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2005-08-10 22:56:03


Ha, ha, ha.... Sa intre dezarmatzi intr-un pact militar!


Uite itzi dau o bombonica (nu atomica) drept premiu!

Da , dezarmati de armamentul greu : bombe atomice , avioane , portavioane , submarine , tancuri etc etc si sa ramana toata lumea numai la armamentul usor necesar mentinerii ordinii publice.

2005-08-10 23:17:42

Oare cat se vor mai umili cei ce incearca sa cerseasca bunavointa aiatolahilor?

Orice om normal ramane impietrit de tupeul "negociatoilor" iranieni.
Unica solutie de tratare cu Teheranul este cea militara si cu cat mai repede cu atat mai bine pentru lumea civilizata.

2005-08-10 23:27:14

Re: roy

La 2005-08-10 22:56:03, Katty a scris:

> Ha, ha, ha.... Sa intre dezarmatzi intr-un pact militar!
> GENIAL!!!!
> Uite itzi dau o bombonica (nu atomica) drept premiu!
>  Da , dezarmati de armamentul greu : bombe atomice , avioane ,
> portavioane , submarine , tancuri etc etc si sa ramana toata lumea
> numai la armamentul usor necesar mentinerii ordinii publice.

Pe biciclete, cu bastoane de cauciuc din dotare ! :))))))

2005-08-10 23:30:50

thank you USA

Iata roadele politicii infantile a americii in relatia cu islamul : a creat "eroul nuclear" , in jurul caruia se vor aduna de-acum multimile de martiri voluntari pentru apararea unui dumnezeu care ,daca pentru noi e strain , pentru ei e Tatal - unic si drept - , in timp ce noi avem pe stindardele de lupta "libertate" , ei au "dreptate" ; D-le bush du-te si incearca sa dregi ce se mai poate drege , sau pur si simplu : du-te !

2005-08-10 23:30:50

Re: Oare cat se vor mai umili cei ce incearca sa cerseasca bunavointa aiatolahilor?

Pai ce mai astepti ???
Pune mina pe furca si la lupta !!!!
Te va urma traktorul fumegind si mos Grigore injurind !!!!
Mai ca-i vad pe iranieni fugind de spaima voastra !!!!

La 2005-08-10 23:17:42, progitmo a scris:

> Orice om normal ramane impietrit de tupeul "negociatoilor"
> iranieni.
> Unica solutie de tratare cu Teheranul este cea militara si cu cat mai
> repede cu atat mai bine pentru lumea civilizata.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-10 23:32:51

Tare mi-e ca ...

Incepe sa miroase a praf de pusca.
Deja aud motoarele de avion...

2005-08-10 23:33:46

Cetateanu'...din exil s-a gasit deja...urmeaza Condo la ONU cu fotografii GoogleMap si sticluta de parfum

Nu prea mai are unchiuletzu bani, da' Tractor e patriot...Si nici trupetzi...da' sare glumetzu de Chicago cu pantaloni maro. Io-te asa au mai pus-o de-o ...negociere, cand se intorc aiatolahii din concediu, ei asteapta (au rabdare, ai asteapta si pe coreeni sa...negocieze.). Ce ti-e si cu politichia asta...
"precizand ca centrifugele sunt pregatite pentru a fi instalate la uzina iraniana de la Natanz, a precizat Jafarzadeh. Informatia, "foarte recenta" dupa spusele acestuia, provine din surse apropiate regimului de la Teheran care s-au dovedit demne de incredere in trecut. AIEA a refuzat sa comenteze dezvaluirile cetateanului"

2005-08-10 23:34:43

Re: Oare cat se vor mai umili cei ce incearca sa cerseasca bunavointa aiatolahilor?

La 2005-08-10 23:17:42, progitmo a scris:

> Orice om normal ramane impietrit de tupeul "negociatoilor"
> iranieni.
> Unica solutie de tratare cu Teheranul este cea militara si cu cat mai
> repede cu atat mai bine pentru lumea civilizata.
> La diferendele religioase , apelarea la arme e nu numai inutila dar chiar calea sigura spre razboi ; solutia este doar diplomatia clericilor , din ambele parti .

2005-08-10 23:35:50

Re: Tare mi-e ca ...

De la aparatul auditiv. Du-l la mecanic. Tractor, esti p-aproape?

La 2005-08-10 23:32:51, Dan Bostan a scris:

> Deja aud motoarele de avion...

Dan Bostan
2005-08-10 23:36:31

Re: thank you USA

Nu ai nimic intre urechi.
Ca de ai avea ai fi inteles mai mult.

neamtu tiganu
2005-08-10 23:37:20

Re: Oare cat se vor mai umili cei ce incearca sa cerseasca bunavointa aiatolahilor?

La 2005-08-10 23:30:50, Val a scris:

> Mai ca-i vad pe iranieni fugind de spaima voastra !!!!
da cred ca nu chiar toti, cred ca o parte vor iesi cu flori si piine cu sare.

Stii cit de mare e Iranu? Stii ce populatie are?

2005-08-10 23:37:35

Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Pai sigur ca Bush stie ce inseamna o pozitie duplicitara ca doar si bunicul lui ,Prescot Bush , a facut afaceri si avere cu firmele germane ce foloseau munca detinutilor de la Auschwits , foarte multi evrei. Asta in timpul cind soldatii americani isi dadeau viata pentru eliberarea Europei de fascism.

"ai sa vezi ca iar il trag de maneca europenii, cand ajung cu apa la gat, tipul asta care comanda Iranul cu sharia in buzunar, are planuri mari."

Una este sa vrei si alta sa si poti. Europa , chiar si fara USA , are destule arme nucleare sa riposteze la un eventual atac iranian. Crezi ca iranenii nu stiu ? Stiu prea bine ! Ei vor doar sa se asigure ca nu vor fi invadati. Franta si Anglia au destul armament nuclear ca sa ingroape Iranul in ruine. Problema este Qui prodest ?

PS. Problema democratiei in Iran este problema iranienilor. Regimul nedorit o sa cada cind or sa vrea iranienii. Deocamdata nu am vazut pe nimeni sa se rascoale.

2005-08-10 23:40:20

Re: thank you USA

Spre deosebire de tine, care ai un aparat auditiv si...auzi "zgomotul motoarelor". Apropos, il auzi permanent sau numai din cand in cand?

La 2005-08-10 23:36:31, Dan Bostan a scris:

> Nu ai nimic intre urechi.

neamtu tiganu
2005-08-10 23:41:35


Iranu isi va face bomba atomica si nimeni nu va putea sa-i opreasca. Ce va fi dupa aceea habar n-am da nu cred ca va fi prea bine..

2005-08-10 23:46:49

Re: b.d

La 2005-08-10 23:27:14, b.d. a scris:

> La 2005-08-10 22:56:03, Katty a scris:
> > Ha, ha, ha.... Sa intre dezarmatzi intr-un pact militar!
> > 
> > GENIAL!!!!
> > 
> > Uite itzi dau o bombonica (nu atomica) drept premiu!
> > 
> > 
> >  Da , dezarmati de armamentul greu : bombe atomice , avioane ,
> > portavioane , submarine , tancuri etc etc si sa ramana toata lumea
> > numai la armamentul usor necesar mentinerii ordinii publice.
> > 
> Pe biciclete, cu bastoane de cauciuc din dotare ! :))))))

De acord doamna b.d. Cea mai buna metoda , nimeni sa nu aiba nici o arma de foc !!! Excelenta idee !!! Subscriu !!!
Apare totusi o problema , ce facem totusi cu criminalii ce folosesc armele albe , adica cutite sau arme taioase? Cutite periculoase sint si la bucatarie !! Politia trebuie sa aiba totusi posibilitatea sa salveze vieti amenintate de cutite , adica niste arme de foc care sa fie mai rapide decit cutitele. De aia am spus eu doar armele usoare , adica pistoale si pusti de calibru mic , folosite doar de politie si jandarmi.

2005-08-10 23:50:26

Re: Katza

Lasa, ca-i prea tarziu sa o repari. Ai scris doar de DEZARMAREA TOTALA.

Inarmatzi cu armament usor de mentzinere a ordinii publice? Cu ce? Cu bastoane de cauciuc, trotinete si prastii in NATO? Mama , mama ce manevre militare o sa fie pe acolo!

Oare pentru ce ar trebui sa intre in NATO, un pact militar, daca totzi ar fi dezarmatzi? Iar daca numai o parte ar fi dezarmata si ar intra in NATO, iar altzii ar ramane nedezarmatzi, cum s-ar apara NATO daca ar fi atacat?

Eu zic sa te gandesti ceva mai mult cand scrii in forum, ca sa nu ne servesti pe tava gogoase de genul asta.

La 2005-08-10 22:56:03, Katty a scris:

> Ha, ha, ha.... Sa intre dezarmatzi intr-un pact militar!
> GENIAL!!!!
> Uite itzi dau o bombonica (nu atomica) drept premiu!
>  Da , dezarmati de armamentul greu : bombe atomice , avioane ,
> portavioane , submarine , tancuri etc etc si sa ramana toata lumea
> numai la armamentul usor necesar mentinerii ordinii publice.

2005-08-10 23:57:25

Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Pai sigur ca Bush stie ce inseamna o pozitie duplicitara ca doar si bunicul lui ,Prescot Bush , a facut afaceri si avere cu firmele germane ce foloseau munca detinutilor de la Auschwits , foarte multi evrei. Asta in timpul cind soldatii americani isi dadeau viata pentru eliberarea Europei de fascism.

"ai sa vezi ca iar il trag de maneca europenii, cand ajung cu apa la gat, tipul asta care comanda Iranul cu sharia in buzunar, are planuri mari."

Una este sa vrei si alta sa si poti. Europa , chiar si fara USA , are destule arme nucleare sa riposteze la un eventual atac iranian. Crezi ca iranenii nu stiu ? Stiu prea bine ! Ei vor doar sa se asigure ca nu vor fi invadati. Franta si Anglia au destul armament nuclear ca sa ingroape Iranul in ruine. Problema este Qui prodest ?

PS. Problema democratiei in Iran este problema iranienilor. Regimul nedorit o sa cada cind or sa vrea iranienii. Deocamdata nu am vazut pe nimeni sa se rascoale.

2005-08-11 00:03:46

Re: b.d

La 2005-08-10 23:27:14, b.d. a scris:

> La 2005-08-10 22:56:03, Katty a scris:
> > Ha, ha, ha.... Sa intre dezarmatzi intr-un pact militar!
> > 
> > GENIAL!!!!
> > 
> > Uite itzi dau o bombonica (nu atomica) drept premiu!
> > 
> > 
> >  Da , dezarmati de armamentul greu : bombe atomice , avioane ,
> > portavioane , submarine , tancuri etc etc si sa ramana toata lumea
> > numai la armamentul usor necesar mentinerii ordinii publice.
> > 
> Pe biciclete, cu bastoane de cauciuc din dotare ! :))))))

De ce nu doamna b.d ? Problema este ca politia trebuie sa aiba arme de foc usoare ca sa poata preveni delincventa cauzata de cutite , care fie vorba intre noi , pot fi si cutite de bucatarie.

De aceea am spus arme usoare , adica acelea care pot anihila criminali ocazionali , nu ca armele grele de nimicire in masa menite sa ia zeci si sute de mii de vieti nevinovate.

neamtu tiganu
2005-08-11 00:09:05

Re: Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Senzational...nu stiam ca Oriana e nepotu lu Komeini...esti sugura?

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 00:18:41

Re: Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Nu te mai uita la Fahrenheit 911...

Te pune intr-o lumina nu tocmai favorabila...

2005-08-11 00:34:17

Re: Oare cat se vor mai umili cei ce incearca sa cerseasca bunavointa aiatolahilor?

Da' traktor stii cit fum scoate ????

La 2005-08-10 23:37:20, neamtu tiganu a scris:

> La 2005-08-10 23:30:50, Val a scris:
> > Mai ca-i vad pe iranieni fugind de spaima voastra !!!!
> > 
> da cred ca nu chiar toti, cred ca o parte vor iesi cu flori si piine
> cu sare.
> Stii cit de mare e Iranu? Stii ce populatie are?

Morkova Vesela
2005-08-11 00:39:39

De fapt Iranul are nevoie de bombe nucleare cu am eu de prezervative.

Iranul are nevoie de bombe nucleare cu am eu de prezervative. Le ard si foc si nu mai cumpar petrol.
Dar ei, care au un presedinte terorist, cu unul mai maricel tras pe cap, ajungi sa nu-l mai recunosti, noroc ca nu are barba, ca nici barb nu i se mai vedea.

evreu mandru din israel
2005-08-11 00:46:32

Re: Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

O fraza dintr-o scrisoare scrisa de Katty in anul 1984....

PS. Problema comunismului in Romania este problema romanilor. Regimul nedorit o sa cada cind or sa vrea romanii. Deocamdata nu am vazut pe nimeni sa se rascoale.

La 2005-08-10 23:57:25, Katty a scris:

>  PS. Problema democratiei in Iran este problema iranienilor. Regimul
> nedorit o sa cada cind or sa vrea iranienii. Deocamdata nu am vazut
> pe nimeni sa se rascoale.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 00:49:08

Pipineii de europeni

Acum s-a vazut cu cit succes au negociat "puterile" europene cu jigodiile de mulahi.
Adevarul e ca as fi preferat ca Iranul sa fie pioiritatea 1 si Iraqul, prioritatea 2....
Invers e mai greu.

2005-08-11 01:16:53

Tupeul ati spus ?....

La 2005-08-10 23:17:42, progitmo a scris:

> Orice om normal ramane impietrit de tupeul "negociatoilor"
> iranieni.
> Unica solutie de tratare cu Teheranul este cea militara si cu cat mai
> repede cu atat mai bine pentru lumea civilizata.

Dvs. chiar credeti ca pregatiti "opinia publica"...
de pe forum cu astfel de fraze ?
Tupeul cel mai monstruos se afla la Casa Dalba.
Ei sînt campionii absoluti la toate categoriile.
Persii sînt niste amatori pe lînga un Perle, un
Rumsfeld, etc. Pe Bush nu l-am numit pentru ca
el nu prea întelege ce se întîmpla....:-)) cu politica
externa a Statelor Unite. El este un nevinovat în
materie...:-))) un fel de " Marie couche - toi là " ...:-))))

2005-08-11 01:18:27

Re: Katty

Ce idee geniala Katty!!!

Exemplu ar trebui dat de o tara "exemplu": Suedia! Tara pasnica, fara dusmani si totusi, cu o importanta industrie a armamentului si a-vl-a tara exportatoare de arme din lume. Raportat la populatie, depaseste chiar si pe Rusia: 567 milioane $ din export de arme la o populatie de 9 mil; Rusia: 4.82 miliarde $ la o populatie de 143 mil. Go figure!

2005-08-11 01:20:44

Re: Pipineii de europeni

Pina si tu esti mai destept ca Bush ?????

La 2005-08-11 00:49:08, Dan Bostan a scris:

> Acum s-a vazut cu cit succes au negociat "puterile" europene
> cu jigodiile de mulahi.
> Adevarul e ca as fi preferat ca Iranul sa fie pioiritatea 1 si Iraqul,
> prioritatea 2....
> Invers e mai greu.

2005-08-11 01:35:48

Re: Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Daca ar fi scris cineva in '84 asa ceva, ar fi avut dreptate. Putea sa fie si un opozant sau un disident care sa arate lasitatea celor care suporta dictatura. Evident ca orice dictatura e problema celor care o accepta. A cui sa fie? A eschimosilor? Doar ultima propozitie da mai prost, creand impresia ca pe motiv ca nimeni nu se rascoala, inseamna ca ar fi bun sistemul. E totusi doar o interpretare.

2005-08-11 01:43:21

Re: Pipineii de europeni-bostan

La negocieri poti sa iesi in avantaj dar poti sa iesi si in dezavantaj. Asta in principiu, care-i problema?
In razboi poti sa castigi sau poti sa pierzi. Pana una alta in Irak mai mult s-a pierdut decat s-a castigat. Asa ca nu stiu de ce vorbesti.

2005-08-11 01:50:39

Re: Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Katty, ce spui de pozitia suediei in al doliea razboi mondial? Este singura tara europeana care a facut afaceri si cu Nazi Germany si cu aliatii. Mai mult de atat, fara minereurile de fier din Suedia, Germania nu ar fi putut incepe razboiul:

"Sweden absolutely sold materials to the Germans along with allowing Germany to use its railways and even helped the Germans move war material across Sweden.

And at the end of the war Sweden cashed in on the rebuilding money. "

"For Germany, the import of Swedish iron-ore was of extreme importance in its attempts to rebuild its military strength, despite the stipulations presented in the Treaty of Versailles. Prior to the Second World War, Germany was able to supply itself with only a quarter of its total iron-ore consumption per year, with the rest being imported from other countries. Sweden provided up to almost 60 percent of the iron-ore that was imported into Germany. Without the sixty percent of iron-ore imports coming from Sweden, Germany might possibly have not been capable of initiating the Second World War. In 1940, iron-ore imports from Sweden as well as Norway constituted 11,550,000 of the 15,000,000 tons Germany consumed that year"


"Franta si Anglia au destul armament nuclear ca sa ingroape Iranul in ruine. Problema este Qui prodest ? "

Sunt sigur ca guvernele europene, inclusiv cel suedez, impartasesc modul tau de a gandi!

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 01:55:02

Re: Pipineii de europeni

Ce e asa de greu de inteles?

Ar fi trebuit sa avem grija de Iran inainte de Iraq.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 02:11:03

Ce ne-au facut liberalii si in SUA!!


2005-08-11 02:56:05

Re: Bush e singurul

>  Una este sa vrei si alta sa si poti. Europa , chiar si fara USA ,
> are destule arme nucleare sa riposteze la un eventual atac iranian.
> Crezi ca iranenii nu stiu ? Stiu prea bine ! Ei vor doar sa se
> asigure ca nu vor fi invadati. Franta si Anglia au destul armament
> nuclear ca sa ingroape Iranul in ruine. Problema este Qui prodest ?

Care stie ce trebuie facut !
Iuropa nu are armament ! E de pe timpul cazanelor duse la defilare pe timpul lui Brejnev.
Pe ce lume traiesti ?

2005-08-11 03:00:14

Re: Ce ne-au facut liberalii si in SUA!!

Trebuie sa inteleg ca FBI-ul si CIA pentru un bostan ca tine sunt Liberale in USA?

La 2005-08-11 02:11:03, Dan Bostan a scris:
> http://www.gsnmagazine.com/aug_05/dod_lawyers.html

Mos Grigore
2005-08-11 03:08:10

Re: Iranu are citeva probleme.............................

La 2005-08-10 23:41:35, neamtu tiganu a scris:

> Iranu isi va face bomba atomica si nimeni nu va putea sa-i opreasca.
Well, un embargou ca cel din timpul razboiului cu Iraqul (care nici n-a fost prea dur) i-a tinul cu nasul in mocirla aproape 10 ani.

Iranul nu produce decit 40-50% din mincarea de care nevoie (asta era la data aia - intre timp populatia crescut si acelasi pamint cultivabil il au).

La vremea aia Pakistanul exporta in Iran aproape jumate din productia agricola platita cu petrolul care se mai ducea pe shest in EU. Erau magazinele goale, cartele de alimente iar bazarul se injumatatise. Probleme medicale pina la Dzeu din penuria de medicamente.

Pe partea optimista, Molahii (boshorogi) au capatat dreptul la 4 neveste f. f. f. TINERE si aveau si DESTUL PILAF (si cam atit......)

 Ce va fi dupa aceea habar n-am da nu cred ca va fi prea bine..

N-o sa fie nimic, doar amaritii o sa sufere ca mai sus, ca Molahii joaca la CACIALMA: in timp ce nu-i deranjeaza sa fie citi de multi martiri dintre mujici, ei au mare grija de PIELICICA lor.

PS. Sifiliticii astia sinucigasi au FOST INVENTAZI ACOLO. Cind am sa am ceva de scanat diapozitive am sa-tii arat la defilare: mii de copii si batrini! 

Mos Grigore
2005-08-11 03:15:50

Ia de aicea, .....................ia cu piine, ..........................Tigane

La 2005-08-10 23:37:20, neamtu tiganu a scris:
> Stii cit de mare e Iranu? Stii ce populatie are?

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:20:03

Re: Ce ne-au facut liberalii si in SUA!!

Lasind la o parte mirlaniile tale, raspunsul e DA.
Au fost complet infectate de liberalism.
Stii ca unul dintre primele edicte ale lui Clinton a fost sa-i inlocuiasca pe aproape toti District Attornies?
Daca nu stii, intreaba nu te da cocos...

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:30:41

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (1)

Congressional Record: June 27, 2005 (House)
Page H5243-H5250


The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. McHenry). Under the Speaker's announced
policy of January 4, 2005, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Weldon)
is recognized for 44 minutes.

[[Page H5244]]

Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I rise this evening to
discuss for the next 45 minutes the most important topic that will
allow us to protect the homeland, provide for the security of the
American people and our allies and our troops around the world: our
Last Thursday, Mr. Speaker, I had a meeting with the very able and
distinguished chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Hoekstra). We discussed
many things, one of which was a source that I had hoped that we could
get some information to assist us in understanding the threats in Iraq
and the Middle East, and especially in regard to Iran.
I said to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Hoekstra), I am going to
make a prediction to you. Based on my source, I said, common wisdom
tells us that the winner of the election in Iran that will take place
on Friday and Saturday our time will probably be Rafsanjani. He is the
name that most pundits have said would be the likely winner in a two-
person runoff against the more conservative and not well-known mayor of
Tehran. But I said to the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Hoekstra), based
on information we had, the election was not going to be close; it will
be a landslide. But the conservative mayor of Tehran, a relative
unknown, had been anointed by Ayatollah Homeni in Iran and he would in
fact win the Iranian election.
We all saw the results, Mr. Speaker, on Saturday night and Sunday
morning as, in fact, the mayor of Tehran won the election with a margin
of 62 to 38 percent, an overwhelming landslide. I raise this issue, Mr.
Speaker, because good intelligence and good information is the most
critical tool that we can have over the next several years and decades
to protect our homeland.
Mr. Speaker, I rise because information has come to my attention over
the past several months that is very disturbing. I have learned that,
in fact, one of our Federal agencies had, in fact, identified the major
New York cell of Mohamed Atta prior to 9/11; and I have learned, Mr.
Speaker, that in September of 2000, that Federal agency actually was
prepared to bring the FBI in and prepared to work with the FBI to take
down the cell that Mohamed Atta was involved in in New York City, along
with two of the other terrorists.
I have also learned, Mr. Speaker, that when that recommendation was
discussed within that Federal agency, the lawyers in the administration
at that time said, you cannot pursue contact with the FBI against that
cell. Mohamed Atta is in the U.S. on a green card, and we are fearful
of the fallout from the Waco incident. So we did not allow that Federal
agency to proceed.
Mr. Speaker, what this now means is that prior to September 11, we
had employees of the Federal Government in one of our agencies who
actually identified the Mohamed Atta cell and made a specific
recommendation to act on that cell, but were denied the ability to go
forward. Obviously, if we had taken out that cell, 9/11 would not have
occurred and, certainly, taking out those three principal players in
that cell would have severely crippled, if not totally stopped, the
operation that killed 3,000 people in America.
Tonight, I am going to provide some background to my colleagues,
because I think this represents a major problem with our intelligence
that needs to be focused on by the committees of the House and the
Senate, by the leadership of the House and the Senate, by John
Negroponte, the new person assigned by President Bush, and a very able
man, to integrate the 33 classified systems overseen by the 15 Federal

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:31:08

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (2)

I want to also start off by praising Porter Goss, the director of the
CIA. Porter served us extremely well in this body as the chairman of
the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; and he went over to the
CIA with an aggressive agenda to change that agency, and he has begun
that process. We, in this body, need to rally the American people to
support the efforts brought forward by Porter Goss and to allow John
Negroponte to undertake perhaps the most difficult task in protecting
the security of America, a task that will not be easy, given the
history of our Federal agency system.
Let me take my colleagues back, Mr. Speaker, to 1999. It was, in
fact, the spring of 1999 when I was first involved in taking a
delegation of 10 Members of Congress to Vienna with the support of my
friend and colleague, the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Hoyer), and with
the support of the Clinton State Department.

{time} 2320

The 11-member delegation of five Democrats, five Republicans and
myself, along with the State Department employee, traveled to Vienna to
meet with five senior leaders of the Russian political parties. Our
purpose was to try to reach a framework that could allow for a peaceful
resolution of the war in Kosovo on the terms that the U.S. had desired
after Ramboullet.
After securing a military plane, my Russian friends told me they were
bringing a Serb along with them, a Serb who would be able to understand
what we were talking about and help us decide and determine whether or
not Milosevic back in Belgrade would accept any recommendations that we
would develop. I did not know anything about the Serb. I knew the
Russians. But I figure I had better ask the CIA what they knew about
this Serb so I could be better prepared, and to make sure that the Serb
was not a part of the Milosevic regime, because that would cause myself
and my colleagues to be in violation of the Hobbs Act because we were
at war with Serbia at that time.
So I called George Tenet. I said, Director Tenet, can you give me
some information about this Serb? His family is evidently well known. I
need to know whether or not he is a part of the Milosevic regime. I
need to know any other information you can provide to me because we are
going to meet with him when we travel to Vienna to meet with the
Russian leaders to help provide a beginning of a solution to end the
war in Kosovo.
He called me back the next day and he gave me a couple of sentences
and said not to worry, he was not a part of the Milosevic regime. And
he had strong ties to the Communist Party inside of Moscow and had ties
to other leaders in the Russian Government. It was not much to go on.
But at the time, Mr. Speaker, I was chairman of the Defense Research
Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee. My job was to oversee the
funding, approximately $40 billion of defense research money on new
systems and new technologies. And one of the most striking technologies
was the work being done by the Army's Information Dominance Center at
Fort Belvoir, formerly known as the LIWA, the Land Information Warfare
Assessment Center. I had visited the LIWA several times and was
tremendously impressed with not just the ability to provide security
for our Army classified systems, but I saw a unique approach to doing
well beyond that, data mining, data collaboration, using cutting-edge
software tools like Starlight and Spires, able to do profiling. Having
plussed-up funding for this facility after talking to George Tenet, I
called my friends at the Army's Information Dominance Center and said,
can you do something for me as a favor, off the record? And they said
sure, Congressman, whatever you like. Would you run me a profile of
this Serb, for the same reason I had asked the Director of the CIA.
They said, no problem, Congressman; we will get back to you in a few
hours. And they did. They gave me 10 pages of information, Mr. Speaker,
about the Serb and his ties. Now, the information was not vetted but it
was from a number of sources that the Information Dominance Center was
able to pull together very quickly. I used that information as we
traveled to Vienna to understand who we were meeting with. We had those
meetings for 2 days and my colleagues, my five Republican and five
Democrat colleagues, worked aggressively to establish a framework that
would begin the end of the Kosovo war. In fact, it was historic.
When we returned to Washington several weeks later I was contacted by
the FBI and they said, Congressman, we would like to debrief you. We
would like you to tell us what you know about that Serb that you all
met in Vienna. I said, no problem, I will be happy to do it Monday
afternoon in my office. The Friday before the Monday, my D.C. office
paged me with a 911 page. When I called them they said, you have got to
call CIA Congressional Affairs immediately, which I did. CIA

[[Page H5245]]

Congressional Affairs said, Congressman Weldon, we are going to fly two
agents to Philadelphia this evening. They will meet you at the airport,
at a hotel, at your home, wherever you want to meet them. And I said, I
am sorry, I cannot do it. It is a weekend. It is a Friday night. I have
got events already planned. What is the urgency of this meeting? And
the CIA Congressional Affairs person said well, Congressman, we have
been tasked by the State Department to brief our Ambassador, who is
negotiating the final terms to end the war in Kosovo, and he needs to
know something about this Serb that you met in Vienna. I said, well,
the FBI has already called me for that. Can we not do it together? And
finally, after pushing back for 10, 15 minutes, the CIA agreed. And so
on Monday afternoon in my office I hosted four agents, two FBI and two
CIA. These agents asked me four pages of questions about the Serb that
I had met with along with our colleagues in the House.
When I finished answering all their questions and giving them all of
the information I had, I said to them, now you know where I got my data
from, right? And they said, well, you got it from the Russians. I said,
no. Well, you got it from the Serb. I said, no. I said, before I left
Washington, before I left my office, I called the Army's Information
Dominance Center and asked them to do me a favor. They ran a profile
and gave me 10 pages. The CIA rep and the FBI rep said, what is the
Army's Information Dominance Center, congressman?
It was then, Mr. Speaker, that I knew we had a problem; that our
intelligence systems were not linked together, that the stovepipes were
so great that we would never be able to deal with emerging
transnational terrorist threats. So beginning in the spring of 1999, I
began a process working with the Army, and their subgroup working with
them, Special Forces Command down in Florida, which had a similar
capability to develop a national prototype, a prototype that could be
providing support for the President, the National Security Adviser, and
all of our policymakers. In fact, working together over a multiweek
period, we came up with a plan, a document. And Mr. Speaker, I would
like to place this document in the Record at this point in time.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:32:13

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (3)

National Operations and Analysis Hub: NOAH

Policy makers' tool for acting against emerging
transnational threats and dangers to U.S. national security.
Policy makers need better decision support tools.
Policy makers continue to work in a vacuum. Briefings and
testimonies are the primary vehicles for transmitting
information to leadership.
The volume of information germane to national issues is
expanding so rapidly that policy makers are overwhelmed with
Policy makers need robust situational awareness over
growing asymmetric threats to national security.
Policy makers need an overarching information and
intelligence architecture that will quickly assimilate,
analyze and display assessments and recommended course of
action from many national agencies simultaneously.
Policy makers need tools to aid them in developing courses
of action against threats to U.S. policy, interests, or
Policy makers need virtual communications with one another.
White House, Congress, Pentagon and at the agency levels
should each have centers they can go to and receive, send,
share, discuss, and collaborate on assessments before they
National Level Collaboration Solution: NOAH, National
Operations and Analysis Hub.
Tasks supported by NOAH's overarching collaborative
Provide Multi Issue, Multi-agency Hybrid Picture to White
House Situation Room, JCS;
HUMINT Support;
Peackeeping Missions;
Humanitarian Aid;
Battle Damage Assessment;
Develop and Leverage new Technologies of important to
national security;
Support Congressional Committees/Hearings;
Apply Analysis of Foreign Threat to Policy;
Provide Hybrid Situational Awareness Picture of the Threat;
Incorprote Industrial Efforts of Interests to the Policy
Link academia directly to policy maker; and
National Emergencies.
NOAH can leverage existing networks to address diverse
NOAH's Hub Center if linked to other agency centers
Each key agency must prossess a Pod Site and be connected
to the NOAH network;
The Pod can consist of a large screen and appropriate
connect for collaboration. Operations Centers can simply be
converted into NOAH;
National Policy makers cannot control agency Pods, agencies
must post replicated data on the NOAH system so that sister
groups can access data;
Support multi-level security requirements and can sanitize
and ``push'' data to many types of users to many levels;
NOAH can address National, law enforcement and military
needs. The situation will determine the mission;
Ties policy maker, military and law enforcement together;
Goals of the NOAH Hub Center is to apply agency operations,
strategies analysis, tactical assessments to a course of
action for the policy maker; and
Optimizes group of expertise within each organization--
experts always on hand regardless of issue.
NOAH and Pod Site Network:
Part of national policy creation and execution system;
Will existing sites and connectivities where available;
Will share tools available at LIWA IDC so every agency has
same tools;
All agencies will post data on NRO highway in a replicated
format sensitive to classification;
NOAH's Global Network will use NRO System as backbone;
All centers connect to other centers electronically; and
Mechanism for gathering, analyzing, displaying, tailoring,
and disseminating all kinds of information quickly at the
national level.
Overview--National Operations and Analysis Hub:
Center dedicated to National Policy Makers at White House,
Congress and National Agencies;
Provides system of system advanced technological
communications environment to harvest, analyze, display data
as needed;
Coordinate and synchronize information among IC, S&T
centers, military services;
Provide near real time situational awareness at the
national level;

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:32:37

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (4)

Link virtually via a pod site to every participating member
agency; and
Pod sites designed to pull together agency resources on
single system of systems.
NOAH's is staffed by members from participating agencies.
The staff has a 24 x 7, high bandwidth, virtual connectivity
to experts at agency Pod Sites. This provides decision makers
with real-time situational awareness of adversary picture and
Steps to Achieve NOAH Capability:
Establish baseline capability by building initial Hub
Center and congressional virtual hearing room. Equip White
House Situation Room to Collaborate with these sites;
Staff the Hub Center with two reps from each of the 28 key
participating agencies;
Link up NOAH internal and external collaborative
Hook in Back up Site for redundancy and begin training on
collaborative tools;
Build the 28 Key Agency Pod Sites along model of the
Information Dominance Center at Fort Belvoir, VA;
Link all Pod Sites to NOAH hub center establish Protocols
for Inter-agency data sharing;
Exercise live ability to retrieve, collate, analyze,
display disparate data and provide policy makers course of
action analysis at the NOAH Hub Center; and
Refine procedures and Protocols.
Agencies Represented in the National Collaborative Center:
Central Intelligence Agency; Defense Intelligence Agency;
National Imagery and Mapping Agency; National Security
Agency; National Reconnaissance Office; Defense Threat
Reduction Agency; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Army/LIWA; Air
Force; Navy; Marine Corps; Joint Counter-Intelligence
Assessment Group; ONDCP; and FBI.
Drug Enforcement Agency; U.S. Customs; National Criminal
Investigative Service; National Infrastructure Protection
Center; Defense Information Systems Agency; State Department;
Five CINCs; Department of Energy; Department of Commerce;
Department of the Treasury; Justice Department; Office of the
Secretary of Defense; National Military Command Center; and
National Joint Military Intelligence Command.
Elements to be connected to the national collaborative
center would include the White House Situation Room, a
Congressional Virtual Hearing Room and a possible redundant,
or back-up site.

This document, as you can see, Mr. Speaker, is entitled the NOAH,
National Operations and Analysis Hub, Policy Makers' Tool for Acting
Against Emerging Transnational Threats and Dangers to U.S. National
Security. This 9-page briefing, Mr. Speaker, was put together in the
spring of 1999.
I asked the Deputy Secretary of Defense, John Hamre, to take a look
at this capability. He went down to the LIWA and he came back and he
said, Congressman, you are right. I agree with you. This capability is
amazing. It offers unlimited potential. How about sending me a letter
describing your interest, Congressman?

[[Page H5246]]

So on July 30, 1999, I sent this 3-page letter to Deputy Secretary
John Hamre, Deputy Secretary of Defense, at his request, talking about
creating an integrated collaborative center for all of our
intelligence. I would like to place this letter in the Record at this
point in time, Mr. Speaker

House of Representatives,

Washington, DC, July 30, 1999.
Hon. John Hamre,
Deputy Secretary of Defense,
The Pentagon, Washington, DC.
Dear Dr. Hamre: I believe the time has come to create a
central national level entity that can acquire, fuse and
anaylze disparate data from many agencies in order to support
the policy maker in taking action against threats from
terrorism, proliferation, illegal technology diversions,
espionage, narcotics, information warfare and cyberterrorism.
These challenges are beginning to overlap, thereby blurring
their distinction while posing increasing threats to our
Before we take action to counter these emerging threats, we
must first understand their relationship to one another,
their patterns, the people and countries involved, and the
level of danger posed to our Nation. The Department of
Defense has a unique opportunity to create a centralized
national center that can do this for the country. It would be
patterned after the Army's Land Information Warfare Activity
(LIWA) at Fort Belvoir, but would operate on a much broader
scale. This entity would allow for near-time information and
analysis to flow to a central fusion center, which I would
designate the National Operations Analysis Hub (NOAH). I
think this title is fitting, as NOAH will provide a central
hub built to protect our nation from the flood of threats.
NOAH would be comprised of a system of agency-specified
mini-centers, or ``pods'' of participating agencies and
services associated with growing national security concerns
(attachment 1). NOAH would link the policymaker with action
recommendations derived from fused information provided by
the individual pods. NOAH would provide the automation and
connectivity to allow the pods to talk together, share data
and perspectives on a given situation in a near real-time,
computer-based environment.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:33:40

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (5)

The NOAH center in the Office of the Secretary of Defense
would be comprised of representatives from an initial cluster
of pod sites to include: CIA, DIA, National Imagery and
Mapping Agency (NlMA), NSA, NRO, Defense Threat Reduction
Agency (DTSA), JCS, Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps,
ONDCP, FBI, DEA, Customs, National Criminal Investigative
Service (NCIS), National Infrastructure Protection Center.
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), State, the five
CINCS, DOE, INS, Commerce. Treasury.
Elements which would be connected into NOAH would include
the White House Situation Room, a Congressional Virtual
Hearing Room and a possible redundant (back up) site.
The benefits of creating a NOAH include:
For national policy makers, a national collaborative,
environment offers situations updates across a variety of
issues and offers suggested courses of action, based on
analysis, to help government officials make more informed
For the Intelligence Community, a national collaborative
environment will help end stovepiping and create more robust
strategic analyses as well as near real-time support to field
For military commanders and planners, a national
collaborative environment offers full battlefield
visualization, threat profiling, robust situational
awareness, as well as near real-timer support to special
missions such as peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, national
emergencies or special operations.
For law enforcement, a national collaborative environment
provides investigative and threat profiling support, and
field station situational awareness.
Along with its system of connected agency pod sites, NOAH
would permit the display of collaborative threat profiling
and analytical assessments on a large screen. It would be a
national level operations and control center with a mission
to intergrate various imagery, data and analytical viewpoints
for decision-makers in support of national actions. I see
NOAH as going beyond the capability of the National Military
Command Center (NMCC) and the National Joint Military
Intelligence Command (NJMIC), providing recommended courses
of action that allow us to effectively meet those emerging
challenges from asymmetrical threats in near real-time. Given
its mission, I believe that NOAH should reside in the Office
of the Secretary of Defense (Attachment 2).
I am aware of the initiative to link counterintelligence
groups throughout the community. I am also aware of the
counterterrorism center at the CIA, the new National
Infrastructure Protection Center at the FBI, and a new HUMINT
special operations center. I have heard of an attempt to
connect the Office of Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and OSD
assets with federal, state and local law enforcement
agencies. I also have seen what the Army has done at LIWA,
which has created a foundation for creating a higher-level
architecture collaborating all of these efforts. Each of
these independent efforts needs to be coordinated at the
national level. I believe LIWA has created a model that
should be used as a basis for creating the participating
agency pod sites.
I do not expect that establishment of NOAH should exceed
$10 million. Each agency involved could set up its own pod to
connect with the central NOAH site or to exchange data with
any of its participants. Each agency could dedicate monies to
establish their own pod site, while the $50 million available
in DARPA for related work could be used to establish the NOAH
structure immediately.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:34:04

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (6)

The NOAH concept of a national collaborative environment
supporting policy and decision-makers mirrors the ideas you
have expressed to me in recent discussions, and it is a
tangible way to confront the growing assymetrical threats to
our nation. I have a number of ideas regarding staffing
options and industry collaboration, and would appreciate the
opportunity to discuss them with you. Thank you for your
consideration. I look forward to hearing from you at your
earliest convenience.
Curt Weldon,
Member of Congress.

Secretary Hamre was interested and he told me, Congressman, I will
even pay the bill. The Defense Department will provide the funding for
this. And I do not care where they put it, Congressman. It could be at
the White House, it could be at the NSC, wherever it is most
appropriate, but I will pay the bill. But, Congressman, the problem is
not with me or the money. You have got to convince the CIA and the FBI
that this is something they want to pursue.
In fact, he wrote me a letter, Mr. Speaker, dated October 21, 1999:
``Dear Congressman Weldon, I wholeheartedly agree that combating
asymmetrical threats challenging national security requires a
collaborative interagency approach as suggested in your concept of the
National Operations Analysis Hub. We are actively engaged in assessing
how the department should leverage ongoing activities and develop a
long-term strategy along these lines. I will keep you apprised of our
progress. I would be happy to meet with you on the subject.''
And then he puts a personal comment on the note that I will read.
``Sir, this is a mealy-mouth response because no one wants to commit to
a LIWA-based solution. You know I am very impressed by LIWA and see
them involved in a range of activities. I would like to get together
with you to review some of our thinking when you have time. John.''
Mr. Speaker, I would like to place this in the Record.

Deputy Secretary of Defense,

Washington, DC, October 21, 1999.
Hon. Curt Weldon,
House of Representatives,
Washington, DC.
Dear Congressman Weldon: I wholeheartedly agree that
combatting the asymmetrical threats challenging National
Security requires a collaborative, inter-agency approach, as
suggested in your concept of the National Operations Analysis
Hub. We are actively engaged in assessing how the Department
should leverage ongoing activities and develop a long-term
strategy along these lines.
I will keep you apprised of our progress, and I would be
happy to meet with you on this subject.
John J. Harme.

{time} 2330

Mr. Speaker, that was in October of 1999 at John Hamre's suggestion
on November 4 of 1999, almost 2 years before 9/11. I had John Hamre and
the representatives of the CIA and the FBI in my office. And at John
Hamre's suggestion, we went through the 9-page briefing to create an
overarching national collaborative center. When I finished the briefing
which had been prepared for me with our intelligence officials off the
record, the CIA said, Congressman Weldon, that is all well and good,
but we really do not need that capability. It is not necessary. We are
doing something called CI-21; and, therefore, we do not need to pursue
that multi-system approach that you have outlined where we bring in all
of these other classified systems.
I was very unhappy with that response because I knew full well the
Army and our special forces commands were using that capability at that
very moment in a special project against al Qaeda.
So, Mr. Speaker, in 1999 and in 2000 and in 2001, I put language in
each of our defense bills calling for the creation of a national
collaborative center to bring together our disparate intelligence
capabilities and systems for 3 consecutive years. And, in fact, one of

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:34:56

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (7)

[[Page H5247]]

those bills required a response by the CIA as to why this system had
not been put into place.
But in the meantime, on November 12, 1999, the Defense Information
and Electronics Report published an article about the need for a
massive intelligence network for shared threat information. On April of
2000, Signal Magazine did another story on a fusion center concept
taking root as we kept pushing this process.
Mr. Speaker, the following are both of these articles:

[Nov. 12, 1997]

Defense Information and Electronics Report


Senior Pentagon officials are mulling over an idea proposed
by Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA) that would link classified and
unclassified documents in a massive intelligence
clearinghouse that could be accessed by 33 federal agencies--
a concept similar in some ways to one floated by DOD
intelligence officials but with significantly fewer players
``Our problem with intelligence is that we're stove-
pipped,'' said Weldon, chairman of the House Armed Services
military research and development subcommittee, during a Nov.
8 interview. ``Each agency has its own way of collecting data
and analyzing it, but they don't share that information with
other agencies. The need is to have a better system of
analyzing and fusing data sets across agencies and services--
certainly within the Pentagon and the military, but my
opinion is that we have to go further than that.''
Weldon first proposed the concept of a ``National
Operations Analysis Hub'' to Deputy Defense Secretary John
Hamre last July, although the congressman said he kept his
initiative quiet until a stronger plan could be developed.
The Pentagon-funded network of agencies would be operated
by DOD. According to Weldon, it would pull together large
amounts of information to produce intelligence profiles of
people, regions and national security threats, such as
information warfare and cyber-terrorism.
``The NOAH concept of a national collaborative environment
supporting policy and decision-makers mirrors the ideas you
have expressed to me in recent discussions, and it is a
tangible way to confront the growing asymmetrical threats to
our nation.'' Weldon wrote in his July 30 letter to Hamre.
The NOAH concept, however, was not wholeheartedly embraced
by Hamre, who met with Weldon last summer and told the
congressman his suggested use of the Army's Land Information
Warfare Activity at Ft. Belvoir, VA, as a model for NOAH,
would never stick.
Because LIWA is already short of resources, the Army is
apprehensive about taking on any new tasks, Hamre told
Weldon, in a July 21 letter to Hamre, also urged the
Pentagon to support additional future funding for LIWA,
citing critical budget shortfalls that he said have kept the
agency from fulfilling a barrage of requests for intelligence
files from Army commanders (Defense Information and
Electronics Report, July 30, p1).
``There's massive amounts of data out there, and you have
to be able to analyze it and create ways to focus on that
data so its relevant to whatever you're interested in,'' he
said this week about his support for LIWA. ``Well the Army
has already done that.''

2005-08-11 03:35:08


ce jenant sa vad trei sefi de stat, si ce state? sa se duca cu caciula-n mana la un personaj ... nu am nici un termen apropriat, e atat de insipid... si Aiea, egipteanul Baradei sa stea ca la taiat panglica, la scosul sigilelor.
Toti niste co-glio-ni.

La 2005-08-11 02:56:05, traktorist a scris:

> > 
> >  Una este sa vrei si alta sa si poti. Europa , chiar si fara USA ,
> > are destule arme nucleare sa riposteze la un eventual atac iranian.
> > Crezi ca iranenii nu stiu ? Stiu prea bine ! Ei vor doar sa se
> > asigure ca nu vor fi invadati. Franta si Anglia au destul armament
> > nuclear ca sa ingroape Iranul in ruine. Problema este Qui prodest ?
> > 
>  Care stie ce trebuie facut !
>  Iuropa nu are armament ! E de pe timpul cazanelor duse
> la defilare pe timpul lui Brejnev.
> Pe ce lume traiesti ?

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:35:21

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (8)

[While Weldon continues to push for NOAH to be patterned
after LIWA, he sees it operating on a much larger scale.
Impressed by its ability to pull together huge amounts of
both unclassified and classified data, Weldon noted LIWA's
Information Dominance Center can create in-depth profiles
that could be useful to the CIA, FBI and the White House. Yet
most federal agencies don't even know LIWA exists, he added.
``Right now the military is limited to [its] own sources of
information,'' Weldon said. ``And in the 21st century, a
terrorist group is more than likely going to be involved with
terrorist nations. So the boundaries are crossed all the
time. We don't have any way to share that and get beyond the

Meanwhile, officials within the Defense Department's
intelligence community have been considering another way to
amass intelligence information through a concept called the
Joint Counter-intelligence Assessment Group. A DOD
spokeswoman said proponents of the idea, for now, are
unwilling to disclose details about it. She was also unable
to say whether a formal proposal to Hamre had been made yet.
In Weldon's July 30 letter to Hamre, however, Weldon
alludes to an ongoing ``initiative to link
counterintelligence groups throughout the community.''
``I have heard of an attempt to connect the Office of Drug
Control Policy (ONDCP) and [Office of the Secretary of
Defense] assets with federal, state and local law enforcement
agencies,'' Weldon wrote. However, Weldon said in the
interview he believes JCAG is simply more ``stove-pipping.''
``I also have seen what the Army has done at LIWA, which
has created a foundation for creating a higher-level
architecture collaborating all of these efforts,'' his July
letter states.
NOAH would link together almost every federal agency with
intelligence capabilities, including the National Security
Agency, the Nation Imagery and Mapping Agency, the Energy
Department, the CIA and the FBI. Both Congress and the White
House would be offered a ``node'' for briefing capabilities,
meaning intelligence agencies could detail situations on
terrorist attacks or wartime scenarios.
``It's mainly for policymakers, the White House decision
makers, the State Department, military, and military
leaders,'' he said.
Although information sharing among the intelligence
community has yet to be formalized through NOAH or JCAG or a
similar system, military officials have said they need some
kind of linked access capability.
Intelligence systems need to be included within the Global
Information Grid--the military's vision of a future global
network that could be accessed from anywhere in the world,
said Brig. Gen. Manlyn Quagliotti, vice director of the Joint
Staff's command and control, communications and computers
directorate, during a Nov. 5 speech on information assurance
at a conference in Arlington, VA.
``We need a more integrated strategy, including help from
[the Joint Staff's intelligence directorate] with
Intelligence reports or warnings of an attack,'' he said.
Quagliotti said the toughest challenge for achieving
``information superiority'' is the need to unite networks and
network managers under one command structure with stronger
situational awareness capabilities.
Part of [the challenge] is the overwhelming amount of
information, the ability to access that Information, and the
ability to reach back and get that information, which means
that networks become more crucial to the warfight'' she said.

Fusion Center Concept Takes Root As Congressional Interest Waxes

[From Signal, Apr. 2000]

Creation of a national operations and analysis hub is
finding grudging acceptance among senior officials in the
U.S. national security community. This fresh intelligence
mechanism would link federal agencies to provide instant
collaborative threat profiling and analytical assessments for
use against asymmetrical threats. National policy makers,
military commanders and law enforcement agencies would be
beneficiaries of the hub's information.
Prodded by a resolute seven-term Pennsylvania congressman
and reminded by recent terrorist and cyberthreat activities,
the U.S. Defense Department is rethinking its earlier
aversion to the idea, and resistance is beginning to crumble.
Funding to establish the national operations and analysis hub
(NOAH), which would link 28 federal agencies, is anticipated
as a congressional add-on in the Defense Department's new
budget. An initial $10 million in funding is likely in fiscal
year 2001 from identified research and development accounts.
Spearheading the formation of NOAH is Rep. Curt Weldon (R-
PA), chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives National
Security Committee's military research and development
subcommittee. He emphasizes that challenges facing U.S.
leaders are beginning to overlap, blurring distinction and
jurisdiction. ``The increasing danger is both domestic and
Conceptually, NOAH would become a national-level operations
and control center with a mission to integrate various
imagery, data and analytical viewpoints. The intelligence
products would support U.S. actions. ``I see NOAH as going
beyond the capability of the National Military Command Center
and the National Joint Military Intelligence Command. NOAH
would provide recommended courses of action that allow the
U.S. to effectively meet emerging challenges in near real
time,'' the congressman illustrates.
``This central national-level hub would be composed of a
system of agency-specified mini centers, or `pods,' of
participating agencies and services associated with growing
national security concerns,'' Weldon reports. ``NOAH would
link the policy with action recommendations derived from
fused information provided by the individual pod.''
Automation and connectivity would allow the to talk to each
other in a computer-based environment to share data and
perspectives on a given situation.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:35:53

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (9)

The congressman believes that NOAH should reside within the
Defense Department and is modeling the hub's concept on a
U.S. Army organization he closely follows. He says the idea
for NOAH comes from officials in several federal agencies.
However, it is also based on his own experiences with the
U.S. Army's Intelligence and Security Command's (INSCOM's)
Land Warfare Information Activity (LIWA) and Information
Dominance Center, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Patterned after LIWA (SIGNAL, March, page 31), NOAH would
display collaborative threat profiling and analysis with the
aid of a variety of electronic tools, the hub would
support national actions, Weldon discloses.
The congressman is conscious of other initiatives such as
linking counterintelligence groups throughout the community.
He also is aware of the Central Intelligence Agency's,
(CIA's) counterterrorism center, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation's (FBI's) National Infrastructure Protection
Center and a new human intelligence (HUMINT) special
operations center, ``We don't need another

[[Page H5248]]

analytical center. Instead, we need a national-level fusion
center that can take already analyzed data and offer courses
of action for decision making,'' he insists.
Weldon's wide experience in dealing with officials from
the FBI, CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) convince
him that policy makers are continuing to work in a vacuum.
``Briefings and testimonies are the primary vehicles for
transmitting information to leaders. The volume of
information germane to national security issues is expanding
so rapidly that policy makers are overwhelmed with data,'' he
Robust situational awareness of asymmetric threats to
national security is a key in assisting leaders, Weldon
observes. ``Policy makers need an overarching information and
intelligence architecture that will quickly assimilate,
analyze and display assessments and recommend courses of
action for many simultaneous national emergencies,'' he
declares. The concept of NOAH also calls for virtual
communications among policy makers.
Weldon's plan is for White House, Congress, Pentagon and
agency-level leaders each to have a center where they
receive, send, share and collaborate on assessments before
they act. He calls NOAH the policy maker's tool. In the
collaborative environment, the hub would provide a
multiissue, multiagency hybrid picture to the White House
situation room and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
NOAH's concept also includes support for HUMINT and
peacekeeping missions along with battle damage assessment.
The same system could later help brace congressional
committees and hearings. The new capability would allow
application of foreign threat analyses to policy, while
providing a hybrid situational awareness picture of the
threat, Weldon relates. Industrial efforts of interest to the
policy maker could be incorporated, and academia also could
be directly linked.
In meetings with high-level FBI, CIA and defense officials,
Weldon stressed the need to ``acquire, fuse and analyze
disparate data from many agencies in order to support the
policy maker's actions against threats from terrorism,
[ballistic misile] proliferation, illegal technology
diversions, espionage, narcotics [trafficking], information
warfare and cyberterrorism.'' He is convinced that current
collection and analysis capabilities in various intelligence
agencies are stovepiped. ``To some extent, this involves turf
protection, but it clearly hinders policy making.''
Weldon, who was a Russian studies major, offers some of his
own recent experiences as examples of why there is a strong
need for NOAH. He maintains close contact with a number of
Russians and understands their programs and technologies. The
congressman is quick to recall vignettes about Russian
officials and trips to facilities in the region.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:36:16

Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (10)

During the recent U.S. combat action involvement in Kosovo,
Weldon was contacted by senior Russian officials.* * *
Weldon learned from the agents that they were seeking
information on Karic to brief the State Department. When he
explained that the information came from the Army and LIWA,
the CIA and FBI agents had no knowledge of that organization,
he confirms. Before his departure for Vienna, the congressman
received a six-page LIWA profile of Karic and his family's
links to Milosevic.
``This is an example of why an organization like NOAH is so
critically necessary,'' Weldon contends. ``LIWA's Information
Dominance Center provides the best capability we have today
in the federal government to assess massive amounts of data
and develop profiles. LIWA uses its contacts with other
agencies to obtain database information from those systems,''
he explains. ``Some is unclassified and some classified.''
Weldon cites an ``extraordinary capability by a former CIA
and Defense Intelligence Agency official, who is a LIWA
profiler, as one of the keys in LIWA's success. She does the
profiling and knows where to look and which systems to pull
information from in a data mining and extrapolation
process,'' he proclaims. ``She makes the system work.''
Weldon intends to use LIWA's profiling capability as a
model for building NOAH. ``My goal is to go beyond service
intelligence agencies and integrate all intelligence
collection. This must be beyond military intelligence, which
is too narrow in scope, to provide a governmmentwide
capability. Each agency with a pod linked to NOAH would
provide two staff members assigned at the hub, which would
operate continuously. Data brought together in ``this cluster
would be used for fusion and profiling, which any agency
could then request,'' he maintains.
NOAH would not belong to the Army, which would continue
with its own intelligence capabilities as would the other
services. There would only be one fusion center, which would
handle input from all federal agencies and from open sources,
Weldon explains. ``NOAH would handle threats like information
operations and examine stability in various regions of the
world. We need this ability to respond immediately.'' The
congressman adds that he recently was briefed by LIWA on very
sensitive, very limited and scary profile information, which
he describes as ``potentially explosive.'' In turn, Weldon
arranged briefings for the chairman of the House National
Security Committee, the Speaker of the House and other key
congressional leaders.
``But this kind of profiling capability is very limited
now. The goal is to have it on a regular basis. The profiling
could be used for sensitive technology transfer issues and
information about security breaches,'' the congressman
allows. LIWA has what he terms the fusion and profiling
state-of-the-art capability in the military, ``even beyond
the military.'' Weldon is pressing the case for NOAH among
leaders in both houses of Congress. ``It is essential that we
create a governmentwide capability under very strict
Weldon adds that establishing NOAH is not a funding issue;
it is a jurisdictional issue. ``Some agencies don't want to
tear down their stovepipes. Yet, information on a drug lord,
as an example, could be vitally important to help combat
terrorism.'' He makes a point that too often, federal
agencies overlap each other in their efforts to collect
intelligence against these threats, or they fail to pool
their resources and share vital information. ``This
redundancy of effort and confusion of jurisdiction only
inhibits our nation's capabilities,'' he offers.
NOAH would provide high-bandwidth, virtual connectivity to
experts at agency pod sites. Protocols for interagency data
sharing would be established and refined in links to all pod
sites. The ability to retrieve, collate, analyze and display
data would be exercised to provide possible courses of
action. A backup site would be established for redundancy,
and training would begin on collaborative tools as soon as it
is activated.
The hub system would become part of the national policy
creation and execution system. The tools available at LIWA
would be shared so that every agency would have the same
tools. Weldon explains that all agencies would post data on
the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) highway in a
replicated format sensitive to classification. NOAH's global
network would use the NRO system as a backbone.

Dan Bostan
2005-08-11 03:38:38

Intregul record

Congressional Record: June 27, 2005 (House)
Page H5243-H5250

US Intelligence


2005-08-11 03:48:40

Exact, "Sifiliticii astia sinucigasi au FOST INVENTAZI ACOLO"

"Farul islamului" a decretat ca martiriul indiferent a cui, nu-l jigneste pe Allah, ba dimpotriva, asa o jertfa va fi recompensata.

Asta a pornit cam in perioada razboiului cu Irak. Am citit o carte despre viata si toate ispravile lui Saddam (scrisa de egipteanul Magdi Allam) in care erau capitole precise cu desfasurarea contextului belic in Iran si Irak: impresionant.
M-am in-gro-zit ce am citit despre Iran, de miile de copii trimisi pe front descultz, flamanzi, dar cu o cheie de tabla - cica a paradisului - atarnata la gat. Sareau in aer ca mustele pe minele irakiene. Nu mai zic de viata poporului, dizumana, inconcepibila pt. persoane libere ca noi.

In plus, intr-o alta carte, "Interviu cu istoria" de Fallaci, cu personaje celebre de la Kissinger, la Arafat, la sahul Persiei, etc, printre care un interviu si cu Khomeini. Merita de citit. Ceea ce se intampla in zilele noastre era deja programat, mutra asta care umbla cu fofarlica atomica, e creatia lui Khomeini, deci va proceda exact ca el.

La 2005-08-11 03:08:10, Mos Grigore a scris:

> PS. Sifiliticii astia sinucigasi au FOST INVENTAZI ACOLO. Cind am sa
> am ceva de scanat diapozitive am sa-tii arat la defilare: mii de copii
> si batrini! 

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