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  Nr. 3489 de vineri, 25 noiembrie 2005 
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Comentarii: 4, forum ACTIV

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2005-11-25 14:06:53


Exact acum am primit si eu 2 mesaje de la Department@cia.gov si de la Office@fbi.gov cu contzinutul identic:

Dear Sir/Madam,

we have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.

Please answer our questions!
The list of questions are attached.

Yours faithfully,
Steven Allison

Probabil ca Steven lucreaza si cu CIA-ul si cu FBI-ul!

Norton Antivirusul meu le-a mancat cu pofta la masa de pranz.

2005-11-25 14:18:23

Re: Bingo

Te-ai dus pe site-uri de adulti?

La 2005-11-25 14:06:53, roy a scris:

> Exact acum am primit si eu 2 mesaje de la Department@cia.gov si de la
> Office@fbi.gov cu contzinutul identic:
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> we have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.
> Important:
> Please answer our questions!
> The list of questions are attached.
> Yours faithfully,
> Steven Allison
> Probabil ca Steven lucreaza si cu CIA-ul si cu FBI-ul!
> Norton Antivirusul meu le-a mancat cu pofta la masa de pranz.

2005-11-25 17:09:22

Re: Bingo...nu-i obligatoriu ..

Am primit si eu unul, ca Roy. Am avut curiozitatea sa-l privesc mai atent si..am descoperit ca-mi vine de la un prieten.
I-am telefonat: vezi ca ti-a spart cineva cutia postala.
- Stiu, tocmai ma caznesc sa o repar, tot "trimit" mesaje la toata lumea..

La 2005-11-25 14:18:23, california a scris:

> Te-ai dus pe site-uri de adulti?
> La 2005-11-25 14:06:53, roy a scris:
> > Exact acum am primit si eu 2 mesaje de la Department@cia.gov si de la
> > Office@fbi.gov cu contzinutul identic:
> >
> > Dear Sir/Madam,
> >
> > we have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.
> >
> > Important:
> > Please answer our questions!
> > The list of questions are attached.
> >
> > Yours faithfully,
> > Steven Allison
> >
> > Probabil ca Steven lucreaza si cu CIA-ul si cu FBI-ul!
> >
> > Norton Antivirusul meu le-a mancat cu pofta la masa de pranz.
> >
> >

2005-11-25 20:02:47

Have you received E-mail from FBI ? Don´t be fooled !


You can recognize a fraudulent FBI email by the "From" email address.
It will look as though/as if it was sent directly from the FBI.
The address will be similar to:

mail@fbi.gov, post@fbi.gov and admin@fbi.gov.

The FBI has stated that they do not conduct business in this manner.
For the official FBI position on this and other threats visit


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