovaras esti cu tractorist , mos Grigore, Oriana , nu cu mine !!!
> > 
> Dta te tovarasesti numai cu tovarasii adevaratzi, care va sa zica. Cu
> alde tovarasu Bobu, Ceausescu, Dej, etc. Vezi, te-ai demascat! :-))))

Vai .....m-am demascat !!! :))) Pe cine am mai auzit eu fraza asta demascatoare. ???!! Cum poti sa te intovarasesti cu mortii ? Da pentru golani orice e posibil....

2005-12-12 22:42:34


am incheiat

2005-12-12 23:03:21

Re: Doamna Katty, ca tovarasa nu pot sa-ti spun, ca sa fi un adevarat comunist, nu e suicient sa urasti America!

La 2005-12-12 22:42:15, Katty a scris:

> La 2005-12-12 22:23:20, Golanul a scris:
> > La 2005-12-12 22:03:11, Katty a scris:
> > 
> > > 
> > > Tovaras esti cu tractorist , mos Grigore, Oriana , nu cu mine !!!
> > > 
> > 
> > Dta te tovarasesti numai cu tovarasii adevaratzi, care va sa zica. Cu
> > alde tovarasu Bobu, Ceausescu, Dej, etc. Vezi, te-ai demascat! :-))))
> > 
> Vai .....m-am demascat !!! :))) Pe cine am mai auzit eu fraza asta
> demascatoare. ???!! Cum poti sa te intovarasesti cu mortii ? Da
> pentru golani orice e posibil....
Si asta chiar daca o dispretuiesti din tot sufletul, cu convindere deplina. Ehehei, cati tovarasi de acestia neprincipiali nu am vazut, sa fi dumneatale sanatoasa! Parca vad ca aceasta atitudine sentimentalista se schimba intr-o buna zi, ca este normal pt o fire umana sa descopere intuitiv adevarul. Dar adevarul mai mare, cel global, nu ne permite sa vedem aceste asa-zise adevaruri mici si nefolositoare cauzei.

2005-12-12 23:10:13

Telefonul fara fir

Invatati ,invatati asa va zis si Lenin asa va zis si Matilda dupa ce va infuriat putin .Cand o sa ganditi si voi democratic atunci o sa zboare si porcul cu cotet cu tot. Mei ,opinia face parte din libera exprimare si oricine poate sasi aiba opinia lui .Opinia nu este parte politica este miezul democratiei.

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