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  Nr. 3398 de joi, 11 august 2005 
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Dan Bostan din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.171.30...)
2005-08-11 03:32
Rep. Kurt Weldon in US Congress (3)

National Operations and Analysis Hub: NOAH

Policy makers' tool for acting against emerging
transnational threats and dangers to U.S. national security.
Policy makers need better decision support tools.
Policy makers continue to work in a vacuum. Briefings and
testimonies are the primary vehicles for transmitting
information to leadership.
The volume of information germane to national issues is
expanding so rapidly that policy makers are overwhelmed with
Policy makers need robust situational awareness over
growing asymmetric threats to national security.
Policy makers need an overarching information and
intelligence architecture that will quickly assimilate,
analyze and display assessments and recommended course of
action from many national agencies simultaneously.
Policy makers need tools to aid them in developing courses
of action against threats to U.S. policy, interests, or
Policy makers need virtual communications with one another.
White House, Congress, Pentagon and at the agency levels
should each have centers they can go to and receive, send,
share, discuss, and collaborate on assessments before they
National Level Collaboration Solution: NOAH, National
Operations and Analysis Hub.
Tasks supported by NOAH's overarching collaborative
Provide Multi Issue, Multi-agency Hybrid Picture to White
House Situation Room, JCS;
HUMINT Support;
Peackeeping Missions;
Humanitarian Aid;
Battle Damage Assessment;
Develop and Leverage new Technologies of important to
national security;
Support Congressional Committees/Hearings;
Apply Analysis of Foreign Threat to Policy;
Provide Hybrid Situational Awareness Picture of the Threat;
Incorprote Industrial Efforts of Interests to the Policy
Link academia directly to policy maker; and
National Emergencies.
NOAH can leverage existing networks to address diverse
NOAH's Hub Center if linked to other agency centers
Each key agency must prossess a Pod Site and be connected
to the NOAH network;
The Pod can consist of a large screen and appropriate
connect for collaboration. Operations Centers can simply be
converted into NOAH;
National Policy makers cannot control agency Pods, agencies
must post replicated data on the NOAH system so that sister
groups can access data;
Support multi-level security requirements and can sanitize
and ``push'' data to many types of users to many levels;
NOAH can address National, law enforcement and military
needs. The situation will determine the mission;
Ties policy maker, military and law enforcement together;
Goals of the NOAH Hub Center is to apply agency operations,
strategies analysis, tactical assessments to a course of
action for the policy maker; and
Optimizes group of expertise within each organization--
experts always on hand regardless of issue.
NOAH and Pod Site Network:
Part of national policy creation and execution system;
Will existing sites and connectivities where available;
Will share tools available at LIWA IDC so every agency has
same tools;
All agencies will post data on NRO highway in a replicated
format sensitive to classification;
NOAH's Global Network will use NRO System as backbone;
All centers connect to other centers electronically; and
Mechanism for gathering, analyzing, displaying, tailoring,
and disseminating all kinds of information quickly at the
national level.
Overview--National Operations and Analysis Hub:
Center dedicated to National Policy Makers at White House,
Congress and National Agencies;
Provides system of system advanced technological
communications environment to harvest, analyze, display data
as needed;
Coordinate and synchronize information among IC, S&T
centers, military services;
Provide near real time situational awareness at the
national level;

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