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  Nr. 3480 de marti, 15 noiembrie 2005 
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PANTAGRUEL (...@hotmail.com, IP: 62.49.15...)
2005-11-15 13:56
De unde provin datele? Care sunt dovezile?

Cum cifra de 500000 copii este inspaimantatoare, dar ar putea fi adaugati si batranii si chiar si adultii, as vrea sa cunosc de unde provine aceasta statistica si pe ce se bazeaza ea.Daca embargoul ONU este vinovat de acest genocid, trebuie imediat trimisi in judecata cei responsabili pentru embargoul ucigas.Dar trebuie prezentate datele exacte si corecte. Astept lamuriri.

iubire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-11-15 14:24
Re: De unde provin datele? Care sunt dovezile?

Lessons of History

by Larry Everest

September 21, 2005

Printer Friendly Version
EMail Article to a Friend

Learning from History

During the buildup to the 2003 invasion, George W. Bush condemned Saddam Hussein for his actions in the 1980s—invading Iran, accumulating weapons of mass destruction, and using them against Iranian troops and Iraqi Kurds.

What Bush did not say, however, was that these crimes took place when Hussein’s government was closer to Washington than ever before—and that the U.S. directly facilitated every one of these crimes.

In effort to counter the 1979 Iranian revolution that overthrew the Shah and head off Soviet geopolitical moves (including Soviet efforts to turn Iraq into a regional ally), Washington fueled the Iran-Iraq War—by first supporting Iraq, then Iran, and then Iraq again, all the while making sure neither side won decisive victory. The U.S. moves turned the war into one of the longest and bloodiest conventional wars of the 20th century. “Doling out tactical data to both sides put the agency [CIA] in the position of engineering a stalemate,” Bob Woodward wrote. “This was no mere abstraction. The war was a bloody one...almost a million had been killed, wounded or captured on both sides. This was not a game in an operations center. It was slaughter.”

After the Iraqi military’s 1987-1988 Anfal offensive against the Kurds, including the use of chemical weapons, the U.S. didn’t punish the Hussein regime. On the contrary, Washington rewarded Hussein with increases in aid and trade in hopes Iraq could become a loyal ally in the region.

After the end of the war with Iran, Saddam Hussein demanded that the other U.S.-backed regimes in the region, in particular Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, help with the huge debt that Iraq had incurred and raise oil prices to increase Iraq’s oil revenues. When the demands were met with hostile refusal, Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990. (Just before the invasion, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq had signalled to Hussein that such a move would be acceptable.)

The invasion abruptly turned Baghdad from a U.S. ally to an enemy. However, U.S. aims in the 1991 Gulf War were never limited to expelling Iraq from Kuwait, much less preventing aggression; instead, coming at a time when the Soviet Union was spiraling into collapse, the war was an effort to radically deepen U.S. regional hegemony and usher in a “new world order” of unfettered U.S. dominance. These objectives demanded crushing Iraq as a regional power and forcefully demonstrating U.S. military might to the world. George H.W.
Bush publicly talked about going the last mile for peace while secretly telling his war cabinet, “We have to have a war.”

The U.S. rejected at least 11 different peace proposals. Bush I was literally “jubilant” when negotiations collapsed and enraged when it seemed they might succeed. He and his advisors viewed the UN as providing “a cloak of acceptability” to their war aims, as National Security Adviser Scowcroft put it.

These objectives dictated an extremely brutal military strategy—against both Iraq’s military and its civilian infrastructure. The Defense Department estimated the dead at 100,000 Iraqi soldiers killed and 300,000 wounded.

Many more Iraqis would eventually die as a result of the deliberate destruction of Iraq’s power grid and water systems. Article 54 of the Geneva Convention prohibits attacks on essential civilian facilities, including “drinking water supplies and irrigation works.” In other words, the U.S. bombing campaign was a war crime.

U.S. aims also dictated that the war continue after Iraq withdrew from Kuwait and combat formally ended. The main weapon was sanctions, which was justified in the name of disarming Iraq, but whose aims actually went far beyond disarmament. Sanctions were designed to cripple Iraq by preventing it from rebuilding its industry, economy, and military; block rival powers from making inroads in Iraq; and make life so miserable that rising mass discontent would compel elements in the Iraqi military to overthrow Hussein. This is why sanctions were never lifted even after Iraq had in fact disarmed ñ which is the simple reason why no weapons of mass destruction were found following the 2003 U.S. invasion.

As Iraqi doctors pointed out to me, destroying water and sanitation systems and then preventing them from being rebuilt—thus subjecting a country to water-borne disease—is a form of biological warfare.

No one knows exactly how many Iraqis were murdered by U.S. sanctions.
Estimates range from 500,000 to 1.7 million between 1990 and 2003. In 1998 UNICEF estimated that some 5,000 Iraqi children under five were dying each month thanks to U.S. actions. That the equivalent of a World Trade Center catastrophe—and more—every 30 days.

iubire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-11-15 14:33
Re: De unde provin datele? Care sunt dovezile?

La 2005-11-15 13:56:12, PANTAGRUEL a scris:

> Cum cifra de 500000 copii este inspaimantatoare, dar ar putea fi
> adaugati si batranii si chiar si adultii, as vrea sa cunosc de unde
> provine aceasta statistica si pe ce se bazeaza ea.Daca embargoul ONU
> este vinovat de acest genocid, trebuie imediat trimisi in judecata
> cei responsabili pentru embargoul ucigas.Dar trebuie prezentate
> datele exacte si corecte. Astept lamuriri.

Published on Friday, July 21, 2000 at 1:23 PM ET by Reuters
UN Says Sanctions Have Killed Some 500,000 Iraqi Children

BAGHDAD - A senior U.N. official said Friday about half a million children under the age of 5 have died in Iraq since the imposition of U.N. sanctions 10 years ago.

Anupama Rao Singh, country director for the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF), made the estimate in an interview with Reuters.

``In absolute terms we estimate that perhaps about half a million children under 5 years of age have died, who ordinarily would not have died had the decline in mortality that was prevalent over the 70s and the 80s continued through the 90s,'' she said.

A UNICEF survey published in August showed the mortality rate among Iraqi children under 5 had more than doubled in the government-controlled south and center of Iraq during the sanctions.

Sema (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.97.216...)
2005-11-15 15:00
Re: De unde provin datele? Care sunt dovezile?

"Anupama Rao Singh, country director for the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF), made the estimate in an interview with Reuters. "

de mult nu mam mai ras ashea! asta este sursa voastra de incredere, un functionar international de religie musulmana care trebe sa isi faca de lucru, sa aiba adeca obectu muncii si cati mai multi bani pe mana......
Hai ! luatzi o pauza!

Agentura din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.co.uk, IP: 86.104.97...)
2005-11-15 15:17
Re: De unde provin datele? De la Crucea Rosie Internationala.

Estimarea nu a fost contestata nici macar de Madleine Albright.

La 2005-11-15 13:56:12, PANTAGRUEL a scris:

> Cum cifra de 500000 copii este inspaimantatoare, dar ar putea fi
> adaugati si batranii si chiar si adultii, as vrea sa cunosc de unde
> provine aceasta statistica si pe ce se bazeaza ea.Daca embargoul ONU
> este vinovat de acest genocid, trebuie imediat trimisi in judecata
> cei responsabili pentru embargoul ucigas.Dar trebuie prezentate
> datele exacte si corecte. Astept lamuriri.

iubire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 212.113.164...)
2005-11-15 16:06
Re: De unde provin datele? De la Crucea Rosie Internationala.

La 2005-11-15 15:17:30, Agentura a scris:

> Estimarea nu a fost contestata nici macar de Madleine Albright.

Exact. Nu a fost niciodata contestata de nici o oficialitate americana. Intrebarea s-a pus frecvent in diverse programe la CNN, BBC, CNBC , 60 Minutes, etc. Nimeni, niciodata nu a contestat cifra. S-a raspuns doar ca " merita sacrificiul" caci pericolul lui Saddam era si mai mare. Apoi l-am vazut cit de mare, caci marimea i-au stabilit-o statisticile fabricate si sticlutele cu zahar in ele vinturate de bietul Collin Powell in plina sedinta a CS. Sarmanul, considera actul acesta al lui una din cele mai rusinoase pagini din cariera sa. Din pacate, la acea vreme, s-au gasit suficienti creduli ca trebuie mers la razboi. Numai ca acum, acei creduli americani si britani au cam inceput sa-si faca Mea Culpa pentru ca s-au lasat mintiti.

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-11-15 16:22
"sticluzele de zahar" ??? www.cia.gov/repor-ts//_wdm_2004/chap4.ht-ml

RAPORTUL ISG Iraq Survey Group


Comisia de monitoraj, control si inspectii ONU, un team de 1.400 de oameni, experti, un budget di 1 mil. de dolari pt. a scoate 2 rapoarte, relative la arsenalui lui Saddam

Raportul din iunie 2004: inventarul depozitelor de uraniu, irakiene:

199,9 tone de URANIU Yellowcake, cumparate de la Office national des resources minieres de Niger: suficiente pt. a construi 142 de bombe atomice

97 de FIOLE cu cepurile pt. a produce bio-patogeni – printre care BOTULIN OKRA B

zeci de MOTOARE MODIFICATE pt. rachete sub imbarg de tipul AL SAMOUD 2

testate pe baza de GAZ SARIN si MUSTARD

un NET de LABORATOARE CLANDESTINE unde continuau tests


TESTS chimici efectuate pe RICINA si AFLATOXINA

286.446 tone de URANIU, cumparate din Portugalia – Imprese national de uranio

28.964 kg de DIOXID de URANIU brazilian, cumparat de la Commissao national de energia nuclear

511.778 kg de DIOXID, printre care 235 kg de uraniu imbogatit la 2,6%, furnizat de Snia Technit, grupul Fiat !!! - filo guvernul precedent, Prodi

Partitele nigeriene au fost platite in petrol, de care AIEA, nu fusese avizata, la fel ca si despre containers din Brazilia, Portugalia

Pt. o bomba atomica era suficient 1 tona, 2

Vezi si:

Raportul chimico-biologic al ISG ONU

www.libero-news.it de azi


Umorul Negru din Midwest USA (...@gmail.com, IP: 128.146.33...)
2005-11-15 16:36
Re: De unde provin datele? Care sunt dovezile?

Larry Everest este un comunist.... taica!!!!
Biografia lui: http://www.larryeverest.com/bio.htm
"Larry Everest has covered the Middle East and Central Asia for over 20 years for the Revolutionary Worker newspaper and other publications."

Pai hai sa vedem cine-s aia de la ziarul ala... "Revolutionary Worker":
Website: http://rwor.org/home-e.htm
Cine-s astia??? http://rwor.org/rcp-e.htm
Adica.... Revolutionary Communist Party, USA


Pricepi acum cine-i Larry Everest???? Un comunist ordinar care vorbeste numai tampenii. In tot articolul lui ar trebui sa spuna ca razboiul din 1991 si embargoul au fost impuse de ONU, nu de US. Iar in ONU China si mama Rusie au drept de veto.

Altadata cauta-ti mai bine sursele...

La 2005-11-15 14:24:50, iubire a scris:

> Lessons of History
> by Larry Everest
> September 21, 2005
> Printer Friendly Version
> EMail Article to a Friend
> Learning from History
> During the buildup to the 2003 invasion, George W. Bush condemned
> Saddam Hussein for his actions in the 1980s—invading Iran,
> accumulating weapons of mass destruction, and using them against
> Iranian troops and Iraqi Kurds.
> What Bush did not say, however, was that these crimes took place when
> Hussein’s government was closer to Washington than ever
> before—and that the U.S. directly facilitated every one of
> these crimes.
> In effort to counter the 1979 Iranian revolution that overthrew the
> Shah and head off Soviet geopolitical moves (including Soviet efforts
> to turn Iraq into a regional ally), Washington fueled the Iran-Iraq
> War—by first supporting Iraq, then Iran, and then Iraq
> again, all the while making sure neither side won decisive victory.
> The U.S. moves turned the war into one of the longest and bloodiest
> conventional wars of the 20th century. “Doling out tactical
> data to both sides put the agency [CIA] in the position of engineering
> a stalemate,” Bob Woodward wrote. “This was no
> mere abstraction. The war was a bloody one...almost a million had
> been killed, wounded or captured on both sides. This was not a game
> in an operations center. It was slaughter.”
> After the Iraqi military’s 1987-1988 Anfal offensive against
> the Kurds, including the use of chemical weapons, the U.S.
> didn’t punish the Hussein regime. On the contrary,
> Washington rewarded Hussein with increases in aid and trade in hopes
> Iraq could become a loyal ally in the region.
> After the end of the war with Iran, Saddam Hussein demanded that the
> other U.S.-backed regimes in the region, in particular Saudi Arabia
> and Kuwait, help with the huge debt that Iraq had incurred and raise
> oil prices to increase Iraq’s oil revenues. When the
> demands were met with hostile refusal, Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990.
> (Just before the invasion, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq had signalled
> to Hussein that such a move would be acceptable.)
> The invasion abruptly turned Baghdad from a U.S. ally to an enemy.
> However, U.S. aims in the 1991 Gulf War were never limited to
> expelling Iraq from Kuwait, much less preventing aggression; instead,
> coming at a time when the Soviet Union was spiraling into collapse,
> the war was an effort to radically deepen U.S. regional hegemony and
> usher in a “new world order” of unfettered U.S.
> dominance. These objectives demanded crushing Iraq as a regional
> power and forcefully demonstrating U.S. military might to the world.
> George H.W.
> Bush publicly talked about going the last mile for peace while
> secretly telling his war cabinet, “We have to have a
> war.”
> The U.S. rejected at least 11 different peace proposals. Bush I was
> literally “jubilant” when negotiations collapsed
> and enraged when it seemed they might succeed. He and his advisors
> viewed the UN as providing “a cloak of
> acceptability” to their war aims, as National Security
> Adviser Scowcroft put it.
> These objectives dictated an extremely brutal military
> strategy—against both Iraq’s military and its
> civilian infrastructure. The Defense Department estimated the dead at
> 100,000 Iraqi soldiers killed and 300,000 wounded.
> Many more Iraqis would eventually die as a result of the deliberate
> destruction of Iraq’s power grid and water systems. Article
> 54 of the Geneva Convention prohibits attacks on essential civilian
> facilities, including “drinking water supplies and
> irrigation works.” In other words, the U.S. bombing
> campaign was a war crime.
> U.S. aims also dictated that the war continue after Iraq withdrew from
> Kuwait and combat formally ended. The main weapon was sanctions, which
> was justified in the name of disarming Iraq, but whose aims actually
> went far beyond disarmament. Sanctions were designed to cripple Iraq
> by preventing it from rebuilding its industry, economy, and military;
> block rival powers from making inroads in Iraq; and make life so
> miserable that rising mass discontent would compel elements in the
> Iraqi military to overthrow Hussein. This is why sanctions were never
> lifted even after Iraq had in fact disarmed ñ which is the
> simple reason why no weapons of mass destruction were found following
> the 2003 U.S. invasion.
> As Iraqi doctors pointed out to me, destroying water and sanitation
> systems and then preventing them from being rebuilt—thus
> subjecting a country to water-borne disease—is a form of
> biological warfare.
> No one knows exactly how many Iraqis were murdered by U.S. sanctions.
> Estimates range from 500,000 to 1.7 million between 1990 and 2003. In
> 1998 UNICEF estimated that some 5,000 Iraqi children under five were
> dying each month thanks to U.S. actions. That the equivalent of a
> World Trade Center catastrophe—and more—every 30
> days.

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-11-15 16:46
Re: De unde provin datele? Care sunt dovezile? - Asha dovezi...

Din fraza de mai jos rezulta ca mortalitatea infantila s-a dublat in timpul embargoului.

O situatie ingrijoratoare, dar departe de calculele extremiste aruncate la gramada de un functionar ONU cu misiunea de a ingrozi lumea.

Nu uitati ca Romania are o mortalitate infantila ridicata - 26 la mie. Daca socotiti numarul de copii care mor in primii 5 ani de viata in Romania, pe durata a 12 ani (cit a durat embargoul in Irak) veti obtine, cu surprindere, cifre similare cu ale celor indicate pentru Irak. Iar daca luam, de exemplu, Franta, numarul final va fi mai mic (cam o treime) dar tot impresionant.

Si nu uitati ca cifrele irakiene se bazeaza pe o estimare de imbunatatire a situatiei daca n-ar fi fost embargoul. Adica Saddam este investit cu incredere deplina ca si-ar fi dus tara pe noi culmi de prosperitate si progres, doar sa-l fi lasat occidentalii in pace!

Inca o dovada ca manipularea statisticilor pacaleste lumea. Mai ales aceea care vrea sa se lase pacalita.

In final, chiar daca acceptam statistica aiuristica, vina principala este a lui Saddam care a folosit banii din vinzarea petrolului ca sa-si faca palate, nu pentru asistenta medicala.

> A UNICEF survey published in August showed the mortality rate among
> Iraqi children under 5 had more than doubled in the
> government-controlled south and center of Iraq during the sanctions.

Ratacitul (...@lycos.com, IP: 67.70.126...)
2005-11-15 17:14
Re: "sticluzele de zahar" ??? www.cia.gov/repor-ts//_wdm_2004/chap4.ht-ml

Ce inseamna sa ai idei putine, da' fixe. Asta cu Nigeria a fost un issue de care a ras toata lumea, evident, ulterior, ba mai mult decat atat, apare si in raportul Congresului ca fiind un mis-cue.

In plus, e de rasu-plansu sa vezi o eSperta "filoloaga" cum isi da cu presuputza in materie de Uraniu.

La 2005-11-15 16:22:30, Oriana a scris:

> RAPORTUL ISG Iraq Survey Group
> www.cia.gov/repor-ts//_wdm_2004/chap4.ht-ml
> Comisia de monitoraj, control si inspectii ONU, un team de 1.400 de
> oameni, experti, un budget di 1 mil. de dolari pt. a scoate 2
> rapoarte, relative la arsenalui lui Saddam
> Raportul din iunie 2004: inventarul depozitelor de uraniu, irakiene:
> 199,9 tone de URANIU Yellowcake, cumparate de la Office national des
> resources minieres de Niger: suficiente pt. a construi 142 de bombe
> atomice
> 97 de FIOLE cu cepurile pt. a produce bio-patogeni – printre
> zeci de MOTOARE MODIFICATE pt. rachete sub imbarg de tipul AL SAMOUD 2
> testate pe baza de GAZ SARIN si MUSTARD
> un NET de LABORATOARE CLANDESTINE unde continuau tests
> TESTS chimici efectuate pe RICINA si AFLATOXINA
> 286.446 tone de URANIU, cumparate din Portugalia – Imprese
> national de uranio
> 28.964 kg de DIOXID de URANIU brazilian, cumparat de la Commissao
> national de energia nuclear
> 511.778 kg de DIOXID, printre care 235 kg de uraniu imbogatit la 2,6%,
> furnizat de Snia Technit, grupul Fiat !!! - filo guvernul precedent,
> Prodi
> Partitele nigeriene au fost platite in petrol, de care AIEA, nu fusese
> avizata, la fel ca si despre containers din Brazilia, Portugalia
> Pt. o bomba atomica era suficient 1 tona, 2
> Vezi si:
> www.news.max.com/archi-ves/ic/2004/10/8112447.sht-ml
> Raportul chimico-biologic al ISG ONU
> www.cia.gov/cia/public-affairs/speeches/2003/david-kay-10022003.htm
> Ref:
> www.laltrogiornale.com
> www.libero-news.it de azi
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ratacitul (...@lycos.com, IP: 67.70.126...)
2005-11-15 17:17

La 2005-11-15 16:46:38, Golanul a scris:

> Din fraza de mai jos rezulta ca mortalitatea infantila s-a dublat in
> timpul embargoului.
> O situatie ingrijoratoare, dar departe de calculele extremiste
> aruncate la gramada de un functionar ONU cu misiunea de a ingrozi
> lumea.
> Nu uitati ca Romania are o mortalitate infantila ridicata - 26 la mie.
> Daca socotiti numarul de copii care mor in primii 5 ani de viata in
> Romania, pe durata a 12 ani (cit a durat embargoul in Irak) veti
> obtine, cu surprindere, cifre similare cu ale celor indicate pentru
> Irak. Iar daca luam, de exemplu, Franta, numarul final va fi mai mic
> (cam o treime) dar tot impresionant.


Hahaha, demonstratia lui peste: daca ii luam pe toti aia pana la 90 de ani, constatam ca mortalitatea e de 98%. Chiar si in Franta.
> Si nu uitati ca cifrele irakiene se bazeaza pe o estimare de
> imbunatatire a situatiei daca n-ar fi fost embargoul. Adica Saddam
> este investit cu incredere deplina ca si-ar fi dus tara pe noi culmi
> de prosperitate si progres, doar sa-l fi lasat occidentalii in pace!
> Inca o dovada ca manipularea statisticilor pacaleste lumea. Mai ales
> aceea care vrea sa se lase pacalita.
> In final, chiar daca acceptam statistica aiuristica, vina principala
> este a lui Saddam care a folosit banii din vinzarea petrolului ca
> sa-si faca palate, nu pentru asistenta medicala.
> > A UNICEF survey published in August showed the mortality rate among
> > Iraqi children under 5 had more than doubled in the
> > government-controlled south and center of Iraq during the sanctions.
> >
> >
> >

Katty din Växjö Suedia (...@home.com, IP: 57.67.17...)
2005-11-15 17:18
Re: De unde provin datele? Care sunt dovezile? - Asha dovezi...

La 2005-11-15 16:46:38, Golanul a scris:

> Din fraza de mai jos rezulta ca mortalitatea infantila s-a dublat in
> timpul embargoului.
> O situatie ingrijoratoare, dar departe de calculele extremiste
> aruncate la gramada de un functionar ONU cu misiunea de a ingrozi
> lumea.
> Nu uitati ca Romania are o mortalitate infantila ridicata - 26 la mie.
> Daca socotiti numarul de copii care mor in primii 5 ani de viata in
> Romania, pe durata a 12 ani (cit a durat embargoul in Irak) veti
> obtine, cu surprindere, cifre similare cu ale celor indicate pentru
> Irak. Iar daca luam, de exemplu, Franta, numarul final va fi mai mic
> (cam o treime) dar tot impresionant.
> Si nu uitati ca cifrele irakiene se bazeaza pe o estimare de
> imbunatatire a situatiei daca n-ar fi fost embargoul. Adica Saddam
> este investit cu incredere deplina ca si-ar fi dus tara pe noi culmi
> de prosperitate si progres, doar sa-l fi lasat occidentalii in pace!
> Inca o dovada ca manipularea statisticilor pacaleste lumea. Mai ales
> aceea care vrea sa se lase pacalita.
> In final, chiar daca acceptam statistica aiuristica, vina principala
> este a lui Saddam care a folosit banii din vinzarea petrolului ca
> sa-si faca palate, nu pentru asistenta medicala.
> > A UNICEF survey published in August showed the mortality rate among
> > Iraqi children under 5 had more than doubled in the
> > government-controlled south and center of Iraq during the sanctions.
> > 

Golane eu la scoala am invatat ca sa nu compar mere cu pere asa cum faci dumneata acum. Mortalitatea in Irak nu o poti compara cu cea din Romania , cu care nu are absolut nici o legatura ci , daca vrei sa analizezi o situatie, compari mortalitatea infantila din Irak intr-o perioada de dinainte de embargou cu cea din timpul embargoului. Asta ca tot vorbim de argumentatie si de logica.

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-11-15 18:56
Re: Asta am si facut..

Am constatat ca mortalitatea infantila s-a dublat in timpul embargoului. O situatie foarte rea, generata indeosebi de nepasarea lui Saddam fata de propriul sau popor.

Dar cind tu, raportor la ONU, vii si spui: "mortalitatea infantila s-a dublat", nu te baga nimeni in seama. Cel mult; vai, s-a dublat, sa trimitem ajutoare, medicamente, hrana, pornim o campanie de ajutorare a saracilor...

Dar ia vino tu si spune <<500 000 DE COPII AU MURIT(dupa care cu vocea mica - in cei 12 ani de embargo, din care 250 000 mureau oricum conform statisticilor, ceea ce insemna ca bolile au secerat in medie 20,000 de copii mai mult pe an) DIN CAUZA EMBARGOULUI>> (si nu din cauza unui dictator iresponsabil pe care il durea undeva de starea natiunii si isi folosea miliardele obtinute din petrol pentru placeri personale in loc sa investeasca in sanatate).

Ce impact puternic, ce voce tunatoare! Numai ca trebuie citit si small print-ul.

La 2005-11-15 17:18:05, Katty a scris:

>&nbsp; Golane eu la scoala am invatat ca sa nu compar mere cu pere asa cum
>&nbsp;faci dumneata acum. Mortalitatea in Irak nu o poti compara cu cea din
>&nbsp;Romania , cu care nu are absolut nici o legatura ci , daca vrei sa
>&nbsp;analizezi o situatie, compari mortalitatea infantila din Irak intr-o
>&nbsp;perioada de dinainte de embargou cu cea din timpul embargoului. Asta
>&nbsp;ca tot vorbim de argumentatie si de logica.

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