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  Nr. 3484 de sambata, 19 noiembrie 2005 
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2005-11-19 04:31:42


I think I'm going back to Shenandoah
she said that she'd meet me by the fork in the road
I jump start my old Ford
I'm heading for the pow-wow
follow red path that leads to you.

Should I paint my face
should I pierce my skin
does this make me a pagan
sweating out my sins
we ate the sacred mushroom
and waded in the water
howling like coyotes
at the naked moon.

In the autumn night
when there's no wind blowin'
I could hear the stars falling in the dark
when you find what's worth keeping
with a breath of kindness
blow the rest away.

I'll be there,
At the fork of the road!
I'll leave at four to be back at six.
And then, I'll leave again.

I gave my love a golden feather
I gave my love a heart of stone
and when you find a golden feather
it means you'll never lose your way back home.

« Sumar articole

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