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  Nr. 3491 de luni, 28 noiembrie 2005 
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Cristiana din Terra (...@gmail.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-11-27 23:58
Bush's henchmen, can you slalom?

Sefii se retrag din atacurile asupra lui Murtha de saptamina trecuta si au inceput sa fluture steguletul alb. Voi le puteti tine pasul?

Cheney's White Flag
(Page 1 of 2)

Nov. 27, 2005
Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. (AP)

Last week, Cheney blasted critics who claim Bush misled the nation into war, calling these accusations the most "dishonest" and "reprehensible" statements he's ever encountered in Washington. (And he's been around a long time.)

His speech was both defiant and yielding. He opened with a White House retreat that George W, Bush began the previous day. Noting that the headlines last week said he had called critics of the war "dishonest and reprehensible," Cheney stated,

"I do not believe it is wrong to criticize the war on terror or any aspect thereof. Disagreement, argument, and debate are the essence of democracy, and none of us should want it any other way".

He also praised Representative Jack Murtha, the conservative and hawkish Democrat who last week called for a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. Murtha's proposal was initially met by hooting from a White House that didn't address Murtha's policy criticisms but that instead derided him as having been captured by Michael Moore and fringe elements of the Democratic Party. At AEI, Cheney, following Bush's lead, hailed Murtha as a "good man" and "a patriot," who "is taking a clear stand in an entirely legitimate discussion." Clearly, the White House (maybe after polling) had concluded that it could not win a ground war against Murtha. It was waving a white flag.

traktorist din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2005-11-28 03:02
Tu prinzi posturi straine 1

La 2005-11-27 23:58:08, Cristiana a scris:

> Sefii se retrag din atacurile asupra lui Murtha de saptamina trecuta
> si au inceput sa fluture steguletul alb. Voi le puteti tine pasul?

tu prinzi posturi straine ?
Ai o problema cu sanatatea, pe bune !

Murtha e un lunatic si a sperat ce au facut altii in Vietnam. Nu i-a mers asa ca lasa-l sa mai incerce odata !
De ce o atentie asa mare la unu care a fost votat JOS cu 403 -3 ?
Pina si el a votat contra prostiei lui.
Ia o saptamina si cauta-te ! Faci niste legaturi ce numai un schizofrenic poate face. Auzi voci in cap? Il auzi pe Al Gore ? ;-)

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