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  Nr. 3493 de miercuri, 30 noiembrie 2005 
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2005-11-30 00:05:06

Americanu' sau francezu'?

Vad ca s-a stabilit cine e descoperitorul HIV si m-am lamurit ca tocmai ieri ma uitam la un documentar si nu era prea clar cine a descoperit virusul. Daca a descoperit si vaccinul, de ce nu il da la bolnavi? Sau asteapta din nou sa publice descoperitorul francez ca are vaccinul si dupa aia il lanseaza pe piata?

2005-11-30 00:41:07


Cum se face ca tocmai s-a descoperit vaccinul anti-SIDA si numai Ziua - Romania a aflat de asta?

ma uit mirat pe NY Times, nimic
Google News, nema
BBC News, not a word

dar spune-ti-le fratilor si la ceilalti

2005-11-30 02:32:09

Re: Vraja

Cred ca ai dreptate. Nici eu n-am mai vazut nicaieri; decat aici, pe Ziua. Si cu siguranta ar fi fost extraordinar de mediatizat subiectul.

Mos Grigore
2005-11-30 03:18:20

Uite una si mai tare! Cit despre Gallo ala e o poveste lungaaaaa!

Controversial AIDS vaccines are 'plausible'

12:49 28 September 2004
NewScientist.com news service
Shaoni Bhattacharya

A report detailing a controversial "cure" for HIV, as well as a vaccine that prevents against infection with the virus, has been published in a leading scientific journal.

The "cure", or therapeutic vaccine, was developed from the blood of HIV patients. It appeared to clear the deadly virus from 20 people with HIV, claims a report by Jeremiah Abalaka at the Medicrest Specialist Hospital in Gwagwalada, Abuja in Nigeria. A therapeutic vaccine aims to bolster the immune response of a person already infected with a disease, to reduce or stop progression.

Abalaka says his therapeutic vaccine also eliminated antibodies for hepatitis B and C virus from the blood of co-infected HIV-positive patients and improved symptoms of malaria in a handful of patients.

Abalaka, a general surgeon with training in immunology, has tested his cure on almost 4000 HIV positive patients over six years. He also used himself as a guinea pig for both the therapeutic and preventative vaccines.

Injecting HIV
To test the preventive vaccine, he says he inoculated himself before injecting himself with HIV-positive blood on six separate occasions. He says he did not contract the virus. He then tested the vaccine on about 300 HIV-negative people and says none have yet developed the infection, as far as he knows.

His work has caused huge controversy in Nigeria, causing wrangles between Abalaka and the Nigerian ministry of health. But now Abalaka has published a report in the journal Vaccine.

"I have successfully developed safe, preventive and curative vaccines against HIV," Abalaka told New Scientist. "I would like to see the world looking into my work to confirm or refute it."

But Saladin Osmanov, acting co-ordinator of the joint World Health Organization/UNAIDS HIV vaccine initiative cautions that Abalaka’s vaccine has not been evaluated under the strict protocols required, and his work has not been independently reviewed by experts.

Desperate measures
Ray Spier, editor of Vaccine, defends his decision to publish the findings in an editorial accompanying the report. "Time is short and the prevailing situation demands action," he writes. "Desperate situations call for desperate measures. I believe that Abalaka has risen to this challenge."

"I have chosen, against the advice of senior colleagues, to publish the report he produced," he admits. Colleagues were concerned that Abalaka’s study did not meet western standards for science, Spier told New Scientist.

Spier acknowledges this and points out that the findings are published as a report and not a peer-reviewed research paper, though Spier assessed the work himself.

But Osmanov insists: "There are no western standards, or African standards. There are only standard procedures for evaluating the safety and efficacy of any vaccine - and they are more or less the same everywhere."

Spier believes it is important to encourage people to do empirical work in areas most stricken by AIDS. To critics, he says: "Everybody’s entitled to a fair hearing, and when presented with a mass of data it would be churlish to turn it aside."

Open mind
"I would be extremely sceptical," says Frances Gotch at Imperial College London, UK, who heads the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative’s core laboratory in London. She has examined and tested similar claims in the past - all of which came to nothing. But she adds: "It’s good to keep your mind open."

In his editorial, Spier notes that the validity of Abalaka’s data is an "area of contention" but says "I certainly do believe in the integrity with which it was presented." He points out that the data is far from perfect and that Abalaka admits that he left samples standing around in the heat.

In fact, Spier says that the therapeutic vaccine showed little effect on the 4000 patients tested. These patients showed slight but statistically insignificant increases in weight and in their CD4+ counts, a crucial measure of immune cells.

But the therapeutic vaccine did apparently cause "seroreversion" in 20 patients. This means that antibodies against HIV disappeared from their blood, which could indicate that the virus was no longer present. Sixteen patients showed seroreversion to normal for hepatitis C virus and 50 for hepatitis B.

Hijack fear
However, neither the report nor Abalaka himself will disclose specific details of the vaccines. Abalaka has a patent in Nigeria and says he does not want to risk it being hijacked by a pharmaceutical company. But he says he will release data to individuals willing to sign an agreement.

He says the vaccines do not contain any live HIV virus or cause the production of anti-HIV antibodies in recipients. One dose consists of 1 millilitre of pure blood extract with no additives other than standard anticoagulants and an antibiotic to prevent contamination.

Spier, who has read Abalaka’s confidential methodology, concedes "it’s a plausible approach". He hints: "It’s a blood product – you’re going back to something like the 1930s’ kind of technology."

He says the reported beneficial effects of the vaccine on hepatitis B and C and malaria are biologically plausible. "I think we are looking at cross-reactivity - maybe something in his preparation jolts the immune system."

Raw approach
But the lack of openness leaves Osmanov seriously concerned about safety. He told New Scientist that the "old tradition of using blood as a source of immunity [is] a very raw approach".

He is also concerned that the publication of Abalaka’s report by Vaccine could open up "an avenue for other people to start doing whatever they want".

But Spier believes Abalaka’s work is "worthy of more systematic investigation" and Abalaka himself hopes his work will be tested.

"It is normal for any reasonable person to be sceptical about any new discovery, including mine," he says. "What I would expect critics to do is to come and see for themselves."

Journal reference: Vaccine (vol 22, p 3817, p 3819)

Related Articles
AIDS vaccine years away, researchers warn
12 July 2004
Nigerian vaccine tests refute contamination claim
18 November 2003
Human trial of HIV vaccine starts in South Africa
04 November 2003
Ministry of Health, Nigeria
Joint WHO/UNAIDS HIV Vaccine Initiative
Frances Gotch, Imperial College

Mos Grigore
2005-11-30 03:25:53

Ultimul ragnet in materie!

Measles vaccine 'could fight Aids' Monday November 28, 11:35 AM

British, French and Belgian scientific researchers are working on revolutionary plans to use measles vaccine to fight Aids.

The multimillion-pound EU-funded collaboration involves "using an ancient scourge to fight a new one", said a statement by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals and the Paris-based Institut Pasteur, which have joined forces to develop the new vaccine.

The idea is to fuse genes from the HIV virus on to an existing measles vaccine known to deliver long-lasting immunity.


work has won a £3.5 million contribution from the European Commission and was unveiled in Paris, in the week of World Aids Day on December 1.
Four research centres are involved, including the Vaccine Institute at St George's Hospital Medical School in London and the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.

"The gravity of the global Aids crisis requires us to examine every viable option to develop a safe and effective vaccine," said Jean Stephenne, president of GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, the vaccine division of GSK.

"We are excited to be collaborating with Institut Pasteur, which brings a distinguished history and its innovative measles vector technology to this collaboration.

"We also applaud the EU for providing much-needed financial support. This is a model public-private partnership. GSK is pursuing a number of different Aids vaccine approaches. Our goal is to develop an Aids vaccine and to make it available to all who need it."

Alice Dautry, president of the Institut Pasteur - where HIV was discovered 20 years ago - said: "The researchers of the Institut are still committed to innovative research efforts to fight this unacceptable threat. We are pleased to develop this programme with the support of the EU and to be collaborating with GlaxoSmithKline."

The European Commission's director of health research, Octavi Quintana-Trias, emphasised the importance of industry involvement in developing an effective and safe HIV vaccine: "The collaboration of one of the world's leading vaccine manufacturers with a world-leading biomedical research centre will certainly have a major impact in the HIV vaccine field. This project adds to the 10 new research projects on HIV/Aids that the EU will finance this year."

2005-11-30 03:26:07

Incercati AMA magazin, poate aveti succes! ndc

La 2005-11-30 02:32:09, octaaa a scris:

> Cred ca ai dreptate. Nici eu n-am mai vazut nicaieri; decat aici, pe
> Ziua. Si cu siguranta ar fi fost extraordinar de mediatizat
> subiectul.

2005-11-30 03:45:48

Cititi cu atentie.

S-a experimentat pe iepuri si maimute.
Stirea are rol de test la opinia publica. Il preia maine CNN-ul si cresc actiunile la laboratorul care isi pune stampila. Ce colectie remarcabila de virusi are nenea ?
Ce-o face cu ei , Cum ii numara ? Si dece s-a dus asa departe sa anunte minunea ?
Aici e unul " Magic Johnson " care a declarat acum cca 15 ani ca e infectat, el e bine mersi si nimeni nu-l intreaba ce pilule ia ( daca ia).

La 2005-11-30 02:32:09, octaaa a scris:

> Cred ca ai dreptate. Nici eu n-am mai vazut nicaieri; decat aici, pe
> Ziua. Si cu siguranta ar fi fost extraordinar de mediatizat
> subiectul.

2005-11-30 04:02:31

Era normal sa se întâmple as!

El a descoperit boala, tot el a gasit si antidotul! Pai, ce mai este anormal in chestia asta?


ba sa-i se dea trei nobeluri

1) descoeprit boala

2) spetit gasi si antidotul atâtia mara de ani, vai saracutul de el

3) caz unic in lume

Propun sa se acorde si publicatiei Ziua un rest de nobel, ca uite este prima care a dat stirea asta bomba atomica ptr stim noi cine!

asadar sa curga cu nobeluri!

2005-11-30 04:11:09

Re: Cititi cu atentie.

La 2005-11-30 03:45:48, Aladin a scris:

>  S-a experimentat pe iepuri si maimute.
>  Stirea are rol de test la opinia publica. Il preia maine CNN-ul si
> cresc actiunile la laboratorul care isi pune stampila. Ce colectie
> remarcabila de virusi are nenea ?
>  Ce-o face cu ei , Cum ii numara ? Si dece s-a dus asa departe sa
> anunte minunea ?
>  Aici e unul " Magic Johnson " care a declarat acum cca 15
> ani ca e infectat, el e bine mersi si nimeni nu-l intreaba ce pilule
> ia ( daca ia).
> La 2005-11-30 02:32:09, octaaa a scris:
> > Cred ca ai dreptate. Nici eu n-am mai vazut nicaieri; decat aici, pe
> > Ziua. Si cu siguranta ar fi fost extraordinar de mediatizat
> > subiectul.
> ===========> 
nu se poate face un vaccin care sa protejeje imotriva a sute de microbi, cu atit mai mult cu cit, virusul HIV se transforma incontinuu(deci apar noi virusuri diferite genetic de cele vechi).
sa zicem ca o persoana este infectata azi cu un virus HIV. in citeva zile vor esista in aceasta persoana citeva milioane de virusuri HIV.
la fiecare 18 zile toate virusurile HIV precedente au disparut ele fiind inlocuite acum de alte citeva miliarde de virusuri.
la fel se intimpla cu vaccinul impotriva gripei care este diferit de la an la an si care protezjeaza impotriva celor mai frecvente genotipuri de virus din acel an.
virusul HIV infecteaza si distruge limfocitele T CD4, care de fapt sint epicentrul sistemului de formare a anticorpilor.
cu tehnologia de azi si medicamentele existente, IN CONDITII IDEALE, un bolnav de SIDA ar putea fi vinecat dupa 78 de ani de tratament.
MAGIC JOHNSON ia medicamente,dar din pacate stiu numai unul dintre ele: se numeste COMBIVIR si este o combinatie de zidovudina si lamivudina.
sarbatori fericite!

Mos Grigore
2005-11-30 04:21:55

Robert Gallo...........................(1).


By Steven James

May 1999

Laughter is the best medicine... or so people say. But, comedy sometimes has a dark side and loses its therapeutic value, like when the joke’s on you. It’s funny -- and you may laugh -- but during the laughter you may wonder why is this funny? Why am I laughing? Like when Cindy Adams, the syndicated columnist, says "Only in New York, Kids, Only in New York!"

A certain kind of ironic or dark humor is what is called "Gallows Humor," named after the medieval frame device consisting of two upright posts and a crossbeam from which criminals were hanged. Gallows humor makes fun of a very serious or terrifying situation. Like the death row inmate eating his last meal the night before execution and, unable to finish it, his guard asks: "Hey, man, want a doggie bag?"

The creativity of our species seemingly knows no bounds, and one of our fellow homo sapiens has managed to take this dark humor to an entirely new level, no small feat especially for someone who has never earned a living entertaining others. For that matter, Robert C. Gallo hasn’t really worked very hard all his adult life.

Not since he entered government service over thirty years ago as a research scientist in the then sleepy world of biotechnology. You don’t really work up a sweat in the bureaucratic world of government science. The pay’s good, the benefit’s legendary, and if you decide to "play politics" along the way, well, life can be downright enjoyable.

During the 1960s and 1970s, Gallo must have chuckled quite a lot. You see, our government had him and his colleagues spending our tax dollars looking for something which they all knew did not exist... the "virus" which causes cancer. They called it the "War on Cancer" and spent billions of our tax dollars trying to find the cause of the alarming increase in cancer in the U.S.; or rather, trying to mislead the American people into thinking that the cause of cancer could be found in a test tube, and that a "magic bullet" cure could be found to eliminate this scourge from contemporary society.

Of course, the reasons for the rise in cancer were evident to the "conogscienti" like Bob Gallo. Let’s face it, post World War II industrialization had produced environmental toxicity beyond belief. Smog chocked our cities, our rivers became open sewers, and chemical pesticides like DDT even threatened our nation’s proud symbol... the American Eagle... with extinction.

Meanwhile, the meat and dairy lobbies bought congressmen for "peanuts." The bureaucrats we entrusted to "watch the store" turned out to be foxes in chicken feathers, and Americans were lied to about good health and good diet.

With no one to object, Madison Avenue did what Madison Avenue does best. It sold us a high fat, sugar, and salt diet [unknowingly laden with toxic chemicals, colorings, and additives] which in the toxic environment being produced by the competition-free hey-day of the 50s and 60s in America, created a nation of obesity and the malaise of cancer.

It has taken almost a half century to begin to correct this national disgrace; this plague upon our nation. I don’t know about you, but I rarely, if ever, see cancer patients laughing. Perhaps they just don’t "get it." They just take their chemotherapy as "cure" and bravely manage to smile a little.

But, Bob Gallo got it. He got grants, prestige, laboratories, and an unlimited number of animals to experiment on... all the perks that anyone in his position could possibly wish for. It had to be amusing, because he was actually getting paid for this!

But, it wasn’t the big prize... the really big reward of prestige [no Nobel Prize, for example] or super wealth [no IPO with Bob Gallo as CEO]... at least not then. It can take years, after all, to perfect a comedy routine.

Not that he hadn’t tried. Because Bob Gallo would stoop at nothing to achieve his goals. And, what if he had to "bend the rules" or "massage the numbers" just a little to get there? No problem. His career is checkered with fraud, ineptitude, and misappropriation. Anything goes in Bob’s World of Comedy... anything for a laugh!

By the end of the 1970s, the "War on Cancer" was lost because after twenty years, somebody realized that you can’t "catch" cancer. No virus as villain. But the stage was being set for a bigger, better, "new" epidemic caused by a new "virus" which would provide years of entertainment for the nation... courtesy of Bob Gallo.

Bob Gallo was ready for the limelight, and for more mirth. His most audacious deceit and his biggest lie came on April 23, 1984, when Bob Gallo declared, with a straight face and with his Reagan appointed side kick [cabinet member Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services], that he had discovered the virus which causes the supposedly deadly "AIDS." This was science by press conference... no peer review, nothing proved... just Bob Gallo center stage with the whole world watching! The "War on Cancer" became the "War on Aids." Bob Gallo as stand-up comedian was on a roll!

Today, fifteen years later, Gallo is a happy man... and he laughs a lot... all the way to the bank. We’ve all got to eat... but Gallo’s Humor provides a feast!

Not that anybody else is laughing. But, to a psychopath like Bob Gallo, the echoes of his own laughter in the scrambled eggs he calls a brain make up for the "roar of the grease paint, the smell of the crowd." Bob’s got his own personal "borscht belt" between his two floppy ears.

You see, Bob Gallo is the man who unleashed the terror of the millennium upon all the rest of us. He couldn’t have discovered the virus which causes "AIDS" -- quite simply -- because Bob stole the sample which was used to support his hypothesis. Then, after his press conference, Bob published four papers in the peer review journal Science which his peers later discovered to have been "doctored," bent to prove what he wanted to prove. His boss, the National Institutes of Health, saved him from disgrace, humiliation and expulsion several years later by only finding him guilty of "creating and fostering conditions that gave rise to falsified/fabricated data and falsified reports." If I "roll" my eyes at you, Bob, I bet I can make you laugh!

When Bob lied about HIV causing "AIDS," he created a second lie... namely that the HIV test [which he patented and which became a phenomenal source of personal income] was an accurate indication of "infection" by HIV [which it is not], and that the discovery of antibodies [being ‘HIV positive’] meant you were contagious for "AIDS" [which is also not true]. Bob forgot to tell the world that his test commonly produced "false positive" test results caused by drug abuse, vaccinations, pregnancy and numerous other conditions and not necessarily HIV. Only Bob’s inner circle [the "Bob Club"] were in on the joke!

Mos Grigore
2005-11-30 04:22:26

Robert Gallo...........................(2).


By Steven James

May 1999

This test, which has condemned millions of people to a life of fear, suicide, and death, continues to this day to provide Gallo with millions of dollars of ill-gotten gains. Is that a little smile I see on your face, Bob?

But, those limo rides to the bank from his Maryland-based company which currently manufactures the HIV home test kits [and which also receives all sorts of tax payer supplied grants just for the asking], are filled with laughter. Just imagine how many people suffered and died to make this deposit, huh, Bobby? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... .

But, wait, since every great performance deserves an encore, the next year-- 1985--Gallo and his small band of criminally insane comedians got an even better idea to increase their amusement and happiness, "Gallo’s Humor" in full swing, as it were. Laughter, indeed, was about to become the very best "medicine." After all, comedy is King!

Based upon Bob’s two previous lies that HIV causes "AIDS" and that the HIV test is an indication of a condition preliminary to "full-blown AIDS," Bob and his comedy troop came up with AZT as a medicine for people who had fallen for their comical deception. Of course, nobody but they knew that AZT is the most lethal chemotherapy ever invented by American science [in 1964 for cancer] --guaranteed to kill human beings quickly with high dosages... and more slowly at lower dosages. Only they didn’t call it chemotherapy... they called it "anti-retroviral" therapy. Keep ‘em guessing, Bob, that’s part of the FUN!!!

And, who might be the "butt" of their "comedia?" Why, gay men, of course. Why, everybody knows that gay men just love a good time... why else would they call themselves "gay?" And, they just love to laugh! And, they are so trendy... they would be the first to experience "Gallo’s Humor"... they even stood in line waiting for the opportunity to pay $10,000 per year for Bob’s drug with the pathetic desperation of the "terminally" ill. Bob Gallo was on a another roll!

So, in 1985, gay men--acting upon the recommendation of their Gallo influenced doctors--began taking lethal chemotherapy [oops! that’s "anti-retroviral" therapy]--Bob’s deadly AZT--and began to experience "Gallo’s Humor" first hand. They were the first to "get" the joke, but they missed the "punch line."

But, lest they be the only ones to enjoy Gallo’s Humor, the joke quickly spread to non-gays... women and children, black and white... anyone unfortunate to fall for the HIV diagnosis as "one-liner" ["hiv, the virus that causes AIDS," a mantra we all know so well courtesy of Lawrence Altman, medical editor of the New York Times and former Centers for Disease Control infectious disease agent--and "Bob Club" member]. With AZT now killing off the gay population, the nation believed that the "AIDS" epidemic was real--that all Americans were at risk--and Bob Gallo leads the charge for the "War on AIDS". ..."Safe Sex" or "No Sex"... criminal penalties for "spreading" "AIDS"... mandatory HIV partner notification... what a riot!

We all remember the hilarity in Hollywood watching Rock Hudson suffer and die! And, what about all those laughs when Halston succumbed to AZT poisoning! Seventh Avenue was in "stitches"! And, how about Arthur Ashe. Poor thing, trembling so at the end! He forgot all about his "tennis elbow!" Or, how about Broadway’s Michael Bennett, off to that great "Chorus Line In The Sky!" Why I can hardly keep a "straight" face! Oh, stop it Bob... I’m laughing so hard I could cry!!!

Or the movie Philadelphia... brave Tom Hanks acting like Don Quixote tilting at the "Gallo’s Humor" windmill! Or the always fabulous Liz Taylor [wearing her diamond studded "Aids Ribbon"], raising all that money to care for the sick and dying... all because of Bob [Bob, you are too much!!!].

Or the "AIDS Quilt," spread out in our nation’s capitol with sobbing lovers and friends and family, actually thinking that their dear ones died of "AIDS" when in reality it was just "Gallo’s Humor!" Oh, if only they knew the joke! Really, Bob, what’s the punch line... punch line... punch line???

I remember a carpenter. In his day, they didn’t make gallows. Took too much wood, and death came too quickly. They just used two pieces of wood and made a cross. Then, instead of hanging from the unnecessary cross piece, the victim’s hands were nailed arms extended, and his feet nailed to the upright piece. Death came agonizingly slowly... but much more quickly than death by AZT, which usually takes around 8 or 9 months at the high dosages originally prescribed. Today, with the less toxic chemotherapy protease inhibitor drugs--the AZT diluted "cocktail"--the patients can linger on for years while being slowly and agonizingly poisoned to death. More time to consider their "sins" and point fingers of "blame".

Then, too, there were sick jokes and laughter--a crown of thorns for a "king" --and the kind of behavior we are beginning to see as the Jesse Venturas become governors of states, and "extreme" boxing declares the winner to be the one who walks out of the cage, or when two kids in trench coats blow away their fellow students and teachers with no logical explanations.

But, that was way before we became literate as a society, before we were able to rapidly communicate globally, before we matured to the people we are today! THAT WAS WAY BEFORE BOB AND "GALLO’S HUMOR!"

Someday soon Bob, when the laughter dies, and the crowd settles down, people may begin to "get it". When the echoes finally din, and the reality sets in. When "Gallo’s Humor" replaces "gallows humor" in Webster’s Dictionary.

This time, Bob, you really did it. You never really needed a Nobel Prize. You got your IPO. You struck CEO GOLD, BABY! You left ‘em "dead in the aisles!"

This time, Bob, you’ll finally get what you really deserve after entertaining us with your sick brand of humor for these fifteen long years of mayhem.

But, remember Bob, he who laughs last... laughs best. "Hey, Bob, want a ‘doggie bag’, Bob???" Just kidding, Bob! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

Steven James is a Vietnam Veteran and Dissident "AIDS" Activist in New York City. Contact: sjames7@ix.netcom.com


2005-11-30 08:53:43

Re: Robert Gallo...........................(1). GRigore, m-ai lamurit bustean

La 2005-11-30 04:21:55, Mos Grigore a scris:

> By Steven James
> May 1999
> Laughter is the best medicine... or so people say. But, comedy
> sometimes has a dark side and loses its therapeutic value, like when
> the joke’s on you. It’s funny -- and you may
> laugh -- but during the laughter you may wonder why is this funny?
> Why am I laughing? Like when Cindy Adams, the syndicated columnist,
> says "Only in New York, Kids, Only in New York!"
> A certain kind of ironic or dark humor is what is called
> "Gallows Humor," named after the medieval frame
> device consisting of two upright posts and a crossbeam from which
> criminals were hanged. Gallows humor makes fun of a very serious or
> terrifying situation. Like the death row inmate eating his last meal
> the night before execution and, unable to finish it, his guard asks:
> "Hey, man, want a doggie bag?"
> The creativity of our species seemingly knows no bounds, and one of
> our fellow homo sapiens has managed to take this dark humor to an
> entirely new level, no small feat especially for someone who has
> never earned a living entertaining others. For that matter, Robert C.
> Gallo hasn’t really worked very hard all his adult life.
> Not since he entered government service over thirty years ago as a
> research scientist in the then sleepy world of biotechnology. You
> don’t really work up a sweat in the bureaucratic world of
> government science. The pay’s good, the benefit’s
> legendary, and if you decide to "play politics"
> along the way, well, life can be downright enjoyable.
> During the 1960s and 1970s, Gallo must have chuckled quite a lot. You
> see, our government had him and his colleagues spending our tax
> dollars looking for something which they all knew did not exist...
> the "virus" which causes cancer. They called it
> the "War on Cancer" and spent billions of our tax
> dollars trying to find the cause of the alarming increase in cancer in
> the U.S.; or rather, trying to mislead the American people into
> thinking that the cause of cancer could be found in a test tube, and
> that a "magic bullet" cure could be found to
> eliminate this scourge from contemporary society.
> Of course, the reasons for the rise in cancer were evident to the
> "conogscienti" like Bob Gallo. Let’s
> face it, post World War II industrialization had produced
> environmental toxicity beyond belief. Smog chocked our cities, our
> rivers became open sewers, and chemical pesticides like DDT even
> threatened our nation’s proud symbol... the American
> Eagle... with extinction.
> Meanwhile, the meat and dairy lobbies bought congressmen for
> "peanuts." The bureaucrats we entrusted to
> "watch the store" turned out to be foxes in
> chicken feathers, and Americans were lied to about good health and
> good diet.
> With no one to object, Madison Avenue did what Madison Avenue does
> best. It sold us a high fat, sugar, and salt diet [unknowingly laden
> with toxic chemicals, colorings, and additives] which in the toxic
> environment being produced by the competition-free hey-day of the 50s
> and 60s in America, created a nation of obesity and the malaise of
> cancer.
> It has taken almost a half century to begin to correct this national
> disgrace; this plague upon our nation. I don’t know about
> you, but I rarely, if ever, see cancer patients laughing. Perhaps
> they just don’t "get it." They just
> take their chemotherapy as "cure" and bravely
> manage to smile a little.
> But, Bob Gallo got it. He got grants, prestige, laboratories, and an
> unlimited number of animals to experiment on... all the perks that
> anyone in his position could possibly wish for. It had to be amusing,
> because he was actually getting paid for this!
> But, it wasn’t the big prize... the really big reward of
> prestige [no Nobel Prize, for example] or super wealth [no IPO with
> Bob Gallo as CEO]... at least not then. It can take years, after all,
> to perfect a comedy routine.
> Not that he hadn’t tried. Because Bob Gallo would stoop at
> nothing to achieve his goals. And, what if he had to "bend
> the rules" or "massage the numbers"
> just a little to get there? No problem. His career is checkered with
> fraud, ineptitude, and misappropriation. Anything goes in
> Bob’s World of Comedy... anything for a laugh!
> By the end of the 1970s, the "War on Cancer" was
> lost because after twenty years, somebody realized that you
> can’t "catch" cancer. No virus as
> villain. But the stage was being set for a bigger, better,
> "new" epidemic caused by a new
> "virus" which would provide years of
> entertainment for the nation... courtesy of Bob Gallo.
> Bob Gallo was ready for the limelight, and for more mirth. His most
> audacious deceit and his biggest lie came on April 23, 1984, when Bob
> Gallo declared, with a straight face and with his Reagan appointed
> side kick [cabinet member Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and
> Human Services], that he had discovered the virus which causes the
> supposedly deadly "AIDS." This was science by
> press conference... no peer review, nothing proved... just Bob Gallo
> center stage with the whole world watching! The "War on
> Cancer" became the "War on Aids." Bob
> Gallo as stand-up comedian was on a roll!
> Today, fifteen years later, Gallo is a happy man... and he laughs a
> lot... all the way to the bank. We’ve all got to eat... but
> Gallo’s Humor provides a feast!
> Not that anybody else is laughing. But, to a psychopath like Bob
> Gallo, the echoes of his own laughter in the scrambled eggs he calls
> a brain make up for the "roar of the grease paint, the
> smell of the crowd." Bob’s got his own personal
> "borscht belt" between his two floppy ears.
> You see, Bob Gallo is the man who unleashed the terror of the
> millennium upon all the rest of us. He couldn’t have
> discovered the virus which causes "AIDS" -- quite
> simply -- because Bob stole the sample which was used to support his
> hypothesis. Then, after his press conference, Bob published four
> papers in the peer review journal Science which his peers later
> discovered to have been "doctored," bent to prove
> what he wanted to prove. His boss, the National Institutes of Health,
> saved him from disgrace, humiliation and expulsion several years
> later by only finding him guilty of "creating and fostering
> conditions that gave rise to falsified/fabricated data and falsified
> reports." If I "roll" my eyes at you,
> Bob, I bet I can make you laugh!
> When Bob lied about HIV causing "AIDS," he created
> a second lie... namely that the HIV test [which he patented and which
> became a phenomenal source of personal income] was an accurate
> indication of "infection" by HIV [which it is
> not], and that the discovery of antibodies [being ‘HIV
> positive’] meant you were contagious for
> "AIDS" [which is also not true]. Bob forgot to
> tell the world that his test commonly produced "false
> positive" test results caused by drug abuse, vaccinations,
> pregnancy and numerous other conditions and not necessarily HIV. Only
> Bob’s inner circle [the "Bob Club"] were
> in on the joke!

2005-11-30 11:08:31


Domnilor nimeni nu lanseaza pe piata o boala fara a avea intii antidotul. Si Dumnezeu a lasat sarpele pregatind din timp,pe cel care-i va zdrobi capul. Oare cine a lansat pe piata gripa aviara?

Mos Grigore
2005-11-30 15:02:18

Re: logic

La 2005-11-30 11:08:31, taranistu a scris:

> Oare cine a lansat pe piata gripa aviara?


Mos Grigore
2005-11-30 15:40:08

Premiera Mondiala in caz ca se intimpla!

Israel can hand suspected drug kingpin to US: court

Wed Nov 30, 5:25 AM ET

Israel's Supreme Court gave the go-ahead on Wednesday for the extradition to the United States of an Israeli suspected of running an international ring that smuggled 700,000 Ecstasy pills into New York.

Zeev Rosenstein has been in custody for more than a year in Israel, where he appealed to the country's highest court against the decision to send him to the United States to stand trial.

A three-judge Supreme Court panel unanimously rejected the appeal, officials said. Rosenstein could ask a wider panel of Supreme Court justices to bar his extradition.

Israeli police, in conjunction with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, began investigating suspicions against Rosenstein in 2001 after U.S. law enforcement officials caught smugglers bringing the Ecstasy shipment into the United States.

2005-11-30 18:00:07

mint astia de la ziua dar nu le vad interesul

Cum se face ca tocmai s-a descoperit vaccinul anti-SIDA si numai Ziua -Romania a aflat de asta?
ma uit mirat pe NY Times, nimic Google News, nema
BBC News, not a word dar spune-ti-le fratilor si la ceilalti........ Este la fel si cu articolul publicat de ZIUA cu Donald Rumsfeld care s-a dus in inchisoare la Saddan Hussein si a discutat cu el .............pe toate canalele de stiri internationale si in toate ziarele nu s-a auzit nimic dar ca prin minune doar ZIUA aude de asa ceva ......sincer,sunt chiar curios de unde isi procura informatile......Merci ZIUA.

2005-11-30 20:01:49

Re: Cititi cu atentie.

La 2005-11-30 04:11:09, doctoru' a scris:

> nu se poate face un vaccin care sa protejeje imotriva a sute de
> microbi, cu atit mai mult cu cit, virusul HIV se transforma
> incontinuu(deci apar noi virusuri diferite genetic de cele vechi).
> sa zicem ca o persoana este infectata azi cu un virus HIV. in citeva
> zile vor esista in aceasta persoana citeva milioane de virusuri
> HIV.
> diferite.
> la fiecare 18 zile toate virusurile HIV precedente au disparut ele
> fiind inlocuite acum de alte citeva miliarde de virusuri.
> la fel se intimpla cu vaccinul impotriva gripei care este diferit de
> la an la an si care protezjeaza impotriva celor mai frecvente
> genotipuri de virus din acel an.
> virusul HIV infecteaza si distruge limfocitele T CD4, care de fapt
> sint epicentrul sistemului de formare a anticorpilor.
> cu tehnologia de azi si medicamentele existente, IN CONDITII IDEALE,
> un bolnav de SIDA ar putea fi vinecat dupa 78 de ani de tratament.
> MAGIC JOHNSON ia medicamente,dar din pacate stiu numai unul dintre
> ele: se numeste COMBIVIR si este o combinatie de zidovudina si
> lamivudina.
> sarbatori fericite!

Multumim, doctore, pentru o parere de adevarat specialist. De astfel de oameni avem nevoie pentru a ne apara impotriva manipularilor de tot felul!
Sarbatori Fericite!!!!!!!!!

2005-11-30 20:05:02

Re: Uite una si mai tare! Cit despre Gallo ala e o poveste lungaaaaa!/Mos Grigutza

La 2005-11-30 03:18:20, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Controversial AIDS vaccines are 'plausible'
> 12:49 28 September 2004
> NewScientist.com news service
> Shaoni Bhattacharya
> A report detailing a controversial "cure" for HIV,
> as well as a vaccine that prevents against infection with the virus,
> has been published in a leading scientific journal.
> The "cure", or therapeutic vaccine, was developed from the
> blood of HIV patients. It appeared to clear the deadly virus from 20
> people with HIV, claims a report by Jeremiah Abalaka at the Medicrest
> Specialist Hospital in Gwagwalada, Abuja in Nigeria. A therapeutic
> vaccine aims to bolster the immune response of a person already
> infected with a disease, to reduce or stop progression.
> Abalaka says his therapeutic vaccine also eliminated antibodies for
> hepatitis B and C virus from the blood of co-infected HIV-positive
> patients and improved symptoms of malaria in a handful of patients.
> Abalaka, a general surgeon with training in immunology, has tested his
> cure on almost 4000 HIV positive patients over six years. He also used
> himself as a guinea pig for both the therapeutic and preventative
> vaccines.
> Injecting HIV
> To test the preventive vaccine, he says he inoculated himself before
> injecting himself with HIV-positive blood on six separate occasions.
> He says he did not contract the virus. He then tested the vaccine on
> about 300 HIV-negative people and says none have yet developed the
> infection, as far as he knows.
> His work has caused huge controversy in Nigeria, causing wrangles
> between Abalaka and the Nigerian ministry of health. But now Abalaka
> has published a report in the journal Vaccine.
> "I have successfully developed safe, preventive and curative
> vaccines against HIV," Abalaka told New Scientist.
> "I would like to see the world looking into my work to
> confirm or refute it."
> But Saladin Osmanov, acting co-ordinator of the joint World Health
> Organization/UNAIDS HIV vaccine initiative cautions that
> Abalaka’s vaccine has not been evaluated under the strict
> protocols required, and his work has not been independently reviewed
> by experts.
> Desperate measures
> Ray Spier, editor of Vaccine, defends his decision to publish the
> findings in an editorial accompanying the report. "Time is
> short and the prevailing situation demands action," he
> writes. "Desperate situations call for desperate measures.
> I believe that Abalaka has risen to this challenge."
> "I have chosen, against the advice of senior colleagues, to
> publish the report he produced," he admits. Colleagues were
> concerned that Abalaka’s study did not meet western
> standards for science, Spier told New Scientist.
> Spier acknowledges this and points out that the findings are published
> as a report and not a peer-reviewed research paper, though Spier
> assessed the work himself.
> But Osmanov insists: "There are no western standards, or
> African standards. There are only standard procedures for evaluating
> the safety and efficacy of any vaccine - and they are more or less
> the same everywhere."
> Spier believes it is important to encourage people to do empirical
> work in areas most stricken by AIDS. To critics, he says:
> "Everybody’s entitled to a fair hearing, and when
> presented with a mass of data it would be churlish to turn it
> aside."
> Open mind
> "I would be extremely sceptical," says Frances
> Gotch at Imperial College London, UK, who heads the International
> AIDS Vaccine Initiative’s core laboratory in London. She
> has examined and tested similar claims in the past - all of which
> came to nothing. But she adds: "It’s good to keep
> your mind open."
> In his editorial, Spier notes that the validity of Abalaka’s
> data is an "area of contention" but says "I
> certainly do believe in the integrity with which it was
> presented." He points out that the data is far from perfect
> and that Abalaka admits that he left samples standing around in the
> heat.
> In fact, Spier says that the therapeutic vaccine showed little effect
> on the 4000 patients tested. These patients showed slight but
> statistically insignificant increases in weight and in their CD4+
> counts, a crucial measure of immune cells.
> But the therapeutic vaccine did apparently cause
> "seroreversion" in 20 patients. This means that
> antibodies against HIV disappeared from their blood, which could
> indicate that the virus was no longer present. Sixteen patients
> showed seroreversion to normal for hepatitis C virus and 50 for
> hepatitis B.
> Hijack fear
> However, neither the report nor Abalaka himself will disclose specific
> details of the vaccines. Abalaka has a patent in Nigeria and says he
> does not want to risk it being hijacked by a pharmaceutical company.
> But he says he will release data to individuals willing to sign an
> agreement.
> He says the vaccines do not contain any live HIV virus or cause the
> production of anti-HIV antibodies in recipients. One dose consists of
> 1 millilitre of pure blood extract with no additives other than
> standard anticoagulants and an antibiotic to prevent contamination.
> Spier, who has read Abalaka’s confidential methodology,
> concedes "it’s a plausible approach".
> He hints: "It’s a blood product –
> you’re going back to something like the 1930s’
> kind of technology."
> He says the reported beneficial effects of the vaccine on hepatitis B
> and C and malaria are biologically plausible. "I think we
> are looking at cross-reactivity - maybe something in his preparation
> jolts the immune system."
> Raw approach
> But the lack of openness leaves Osmanov seriously concerned about
> safety. He told New Scientist that the "old tradition of
> using blood as a source of immunity [is] a very raw
> approach".
> He is also concerned that the publication of Abalaka’s
> report by Vaccine could open up "an avenue for other people
> to start doing whatever they want".
> But Spier believes Abalaka’s work is "worthy of
> more systematic investigation" and Abalaka himself hopes
> his work will be tested.
> "It is normal for any reasonable person to be sceptical
> about any new discovery, including mine," he says. "What I
> would expect critics to do is to come and see for
> themselves."
> Journal reference: Vaccine (vol 22, p 3817, p 3819)
> Related Articles
> AIDS vaccine years away, researchers warn
> http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn6140
> 12 July 2004
> Nigerian vaccine tests refute contamination claim
> http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn4392
> 18 November 2003
> Human trial of HIV vaccine starts in South Africa
> http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn4344
> 04 November 2003
> Weblinks
> Ministry of Health, Nigeria
> http://www.nigeria.gov.ng/ministries/health.htm
> Joint WHO/UNAIDS HIV Vaccine Initiative
> http://www.who.int/vaccine_research/diseases/hiv/en/
> Frances Gotch, Imperial College
> http://www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/about/institutes/tropical/members/steering/people/f.gotch.html
> Vaccine
> www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0264410X
Un principiu general acceptat in stiinta spune ca totul e "plausible". Pana la a fi "probable" e, insa, cale lunga. Iar pana la confirmarea stiintifica iti creste barba mai mare ca a lui Mos Craciun.

2005-12-01 00:53:11


Gallo nu a descoperit virusul imunodeficientei umane. L-a furat de la Institutul Pasteur. In ziua in care specialistii de la Pasteur publicau virusul in Science (20 martie 1983, Barre-Sinoussi et al.,) Gallo publica in acceasi revista un articol eronat in care sustinea ca SIDA este produsa de HTLV, un alt virus.
A obtinut culturile de la francezi si pentru ca nu reusea sa creasca nimic pe culturile sale, le-a inoculat cu Bru (izolatul francez). A publicat rezultatele un an mai tarziu, in mai 1984. Pentru asta, institutul Pasteur l-a dat in judecata impreuna cu guvernul american. In final au dat la pace pentru remedierea situatiei Chirac (pe actunci prim ministru) si Schultz (secretarul de stat american). In 1994 a fost publicat in Nature un articol care demonstra identitatea izolatului lui Gallo cu cel francez. Gallo a fost sub ancheta pentru mult timp si a scapat numai pentru ca si-a bagat la apa post-docul (Mikula Popovic).
In fine, in 1994, Gallo a spus sus si tare ca a identificat cauza sarcomului Kaposi ca fiind o disfunctie a interleukinei 2 (Nature, articolul lui Lusso). O luna mai tarziu era publicat de un alt grup un studiu care demonstra ca sarcomul kaposi este produs de un herpesvirus, HHV-8 (sau KSHV).

Asa ca daca acum Gallo are vaccinul, fiti rezervati in aprecieri. Toti cei care lucreaza pe vaccinuri au raportat in toti anii astia succese. Pe care apoi le-au infirmat. Sunt cateva zeci ce studii care demonstraza protectie la maimute. Numai ca protecita survine atunci cand challenge-ul se face cu SHIV (un virus artificial care reprezinta un hibrid intre HIv si virusul macacului). Nici un studiu n-a putut pana in prezent raporta protectie la maimutele infectate cu SIV. Atunci cand s-a incercat sa se treaca direct la oameni (GeneVax in Thailanda) rezultatele au fost catastrofale.
Si tot asa ca sa teminam cu veselie, stiti poate ca HIV nu se replica la iepuri!

Dan Bostan
2005-12-01 01:36:56

Re: Gallo

Si chiar vrei sa credem asta?

2005-12-01 05:18:27

Re: Gallo

Bravo Cristian! Am vrut sa raspund mai devreme dar am avut enorm de lucru azi. Ai perfecta dreptate, ma bucur ca ai facut o expunere la obiect, fara patima. Tot ceea ce ai scris este perfect adevarat. Pentru amatori, nu as recomanda articole din jurnalele stiintifice de specialitate. Acestia insa, nu ar strica sa vada filmul

" And the band plays on"

in care este demascata intreaga mascada "Gallo" dar si atitudinea guvernului american din vremea aceea, a companiilor farmaceutice sau a CDC (Atlanta) fata de "fenomenul" HIV.

Impotriva infectiei cu HIV, mai curand ne putem pune speranta in strategii de terapie genica, decat in vaccinuri si 'gogosi tip gallo'. De curand a avut loc o mare conferinta de Gene Therapy gazduita de UC-Davis. Am vazut acolo un model excelent anti HIV (bazat pe siRNA to gag-gene, unde carriers erau limfocite CD3/CD28, artificiale). Modelul a fost deja testat clinic pe 5 pacienti rezistenti la toate antiviralele existente pe piata. Autorul este Dr Bruce Levine, Philadelphia. Daca esti interesat il gasesti repede.

Asa ca, lui tataie gallo, eu ii doresc sa se insanatoseasca grabnic. Macar de-ar gasi el un remediu anti-HIV, si-ar mai spala rusinea anilor trecuti. Dar chestia cu iepurii intrece orice masura, poate era un strain de MLV :)))

Privind chestia cu sarcomul kaposi este intr-adevar associat infectiilor cu HIV si HTLV insa, se pare ca "seniorul" gallo nu prea le are cu separarea herpesurilor de retro-lentivirus. La urma urmei, lasa-l mai, sa mance si el o paine! ce tu vrei sa fie toti perfecti.

Sara buna!

2005-12-01 12:40:42

"We are making progress with a preventive vaccine, but we are not there yet," added Gallo


AIDS expert reports progress towards HIV vaccine
30 Nov 2005 17:25:27 GMT
Source: Reuters
By Allyn Fisher-Ilan

JERUSALEM, Nov 30 (Reuters) - A scientist who helped to discover the HIV virus said he has made progress towards producing an AIDS vaccine and hopes to launch a clinical trial in about a year.

Dr. Robert Gallo, the director of the University of Maryland's Institute for Human Virology, said results from animal studies were encouraging.

"I think we've made some advances in making antibodies that will react with the variety of strains of HIV," he told Reuters, referring to the virus that causes AIDS.

Scientists believe a vaccine is the best hope for ending the global AIDS pandemic that has killed about 3.1 million people this year. But defeating the virus has proved more difficult than researchers had expected.

Gallo, in Israel to accept an award from Bar-Ilan University in advance of World AIDS day on Thursday, said it was still too early to say when a vaccine could be produced for humans.

Researchers believe an effective AIDS vaccine is still many years away.

"We have had some interesting results in the monkeys that show we can make an immune response,", Gallo said, noting potential progress on overcoming the problem of mutation of the virus.

But the antibodies produced in his experiments lasted only up to four months, which is far less than needed for an effective vaccine.

"We are making progress with a preventive vaccine, but we are not there yet," added Gallo, who discovered the AIDS virus with France's Luc Montagnier.

Earlier this week Europe's biggest drug maker GlaxoSmithKline Plc announced a plan to develop an experimental AIDS vaccine along with France's Institut Pasteur.

They intend to make the vaccine by fusing genes from HIV on to an existing vaccine for measles.

More than 30 AIDS vaccine trials in humans are ongoing but no one can predict if any will be effective against the virus that has infected nearly 5 million people in 2005.

Antiretroviral drugs have prolonged lives of people with HIV/AIDS but public health experts say preventing the spread of virus, by using condoms, abstinence and needle exchange programmes, is also essential for halting the epidemic.

The number of people living with HIV/AIDS hit a record high of 40.3 million this year, according to the latest figures from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organisation.

2005-12-01 13:13:32

Minciuna :-"

Miroase a vrajeala

2005-12-01 14:38:37

vaccinul impotriva HIV

la modul in care oamenii de stiintza GINDESC vaccinele, nu se poate descoperi un vaccin impotriva HIV.
singura sansa ca un vaccin sa lucreze este ca cineva sa vina cu o TEORIE TOTAL NOUA despre fabricarea unui vaccin.
explicat altfel: cineva sa vina si sa faca rotzile de la masina PATRATE si masina sa mearga.
este discutabil cine a descoperit HIV. cred ca totusi francezii. cea mai consacrata carete de boli infectioase scrisa in USA, Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases scrisa de MANDEL & comp, nu aminteste cine a descoperit acest vitus extrem de important pentru omenire.
-UN SFAT: cind este vorba de medicina, este bine sa cititi cele mai consacrate si recunoscute carti ( Text Books).
Informatiile scrise pe internet pot sa va induca in eroare citeodata.
-nu uitati: cele mai importante si uneori vitale informatii, NU SE DAU GRATIS!
va dau o tema:
vreau sa-mi spuneti daca in Romania se pot gasi doua medicamente foarte importante care sint indispensabile tratamentului SIDA.
1. KALETRA ( combinatie de Lopinavir si Ritonavir).
2. Ritonavir.

2005-12-01 15:13:33

Re: "We are making progress with a preventive vaccine, but we are not there yet," added Gallo

La 2005-12-01 12:40:42, RazvanM a scris:

> http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L29222706.htm
> AIDS expert reports progress towards HIV vaccine
> 30 Nov 2005 17:25:27 GMT
> Source: Reuters
> By Allyn Fisher-Ilan
> JERUSALEM, Nov 30 (Reuters) - A scientist who helped to discover the
> HIV virus said he has made progress towards producing an AIDS vaccine
> and hopes to launch a clinical trial in about a year.
> Dr. Robert Gallo, the director of the University of Maryland's
> Institute for Human Virology, said results from animal studies were
> encouraging.
> "I think we've made some advances in making antibodies that will
> react with the variety of strains of HIV," he told Reuters,
> referring to the virus that causes AIDS.
> Scientists believe a vaccine is the best hope for ending the global
> AIDS pandemic that has killed about 3.1 million people this year. But
> defeating the virus has proved more difficult than researchers had
> expected.
> Gallo, in Israel to accept an award from Bar-Ilan University in
> advance of World AIDS day on Thursday, said it was still too early to
> say when a vaccine could be produced for humans.
> Researchers believe an effective AIDS vaccine is still many years
> away.
> "We have had some interesting results in the monkeys that show we
> can make an immune response,", Gallo said, noting potential
> progress on overcoming the problem of mutation of the virus.
> But the antibodies produced in his experiments lasted only up to four
> months, which is far less than needed for an effective vaccine.
> "We are making progress with a preventive vaccine, but we are not
> there yet," added Gallo, who discovered the AIDS virus with
> France's Luc Montagnier.
> Earlier this week Europe's biggest drug maker GlaxoSmithKline Plc
> announced a plan to develop an experimental AIDS vaccine along with
> France's Institut Pasteur.
> They intend to make the vaccine by fusing genes from HIV on to an
> existing vaccine for measles.
> More than 30 AIDS vaccine trials in humans are ongoing but no one can
> predict if any will be effective against the virus that has infected
> nearly 5 million people in 2005.
> Antiretroviral drugs have prolonged lives of people with HIV/AIDS but
> public health experts say preventing the spread of virus, by using
> condoms, abstinence and needle exchange programmes, is also essential
> for halting the epidemic.
> The number of people living with HIV/AIDS hit a record high of 40.3
> million this year, according to the latest figures from the Joint
> United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health
> Organisation.

in mesaj se spune: "More than 30 AIDS vaccine trials in humans are ongoing but no one can predict if any will be effective against the virus that has infected nearly 5 million people in 2005".

va dau citeva informatii care pe unii ii vor shoca:
1. definitie: INFECTIE= capacitatea unui organism da a intra in organismul unui animal sau in organismul uman.
2. definitie: BOALA= capacitatea unui organism de a produce simtome, deci de a face pacientul sa simta ca ceva nu este in regula cu el.
Boala reprezinta : simtomele si schimbarile histopatogenice care se datoreaza infectiei initiale.
ex. foarte multi dintre pacientii care sint infectati cu microbul TUBERCULOZEI, INITIAL NU AU NICI-UN SIMTOM. nici macar nu stiu ca au fost infectati. dupa luni sau ani ei pot deveni bolnavi de tuberculoza.
BOLALA TB = febra, tuse, transpiratii nocturne, pierdere de greutate si RADIOGRAFII anormale.
INFECTIA TB= test positiv la tuberculina( testul cu roseata de pe mina care ni se facea la scoala), cu radiografie normala si pacientul simtindu-se"ca nou", deci fara simtome.


MOMENTUL ZERO=un vaccin produce anticorpi. in momentul in care microbul intra in organism ( momentul 1) sa ne atace celulele, acesti anticorpi ataca organismul respectiv ( sa zicem un virus HIV). multe virusuri mor , dar nu toate.
in acest moment ( momentul 1)sistemul imun incepe se se apere pe diverse cai aditional anticorpilor pe care ii avea deja, care de multe ori nu sint suficienti.
deci sint sintetizati anticorpi noi , se specializeaza si alte celule de lupta(imunitatea celulara), se elibereaza interferon si altele. impreuna aceasta armata distruge , in final, virusul.
LA MOMENTUL 1, cind virusul HIV a intrat deja in corpl nostru, primele celule pe care le infecteaza sint limfocitele CD4, fara de care sistemul imun uman nu poate functiona.
O SINGURA CELULA CD4 DACA ESTE INFECTATA, va fi extrem de dificil pentru corpul uman sa distruga toate virusurile HIV.
in acea celula infectata( CD4), virusul HIV este protejat de anticorpi.
el se poate CULCA SA FACA NANI, pentru ani de zile si nimeni nu-l va deranja.
peste citiva ani cind multi dintre anticorpii sintetzati de vaccin, sint mai putzini sau mai obositi, HOP-TZOP, virusul HIV incepe sa se inmulteasca, milioane de virusuri omoara in final celula CD4 si sint eliberati in singe.
anticorpii mai omoara din ei, dar citeva virusuri au timp sa mai infecteze alte celule CD4....si uite-asa pacientul ramine infectat cu HIV.

medicamentele distrug HIV numai daca acesta se afla in perioada de diviziune, deci virusurile care dorm nu sint afectate.


de aceea cu tehnologia de azi si cu modul in care specialistii gindesc vaccinele, NIMENI NU VA PUTEA FACE UN VACCIN IMPOTRIVA HIV.

pentru ca raspunsul imun de la momentul

2005-12-01 15:28:11


La 2005-12-01 05:18:27, Asclepios a scris:

> Bravo Cristian! Am vrut sa raspund mai devreme dar am avut enorm de
> lucru azi. Ai perfecta dreptate, ma bucur ca ai facut o expunere la
> obiect, fara patima. Tot ceea ce ai scris este perfect adevarat.
> Pentru amatori, nu as recomanda articole din jurnalele stiintifice de
> specialitate. Acestia insa, nu ar strica sa vada filmul
> " And the band plays on"
> in care este demascata intreaga mascada "Gallo" dar si
> atitudinea guvernului american din vremea aceea, a companiilor
> farmaceutice sau a CDC (Atlanta) fata de "fenomenul" HIV.
> Impotriva infectiei cu HIV, mai curand ne putem pune speranta in
> strategii de terapie genica, decat in vaccinuri si 'gogosi tip
> gallo'. De curand a avut loc o mare conferinta de Gene Therapy
> gazduita de UC-Davis. Am vazut acolo un model excelent anti HIV
> (bazat pe siRNA to gag-gene, unde carriers erau limfocite CD3/CD28,
> artificiale). Modelul a fost deja testat clinic pe 5 pacienti
> rezistenti la toate antiviralele existente pe piata. Autorul este Dr
> Bruce Levine, Philadelphia. Daca esti interesat il gasesti repede.
> Asa ca, lui tataie gallo, eu ii doresc sa se insanatoseasca grabnic.
> Macar de-ar gasi el un remediu anti-HIV, si-ar mai spala rusinea
> anilor trecuti. Dar chestia cu iepurii intrece orice masura, poate
> era un strain de MLV :)))
> Privind chestia cu sarcomul kaposi este intr-adevar associat
> infectiilor cu HIV si HTLV insa, se pare ca "seniorul"
> gallo nu prea le are cu separarea herpesurilor de retro-lentivirus.
> La urma urmei, lasa-l mai, sa mance si el o paine! ce tu vrei sa fie
> toti perfecti.
> Sara buna!
>seara buna si tie.
citeste te rog mesajul meu despre VACCINE SI HIV.
poate putem discuta in particulat in viitor.

2005-12-01 15:44:44

Re: Gallo

La 2005-12-01 00:53:11, capetrei a scris:

> Gallo nu a descoperit virusul imunodeficientei umane. L-a furat de la
> Institutul Pasteur. In ziua in care specialistii de la Pasteur
> publicau virusul in Science (20 martie 1983, Barre-Sinoussi et al.,)
> Gallo publica in acceasi revista un articol eronat in care sustinea
> ca SIDA este produsa de HTLV, un alt virus.
> A obtinut culturile de la francezi si pentru ca nu reusea sa creasca
> nimic pe culturile sale, le-a inoculat cu Bru (izolatul francez). A
> publicat rezultatele un an mai tarziu, in mai 1984. Pentru asta,
> institutul Pasteur l-a dat in judecata impreuna cu guvernul american.
> In final au dat la pace pentru remedierea situatiei Chirac (pe actunci
> prim ministru) si Schultz (secretarul de stat american). In 1994 a
> fost publicat in Nature un articol care demonstra identitatea
> izolatului lui Gallo cu cel francez. Gallo a fost sub ancheta pentru
> mult timp si a scapat numai pentru ca si-a bagat la apa post-docul
> (Mikula Popovic).
> In fine, in 1994, Gallo a spus sus si tare ca a identificat cauza
> sarcomului Kaposi ca fiind o disfunctie a interleukinei 2 (Nature,
> articolul lui Lusso). O luna mai tarziu era publicat de un alt grup
> un studiu care demonstra ca sarcomul kaposi este produs de un
> herpesvirus, HHV-8 (sau KSHV).
> Asa ca daca acum Gallo are vaccinul, fiti rezervati in aprecieri. Toti
> cei care lucreaza pe vaccinuri au raportat in toti anii astia succese.
> Pe care apoi le-au infirmat. Sunt cateva zeci ce studii care
> demonstraza protectie la maimute. Numai ca protecita survine atunci
> cand challenge-ul se face cu SHIV (un virus artificial care
> reprezinta un hibrid intre HIv si virusul macacului). Nici un studiu
> n-a putut pana in prezent raporta protectie la maimutele infectate cu
> SIV. Atunci cand s-a incercat sa se treaca direct la oameni (GeneVax
> in Thailanda) rezultatele au fost catastrofale.
> Si tot asa ca sa teminam cu veselie, stiti poate ca HIV nu se replica
> la iepuri!
> Cristian
bun mesaj!.
din pacate americanii au dat kix la aceasta descoperire.
bine ca stiu cum sa trateze HIV/AIDS in zilele noastre!

2005-12-01 16:19:34

Re: vaccinul impotriva HIV

La 2005-12-01 14:38:37, doctoru' a scris:

> este discutabil cine a descoperit HIV. cred ca totusi francezii. cea
> mai consacrata carete de boli infectioase scrisa in USA, Principles
> and Practice of Infectious Diseases scrisa de MANDEL & comp, nu
> aminteste cine a descoperit acest vitus extrem de important pentru
> omenire.
> -UN SFAT: cind este vorba de medicina, este bine sa cititi cele mai
> consacrate si recunoscute carti ( Text Books).
> Informatiile scrise pe internet pot sa va induca in eroare citeodata.
> -nu uitati: cele mai importante si uneori vitale informatii, NU SE DAU
> va dau o tema:
> vreau sa-mi spuneti daca in Romania se pot gasi doua medicamente
> foarte importante care sint indispensabile tratamentului SIDA.
> 1. KALETRA ( combinatie de Lopinavir si Ritonavir).
> 2. Ritonavir.

Evident ca Mandell nu-o sa spuna c-au gresit. Informatiile de care ai nevoie sunt public domain. Cauta Science din 20 iunie 1983 si science din 11 mai 1984. O sa vezi atunci cine a descoperit virusul. Daca vrei sa fii exact,  o sa contati ca nici macar in Statele Unite Gallo n-a fost primul care a izolat virusul. A fost Jay A. Levy de la UC San Francisco. Doctore, lucrez in domeniul asta de 15 ani. Cred ca pot da o opinie calificata.

In ce priveste vaccinul si imunologia SIDA, ai doar partial dreptate. Variabilitatea virusului face ca raspunsul imun sa nu fie eficient. Spre exemplu, in majoritatea cazurilor, sunt produsi anticorpi neutralizanti. Dar cum virusul este in permanenta cu un pas inaintea raspunsului imun, de fapt in final anticorpii neutralizanti exercita presiune imuna care nu face decat sa directioneze evaziunea virusului.
Ai mare grija cu privire la dobandirea informatiei din carti. Este o notiune inselatoare. O sa afli informatii consacrate, dar uneori depasite. Un medic trebuie sa citeasca jurnale.
Cel mai bun exemplu, pentru ca tot ai discutat de Kaletra si Mandell este tocmai mandell care in editia a trei propunea ca sheme terapeutice biterapiile (urmare a rezultatelor trialului delta) asta in timp ce in clinici se administrau deja inhibitorii de proteaze si triterapia cu efecte spectaculare.

In fine, uita care-s raspunsurile la intrebare:
1. in Romania se gasesc pe piata toate medicamentele ARV acceptate de FDA. kaletra este in uz curent din 2002. Inhibitorii de proteaza din 1998.
2. Ritonaviul nu se mai recomanda in prezent decat in boosting. Daca vrei o parere, cred ca nici nu prea este eficient, pentru ca patternul de rezistenta este comun cu indinavirul si s-au dat ambele la greu, incat majoritatea tulpinilor sunt rezistente (delatfel chestia astta s-a si publicat deja: HIV type 1 diversity in North eastern Romania in 2000-2001 based on phylogenetic analysis of pol sequences from patients failing antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses, 2003, 19: 1155-1161.

the pada
2005-12-01 17:51:43



2005-12-01 18:27:08

Re: vaccinul impotriva HIV- pentru cris

La 2005-12-01 16:19:34, capetrei a scris:

> La 2005-12-01 14:38:37, doctoru' a scris:
> > este discutabil cine a descoperit HIV. cred ca totusi francezii. cea
> > mai consacrata carete de boli infectioase scrisa in USA, Principles
> > and Practice of Infectious Diseases scrisa de MANDEL & comp, nu
> > aminteste cine a descoperit acest vitus extrem de important pentru
> > omenire.
> > -UN SFAT: cind este vorba de medicina, este bine sa cititi cele mai
> > consacrate si recunoscute carti ( Text Books).
> > Informatiile scrise pe internet pot sa va induca in eroare citeodata.
> > -nu uitati: cele mai importante si uneori vitale informatii, NU SE DAU
> > va dau o tema:
> > vreau sa-mi spuneti daca in Romania se pot gasi doua medicamente
> > foarte importante care sint indispensabile tratamentului SIDA.
> > 1. KALETRA ( combinatie de Lopinavir si Ritonavir).
> > 2. Ritonavir.
> Evident ca Mandell nu-o sa spuna c-au gresit. Informatiile de care ai
> nevoie sunt public domain. Cauta Science din 20 iunie 1983 si science
> din 11 mai 1984. O sa vezi atunci cine a descoperit virusul. Daca vrei
> sa fii exact,  o sa contati ca nici macar in Statele Unite Gallo
> n-a fost primul care a izolat virusul. A fost Jay A. Levy de la UC
> San Francisco. Doctore, lucrez in domeniul asta de 15 ani. Cred ca
> pot da o opinie calificata.
> In ce priveste vaccinul si imunologia SIDA, ai doar partial dreptate.
> Variabilitatea virusului face ca raspunsul imun sa nu fie eficient.
> Spre exemplu, in majoritatea cazurilor, sunt produsi anticorpi
> neutralizanti. Dar cum virusul este in permanenta cu un pas inaintea
> raspunsului imun, de fapt in final anticorpii neutralizanti exercita
> presiune imuna care nu face decat sa directioneze evaziunea
> virusului.
> Ai mare grija cu privire la dobandirea informatiei din carti. Este o
> notiune inselatoare. O sa afli informatii consacrate, dar uneori
> depasite. Un medic trebuie sa citeasca jurnale.
> Cel mai bun exemplu, pentru ca tot ai discutat de Kaletra si Mandell
> este tocmai mandell care in editia a trei propunea ca sheme
> terapeutice biterapiile (urmare a rezultatelor trialului delta) asta
> in timp ce in clinici se administrau deja inhibitorii de proteaze si
> triterapia cu efecte spectaculare.
> In fine, uita care-s raspunsurile la intrebare:
> 1. in Romania se gasesc pe piata toate medicamentele ARV acceptate de
> FDA. kaletra este in uz curent din 2002. Inhibitorii de proteaza din
> 1998.
> 2. Ritonaviul nu se mai recomanda in prezent decat in boosting. Daca
> vrei o parere, cred ca nici nu prea este eficient, pentru ca
> patternul de rezistenta este comun cu indinavirul si s-au dat ambele
> la greu, incat majoritatea tulpinilor sunt rezistente (delatfel
> chestia astta s-a si publicat deja: HIV type 1 diversity in North
> eastern Romania in 2000-2001 based on phylogenetic analysis of pol
> sequences from patients failing antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Res Hum
> Retroviruses, 2003, 19: 1155-1161.
> Cris
>informatia la care ma refeream ( descoperirea HIV). este veche, de aceea faceam referire la mandel.
stiu foarte bine ca o carte publicata este deja cu 3-4 ani in urma si de fapt obsolete din punct de vedere a multor tratamente.
nu numai ca citesc jurnale, dar interpretez studiile initiale, dupa care sint scrise carti si articole.
am scris mesaje nu la nivel stiintific.
am peirdut mult timp sa fac explicatii simple pentru intelesul tuturor.
discutam separat la cel mai inalt nivel pe e-mail.

2005-12-01 18:27:23


"I think we've made some advances in making antibodies that will react with the variety of strains of HIV," Gallo told Reuters, referring to the virus that causes AIDS.
Lipsa de profesionalism a jurnalistilor romani face din nou cariera...

2005-12-01 18:36:58

Re: F.A.L.S.

La 2005-12-01 17:51:43, the pada a scris:


Si ce daca? Este important sa fie eficienti. Anticorpii persista pentru tot restul vietii si eventual la noul contact cu antigenul care i-a generat, expansiunea clonala a celulelor B amplifica exponential titrurile in decurs de zile.
Dar daca virusul de azi nu mai e acelasi cu cel din urma cu 14 zile, se cheama ca anticorpii n-au nici o valoare.

2005-12-01 19:33:25

AIDS is caused by a mycoplasma made in the USA

By Jerry Mazza with Dirk Chardet
Online Journal Contributing Writers

"Anybody well informed knows for more then a decade that AIDS is not caused by a virus. This virus has never been seen, has never been isolated, it simply does not exist. In spite of what the medical establishment tries to make us believe.

"What then causes the disease has remained unclear to me, until reading the August / September 2001 issue of Nexus, a magazine everybody should read—especially USA citizens. It is from two articles . . . that I have taken the following information. The first is Mycoplasma: "The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases" by Donald W. Scott . . ." I open it and read it. It’s very interesting.

DCH goes on, "The ‘Special Operations–X’ program began in the US in 1957 and was aimed at developing synthetic biological agents that would lead to a scourge and Black Death-type plague in certain geographical areas and regions of the world—especially Africa.

Population control was one issue here, but there also seem to be racist motives. Boyd Graves, the author of one of the articles states ‘The comb to vanquish the black race has many teeth.’

http://www.boydgraves.com/ . What have come out of this program are AIDS and Ebola. We will discuss the first."


Returning to Dirk Chardet, he asserts that "AIDS is caused by a mycoplasma (a tiny cell without walls) that has a visna lentivirus insertion (this virus turns the brain of sheep into pudding). The documentation of the visna evolution in the etiology of AIDS is located in the Proceedings of the United States of America at PNAS, 1995 April 11; 92:3283–87.

"There are 200 species of mycoplasma and most do no harm, only 4 or 5 are pathogenic. One of these is Mycoplasma Fermentans that probably comes from the Brucella bacterium. This one was bio-engineered with the DNA of the visna lentivirus and tested on an unsuspecting public in North America.

To put it more clearly : the AIDS pathogen was created out of a Brucella bacterium mutated with a visna virus ; then the toxin was removed as a DNA particle, called a mycoplasma."


"Doxycycline—one of the tetracycline antibiotics—will stop the growth of the mycoplasma in the early stages of a disease....................

2005-12-01 19:35:54

Re: logic

La 2005-11-30 11:08:31, taranistu a scris:

 "Domnilor nimeni nu lanseaza pe piata o boala fara a avea intii
 antidotul. "

Ba, bine ca nu: CIA

" Oare cine a lansat pe piata gripa aviara?"

Vezi mai sus.

2005-12-01 19:36:47

Re: logic


La 2005-11-30 15:02:18, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-11-30 11:08:31, taranistu a scris:
> > 
> > 
> > Oare cine a lansat pe piata gripa aviara?

2005-12-01 20:28:00

Re: vaccinul impotriva HIV

> -UN SFAT: cind este vorba de medicina, este bine sa cititi cele mai
> consacrate si recunoscute carti ( Text Books).

Se vind in pakete de 56 + 3 jokers ?
Sa citeasca cine este frecat de asa grija ! Ma doare pe mine-n coate cine a descoperit AIDS !
Ca daca l-a descoperit un francez, ca bolnav, te face mai "cult ".

PS Coane , suferi de marire . Tu crezi ca medicina e virful virfurilor, cunoscatorii cunoscatorilor. In breasla vostra sint ciumeti la fel ca in rindul frizerilor care fac meseria rau sau ca mulgatoarele de la GOSTAT. Daca ati sti mare lucru, speranta de viata la doctori ar fi mai mare. Pe meserii, in US, medicii traiesc cel mai putzim Mai putzin decit fermierii si camionagii . Atita timp cit se mai gasesc doctori cu chelie, este clar ca nu stitzi mare lucru. Ca daca ati sti, atzi scapa de chelie

2005-12-01 21:27:16

Re: Gallo

La tine nu se pune, nu te califici, lipsind organul crezutului.....

La 2005-12-01 01:36:56, Dan Bostan a scris:

> Sure...
> Si chiar vrei sa credem asta?

2005-12-01 21:40:37

Re: vaccinul impotriva HIV

La 2005-12-01 20:28:00, traktorist a scris:

> > -UN SFAT: cind este vorba de medicina, este bine sa cititi cele mai
> > consacrate si recunoscute carti ( Text Books).
>  Se vind in pakete de 56 + 3 jokers ?
> Sa citeasca cine este frecat de asa grija ! Ma doare pe
> mine-n coate cine a descoperit AIDS !
> Ca daca l-a descoperit un francez, ca bolnav, te face mai
> "cult ".
> PS Coane , suferi de marire . Tu crezi ca medicina e
> virful virfurilor, cunoscatorii cunoscatorilor. In breasla
> vostra sint ciumeti la fel ca in rindul frizerilor care fac
> meseria rau sau ca mulgatoarele de la GOSTAT. Daca ati
> sti mare lucru, speranta de viata la doctori ar fi mai
> mare. Pe meserii, in US, medicii traiesc cel mai putzim Mai
> putzin decit fermierii si camionagii . Atita timp cit se mai
> gasesc doctori cu chelie, este clar ca nu stitzi mare lucru.
> Ca daca ati sti, atzi scapa de chelie

adevarat tractorist :)
Stai in banca ta coane. Noi nu ne bagam la tractoare si invers, oki?
In cel priveste pe "capetrei", depun marturie ca e prb cel mai indreptatit roman sa vorbeasca despre HIV and AIDS...:).
noa, cu bine,


2005-12-01 21:45:36

Merci, doctore, ...

... ca te-ai straduit sa ne explici lucrurile astea atit de complicate ... pe intelesul (atit cit se poate) nostru.
la fel si lui ... asclepios si lui ... cape3.

e o placere sa urmaresti oameni pasionali cu munca lor ...

La 2005-12-01 15:13:33, doctoru' a scris:

> in mesaj se spune: "More than 30 AIDS vaccine trials in humans
> are ongoing but no one can predict if any will be effective against
> the virus that has infected nearly 5 million people in 2005".
> va dau citeva informatii care pe unii ii vor shoca:
> 1. definitie: INFECTIE= capacitatea unui organism da a intra in
> organismul unui animal sau in organismul uman.
> 2. definitie: BOALA= capacitatea unui organism de a produce simtome,
> deci de a face pacientul sa simta ca ceva nu este in regula cu el.
> Boala reprezinta : simtomele si schimbarile histopatogenice care se
> datoreaza infectiei initiale.
> ex. foarte multi dintre pacientii care sint infectati cu microbul
> TUBERCULOZEI, INITIAL NU AU NICI-UN SIMTOM. nici macar nu stiu ca au
> fost infectati. dupa luni sau ani ei pot deveni bolnavi de
> tuberculoza.
> BOLALA TB = febra, tuse, transpiratii nocturne, pierdere de greutate
> si RADIOGRAFII anormale.
> INFECTIA TB= test positiv la tuberculina( testul cu roseata de pe
> mina care ni se facea la scoala), cu radiografie normala si pacientul
> simtindu-se"ca nou", deci fara simtome.
>  MOMENTUL ZERO=un vaccin produce anticorpi. in momentul in care
> microbul intra in organism ( momentul 1) sa ne atace celulele, acesti
> anticorpi ataca organismul respectiv ( sa zicem un virus HIV). multe
> virusuri mor , dar nu toate.
> in acest moment ( momentul 1)sistemul imun incepe se se apere pe
> diverse cai aditional anticorpilor pe care ii avea deja, care de
> multe ori nu sint suficienti.
> deci sint sintetizati anticorpi noi , se specializeaza si alte celule
> de lupta(imunitatea celulara), se elibereaza interferon si altele.
> impreuna aceasta armata distruge , in final, virusul.
> LA MOMENTUL 1, cind virusul HIV a intrat deja in corpl nostru, primele
> celule pe care le infecteaza sint limfocitele CD4, fara de care
> sistemul imun uman nu poate functiona.
> O SINGURA CELULA CD4 DACA ESTE INFECTATA, va fi extrem de dificil
> pentru corpul uman sa distruga toate virusurile HIV.
> in acea celula infectata( CD4), virusul HIV este protejat de
> anticorpi.
> el se poate CULCA SA FACA NANI, pentru ani de zile si nimeni nu-l va
> deranja.
> peste citiva ani cind multi dintre anticorpii sintetzati de vaccin,
> sint mai putzini sau mai obositi, HOP-TZOP, virusul HIV incepe sa se
> inmulteasca, milioane de virusuri omoara in final celula CD4 si sint
> eliberati in singe.
> anticorpii mai omoara din ei, dar citeva virusuri au timp sa mai
> infecteze alte celule CD4....si uite-asa pacientul ramine infectat cu
> HIV.
> medicamentele distrug HIV numai daca acesta se afla in perioada de
> diviziune, deci virusurile care dorm nu sint afectate.
> de aceea cu tehnologia de azi si cu modul in care specialistii gindesc
>  respect!
> pentru ca raspunsul imun de la momentul

2005-12-01 21:53:04

Re: vaccinul impotriva HIV TRAKTORIST

La 2005-12-01 20:28:00, traktorist a scris:

> > -UN SFAT: cind este vorba de medicina, este bine sa cititi cele mai
> > consacrate si recunoscute carti ( Text Books).
>  Se vind in pakete de 56 + 3 jokers ?
> Sa citeasca cine este frecat de asa grija ! Ma doare pe
> mine-n coate cine a descoperit AIDS !
> Ca daca l-a descoperit un francez, ca bolnav, te face mai
> "cult ".
> PS Coane , suferi de marire . Tu crezi ca medicina e
> virful virfurilor, cunoscatorii cunoscatorilor. In breasla
> vostra sint ciumeti la fel ca in rindul frizerilor care fac
> meseria rau sau ca mulgatoarele de la GOSTAT. Daca ati
> sti mare lucru, speranta de viata la doctori ar fi mai
> mare. Pe meserii, in US, medicii traiesc cel mai putzim Mai
> putzin decit fermierii si camionagii . Atita timp cit se mai
> gasesc doctori cu chelie, este clar ca nu stitzi mare lucru.
> Ca daca ati sti, atzi scapa de chelie

Peste 2 saptamini am rezervatie la un neurochirurg.
imi va taia 89% din creier.
in acest fel, voi deveni in sfirsit TRAKTORIST si voi fi criticat mai rar pe acest forum.

2005-12-01 21:58:55

AIDS e o boala a sistemului imunitar,a neputintei luli ''paraliziei'' lui de a mai putea reactiona la virusi si alte ''a

-tacuri'' din exteriorul organusmului, de ce devine neputincios care e cauza ,cind raspundem la intrebarea asta avem sanse sa facem ceva pozitiv.

2005-12-01 22:12:18

Re: Merci, doctore, ...

La 2005-12-01 21:45:36, Seherezada a scris:

> ... ca te-ai straduit sa ne explici lucrurile astea atit de complicate
> ... pe intelesul (atit cit se poate) nostru.
> la fel si lui ... asclepios si lui ... cape3.
> e o placere sa urmaresti oameni pasionali cu munca lor ...
> La 2005-12-01 15:13:33, doctoru' a scris:
> > in mesaj se spune: "More than 30 AIDS vaccine trials in humans
> > are ongoing but no one can predict if any will be effective against
> > the virus that has infected nearly 5 million people in 2005".
> > 
> > va dau citeva informatii care pe unii ii vor shoca:
> > 1. definitie: INFECTIE= capacitatea unui organism da a intra in
> > organismul unui animal sau in organismul uman.
> > 2. definitie: BOALA= capacitatea unui organism de a produce simtome,
> > deci de a face pacientul sa simta ca ceva nu este in regula cu el.
> > Boala reprezinta : simtomele si schimbarile histopatogenice care se
> > datoreaza infectiei initiale.
> > ex. foarte multi dintre pacientii care sint infectati cu microbul
> > TUBERCULOZEI, INITIAL NU AU NICI-UN SIMTOM. nici macar nu stiu ca au
> > fost infectati. dupa luni sau ani ei pot deveni bolnavi de
> > tuberculoza.
> > BOLALA TB = febra, tuse, transpiratii nocturne, pierdere de greutate
> > si RADIOGRAFII anormale.
> > INFECTIA TB= test positiv la tuberculina( testul cu roseata de pe
> > mina care ni se facea la scoala), cu radiografie normala si pacientul
> > simtindu-se"ca nou", deci fara simtome.
> > 
> > 
> >  MOMENTUL ZERO=un vaccin produce anticorpi. in momentul in care
> > microbul intra in organism ( momentul 1) sa ne atace celulele, acesti
> > anticorpi ataca organismul respectiv ( sa zicem un virus HIV). multe
> > virusuri mor , dar nu toate.
> > in acest moment ( momentul 1)sistemul imun incepe se se apere pe
> > diverse cai aditional anticorpilor pe care ii avea deja, care de
> > multe ori nu sint suficienti.
> > deci sint sintetizati anticorpi noi , se specializeaza si alte celule
> > de lupta(imunitatea celulara), se elibereaza interferon si altele.
> > impreuna aceasta armata distruge , in final, virusul.
> > LA MOMENTUL 1, cind virusul HIV a intrat deja in corpl nostru, primele
> > celule pe care le infecteaza sint limfocitele CD4, fara de care
> > sistemul imun uman nu poate functiona.
> > O SINGURA CELULA CD4 DACA ESTE INFECTATA, va fi extrem de dificil
> > pentru corpul uman sa distruga toate virusurile HIV.
> > in acea celula infectata( CD4), virusul HIV este protejat de
> > anticorpi.
> > el se poate CULCA SA FACA NANI, pentru ani de zile si nimeni nu-l va
> > deranja.
> > peste citiva ani cind multi dintre anticorpii sintetzati de vaccin,
> > sint mai putzini sau mai obositi, HOP-TZOP, virusul HIV incepe sa se
> > inmulteasca, milioane de virusuri omoara in final celula CD4 si sint
> > eliberati in singe.
> > anticorpii mai omoara din ei, dar citeva virusuri au timp sa mai
> > infecteze alte celule CD4....si uite-asa pacientul ramine infectat cu
> > HIV.
> > 
> > medicamentele distrug HIV numai daca acesta se afla in perioada de
> > diviziune, deci virusurile care dorm nu sint afectate.
> > 
> > 
> > de aceea cu tehnologia de azi si cu modul in care specialistii gindesc
> >  respect!
> > 
> > pentru ca raspunsul imun de la momentul
> > 
>-cu multa placere!
sper sa fi explicat bine si informatia sa fie folositoare.
sarbatori fericite!

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