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  Nr. 3491 de luni, 28 noiembrie 2005 
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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-11-28 21:29
Un referendum printre Irakieni asupra prezentei trupelor americane?

Pe ei, oare, de ce nu i-or fii intrebind, adevaratii Democrati ai lumii? Tot sunt intreabati americanii, ca si cum ei ar trebui sa decida soarta irakienilor. O fi asta democratia secolului 21!

A February poll by the U.S. military, cited by the Brookings Institution, found that 71 percent of Iraqis "oppose the presence of Coalition Forces in Iraq." This poll was taken only in urban areas, but others have found much the same sentiment.

According to a January 2005 poll by Abu Dhabi TV/Zogby International, 82 percent of Sunni Arabs and 69 percent of Shiite Arabs favor the withdrawal of U.S. troops either immediately or after an elected government is in place.

A nationwide poll taken by Iraqi university researchers for the British government found that 82 percent of all Iraqis surveyed in August are strongly opposed to the presence of coalition troops and 67 percent feel less secure because of the occupation, the Sunday Telegraph of London reported last month.

But an opinion poll does not carry the weight of a referendum, in which all Iraqis could clearly and definitively vote on whether or not U.S. troops should remain in their country.

This can be done: Kurdish activists organized a referendum on independence during the January national elections in Iraq, which found that more than 90 percent of Kurdish voters want independence for the region.

Farimitza Lambru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 66.98.148...)
2005-11-28 22:10
Adevarul despre prezenta SUA in Irak - "pacifistii" comunisti sacrifica vieti de dragul politicii murdare

Oh, for a George M. Cohan. Oh, for a writer of songs like his "Over There" today. All the noise, all the static, and not a bit of music to herald these United States these days.

We're over there, we Yanks, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. We kicked the Taliban thugs out of Afghanistan, sent them packing, and worked with the populace that emerged from the rubble, allowed a government to form, citizens to vote, women to go outside, girls to go back to school, and all to return to work in hospitals, stores and banks.

In Iraq, we cornered the dictator's sadistic sons and sent them to their final judgment. We captured their father, the tyrant and mass-murdering Saddam Hussein, dragged him out of a rat-hole in the desert and are bringing him to justice before a jury of Iraqis. We've seen the populace of Iraq vote on a constitution -- even under threat of being beheaded by Islamofascists -- going to the polls some 70 percent strong. Schools are opening, stores are operating and soon the Iraqi people will vote again on a new government.

But here we get all the static, all the talking heads, and all the theories of what's happening over there. We hear politics instead of facts. We get editorials in place of reports. We have Congress tied up with some politicians making threats and insisting that we set a date to withdraw our troops or withdraw our troops immediately. We hear them making accusations that President Bush lied when he said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction -- even though former President Bill Clinton said the same thing when he was in office, as did others in his party who now seem to be suffering from an acute case of amnesia regarding the recent past.

The supreme ayatollah of Iran is urging a speedy pullout of foreign troops from Iraq. Now, if former President Jimmy Carter were still in the White House, perhaps that would happen. Carter was the president, you'll recall, who wrote a nice letter to the Ayatollah Khomeni in Iran after his country took over the American Embassy and was holding Americans hostage inside. But there's a different president in the White House today. President Bush is not backing down in the war on terror -- despite all the noise and all the chatter and talking heads who are criticizing him.

The noise is so loud about the war, yet we're not hearing what we need to hear. We're not hearing from the soldiers, the generals, the boots on the ground. Why is this?

The soldiers are putting their lives on the line daily, yet we don't hear from them or about them in the myriad reports coming out of Baghdad. The Marines are making certain schools are free of bombs and children can go inside to learn. Yet we don't hear from them. We only hear of the fatalities of the war -- not the victories of the war. We see pictures of the soldiers who have given their lives, but no pictures of the heroes who are, daily, making progress over there.

There are those who would like to set a date by which we will withdraw American troops. That's like playing poker and telling which cards you have and when you intend to play them. It doesn't work in war.

There are politicians who are using the war to try to tilt Americans to change their minds. They continually refer to Iraq as another Vietnam. It is not Vietnam. Vietnam was a black eye for America. It was a time where America pulled out due to public opinion and then watched the slaughter of the South Vietnamese people after we left. Iraq is not Vietnam. If we pull out of Iraq, al-Qaida will follow us right back home -- to New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Doubt it? Then you have forgotten 9/11 and just what happened after America failed to respond to the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and failed to act when our Marine barracks, our Navy ship, and other American targets were attacked by al-Qaida.

There's too much static noise out there regarding the war. It's filling a vacuum caused by the administration's failure to keep us regularly updated on what is happening throughout Iraq. It's time for the Bush administration to step up and tell us what is going on -- with regular reports, weekly updates, fireside chats, talks with soldiers -- through the entire country of Iraq.

We're getting our reports from hotel rooms in Baghdad.

It's time for the whole story from over there.

Farimitza Lambru (...@yahoo.com, IP: 66.98.148...)
2005-11-28 22:21
Irak-ul este deja o victorie - stingii tradatoare nu trebuie sa i se permita sa propagandizeze o falsa infringere.

Profesorul de la Harvard, James Wilson, ofera o mostra de cum ar trebui sa se adreseze natiunii presedintele SUA.

My fellow Americans: We are winning, and winning decisively, in Iraq
and the Middle East. We defeated Saddam Hussein's army in just a few
weeks. None of the disasters that many feared would follow our invasion
occurred. Our troops did not have to fight door to door to take
Baghdad. The Iraqi oil fields were not set on fire. There was no civil
war between the Sunnis and the Shiites. There was no grave humanitarian

Saddam Hussein was captured and is awaiting trial. His two murderous
sons are dead. Most of the leading members of Saddam's regime have been
captured or killed. After our easy military victory, we found ourselves
inadequately prepared to defeat the terrorist insurgents, but now we
are prevailing.

Iraq has held free elections in which millions of people voted. A new,
democratic constitution has been adopted that contains an extensive
bill of rights. Discrimination on the basis of sex, religion or
politics is banned. Soon the Iraqis will be electing their first

An independent judiciary exists, almost all public schools are open,
every hospital is functioning, and oil sales have increased sharply. In
most parts of the country, people move about freely and safely.

According to surveys, Iraqis are overwhelmingly opposed to the use of
violence to achieve political ends, and the great majority believe that
their lives will improve in the future. The Iraqi economy is growing
very rapidly, much more rapidly than the inflation rate.

In some places, the terrorists who lost the war are now fighting back
by killing Iraqi civilians. Some brave American soldiers have also been
killed, but most of the attacks are directed at decent, honest Iraqis.
This is not a civil war; it is terrorism gone mad.

And the terrorists have failed. They could not stop free elections.
They could not prevent Iraqi leaders from taking office. They could not
close the schools or hospitals. They could not prevent the emergence of
a vigorous free press that now involves over 170 newspapers that
represent every shade of opinion.

Terrorist leaders such as Zarqawi have lost. Most Sunni leaders, whom
Zarqawi was hoping to mobilize, have rejected his call to defeat any
constitution. The Muslims in his hometown in Jordan have denounced him.
Despite his murderous efforts, candidates representing every legitimate
point of view and every ethnic background are competing for office in
the new Iraqi government.

The progress of democracy and reconstruction has occurred faster in
Iraq than it did in Germany 60 years ago, even though we have far fewer
troops in the Middle East than we had in Germany after Hitler was

We grieve deeply over every lost American and coalition soldier, but we
also recognize what those deaths have accomplished. A nation the size
of California, with 25 million inhabitants, has been freed from
tyranny, equipped with a new democratic constitution, and provided with
a growing new infrastructure that will help every Iraqi and not just
the privileged members of a brutal regime. For every American soldier
who died, 12,000 Iraqi voters were made into effective citizens.
Virtually every American soldier who writes home or comes back to visit
his family tells the same story: We have won, Iraqis have won, and life
in most of Iraq goes on without violence and with obvious affection
between the Iraqi people and our troops. These soldiers have not just
restored order in most places, they have built schools, aided
businesses, distributed aid and made friends.

To take their places, Iraq has trained, with American and NATO
assistance, tens of thousands of new troops and police officers. In the
last election, there were more Iraqi soldiers than American ones
guarding the polling places.

We know that much remains to be done. Sunni and Shiite leaders must
work together more closely. We know that for centuries Sunni leaders,
including Saddam, ruled Iraq even though the Sunnis are only a minority
of its population: The terrorists began by killing Shiites but now have
killed Sunnis as well, all without the slightest moral justification.
But we know from America's own experience that when different groups
work together constructively, they learn to trust one another. That
must happen, and will happen, in Iraq.

Our success is not confined to Iraq. Libya has renounced its search for
nuclear weapons. Syria has pulled out of Lebanon. Afghanistan has
produced a democratic government and economic progress for its people.
Egypt has had the beginnings of a democratic vote. In an area once
dominated by dictatorships, the few remaining ones are either changing
or worrying deeply about those that have changed.

We know now that some of our information about the existence of weapons
of mass destruction in Iraq was wrong. But we also know now what we
have always believed: That Saddam Hussein, who had already invaded both
Iran and Kuwait, had the money, authority and determination to build up
his stock of such weapons. When he did, he would have become the
colossus of the Middle East, able to overwhelm other countries and rain
rockets down on Israel.

We have created a balance of power in the Middle East in which no
regime can easily threaten any other. In doing this, we and our allies
have followed a long tradition: We worked to prevent Imperial Germany
from dominating Europe in 1914, Hitler from doing the same in 1940, and
the Soviet Union from doing this in 1945. Now we are doing it in the
Middle East.

And we are winning. Soon Iraqi forces will be able to maintain order in
the few hot spots that still exist in Iraq. We will stay the course
until they are ready. We made no mistake ending Saddam's rule. We have
brought not only freedom to Iraq, but progress to most of the Middle
East. America should be proud of what it has accomplished. America will
not cut and run until the Iraqis can manage their own security, and
that will happen soon.

Thank you, and God bless you.

George W. Bush din White House (...@aol.com, IP: 205.188.116...)
2005-11-28 22:44
Re: Adevarul despre prezenta SUA in Irak - "pacifistii" comunisti sacrifica vieti de dragul politicii murdare

bre nea patriotule,dece nu esti in voiaj,cu ranitza-n carca
prin Afganistanu' ala de unde s-au carat talibanii,sau in
Iraqu' ala,la vanat de "fizioteroristi".tu ai copii p-acolo?
du-te bre cu cercu' si mai lasa "sforaielile" astea patriotice,
scrise de pupaci bushisti de la sectia propaganda.
hai,fruntea sus,pieptu-nainte si cu cantec,inainte,marsh.

La 2005-11-28 22:10:41, Farimitza Lambru a scris:

> Oh, for a George M. Cohan. Oh, for a writer of songs like his
> "Over There" today. All the noise, all the static, and not
> a bit of music to herald these United States these days.
> We're over there, we Yanks, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait. We kicked
> the Taliban thugs out of Afghanistan, sent them packing, and worked
> with the populace that emerged from the rubble, allowed a government
> to form, citizens to vote, women to go outside, girls to go back to
> school, and all to return to work in hospitals, stores and banks.
> In Iraq, we cornered the dictator's sadistic sons and sent them to
> their final judgment. We captured their father, the tyrant and
> mass-murdering Saddam Hussein, dragged him out of a rat-hole in the
> desert and are bringing him to justice before a jury of Iraqis. We've
> seen the populace of Iraq vote on a constitution -- even under threat
> of being beheaded by Islamofascists -- going to the polls some 70
> percent strong. Schools are opening, stores are operating and soon
> the Iraqi people will vote again on a new government.
> But here we get all the static, all the talking heads, and all the
> theories of what's happening over there. We hear politics instead of
> facts. We get editorials in place of reports. We have Congress tied
> up with some politicians making threats and insisting that we set a
> date to withdraw our troops or withdraw our troops immediately. We
> hear them making accusations that President Bush lied when he said
> Saddam had weapons of mass destruction -- even though former
> President Bill Clinton said the same thing when he was in office, as
> did others in his party who now seem to be suffering from an acute
> case of amnesia regarding the recent past.
> The supreme ayatollah of Iran is urging a speedy pullout of foreign
> troops from Iraq. Now, if former President Jimmy Carter were still in
> the White House, perhaps that would happen. Carter was the president,
> you'll recall, who wrote a nice letter to the Ayatollah Khomeni in
> Iran after his country took over the American Embassy and was holding
> Americans hostage inside. But there's a different president in the
> White House today. President Bush is not backing down in the war on
> terror -- despite all the noise and all the chatter and talking heads
> who are criticizing him.
> The noise is so loud about the war, yet we're not hearing what we need
> to hear. We're not hearing from the soldiers, the generals, the boots
> on the ground. Why is this?
> The soldiers are putting their lives on the line daily, yet we don't
> hear from them or about them in the myriad reports coming out of
> Baghdad. The Marines are making certain schools are free of bombs and
> children can go inside to learn. Yet we don't hear from them. We only
> hear of the fatalities of the war -- not the victories of the war. We
> see pictures of the soldiers who have given their lives, but no
> pictures of the heroes who are, daily, making progress over there.
> There are those who would like to set a date by which we will withdraw
> American troops. That's like playing poker and telling which cards you
> have and when you intend to play them. It doesn't work in war.
> There are politicians who are using the war to try to tilt Americans
> to change their minds. They continually refer to Iraq as another
> Vietnam. It is not Vietnam. Vietnam was a black eye for America. It
> was a time where America pulled out due to public opinion and then
> watched the slaughter of the South Vietnamese people after we left.
> Iraq is not Vietnam. If we pull out of Iraq, al-Qaida will follow us
> right back home -- to New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Doubt it?
> Then you have forgotten 9/11 and just what happened after America
> failed to respond to the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 and
> failed to act when our Marine barracks, our Navy ship, and other
> American targets were attacked by al-Qaida.
> There's too much static noise out there regarding the war. It's
> filling a vacuum caused by the administration's failure to keep us
> regularly updated on what is happening throughout Iraq. It's time for
> the Bush administration to step up and tell us what is going on --
> with regular reports, weekly updates, fireside chats, talks with
> soldiers -- through the entire country of Iraq.
> We're getting our reports from hotel rooms in Baghdad.
> It's time for the whole story from over there.

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