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  Nr. 3398 de joi, 11 august 2005 
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Dan Bostan din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.171.30...)
2005-08-11 00:15
Pt. Val

Ca sa intelegi ce efecte are liberalismul in Canada:


A nation torn apart

An exclusive Western Standard poll shows more than a third of westerners are thinking of separating from Canada. What’s dividing the country--and can anything be done to save it?

Kevin Steel - August 22, 2005

It wasn’t just what the bumper sticker said, but where it was placed and what it was stuck on. The white rectangle that read, "One hundred years is long enough," followed by the website address, www.separationalberta.com, was high up in the rear window of a shiny new, high-end SUV driving through supposedly Liberal downtown Edmonton-- not on a dusty old pickup truck in a small prairie town. And at the wheel was a smartly-dressed soccer mom, her two kids seated behind her, though obscured by the tinted side windows. These days, western independence has a new face. A movement that was once restricted to what central Canadians might call the redneck fringe, has managed to spread to westerners who are, in many cases, urbane, white collar and increasingly too young to be nursing any grudges over the National Energy Program. What’s more, sympathy for breaking up the country along east-west lines is no longer strictly something you’ll find in Alberta. More than ever, support for separation is growing all across the West.

That’s the conclusion of a Western Standard poll, which found that a record number of people in all four western provinces say they are willing to look at separating from the East. According to the poll, which was conducted in July, using random selection methods, 35.6 per cent of westerners agreed with the statement: "Western Canadians should begin to explore the idea of forming their own country." How serious is that? In Quebec, measures of separatist sentiment often find about 37 per cent of Quebecers endorsing independence (though, at times, the numbers have risen as high as 55 per cent, as was the case with a poll conducted by the newspaper La Presse in July).

Asa ca nu mai repeta placile anti-americane si anti-Israel pe care le tot citesti/auzi.
S-au cam tocit...

Val (...@rogers.com, IP: 69.193.120...)
2005-08-11 00:51
Re: Pt. Val / Dan cu porcu' mort in papusoi

Mai ai multe situri moarte cu care sa-mi freci ridichea ????
Sau i s-a ars siguranta de la apartament ????

Cit despre "placile" mele, uita-te ca tot mai multi turisti americani isi agata steaguri canadiene !!!!!

La 2005-08-11 00:15:20, Dan Bostan a scris:

> Ca sa intelegi ce efecte are liberalismul in Canada:
> http://www.westernstandard.ca/website/index.cfm?page=article&article_id=928
> A nation torn apart
> An exclusive Western Standard poll shows more than a third of
> westerners are thinking of separating from Canada. What’s
> dividing the country--and can anything be done to save it?
> Kevin Steel - August 22, 2005
> It wasn’t just what the bumper sticker said, but where it
> was placed and what it was stuck on. The white rectangle that read,
> "One hundred years is long enough," followed by the website
> address, www.separationalberta.com, was high up in the rear window of
> a shiny new, high-end SUV driving through supposedly Liberal downtown
> Edmonton-- not on a dusty old pickup truck in a small prairie town.
> And at the wheel was a smartly-dressed soccer mom, her two kids
> seated behind her, though obscured by the tinted side windows. These
> days, western independence has a new face. A movement that was once
> restricted to what central Canadians might call the redneck fringe,
> has managed to spread to westerners who are, in many cases, urbane,
> white collar and increasingly too young to be nursing any grudges
> over the National Energy Program. What’s more, sympathy for
> breaking up the country along east-west lines is no longer strictly
> something you’ll find in Alberta. More than ever, support
> for separation is growing all across the West.
> That’s the conclusion of a Western Standard poll, which
> found that a record number of people in all four western provinces
> say they are willing to look at separating from the East. According
> to the poll, which was conducted in July, using random selection
> methods, 35.6 per cent of westerners agreed with the statement:
> "Western Canadians should begin to explore the idea of forming
> their own country." How serious is that? In Quebec, measures of
> separatist sentiment often find about 37 per cent of Quebecers
> endorsing independence (though, at times, the numbers have risen as
> high as 55 per cent, as was the case with a poll conducted by the
> newspaper La Presse in July).
> Asa ca nu mai repeta placile anti-americane si anti-Israel pe care le
> tot citesti/auzi.
> S-au cam tocit...

Dan Bostan din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.171.30...)
2005-08-11 01:05
Stii sa download?

La 2005-08-11 00:51:30, Val a scris:

> Mai ai multe situri moarte cu care sa-mi freci ridichea ????
> Sau i s-a ars siguranta de la apartament ????
> PS.
> Cit despre "placile" mele, uita-te ca tot mai multi turisti
> americani isi agata steaguri canadiene !!!!!
> La 2005-08-11 00:15:20, Dan Bostan a scris:
> > Ca sa intelegi ce efecte are liberalismul in Canada:
> >
> > http://www.westernstandard.ca/website/index.cfm?page=article&article_id=928
> >
> > A nation torn apart
> >
> > An exclusive Western Standard poll shows more than a third of
> > westerners are thinking of separating from Canada. What’s
> > dividing the country--and can anything be done to save it?
> >
> > Kevin Steel - August 22, 2005
> >
> > It wasn’t just what the bumper sticker said, but where it
> > was placed and what it was stuck on. The white rectangle that read,
> > "One hundred years is long enough," followed by the website
> > address, www.separationalberta.com, was high up in the rear window of
> > a shiny new, high-end SUV driving through supposedly Liberal downtown
> > Edmonton-- not on a dusty old pickup truck in a small prairie town.
> > And at the wheel was a smartly-dressed soccer mom, her two kids
> > seated behind her, though obscured by the tinted side windows. These
> > days, western independence has a new face. A movement that was once
> > restricted to what central Canadians might call the redneck fringe,
> > has managed to spread to westerners who are, in many cases, urbane,
> > white collar and increasingly too young to be nursing any grudges
> > over the National Energy Program. What’s more, sympathy for
> > breaking up the country along east-west lines is no longer strictly
> > something you’ll find in Alberta. More than ever, support
> > for separation is growing all across the West.
> >
> > That’s the conclusion of a Western Standard poll, which
> > found that a record number of people in all four western provinces
> > say they are willing to look at separating from the East. According
> > to the poll, which was conducted in July, using random selection
> > methods, 35.6 per cent of westerners agreed with the statement:
> > "Western Canadians should begin to explore the idea of forming
> > their own country." How serious is that? In Quebec, measures of
> > separatist sentiment often find about 37 per cent of Quebecers
> > endorsing independence (though, at times, the numbers have risen as
> > high as 55 per cent, as was the case with a poll conducted by the
> > newspaper La Presse in July).
> >
> > Asa ca nu mai repeta placile anti-americane si anti-Israel pe care le
> > tot citesti/auzi.
> > S-au cam tocit...
> >
> >
> >

Dan Bostan din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.171.30...)
2005-08-11 01:06
Stii sa faci un download?

Du-te arici, glumetule:


Val (...@rogers.com, IP: 69.193.120...)
2005-08-11 01:19
Re: Stii sa faci un download?

Da de pe situl lor nu merge ????
Da-le un quarter sa-l bage la contoar ca se uita lumea la situl lor !!!!

Daca nici nu site nu sint in stare sa-l intretina, apai ce pretentii la sondaj de opinii. Pentru ala iti trebuie carte si multi BANI !!!!!

Mai bine vin-o cu o poveste de la Fox, macar aia mai emit inca ....

La 2005-08-11 01:06:44, Dan Bostan a scris:

> Du-te arici, glumetule:
> http://www.nealenews.com/Cover%20Story%20Western%20Standard.pdf

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 68.165.59...)
2005-08-11 03:22
Re: Pt. Val / Dan cu porcu' mort in papusoi

La 2005-08-11 00:51:30, Val a scris:

> Cit despre "placile" mele, uita-te ca tot mai multi turisti
> americani isi agata steaguri canadiene !!!!!


PS Ai de gind sa ne tzii incordati?

Ratacitul (...@lycos.com, IP: 69.156.213...)
2005-08-11 04:11
Re: Pt. Val / Dan cu porcu' mort in papusoi / Mos Grigore

Survival kit pentru americani in calatorie. Ai auzit de afacerea asta? E gaselnita unor americani, ce-i drept. Stii ce contine kit-ul? Geanta canadiana, portofel cu frunza de artar, tricou cu steagul Canadei, etc. Proud american turists cumpara in prostie; de ce oare?

Doar in visele voastre canadienii vor alipirea la USA.

La 2005-08-11 03:22:03, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-08-11 00:51:30, Val a scris:
> > Cit despre "placile" mele, uita-te ca tot mai multi turisti
> > americani isi agata steaguri canadiene !!!!!
> =========================================================
> PS Ai de gind sa ne tzii incordati?

Val (...@rogers.com, IP: 69.193.120...)
2005-08-11 04:30
Re: Pt. Val / Dan cu porcu' mort in papusoi

Daca vrei te pot incorda si mai tare!!!
Nu stiu daca o sa rezisti ....

La 2005-08-11 03:22:03, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-08-11 00:51:30, Val a scris:
> > Cit despre "placile" mele, uita-te ca tot mai multi turisti
> > americani isi agata steaguri canadiene !!!!!
> =========================================================
> PS Ai de gind sa ne tzii incordati?

DM din usor de aflat (...@yahoo.com, IP: 64.231.32...)
2005-08-11 04:49
Re: Pt. Val / Dan cu porcu' mort in papusoi

La 2005-08-11 03:22:03, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-08-11 00:51:30, Val a scris:
> > Cit despre "placile" mele, uita-te ca tot mai multi turisti
> > americani isi agata steaguri canadiene !!!!!
> =========================================================
> PS Ai de gind sa ne tzii incordati?

Domnule Mos, nici macar pina in trotuarul din fata locuintei n-ai mai iesit de multi ani. Intreaba orice agentie de turism din US si iti vor oferi ghid de invatat accentul Canadian, brusuri cu informatii despre sporturile canadiene – hokey, baseball, lacrosse – despre istoria Canadei si sistemul politic, impreuna cu travel bag tag-uri cu steagul Canadian. Toate consulatele americane din lume ii sfatuiesc pe americani sa se pretinda canadieni. In ultimul safari din Kenya un American din Minnesota m-a tinut treaz o noapte intraga intrebindu-ma despre Canada, asta dupa ce a realizat ca citva dintre ghizi sint musulmani. M-am distrat de minune si i-am baut tot wisky-ul!
Impresia lumii despre voi americanii este aceiasi cu a propriului vostru guvern. Numai intreaba FDA de ce nu aveti voie sa vi se vinda Chocolate Kinder Surprise Eggs si te vei lamuri…

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-08-11 18:16
" Impresia lumii despre voi americanii este aceiasi cu a propriului vostru guvern"???

ia vorbeste despre tine numa', se vede ca inca mai esti ametit dupa whisky de la safari din Kenia.
Un american din Minnesota te-a tinut treaz sa-l pregatesti tu la lectii de Canada.... ce vrajeli, poate omu' avea chef de vorba or te-a luat la misto.

Nu cunosc un singur american care sa nu fie PROUD de propria patrie, singura natiune care-si pune steagul la poarta in zile mari (doar pt. asta ar merita respect), nu ca noi europenii care-l ducem numai la stadion.

La 2005-08-11 04:49:06, DM a scris:

> Domnule Mos, nici macar pina in trotuarul din fata locuintei n-ai mai
> iesit de multi ani. Intreaba orice agentie de turism din US si iti
> vor oferi ghid de invatat accentul Canadian, brusuri cu informatii
> despre sporturile canadiene – hokey, baseball, lacrosse
> – despre istoria Canadei si sistemul politic, impreuna cu
> travel bag tag-uri cu steagul Canadian. Toate consulatele americane
> din lume ii sfatuiesc pe americani sa se pretinda canadieni. In
> ultimul safari din Kenya un American din Minnesota m-a tinut treaz o
> noapte intraga intrebindu-ma despre Canada, asta dupa ce a realizat
> ca citva dintre ghizi sint musulmani. M-am distrat de minune si i-am
> baut tot wisky-ul!
> Impresia lumii despre voi americanii este aceiasi cu a propriului
> vostru guvern. Numai intreaba FDA de ce nu aveti voie sa vi se vinda
> Chocolate Kinder Surprise Eggs si te vei lamuri…
> Cheers,
> DM

DM din usor de aflat (...@yahoo.com, IP: 64.86.141...)
2005-08-11 20:54
Re: " Impresia lumii despre voi americanii este aceiasi cu a propriului vostru guvern"???

Oriana draga, din camera unde te-au inchis astia in Italia nu poti sa intilnesti decit americani foarte proud... Nici lor nu le vine sa creada ca nu mai pot calatori in lume asa ca altadata. Se calca pe picioare in concedii prin Florida, Mexico si Hawai. Orice trip inafara continentului nord american este o adevarata aventura pentru ei. Pina si in Alaska ti se baga in fata pusti daca nu esti atent...


La 2005-08-11 18:16:21, Oriana a scris:

> ia vorbeste despre tine numa', se vede ca inca mai esti ametit dupa
> whisky de la safari din Kenia.
> Un american din Minnesota te-a tinut treaz sa-l pregatesti tu la
> lectii de Canada.... ce vrajeli, poate omu' avea chef de vorba or
> te-a luat la misto.
> Nu cunosc un singur american care sa nu fie PROUD de propria patrie,
> singura natiune care-si pune steagul la poarta in zile mari (doar pt.
> asta ar merita respect), nu ca noi europenii care-l ducem numai la
> stadion.
> La 2005-08-11 04:49:06, DM a scris:
> > 
> > Domnule Mos, nici macar pina in trotuarul din fata locuintei n-ai mai
> > iesit de multi ani. Intreaba orice agentie de turism din US si iti
> > vor oferi ghid de invatat accentul Canadian, brusuri cu informatii
> > despre sporturile canadiene – hokey, baseball, lacrosse
> > – despre istoria Canadei si sistemul politic, impreuna cu
> > travel bag tag-uri cu steagul Canadian. Toate consulatele americane
> > din lume ii sfatuiesc pe americani sa se pretinda canadieni. In
> > ultimul safari din Kenya un American din Minnesota m-a tinut treaz o
> > noapte intraga intrebindu-ma despre Canada, asta dupa ce a realizat
> > ca citva dintre ghizi sint musulmani. M-am distrat de minune si i-am
> > baut tot wisky-ul!
> > Impresia lumii despre voi americanii este aceiasi cu a propriului
> > vostru guvern. Numai intreaba FDA de ce nu aveti voie sa vi se vinda
> > Chocolate Kinder Surprise Eggs si te vei lamuri…
> > Cheers,
> > DM
> > 

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