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  Nr. 3398 de joi, 11 august 2005 
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Katty din Växjö Suedia (...@home.com, IP: 213.64.59...)
2005-08-10 23:37
Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Pai sigur ca Bush stie ce inseamna o pozitie duplicitara ca doar si bunicul lui ,Prescot Bush , a facut afaceri si avere cu firmele germane ce foloseau munca detinutilor de la Auschwits , foarte multi evrei. Asta in timpul cind soldatii americani isi dadeau viata pentru eliberarea Europei de fascism.

"ai sa vezi ca iar il trag de maneca europenii, cand ajung cu apa la gat, tipul asta care comanda Iranul cu sharia in buzunar, are planuri mari."

Una este sa vrei si alta sa si poti. Europa , chiar si fara USA , are destule arme nucleare sa riposteze la un eventual atac iranian. Crezi ca iranenii nu stiu ? Stiu prea bine ! Ei vor doar sa se asigure ca nu vor fi invadati. Franta si Anglia au destul armament nuclear ca sa ingroape Iranul in ruine. Problema este Qui prodest ?

PS. Problema democratiei in Iran este problema iranienilor. Regimul nedorit o sa cada cind or sa vrea iranienii. Deocamdata nu am vazut pe nimeni sa se rascoale.

neamtu tiganu din nemtia (...@aol.com, IP: 195.93.60...)
2005-08-11 00:09
Re: Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Senzational...nu stiam ca Oriana e nepotu lu Komeini...esti sugura?

colibri din canada (...@yahoo.com, IP: 70.26.250...)
2005-08-11 01:50
Re: Bush e singurul care stie ce urmareste nepotul lui Khomeini - Oriana

Katty, ce spui de pozitia suediei in al doliea razboi mondial? Este singura tara europeana care a facut afaceri si cu Nazi Germany si cu aliatii. Mai mult de atat, fara minereurile de fier din Suedia, Germania nu ar fi putut incepe razboiul:

"Sweden absolutely sold materials to the Germans along with allowing Germany to use its railways and even helped the Germans move war material across Sweden.

And at the end of the war Sweden cashed in on the rebuilding money. "

"For Germany, the import of Swedish iron-ore was of extreme importance in its attempts to rebuild its military strength, despite the stipulations presented in the Treaty of Versailles. Prior to the Second World War, Germany was able to supply itself with only a quarter of its total iron-ore consumption per year, with the rest being imported from other countries. Sweden provided up to almost 60 percent of the iron-ore that was imported into Germany. Without the sixty percent of iron-ore imports coming from Sweden, Germany might possibly have not been capable of initiating the Second World War. In 1940, iron-ore imports from Sweden as well as Norway constituted 11,550,000 of the 15,000,000 tons Germany consumed that year"


"Franta si Anglia au destul armament nuclear ca sa ingroape Iranul in ruine. Problema este Qui prodest ? "

Sunt sigur ca guvernele europene, inclusiv cel suedez, impartasesc modul tau de a gandi!

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-08-11 03:53
stai tranquillo, am neamuri pasnice eu

La 2005-08-11 00:09:05, neamtu tiganu a scris:

> Senzational...nu stiam ca Oriana e nepotu lu Komeini...esti sugura?

Oriana din Italia (...@hotmail.it, IP: 213.140.17...)
2005-08-11 04:06
complicitatea Suediei cu nazistii? nu-i convine, renteaza mai mult americanii

La 2005-08-11 01:50:39, colibri a scris:

> Katty, ce spui de pozitia suediei in al doliea razboi mondial? Este
> singura tara europeana care a facut afaceri si cu Nazi Germany si cu
> aliatii. Mai mult de atat, fara minereurile de fier din Suedia,
> Germania nu ar fi putut incepe razboiul:
> "Sweden absolutely sold materials to the Germans along with
> allowing Germany to use its railways and even helped the Germans move
> war material across Sweden.
> And at the end of the war Sweden cashed in on the rebuilding money.
> "
> "For Germany, the import of Swedish iron-ore was of extreme
> importance in its attempts to rebuild its military strength, despite
> the stipulations presented in the Treaty of Versailles. Prior to the
> Second World War, Germany was able to supply itself with only a
> quarter of its total iron-ore consumption per year, with the rest
> being imported from other countries. Sweden provided up to almost 60
> percent of the iron-ore that was imported into Germany. Without the
> sixty percent of iron-ore imports coming from Sweden, Germany might
> possibly have not been capable of initiating the Second World War. In
> 1940, iron-ore imports from Sweden as well as Norway constituted
> 11,550,000 of the 15,000,000 tons Germany consumed that year"


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