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  Nr. 3487 de miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2005 
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Mos Grigore
2005-11-22 23:28:18

A incurcat-o CIA!

De luni, UE incepe sa puna SARE pe coada avionelor CIA, spre bucuria lu' Tiganu (ca sint Boinguri).

Se vor folosi Airbuse echipate ca SOLNITZE de ultima generatie!

White House
2005-11-22 23:40:24

Re: A incurcat-o CIA!

La 2005-11-22 23:28:18, Mos Grigore a scris:

> De luni, UE incepe sa puna SARE pe coada avionelor CIA, spre bucuria
> lu' Tiganu (ca sint Boinguri).
> Se vor folosi Airbuse echipate ca SOLNITZE de ultima generatie!

Noooooooooooooooooooo, .........sare de lamiie..............

2005-11-23 00:10:25

explicatii si clarificari - trucuri ziaristice de trei bani kila.....

faptul ca cei de la ue cer LAMURIRI privind scandalul avioanelor cu prizonieri "negri" este un fapt cit se poate de firesc: daca zvonurile sint adevarate este vorba despre o adevarata ofensa adusa unor state care dupa toate probabilitatile nu au stiu ce se intimpla pe teritoriul lor national, despre actiuni ilegale desfasurate de un stat pe teritoriul altui stat.

problema este ca intre termenul de "lamurire" care apare in textul original si insinuantul si ofensivul "explicatie" care apare in titlul din ziua este o diferenta gigantica: cea dintre ziaristica profesionista si impertinenta neamului prost.....

2005-11-23 01:00:16

Iraqi Factions Seek Timetable for U.S. Pullout

CAIRO, Nov. 21 - For the first time, Iraq's political factions on Monday collectively called for a timetable for withdrawal of foreign forces, in a moment of consensus that comes as the Bush administration battles pressure at home to commit itself to a pullout schedule.

The announcement, made at the conclusion of a reconciliation conference here backed by the Arab League, was a public reaching out by Shiites, who now dominate Iraq's government, to Sunni Arabs on the eve of parliamentary elections that have been put on shaky ground by weeks of sectarian violence.

About 100 Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish leaders, many of whom will run in the election on Dec. 15, signed a closing memorandum on Monday that "demands a withdrawal of foreign troops on a specified timetable, dependent on an immediate national program for rebuilding the security forces," the statement said.

"The Iraqi people are looking forward to the day when foreign forces will leave Iraq, when its armed and security forces will be rebuilt and when they can enjoy peace and stability and an end to terrorism," it continued.

The meeting was intended as preparation for a much larger conference in Iraq in late February. The recommendations made here are to be the starting ground for that meeting.

In Washington, Justin Higgins, a State Department spokesman, said, "The United States supports the basic foundation of the conference and we certainly support ongoing discussion among Iraq's various political and religious communities."

But regarding troop withdrawal, he said: "Multinational forces are present in Iraq under a mandate from the U.N. Security Council. As President Bush has said, the coalition remains committed to helping the Iraqi people achieve security and stability as they rebuild their country. We will stay as long as it takes to achieve those goals and no longer."

The statement, while condemning the wave of terrorism that has engulfed Iraq, also broadly acknowledged a general right to resist foreign occupation. That was another effort to compromise with Sunnis who had sought to legitimize the insurgency. The statement condemned terror attacks and religious backing for them, and it demanded the release of innocent prisoners and an investigation into reports of torture.

2005-11-23 01:06:56

Islamist gains in Egypt give Washington pause

CAIRO (Reuters) - The United States inadvertently helped Egypt's Islamists make strong electoral gains this month and is now rethinking the wisdom of pressing rapid democratic change in a major Arab country, analysts said on Tuesday.

The Muslim Brotherhood, making the most of the more open atmosphere which Washington has promoted, has already tripled its strength in parliament to 47 of the 444 elected seats, with more than half the seats yet to be decided.

The secular opposition parties which Washington favored have performed poorly, picking up only a handful of seats -- way short of the five percent threshold they would need if they want to field a candidate in presidential elections.

Although the Brotherhood has no chance of breaking the government's control over parliament, this outcome has given the Bush administration pause and strengthened the hand of those in Washington who value stability over democracy, the analysts say.

"The Americans have reassessed the situation and come to the conclusion that fast and vigorous democratization in Egypt is impossible and will work in an undesirable way," said Mohamed el-Sayed Said, a political analyst at a Cairo think-tank.

The Egyptian vote so far has bolstered the view that free and fair elections could enable Islamist parties hostile to U.S. policies to gain strength in several Middle Eastern countries.

Washington insiders are now advising the U.S. State Department not to abandon existing Arab governments without clear alternatives and instead to work on long-term structural changes and ways to influence Arab public opinion, Said said.

"I think they managed to change the policy when it comes to Egypt," said Said, deputy director of the government-funded al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies.

The change in tone is evident in public statements from the White House and U.S. State Department, which have largely fallen silent on Egypt after frequent comments on the presidential elections in September, won by President Hosni Mubarak.

The United States supports the Egyptian government's refusal to recognize the Muslim Brotherhood as a party, although it is clearly the strongest opposition force in the country.

And, like the Egyptian government media, U.S. officials rarely mention the Islamist group by name.

But the group has benefited from U.S. calls for change, which have helped to open up debate in Egypt and emboldened civil society groups to monitor elections much more closely.

Saadeddin Ibrahim, a sociologist and democracy activist, said U.S. pressure for the release of political prisoners had also ended up helping the Brotherhood. Some of those set free were important in the Brotherhood's campaign, he said.

Ibrahim, who is well-connected in Washington, said U.S. officials were "very disappointed" at the poor electoral showing of the secular Ghad and Wafd parties. Those parties are the most sympathetic to liberal democracy but lack the mobilizing power and resources of Mubarak's ruling party or the Brotherhood.

Ghad Party leader Ayman Nour, who came second to Mubarak in the presidential elections, lost his seat in parliament and his followers have not yet won a single victory.

"The Americans have had to reassess their bets on these forces, which obviously failed to materialize," said Said.

2005-11-23 01:29:42

UE (sic ! ) cere o pruna !

Nici nu stiu cite urechi au. EU nu stie ca la armata sint grade ?

E ca in bancul cu capralul de serviciu....
_ sa traiti dom colonel ! Mergeti repede la birou ca va cata sergentul de o ora. Tare mare taraboi o sa mai faca !

Cine mah, soldati neinstruiti ce sintetzi cere socoteala Casei Albe ? Poate intreba, ca e democratic, dar nu va avea si raspuns.
Vorbiti ca Moise-n Pustie . !

Ancutza Hazu
2005-11-23 02:28:49

Mmmm....ue cam exagereaza!

Adica cum cere explicatii?
Se mira si ta cu gura cascata?
Maaaa 'ue ma!

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