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Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 68.165.43...)
2005-11-30 04:21
Robert Gallo...........................(1).


By Steven James

May 1999

Laughter is the best medicine... or so people say. But, comedy sometimes has a dark side and loses its therapeutic value, like when the joke’s on you. It’s funny -- and you may laugh -- but during the laughter you may wonder why is this funny? Why am I laughing? Like when Cindy Adams, the syndicated columnist, says “Only in New York, Kids, Only in New York!”

A certain kind of ironic or dark humor is what is called “Gallows Humor,” named after the medieval frame device consisting of two upright posts and a crossbeam from which criminals were hanged. Gallows humor makes fun of a very serious or terrifying situation. Like the death row inmate eating his last meal the night before execution and, unable to finish it, his guard asks: “Hey, man, want a doggie bag?”

The creativity of our species seemingly knows no bounds, and one of our fellow homo sapiens has managed to take this dark humor to an entirely new level, no small feat especially for someone who has never earned a living entertaining others. For that matter, Robert C. Gallo hasn’t really worked very hard all his adult life.

Not since he entered government service over thirty years ago as a research scientist in the then sleepy world of biotechnology. You don’t really work up a sweat in the bureaucratic world of government science. The pay’s good, the benefit’s legendary, and if you decide to “play politics” along the way, well, life can be downright enjoyable.

During the 1960s and 1970s, Gallo must have chuckled quite a lot. You see, our government had him and his colleagues spending our tax dollars looking for something which they all knew did not exist... the “virus” which causes cancer. They called it the “War on Cancer” and spent billions of our tax dollars trying to find the cause of the alarming increase in cancer in the U.S.; or rather, trying to mislead the American people into thinking that the cause of cancer could be found in a test tube, and that a “magic bullet” cure could be found to eliminate this scourge from contemporary society.

Of course, the reasons for the rise in cancer were evident to the “conogscienti” like Bob Gallo. Let’s face it, post World War II industrialization had produced environmental toxicity beyond belief. Smog chocked our cities, our rivers became open sewers, and chemical pesticides like DDT even threatened our nation’s proud symbol... the American Eagle... with extinction.

Meanwhile, the meat and dairy lobbies bought congressmen for “peanuts.” The bureaucrats we entrusted to “watch the store” turned out to be foxes in chicken feathers, and Americans were lied to about good health and good diet.

With no one to object, Madison Avenue did what Madison Avenue does best. It sold us a high fat, sugar, and salt diet [unknowingly laden with toxic chemicals, colorings, and additives] which in the toxic environment being produced by the competition-free hey-day of the 50s and 60s in America, created a nation of obesity and the malaise of cancer.

It has taken almost a half century to begin to correct this national disgrace; this plague upon our nation. I don’t know about you, but I rarely, if ever, see cancer patients laughing. Perhaps they just don’t “get it.” They just take their chemotherapy as “cure” and bravely manage to smile a little.

But, Bob Gallo got it. He got grants, prestige, laboratories, and an unlimited number of animals to experiment on... all the perks that anyone in his position could possibly wish for. It had to be amusing, because he was actually getting paid for this!

But, it wasn’t the big prize... the really big reward of prestige [no Nobel Prize, for example] or super wealth [no IPO with Bob Gallo as CEO]... at least not then. It can take years, after all, to perfect a comedy routine.

Not that he hadn’t tried. Because Bob Gallo would stoop at nothing to achieve his goals. And, what if he had to “bend the rules” or “massage the numbers” just a little to get there? No problem. His career is checkered with fraud, ineptitude, and misappropriation. Anything goes in Bob’s World of Comedy... anything for a laugh!

By the end of the 1970s, the “War on Cancer” was lost because after twenty years, somebody realized that you can’t “catch” cancer. No virus as villain. But the stage was being set for a bigger, better, “new” epidemic caused by a new “virus” which would provide years of entertainment for the nation... courtesy of Bob Gallo.

Bob Gallo was ready for the limelight, and for more mirth. His most audacious deceit and his biggest lie came on April 23, 1984, when Bob Gallo declared, with a straight face and with his Reagan appointed side kick [cabinet member Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services], that he had discovered the virus which causes the supposedly deadly “AIDS.” This was science by press conference... no peer review, nothing proved... just Bob Gallo center stage with the whole world watching! The “War on Cancer” became the “War on Aids.” Bob Gallo as stand-up comedian was on a roll!

Today, fifteen years later, Gallo is a happy man... and he laughs a lot... all the way to the bank. We’ve all got to eat... but Gallo’s Humor provides a feast!

Not that anybody else is laughing. But, to a psychopath like Bob Gallo, the echoes of his own laughter in the scrambled eggs he calls a brain make up for the “roar of the grease paint, the smell of the crowd.” Bob’s got his own personal “borscht belt” between his two floppy ears.

You see, Bob Gallo is the man who unleashed the terror of the millennium upon all the rest of us. He couldn’t have discovered the virus which causes “AIDS” -- quite simply -- because Bob stole the sample which was used to support his hypothesis. Then, after his press conference, Bob published four papers in the peer review journal Science which his peers later discovered to have been “doctored,” bent to prove what he wanted to prove. His boss, the National Institutes of Health, saved him from disgrace, humiliation and expulsion several years later by only finding him guilty of “creating and fostering conditions that gave rise to falsified/fabricated data and falsified reports.” If I “roll” my eyes at you, Bob, I bet I can make you laugh!

When Bob lied about HIV causing “AIDS,” he created a second lie... namely that the HIV test [which he patented and which became a phenomenal source of personal income] was an accurate indication of “infection” by HIV [which it is not], and that the discovery of antibodies [being ‘HIV positive’] meant you were contagious for “AIDS” [which is also not true]. Bob forgot to tell the world that his test commonly produced “false positive” test results caused by drug abuse, vaccinations, pregnancy and numerous other conditions and not necessarily HIV. Only Bob’s inner circle [the “Bob Club”] were in on the joke!

balota (...@mail.expert.ro, IP: 193.230.222...)
2005-11-30 08:53
Re: Robert Gallo...........................(1). GRigore, m-ai lamurit bustean

La 2005-11-30 04:21:55, Mos Grigore a scris:

> By Steven James
> May 1999
> Laughter is the best medicine... or so people say. But, comedy
> sometimes has a dark side and loses its therapeutic value, like when
> the joke’s on you. It’s funny -- and you may
> laugh -- but during the laughter you may wonder why is this funny?
> Why am I laughing? Like when Cindy Adams, the syndicated columnist,
> says “Only in New York, Kids, Only in New York!”
> A certain kind of ironic or dark humor is what is called
> “Gallows Humor,” named after the medieval frame
> device consisting of two upright posts and a crossbeam from which
> criminals were hanged. Gallows humor makes fun of a very serious or
> terrifying situation. Like the death row inmate eating his last meal
> the night before execution and, unable to finish it, his guard asks:
> “Hey, man, want a doggie bag?”
> The creativity of our species seemingly knows no bounds, and one of
> our fellow homo sapiens has managed to take this dark humor to an
> entirely new level, no small feat especially for someone who has
> never earned a living entertaining others. For that matter, Robert C.
> Gallo hasn’t really worked very hard all his adult life.
> Not since he entered government service over thirty years ago as a
> research scientist in the then sleepy world of biotechnology. You
> don’t really work up a sweat in the bureaucratic world of
> government science. The pay’s good, the benefit’s
> legendary, and if you decide to “play politics”
> along the way, well, life can be downright enjoyable.
> During the 1960s and 1970s, Gallo must have chuckled quite a lot. You
> see, our government had him and his colleagues spending our tax
> dollars looking for something which they all knew did not exist...
> the “virus” which causes cancer. They called it
> the “War on Cancer” and spent billions of our tax
> dollars trying to find the cause of the alarming increase in cancer in
> the U.S.; or rather, trying to mislead the American people into
> thinking that the cause of cancer could be found in a test tube, and
> that a “magic bullet” cure could be found to
> eliminate this scourge from contemporary society.
> Of course, the reasons for the rise in cancer were evident to the
> “conogscienti” like Bob Gallo. Let’s
> face it, post World War II industrialization had produced
> environmental toxicity beyond belief. Smog chocked our cities, our
> rivers became open sewers, and chemical pesticides like DDT even
> threatened our nation’s proud symbol... the American
> Eagle... with extinction.
> Meanwhile, the meat and dairy lobbies bought congressmen for
> “peanuts.” The bureaucrats we entrusted to
> “watch the store” turned out to be foxes in
> chicken feathers, and Americans were lied to about good health and
> good diet.
> With no one to object, Madison Avenue did what Madison Avenue does
> best. It sold us a high fat, sugar, and salt diet [unknowingly laden
> with toxic chemicals, colorings, and additives] which in the toxic
> environment being produced by the competition-free hey-day of the 50s
> and 60s in America, created a nation of obesity and the malaise of
> cancer.
> It has taken almost a half century to begin to correct this national
> disgrace; this plague upon our nation. I don’t know about
> you, but I rarely, if ever, see cancer patients laughing. Perhaps
> they just don’t “get it.” They just
> take their chemotherapy as “cure” and bravely
> manage to smile a little.
> But, Bob Gallo got it. He got grants, prestige, laboratories, and an
> unlimited number of animals to experiment on... all the perks that
> anyone in his position could possibly wish for. It had to be amusing,
> because he was actually getting paid for this!
> But, it wasn’t the big prize... the really big reward of
> prestige [no Nobel Prize, for example] or super wealth [no IPO with
> Bob Gallo as CEO]... at least not then. It can take years, after all,
> to perfect a comedy routine.
> Not that he hadn’t tried. Because Bob Gallo would stoop at
> nothing to achieve his goals. And, what if he had to “bend
> the rules” or “massage the numbers”
> just a little to get there? No problem. His career is checkered with
> fraud, ineptitude, and misappropriation. Anything goes in
> Bob’s World of Comedy... anything for a laugh!
> By the end of the 1970s, the “War on Cancer” was
> lost because after twenty years, somebody realized that you
> can’t “catch” cancer. No virus as
> villain. But the stage was being set for a bigger, better,
> “new” epidemic caused by a new
> “virus” which would provide years of
> entertainment for the nation... courtesy of Bob Gallo.
> Bob Gallo was ready for the limelight, and for more mirth. His most
> audacious deceit and his biggest lie came on April 23, 1984, when Bob
> Gallo declared, with a straight face and with his Reagan appointed
> side kick [cabinet member Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and
> Human Services], that he had discovered the virus which causes the
> supposedly deadly “AIDS.” This was science by
> press conference... no peer review, nothing proved... just Bob Gallo
> center stage with the whole world watching! The “War on
> Cancer” became the “War on Aids.” Bob
> Gallo as stand-up comedian was on a roll!
> Today, fifteen years later, Gallo is a happy man... and he laughs a
> lot... all the way to the bank. We’ve all got to eat... but
> Gallo’s Humor provides a feast!
> Not that anybody else is laughing. But, to a psychopath like Bob
> Gallo, the echoes of his own laughter in the scrambled eggs he calls
> a brain make up for the “roar of the grease paint, the
> smell of the crowd.” Bob’s got his own personal
> “borscht belt” between his two floppy ears.
> You see, Bob Gallo is the man who unleashed the terror of the
> millennium upon all the rest of us. He couldn’t have
> discovered the virus which causes “AIDS” -- quite
> simply -- because Bob stole the sample which was used to support his
> hypothesis. Then, after his press conference, Bob published four
> papers in the peer review journal Science which his peers later
> discovered to have been “doctored,” bent to prove
> what he wanted to prove. His boss, the National Institutes of Health,
> saved him from disgrace, humiliation and expulsion several years
> later by only finding him guilty of “creating and fostering
> conditions that gave rise to falsified/fabricated data and falsified
> reports.” If I “roll” my eyes at you,
> Bob, I bet I can make you laugh!
> When Bob lied about HIV causing “AIDS,” he created
> a second lie... namely that the HIV test [which he patented and which
> became a phenomenal source of personal income] was an accurate
> indication of “infection” by HIV [which it is
> not], and that the discovery of antibodies [being ‘HIV
> positive’] meant you were contagious for
> “AIDS” [which is also not true]. Bob forgot to
> tell the world that his test commonly produced “false
> positive” test results caused by drug abuse, vaccinations,
> pregnancy and numerous other conditions and not necessarily HIV. Only
> Bob’s inner circle [the “Bob Club”] were
> in on the joke!

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