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  Nr. 3419 de luni, 5 septembrie 2005 
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mediator (...@yahoo.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2005-09-05 01:45
There is no question about :

the fact that most of the respondents are uninformed, to say the least , as well as sour and perhaps "typical new emigrants". I would advise most of you to take stock of your "happy life" and make a true assessment of gains versus effort. In my case , i did and after more than 35 years , i returned were i was born as some of you suggested. Looking back to my emigrant years, i never felt that i belong even though my parents brought me there when i was a young lad. Good luck to all of you and keep believing what Fox news feeds you...Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Neil Kavuto and alike feed you, for that may heal your hearts!...and make no mistake, true ownership means no mortgage or car payments, nor credit card balances....it means just ownership....freedom means you can, not just being allowed!

Anticomie din USA (...@aol.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2005-09-05 02:04
Re: There is no question about :

La 2005-09-05 01:45:43, mediator a scris:

> and make no mistake, true ownership
> means no mortgage or car payments, nor credit card balances....it
> means just ownership....freedom means you can, not just being
> allowed!

...and also receiving unemployment beneits for the 16 hours a day you're not working.

Incep sa cred ca asta e chiar un mediator care incearca sa ...keep the ball rolling. 

alan din s. tropez (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 67.123.129...)
2005-09-05 02:16
Re: There is no question about :

La 2005-09-05 01:45:43, mediator a scris:

> the fact that most of the respondents are uninformed, to say the least
> , as well as sour and perhaps "typical new emigrants". I
> would advise most of you to take stock of your "happy life"
> and make a true assessment of gains versus effort. In my case , i did
> and after more than 35 years , i returned were i was born as some of
> you suggested. Looking back to my emigrant years, i never felt that
> i belong even though my parents brought me there when i was a young
> lad. Good luck to all of you and keep believing what Fox news feeds
> you...Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Neil Kavuto and alike feed you,
> for that may heal your hearts!...and make no mistake, true ownership
> means no mortgage or car payments, nor credit card balances....it
> means just ownership....freedom means you can, not just being
> allowed!

Thank you! We wish you good luck too! In the land where you were born, are still many "securisti", I hope you know what that mean.

mediator (...@yahoo.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2005-09-05 02:17
Re: There is no question about :

La 2005-09-05 01:45:43, mediator a scris:

> the fact that most of the respondents are uninformed, to say the least
> , as well as sour and perhaps "typical new emigrants". I
> would advise most of you to take stock of your "happy life"
> and make a true assessment of gains versus effort. In my case , i did
> and after more than 35 years , i returned were i was born as some of
> you suggested. Looking back to my emigrant years, i never felt that
> i belong even though my parents brought me there when i was a young
> lad. Good luck to all of you and keep believing what Fox news feeds
> you...Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Neil Kavuto and alike feed you,
> for that may heal your hearts!...and make no mistake, true ownership
> means no mortgage or car payments, nor credit card balances....it
> means just ownership....freedom means you can, not just being
> allowed!
tot eu....alooo...americanii nelu si gigi....ia reaspundeti in limba americaneasca daca sinteti americani!

traktorist din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 68.231.6...)
2005-09-05 02:22
Nu stiu ce spui ca scrii intro limba straina....

La 2005-09-05 01:45:43, mediator a scris:

> the fact that most of the respondents are uninformed, to say the least
> , as well as sour and perhaps "typical new emigrants". I
> would advise most of you to take stock of your "happy life"
> and make a true assessment of gains versus effort. In my case , i did
> and after more than 35 years , i returned were i was born as some of
> you suggested. Looking back to my emigrant years, i never felt that
> i belong even though my parents brought me there when i was a young
> lad. Good luck to all of you and keep believing what Fox news feeds
> you...Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Neil Kavuto and alike feed you,
> for that may heal your hearts!...and make no mistake, true ownership
> means no mortgage or car payments, nor credit card balances....it
> means just ownership....freedom means you can, not just being
> allowed!
Atit stiu ca esti prostutz adaptat.
In US potzi cumpara orice proprietate vrei. In schimpb aici exista un sistem de finantare care da mina libera celor destepti sa progreseze. Hai sa zicem ca ai in cap un produs, o inventie.
Tu ai vrea sa stai pina faci bani de o fabrica, de salarii si apoi sa te apuci pe treaba. In cazul tau, vor avea nepotzii barbi albe pina vezi visul cu ochii si tu esti oale si ulcele. Te finantezi rapid cu capitalul necesar, te apuci pe treaba. De asta se cheama CAPITALISM. Accesul la capital este esential in dezvoltare.
Economics 101 !
credit cardul in Business este o minune. P e linga ca ai acess la bani PERMANENT, mai tin si o evidentza stricta a cheltuielilor.
Ca persoana , la fel ! Ca nu ai sa te duci pe jos pina la o agentie de voiaj sa-i dai banii pe calatoria ce o vei face... Dar se pare ca tu esti din grupul de romani care se duc sa cumpere aragaz cu bani ghiata. Tu cind duceai amantele la restaurant, plateai masa cu.... cash ?
Tu nu ai trait in America; tu numai te-ai uitat prin geam.

mediator (...@yahoo.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2005-09-05 02:25
Re: There is no question about :

La 2005-09-05 02:16:06, alan a scris:

> La 2005-09-05 01:45:43, mediator a scris:
> > the fact that most of the respondents are uninformed, to say the least
> > , as well as sour and perhaps "typical new emigrants". I
> > would advise most of you to take stock of your "happy life"
> > and make a true assessment of gains versus effort. In my case , i did
> > and after more than 35 years , i returned were i was born as some of
> > you suggested. Looking back to my emigrant years, i never felt that
> > i belong even though my parents brought me there when i was a young
> > lad. Good luck to all of you and keep believing what Fox news feeds
> > you...Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Neil Kavuto and alike feed you,
> > for that may heal your hearts!...and make no mistake, true ownership
> > means no mortgage or car payments, nor credit card balances....it
> > means just ownership....freedom means you can, not just being
> > allowed!
> > 
> Thank you! We wish you good luck too! In the land where you were
> born, are still many "securisti", I hope you know what that
> mean.
I'm to old to care ...

mediator (...@yahoo.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2005-09-05 02:30
Re: Nu stiu ce spui ca scrii intro limba straina....

La 2005-09-05 02:22:45, traktorist a scris:

> La 2005-09-05 01:45:43, mediator a scris:
> > the fact that most of the respondents are uninformed, to say the least
> > , as well as sour and perhaps "typical new emigrants". I
> > would advise most of you to take stock of your "happy life"
> > and make a true assessment of gains versus effort. In my case , i did
> > and after more than 35 years , i returned were i was born as some of
> > you suggested. Looking back to my emigrant years, i never felt that
> > i belong even though my parents brought me there when i was a young
> > lad. Good luck to all of you and keep believing what Fox news feeds
> > you...Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Neil Kavuto and alike feed you,
> > for that may heal your hearts!...and make no mistake, true ownership
> > means no mortgage or car payments, nor credit card balances....it
> > means just ownership....freedom means you can, not just being
> > allowed!
> > 
>  Atit stiu ca esti prostutz adaptat.
> In US potzi cumpara orice proprietate vrei. In schimpb aici
> exista un sistem de finantare care da mina libera celor
> destepti sa progreseze. Hai sa zicem ca ai in cap un
> produs, o inventie.
> Tu ai vrea sa stai pina faci bani de o fabrica, de salarii
> si apoi sa te apuci pe treaba. In cazul tau, vor avea
> nepotzii barbi albe pina vezi visul cu ochii si tu esti
> oale si ulcele. Te finantezi rapid cu capitalul necesar, te
> apuci pe treaba. De asta se cheama CAPITALISM. Accesul la
> capital este esential in dezvoltare.
> Economics 101 !
> credit cardul in Business este o minune. P e linga ca ai
> acess la bani PERMANENT, mai tin si o evidentza stricta a
> cheltuielilor.
> Ca persoana , la fel ! Ca nu ai sa te duci pe jos pina
> la o agentie de voiaj sa-i dai banii pe calatoria ce o
> vei face... Dar se pare ca tu esti din grupul de romani
> care se duc sa cumpere aragaz cu bani ghiata. Tu cind
> duceai amantele la restaurant, plateai masa cu.... cash ?
> Tu nu ai trait in America; tu numai te-ai uitat prin geam.
NU AI INTELES NIMIC!....mai vezi de ce nu s-a evacuat tot orasu....ca asta-i subiectul...ca nu aveau oamenii masini...hahahah...plateste tu cu card...ca-i bineeee....cite saptamini de vacanta ai avut de cind esti aici?

traktorist din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 68.231.6...)
2005-09-05 02:53
Nu ai vrea sa stii !

in America; tu numai te-ai uitat prin geam.
> > 
> NU AI INTELES NIMIC!....mai vezi de ce nu s-a evacuat tot orasu....ca
> asta-i subiectul...ca nu aveau oamenii masini...hahahah...plateste tu
> cu card...ca-i bineeee....cite saptamini de vacanta ai avut de cind
> esti aici?
Eu iau vacanta cind vreau. Ma si duc la lucru numai cind trebuie !
Dar de ce nu ai deschis tu o fabrica si sa dai la salariati vacante lungi, sarbatori multe, lucrat citeva zile si platitzi ca pe fotbalisti ?
In america exista masini cu mult peste cerere. Numai te apropii de un business de vindut masini si vin ca vulturii pe tine.
De unde ai scos tu asta , ca nu sint automobile ?
da tu ai auzit de autobuz ? Da' de tren ?
" trenule masina mica "

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