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  Nr. 3454 de sambata, 15 octombrie 2005 
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CHIORU din TARA DE FOC (...@walla.com, IP: 80.178.213...)
2005-10-15 12:07
babalacii au un obicei....sa moara.

asa e cu babalacii - mor.
n ati stiut ??
sau credeati ca ala o sa traiasca pana la 1000 de ani ?

traktorist din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2005-10-15 13:42
Cred ca ai numarat rau !

La 2005-10-15 12:07:25, CHIORU a scris:

> asa e cu babalacii - mor.
> n ati stiut ??
> sau credeati ca ala o sa traiasca pana la 1000 de ani ?
Sint mai multe piei de miel decit de oaie. Sa ai tu bani in buzunar pe citi tineri a omorit Arafat saui i-a trimis la moarte ! Potzi face Revelioane numai la Sinaia !

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-10-15 16:38
babalacii au un obicei....sa moara - in patul lor

numa ca Arahat a murit si din cauza paturilor... altora, si tot nu in patul lui, ci intr-un pat francais!

Tu cum scrii, tu nu-mi pari un tinerel... mai ai paharul ala cu proteza linga tine?

La 2005-10-15 12:07:25, CHIORU a scris:

> asa e cu babalacii - mor.
> n ati stiut ??
> sau credeati ca ala o sa traiasca pana la 1000 de ani ?

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 68.165.61...)
2005-10-15 17:25
Re: babalacii au un obicei....sa moara - in patul lor

La 2005-10-15 16:38:51, Oriana a scris:
> Tu cum scrii, tu nu-mi pari un tinerel... mai ai paharul ala cu
> proteza linga tine?
> ----------------------------
>NU L-A BAUT PE TOT si-a inghitit si proteza! 

Serp i Molot (...@fsmail.net, IP: 148.244.150...)
2005-10-15 17:58
Re: Cred ca ai numarat rau !

La 2005-10-15 13:42:57, traktorist a scris:
Sa ai tu bani in buzunar pe citi tineri a
> omorit Arafat saui i-a trimis la moarte ! Potzi face
> Revelioane numai la Sinaia !


te rog, baga lista cu toti tinerii pe care-i stii tu ca au fost "trimisi la moarte" de insusi Arafat.
Smecherie , Palestina e OCUPATA de israel , si atita timp cit va fi asa , nu va exista liniste acolo ! Capishi ? Datoria fiecaruia este sa lupte IMPOTRIVA OCUPANTULUI (indiferent de tara)
Dupa teoria ta, crezi ca Stefan cel Mare si Sfint poate fi acuzat ca si-a trimis "la moarte" pe razesi , luptind impotriva invadatorilor turci ...:)))
Take a break ! ;;

Serp i Molot (...@fsmail.net, IP: 148.244.150...)
2005-10-15 18:01
Re: babalacii au un obicei....sa moara - in patul lor

La 2005-10-15 16:38:51, Oriana a scris:

> numa ca Arahat a murit si din cauza paturilor... altora, si tot nu in
> patul lui, ci intr-un pat francais!


.... iar tu vei muri printr-un boschete, asa cum traiesti ...:))))

Nikon din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.179.79...)
2005-10-15 18:23
Re: babalacii au un obicei....sa moara - in patul lor

La 2005-10-15 18:01:46, Serp i Molot a scris:

> La 2005-10-15 16:38:51, Oriana a scris:
> > numa ca Arahat a murit si din cauza paturilor... altora, si tot nu in
> > patul lui, ci intr-un pat francais!
> ======================
> .... iar tu vei muri printr-un boschete, asa cum traiesti ...:))))
Dupa cum comentezi se poate observa o gandire de araboi extremist si prost....

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-10-15 18:35
... iar tu vei muri printr-un boschete, asa cum traiesti ...

oh noooo, eu sunt Scufissa Rossie, ma tem, ma tem... de Lupu' LLau ... Sserpau!


La 2005-10-15 18:01:46, Serp i Molot a scris:
La 2005-10-15 16:38:51, Oriana a scris:
> > numa ca Arahat a murit si din cauza paturilor... altora, si tot nu in
> > patul lui, ci intr-un pat francais!
> ======================
> .... iar tu vei muri printr-un boschete, asa cum traiesti ...:))))

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 84.228.39...)
2005-10-15 18:52
Re: Cred ca ai numarat rau !

Sfant, sfant, dar a dat iama si pe la vecinii lui, nu numai contra turcilor. Dar asta nu conteaza la tine.

La 2005-10-15 17:58:17, Serp i Molot a scris:

> Datoria fiecaruia este
> sa lupte IMPOTRIVA OCUPANTULUI (indiferent de tara)
> Dupa teoria ta, crezi ca Stefan cel Mare si Sfint poate fi acuzat ca
> si-a trimis "la moarte" pe razesi , luptind impotriva
> invadatorilor turci ...:)))
> Take a break ! ;;

b.d. (, IP: 85.65.215...)
2005-10-15 19:21
Re: Cred ca ai numarat rau !

La 2005-10-15 17:58:17, Serp i Molot a scris:

> te rog, baga lista cu toti tinerii pe care-i stii tu ca au fost
> "trimisi la moarte" de insusi Arafat.
> Smecherie , Palestina e OCUPATA de israel , si atita timp cit va fi
> asa , nu va exista liniste acolo ! Capishi ? Datoria fiecaruia este
> sa lupte IMPOTRIVA OCUPANTULUI (indiferent de tara)
> Dupa teoria ta, crezi ca Stefan cel Mare si Sfint poate fi acuzat ca
> si-a trimis "la moarte" pe razesi , luptind impotriva
> invadatorilor turci ...:)))
> Take a break ! ;;
> ..........................................

In opinia ta, cand Arafat, in delir, indemna multimile cu slogane de
genul ''100.000 de shaid in drum spre Ierusalim'', cum se numeste ?
Le-a intoxicat creierele cu ideia ca doar prin varsare de sange evreiesc
vor primi o tzara. Si i-a indemnat sa se sinucida, da !
Dar nu pricep cum de a reusit sa-ti intoxice si tie, creierul...
Ca sa poti debita enormitati de genul ''Palestina e OCUPATA de israel'',
nu dovedeste decat ca esti intoxicat, intoxicat de ura !
De-ai fi vorbit de ''teritoriile ocupate'' dupa '67, ai mai fi dat dovada de
un gram de logica...Tu insa, nu recunosti dreptul la existenta al
Israelului. Plus dispretul, pe care-l manifesti scriind numele fara
majuscula. Cum ti-ar place daca-s scrie ''romania'' ???
Idolul tau Arafat, cu toate ca a murit, doctrina lui criminala mai exista.
Iata mai jos, un mic exemplu. Si sa nu-mi spui ca asta-i ''lupta contra
ocupantului'', asta-i crima, manipulare, lasitate !!!

Boy pressed to carry out attack

Palestinian boy detained by IDF threatened by terrorists, told he must carry out suicide bombing in Israel. Terror suspects forced youngster to write will, photographed him with weapons, Quran
Efrat weiss

IDF forces and Shin Bet agents detained a 14-year-old Palestinian at his Nablus home Tuesday night, after receiving an intelligence tip the boy was planning to carry out a suicide attack in Israel.

The story was cleared for publication Wednesday morning.
The boy initially refused to carry out the attack, but members of the Tanzim terror organization apparently pressured him and convinced
him to perpetrate the attack. Meanwhile, forces also arrested several other wanted terror suspects across the West Bank.
In his interrogation, the boy said a wanted Tanzim terror suspect from the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, Rabia Abu Leil, asked him to carry out the attack. The youngster attempted to evade the request to blow himself up by arguing he is an only child. However, the pressures on him continued, and another terror suspect, Jamal Tarawi, also joined in and attempted to convince the boy to strike in Israel.

The boy was then taken by the terrorists to an apartment where other terror suspects were staying. There, he was photographed with flags and weapons. After he begged to be let go, he was threatened with murder and told the terrorists will distribute a leaflet accusing him of collaboration with the IDF.

When he was asked to write a will, the youngster said he cannot read or write, but eventually wrote the will by himself. Later, he was photographed again, this time wearing a flak jacket and holding a gun and a Quran.
The boy was eventually released, and then turned to his relatives and asked that they help him avoid carrying out the attack.

Security officials said the latest incident is not isolated, and noted that since the beginning of the year they have seen a marked increase in the number of minors recruited for the purpose of carrying out attacks and military activity, despite the relative lull in violence.

The cynical phenomenon of using children is particularly used by Tanzim terror suspects in Nablus, the officials said.
(10.12.05, 11:15)

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-10-15 19:44
de pustiul asta kamikaze de 14 ani se vorbeste de cateva zile pe aici

cica renuntase, de frica si atunci instigatorii care-l pregatisera, l-au zmuls din familie ca sa-l ucida.

Serpoi e un caz clinic, disperat, cred ca nu exista antidot pt. virusul asta ...

La 2005-10-15 19:21:42, b.d. a scris:
Boy pressed to carry out attack
> Palestinian boy detained by IDF threatened by terrorists, told he must
> carry out suicide bombing in Israel. Terror suspects forced youngster
> to write will, photographed him with weapons, Quran
> Efrat weiss
> IDF forces and Shin Bet agents detained a 14-year-old Palestinian at
> his Nablus home Tuesday night, after receiving an intelligence tip
> the boy was planning to carry out a suicide attack in Israel.
> The story was cleared for publication Wednesday morning.
> The boy initially refused to carry out the attack, but members of the
> Tanzim terror organization apparently pressured him and convinced
> him to perpetrate the attack. Meanwhile, forces also arrested several
> other wanted terror suspects across the West Bank.
> In his interrogation, the boy said a wanted Tanzim terror suspect from
> the Balata refugee camp in Nablus, Rabia Abu Leil, asked him to carry
> out the attack. The youngster attempted to evade the request to blow
> himself up by arguing he is an only child. However, the pressures on
> him continued, and another terror suspect, Jamal Tarawi, also joined
> in and attempted to convince the boy to strike in Israel.
> The boy was then taken by the terrorists to an apartment where other
> terror suspects were staying. There, he was photographed with flags
> and weapons. After he begged to be let go, he was threatened with
> murder and told the terrorists will distribute a leaflet accusing him
> of collaboration with the IDF.
> When he was asked to write a will, the youngster said he cannot read
> or write, but eventually wrote the will by himself. Later, he was
> photographed again, this time wearing a flak jacket and holding a gun
> and a Quran.
> The boy was eventually released, and then turned to his relatives and
> asked that they help him avoid carrying out the attack.
> Security officials said the latest incident is not isolated, and noted
> that since the beginning of the year they have seen a marked increase
> in the number of minors recruited for the purpose of carrying out
> attacks and military activity, despite the relative lull in violence.
> The cynical phenomenon of using children is particularly used by
> Tanzim terror suspects in Nablus, the officials said.
> (10.12.05, 11:15)

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 68.165.61...)
2005-10-15 22:49
Re: de pustiul asta kamikaze de 14 ani se vorbeste de cateva zile pe aici

La 2005-10-15 19:44:23, Oriana a scris:

> Serpoi e un caz clinic, disperat, cred ca nu exista antidot pt.
> virusul asta ...

Ba exista: C4 sau Semtex legat strins pe burta. La prima ..............sa zicem asa il LIBEREAZA!

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