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  Nr. 3447 de vineri, 7 octombrie 2005 
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YOGHINUL din Toronto (...@hotmail.com, IP: 70.28.91...)
2005-10-06 23:35
They will CRUSH you

An engineer who was working near me (his father was Greek orthodox priest), came near me in the Lab(was 7 September) where was noise(to don't hear anybody) and he told me:

Don't write anymore on internet, because these people have the POWER to CRUSH you.

I told him I'm free to write what I'm thinking when I'm not at work.

How he knew what I'm writing on internet?

After couple days I heard him telling to a Romanian to tell me to don't write anymore on internet.

neamtu tiganu din nemtia (...@aol.com, IP: 195.93.60...)
2005-10-07 00:02
Re: They will CRUSH you

La 2005-10-06 23:35:38, YOGHINUL a scris:

> An engineer who was working near me (his father was Greek orthodox
> priest), came near me in the Lab(was 7 September) where was noise(to
> don't hear anybody) and he told me:
Bravo mah vad ca ai un job. Tine-te de el si lasa prostiile.

P.S Vezi ca aveti un virus p-acolo,

Teddy din Neverland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 83.166.220...)
2005-10-07 01:40
Ei, poftim, deci aveam dreptate !

La 2005-10-06 23:35:38, YOGHINUL a scris:

> An engineer who was working near me (his father was Greek orthodox
> priest), came near me in the Lab(was 7 September) where was noise(to
> don't hear anybody) and he told me:
> Don't write anymore on internet, because these people have the POWER
> to CRUSH you.
> I told him I'm free to write what I'm thinking when I'm not at work.
> Numai ca nu-i vorbi de preoti, ca nu-l mai scapa nici doctorii !
> How he knew what I'm writing on internet?
> After couple days I heard him telling to a Romanian to tell me to
> don't write anymore on internet.

Sergiu Popescu din Canada (...@yahoo.com, IP: 216.16.224...)
2005-10-07 16:12
Re: They will CRUSH you

How he knew what I'm writing on internet?

1. Poate i s-a transmis de catre IT administrator - ca de monitorizat, te pot monitoriza, cred ca stii asta;

2. They Crush you? Da, in sensul ca poti primi un virus pe internet care sa-ti afecteze computerul si in momentul in care acest lucru se va petrece, faptul ca stai pe internet va deveni o chestie "publica" pentru mediul in care iti desfasori activitatea...

E posibil ca grecul sa stie ce tu nu stii - ca esti monitorizat acolo, la locul tau de munca!

Agentura din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.co.uk, IP: 86.104.97...)
2005-10-07 17:01
Re: your english sucks!

Nene, se vede ca esti cam "urmarit". Da' tot nu inteleg de ce scrii in engleza. Desigur, nu ca sa ne arati ce bine cunosti aceasta limba (ex: After couple days I heard him telling to a Romanian to tell me to
don't write anymore on internet/ corect: A few days later, I heard him asking a friend to warn me not to write on internet anymore.) Deci, care-i faza? Aia care te urmaresc nu te lasa sa scrii in romaneste? In engleza e OK?

La 2005-10-06 23:35:38, YOGHINUL a scris:

> An engineer who was working near me (his father was Greek orthodox
> priest), came near me in the Lab(was 7 September) where was noise(to
> don't hear anybody) and he told me:
> Don't write anymore on internet, because these people have the POWER
> to CRUSH you.
> I told him I'm free to write what I'm thinking when I'm not at work.
> How he knew what I'm writing on internet?
> After couple days I heard him telling to a Romanian to tell me to
> don't write anymore on internet.

YOGHINUL din Toronto (...@hotmail.com, IP: 70.28.91...)
2005-10-07 18:04
Re: your english sucks!

M-au dat afara deja de la locul de munca (Honeywell).
Asta inseamna CRUSH; imi urmaresc calculatorul acasa in TIMP REAL asta nu se pune problema.

Mai multe mesaje:

Ask Deepak->Dark Cloud acolo sunt alfa1

Cititi mai multe acolo!

La 2005-10-07 17:01:23, Agentura a scris:

> Nene, se vede ca esti cam "urmarit". Da' tot nu inteleg de
> ce scrii in engleza. Desigur, nu ca sa ne arati ce bine cunosti
> aceasta limba (ex: After couple days I heard him telling to a
> Romanian to tell me to
> don't write anymore on internet/ corect: A few days later, I heard him
> asking a friend to warn me not to write on internet anymore.) Deci,
> care-i faza? Aia care te urmaresc nu te lasa sa scrii in romaneste?
> In engleza e OK?
> La 2005-10-06 23:35:38, YOGHINUL a scris:
> > An engineer who was working near me (his father was Greek orthodox
> > priest), came near me in the Lab(was 7 September) where was noise(to
> > don't hear anybody) and he told me:
> > 
> > Don't write anymore on internet, because these people have the POWER
> > to CRUSH you.
> > 
> > I told him I'm free to write what I'm thinking when I'm not at work.
> > 
> > How he knew what I'm writing on internet?
> > 
> > After couple days I heard him telling to a Romanian to tell me to
> > don't write anymore on internet.
> > 
> > 
> > 

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