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  Nr. 3491 de luni, 28 noiembrie 2005 
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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-11-28 00:28
Violenta tinerilor britanici

Teen UK: A generation sitting on a mental health time bomb

Experts reveal the great harm young people are doing themselves now and for the future. By Jonathan Thompson and Sophie Goodchild
Published: 27 November 2005

Dr Dylan Griffiths has spent more than 20 years healing the minds of troubled teenagers. But the psychiatrist is shocked by what he is now facing on a daily basis. He is treating record numbers of disturbed young patients, unable to cope with the pressures of modern life, who are hooked on drink, drugs and underage sex, or who are so desperate they even contemplate suicide.

"Adolescents who self-harmed were rare 30 years ago. Today, self-harming is a dramatic, addictive behaviour, a maladaptive way for growing numbers of youngsters to relieve their psychological distress."

The shocking extent of teen angst among Britain's youth is revealed tomorrow in one of the most comprehensive reports ever carried out into adolescent mental health. Backed by counsellors, drug experts and mental health charities including Sane, the independent study commissioned by the Priory Group paints a bleak picture of the growing mental-health crisis among 12- to 19-year-olds.

More than 900,000 adolescents have been so miserable they have considered suicide, the study says. A million have wanted to self-harm and more than half a million have experienced bullying or violence at home.

baloo din telford (...@personal.ro, IP: 85.120.66...)
2005-11-28 01:02
Re: Violenta tinerilor britanici

La 2005-11-28 00:28:10, Cristiana a scris:

>  Teen UK: A generation sitting on a mental health time bomb
>  Experts reveal the great harm young people are doing themselves now
> and for the future. By Jonathan Thompson and Sophie Goodchild
> Published: 27 November 2005
> Dr Dylan Griffiths has spent more than 20 years healing the minds of
> troubled teenagers. But the psychiatrist is shocked by what he is now
> facing on a daily basis. He is treating record numbers of disturbed
> young patients, unable to cope with the pressures of modern life, who
> are hooked on drink, drugs and underage sex, or who are so desperate
> they even contemplate suicide.
> "Adolescents who self-harmed were rare 30 years ago. Today,
> self-harming is a dramatic, addictive behaviour, a maladaptive way
> for growing numbers of youngsters to relieve their psychological
> distress."
> The shocking extent of teen angst among Britain's youth is revealed
> tomorrow in one of the most comprehensive reports ever carried out
> into adolescent mental health. Backed by counsellors, drug experts
> and mental health charities including Sane, the independent study
> commissioned by the Priory Group paints a bleak picture of the
> growing mental-health crisis among 12- to 19-year-olds.
> More than 900,000 adolescents have been so miserable they have
> considered suicide, the study says. A million have wanted to
> self-harm and more than half a million have experienced bullying or
> violence at home.

uite de ce iubesc Romania :), lucrurile vor degenera si mai tare...iar est-europeni naivi, in incercarea de a-si compatibiliza valorile..., asimileaza si raspandesc aceasta ciuma occidentala. Invatatura crestin-ortodoxa, izvor de sanatate fizica si sufleteasca, trebuie aparata in fata hoardelor liber-cugetatoare de la vest...

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.27.212...)
2005-11-28 01:03
Re: Violenta tinerilor britanici. As fi foarte recunoscator daca mi-ai cita un studiu

din Rusia, Coreea de Nord sau China despre problema violentei tinerilor si mai putin tinerilor. In Anglia exista cel putin o constientizare a acestui lucru, ceea ce inseamna ca problema este pe jumatate rezolvata.
P.S. Daca nu ne dai un citat, inseamna ca in acele tari nu exista probleme. Astfel de probleme exista numai in tarile imperialiste care bineinteles sint in stadiul de putrefactie.La 2005-11-28 00:28:10, Cristiana a scris:

> Teen UK: A generation sitting on a mental health time bomb
> Experts reveal the great harm young people are doing themselves now
> and for the future. By Jonathan Thompson and Sophie Goodchild
> Published: 27 November 2005
> Dr Dylan Griffiths has spent more than 20 years healing the minds of
> troubled teenagers. But the psychiatrist is shocked by what he is now
> facing on a daily basis. He is treating record numbers of disturbed
> young patients, unable to cope with the pressures of modern life, who
> are hooked on drink, drugs and underage sex, or who are so desperate
> they even contemplate suicide.
> "Adolescents who self-harmed were rare 30 years ago. Today,
> self-harming is a dramatic, addictive behaviour, a maladaptive way
> for growing numbers of youngsters to relieve their psychological
> distress."
> The shocking extent of teen angst among Britain's youth is revealed
> tomorrow in one of the most comprehensive reports ever carried out
> into adolescent mental health. Backed by counsellors, drug experts
> and mental health charities including Sane, the independent study
> commissioned by the Priory Group paints a bleak picture of the
> growing mental-health crisis among 12- to 19-year-olds.
> More than 900,000 adolescents have been so miserable they have
> considered suicide, the study says. A million have wanted to
> self-harm and more than half a million have experienced bullying or
> violence at home.

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 72.244.122...)
2005-11-28 01:17
By the way, ce-ti fac bietii in IADUL american din NY. Vezi ca si CHILICA traieste acolo.

La 2005-11-28 00:28:10, Cristiana a scris:

>  Teen UK: A generation sitting on a mental health time bomb
>  Experts reveal the great harm young people are doing themselves now
> and for the future. By Jonathan Thompson and Sophie Goodchild
> Published: 27 November 2005
> Dr Dylan Griffiths has spent more than 20 years healing the minds of
> troubled teenagers. But the psychiatrist is shocked by what he is now
> facing on a daily basis. He is treating record numbers of disturbed
> young patients, unable to cope with the pressures of modern life, who
> are hooked on drink, drugs and underage sex, or who are so desperate
> they even contemplate suicide.
> "Adolescents who self-harmed were rare 30 years ago. Today,
> self-harming is a dramatic, addictive behaviour, a maladaptive way
> for growing numbers of youngsters to relieve their psychological
> distress."
> The shocking extent of teen angst among Britain's youth is revealed
> tomorrow in one of the most comprehensive reports ever carried out
> into adolescent mental health. Backed by counsellors, drug experts
> and mental health charities including Sane, the independent study
> commissioned by the Priory Group paints a bleak picture of the
> growing mental-health crisis among 12- to 19-year-olds.
> More than 900,000 adolescents have been so miserable they have
> considered suicide, the study says. A million have wanted to
> self-harm and more than half a million have experienced bullying or
> violence at home.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.81.197...)
2005-11-28 09:40
Re: Violenta tinerilor britanici

Cand eu eram pioner am fost toti sanatosi la cap. Defilarile de 1 Mai si 7 Noiembrie, munca voluntara, lupta contra imperialismului american, colonialismului britanic si junta sionista de la Tel Aviv ne umplau piepturile de mandrie. Si cand te mai gandesti ca petreceam jumatate de zii la coada la alimentara pt un litru de untdelemn sau un kg de zahar, nu mai aveam timp si pt. "mental disorders"...

La 2005-11-28 00:28:10, Cristiana a scris:

>  Teen UK: A generation sitting on a mental health time bomb
>  Experts reveal the great harm young people are doing themselves now
> and for the future. By Jonathan Thompson and Sophie Goodchild
> Published: 27 November 2005
> Dr Dylan Griffiths has spent more than 20 years healing the minds of
> troubled teenagers. But the psychiatrist is shocked by what he is now
> facing on a daily basis. He is treating record numbers of disturbed
> young patients, unable to cope with the pressures of modern life, who
> are hooked on drink, drugs and underage sex, or who are so desperate
> they even contemplate suicide.
> "Adolescents who self-harmed were rare 30 years ago. Today,
> self-harming is a dramatic, addictive behaviour, a maladaptive way
> for growing numbers of youngsters to relieve their psychological
> distress."
> The shocking extent of teen angst among Britain's youth is revealed
> tomorrow in one of the most comprehensive reports ever carried out
> into adolescent mental health. Backed by counsellors, drug experts
> and mental health charities including Sane, the independent study
> commissioned by the Priory Group paints a bleak picture of the
> growing mental-health crisis among 12- to 19-year-olds.
> More than 900,000 adolescents have been so miserable they have
> considered suicide, the study says. A million have wanted to
> self-harm and more than half a million have experienced bullying or
> violence at home.

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