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  Nr. 3339 de vineri, 3 iunie 2005 
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Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-06-03 19:14
Se pare ca a inceput IMBRINCEALA:

EU crisis escalates after referendums

LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Europe foundered in its bid to contain the damage over a new EU constitution on Friday as the fate of the euro single currency became increasingly swept up in the crisis engulfing the bloc.

Despite calls for calm after France and the Netherlands rejected the constitution in referendums this week, the language of European Union leaders turned increasingly edgy.

Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, whose country holds the EU presidency, spoke of a "big European crisis" if EU leaders failed to agree on a long-term budget this month.

And Italian Welfare Minister Roberto Maroni, a member of the Eurosceptical Northern League party, sparked a flurry on financial markets by suggesting that Italy hold a referendum on abandoning the euro and returning to the lira.

European Monetary Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia defended the euro in the latest of a string of comments from leaders that have highlighted how far the currency has been caught up in the crisis over the constitution.

"The euro forms part of our landscape. I think nobody is going to succeed in eliminating an achievement that cost us a lot to bring about and that is bringing us many advantages," he said in an interview with Cadena Ser radio in Spain.

The constitution was meant to make the EU work more smoothly after its enlargement to 25 states from 15 last year and had nothing to do with the euro set up by 12 members in 1999.

But the rejection of the treaty by two EU founding members has raised questions about how committed European countries are to working together to make the single currency a success, and opened the door for Eurosceptics to question its existence.

Italy's Maroni told the Repubblica daily the euro "has proved inadequate in the face of the economic slowdown, the loss of competitiveness and the job crisis."

The euro, which slipped to eight-month lows against the dollar this week, fell further on Maroni's comments but then recovered to trade at $1.2288, little changed on the day.

"The market remains on tenterhooks for any negative news about the euro," said Mitul Kotecha, head of global foreign exchange research at Calyon.


Germany's chief government spokesman, Bela Anda, echoed others in the European leadership when he said that Germany was not worried about the state of monetary union and that "the euro has proven itself".
But many Europeans blame the euro for an economic slowdown and high unemployment, and -- if the referendums in France and the Netherlands are representative -- no longer trust their governments to decide what is good for them. Both the French and Dutch governments had campaigned for a "Yes" vote.

The treaty on the EU constitution has been on life support all week, as Europe's leaders urged countries to go ahead with ratification despite the French and Dutch "no" votes. All member states must ratify it for it to come into effect.

But even that commitment to ratification was unravelling on Friday with Ireland, Portugal and Britain hinting they might call off plans to hold their own referendums.

In Denmark, two new polls showed the number of Danes planning to vote "No" in a September referendum had overtaken the "Yes" camp. Luxembourg's Juncker said he would resign if his country rejected the treaty in a vote due in July.

The crisis of confidence triggered by the referendums coincides with efforts to agree a long-term EU budget, always a sensitive issue as member states jealously count how much money they are forced to contribute relative to the others.

Juncker will chair a June 16-17 Brussels summit which is meant to agree on what to do about the constitution and try to clinch an agreement on the 2007-2013 budget. He said failure to agree on a budget would make matters much worse.

"A failure on the financial perspective (budget) would turn the big European difficulties into a big European crisis."

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.133...)
2005-06-03 20:25
Re: Nu te mai agita degeaba

ca un gindac in cada de baie .....constitutia europena va fi modificata ca sa reapunda preocuparilor cetatenilor ..asa cun este norma intr-o democratie ...iar euro va fi euro ....nu se va revenii la monezile vechi in nici un caz

Culmea este ca comunistii si nazistii lupta in impreuna impotriva constitutiei europene ....tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ?

La 2005-06-03 19:14:16, Mos Grigore a scris:

> EU crisis escalates after referendums
> LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Europe foundered in its bid to contain the
> damage over a new EU constitution on Friday as the fate of the euro
> single currency became increasingly swept up in the crisis engulfing
> the bloc.
> Despite calls for calm after France and the Netherlands rejected the
> constitution in referendums this week, the language of European Union
> leaders turned increasingly edgy.
> Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, whose country holds the
> EU presidency, spoke of a "big European crisis" if EU
> leaders failed to agree on a long-term budget this month.
> And Italian Welfare Minister Roberto Maroni, a member of the
> Eurosceptical Northern League party, sparked a flurry on financial
> markets by suggesting that Italy hold a referendum on abandoning the
> euro and returning to the lira.
> European Monetary Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia defended the
> euro in the latest of a string of comments from leaders that have
> highlighted how far the currency has been caught up in the crisis
> over the constitution.
> "The euro forms part of our landscape. I think nobody is going to
> succeed in eliminating an achievement that cost us a lot to bring
> about and that is bringing us many advantages," he said in an
> interview with Cadena Ser radio in Spain.
> The constitution was meant to make the EU work more smoothly after its
> enlargement to 25 states from 15 last year and had nothing to do with
> the euro set up by 12 members in 1999.
> But the rejection of the treaty by two EU founding members has raised
> questions about how committed European countries are to working
> together to make the single currency a success, and opened the door
> for Eurosceptics to question its existence.
> Italy's Maroni told the Repubblica daily the euro "has proved
> inadequate in the face of the economic slowdown, the loss of
> competitiveness and the job crisis."
> The euro, which slipped to eight-month lows against the dollar this
> week, fell further on Maroni's comments but then recovered to trade
> at $1.2288, little changed on the day.
> "The market remains on tenterhooks for any negative news about
> the euro," said Mitul Kotecha, head of global foreign exchange
> research at Calyon.
> Germany's chief government spokesman, Bela Anda, echoed others in the
> European leadership when he said that Germany was not worried about
> the state of monetary union and that "the euro has proven
> itself".
> But many Europeans blame the euro for an economic slowdown and high
> unemployment, and -- if the referendums in France and the Netherlands
> are representative -- no longer trust their governments to decide what
> is good for them. Both the French and Dutch governments had campaigned
> for a "Yes" vote.
> The treaty on the EU constitution has been on life support all week,
> as Europe's leaders urged countries to go ahead with ratification
> despite the French and Dutch "no" votes. All member states
> must ratify it for it to come into effect.
> But even that commitment to ratification was unravelling on Friday
> with Ireland, Portugal and Britain hinting they might call off plans
> to hold their own referendums.
> In Denmark, two new polls showed the number of Danes planning to vote
> "No" in a September referendum had overtaken the
> "Yes" camp. Luxembourg's Juncker said he would resign if
> his country rejected the treaty in a vote due in July.
> The crisis of confidence triggered by the referendums coincides with
> efforts to agree a long-term EU budget, always a sensitive issue as
> member states jealously count how much money they are forced to
> contribute relative to the others.
> Juncker will chair a June 16-17 Brussels summit which is meant to
> agree on what to do about the constitution and try to clinch an
> agreement on the 2007-2013 budget. He said failure to agree on a
> budget would make matters much worse.
> "A failure on the financial perspective (budget) would turn the
> big European difficulties into a big European crisis."

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 208.207.43...)
2005-06-03 21:02
Re: Nu te mai agita degeaba

La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> ca un gindac in cada de baie .....

Vezi ca asta e cu COPYRIGHT!

tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ? BOTH!

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 213.8.30...)
2005-06-03 21:12
Re: Se pare ca a inceput IMBRINCEALA:

Unde-i Pinkishor care ne imputzea zilnic cu euro-ul ei?

La 2005-06-03 19:14:16, Mos Grigore a scris:

> EU crisis escalates after referendums
> LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - Europe foundered in its bid to contain the
> damage over a new EU constitution on Friday as the fate of the euro
> single currency became increasingly swept up in the crisis engulfing
> the bloc.
> Despite calls for calm after France and the Netherlands rejected the
> constitution in referendums this week, the language of European Union
> leaders turned increasingly edgy.
> Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, whose country holds the
> EU presidency, spoke of a "big European crisis" if EU
> leaders failed to agree on a long-term budget this month.
> And Italian Welfare Minister Roberto Maroni, a member of the
> Eurosceptical Northern League party, sparked a flurry on financial
> markets by suggesting that Italy hold a referendum on abandoning the
> euro and returning to the lira.
> European Monetary Affairs Commissioner Joaquin Almunia defended the
> euro in the latest of a string of comments from leaders that have
> highlighted how far the currency has been caught up in the crisis
> over the constitution.
> "The euro forms part of our landscape. I think nobody is going to
> succeed in eliminating an achievement that cost us a lot to bring
> about and that is bringing us many advantages," he said in an
> interview with Cadena Ser radio in Spain.
> The constitution was meant to make the EU work more smoothly after its
> enlargement to 25 states from 15 last year and had nothing to do with
> the euro set up by 12 members in 1999.
> But the rejection of the treaty by two EU founding members has raised
> questions about how committed European countries are to working
> together to make the single currency a success, and opened the door
> for Eurosceptics to question its existence.
> Italy's Maroni told the Repubblica daily the euro "has proved
> inadequate in the face of the economic slowdown, the loss of
> competitiveness and the job crisis."
> The euro, which slipped to eight-month lows against the dollar this
> week, fell further on Maroni's comments but then recovered to trade
> at $1.2288, little changed on the day.
> "The market remains on tenterhooks for any negative news about
> the euro," said Mitul Kotecha, head of global foreign exchange
> research at Calyon.
> Germany's chief government spokesman, Bela Anda, echoed others in the
> European leadership when he said that Germany was not worried about
> the state of monetary union and that "the euro has proven
> itself".
> But many Europeans blame the euro for an economic slowdown and high
> unemployment, and -- if the referendums in France and the Netherlands
> are representative -- no longer trust their governments to decide what
> is good for them. Both the French and Dutch governments had campaigned
> for a "Yes" vote.
> The treaty on the EU constitution has been on life support all week,
> as Europe's leaders urged countries to go ahead with ratification
> despite the French and Dutch "no" votes. All member states
> must ratify it for it to come into effect.
> But even that commitment to ratification was unravelling on Friday
> with Ireland, Portugal and Britain hinting they might call off plans
> to hold their own referendums.
> In Denmark, two new polls showed the number of Danes planning to vote
> "No" in a September referendum had overtaken the
> "Yes" camp. Luxembourg's Juncker said he would resign if
> his country rejected the treaty in a vote due in July.
> The crisis of confidence triggered by the referendums coincides with
> efforts to agree a long-term EU budget, always a sensitive issue as
> member states jealously count how much money they are forced to
> contribute relative to the others.
> Juncker will chair a June 16-17 Brussels summit which is meant to
> agree on what to do about the constitution and try to clinch an
> agreement on the 2007-2013 budget. He said failure to agree on a
> budget would make matters much worse.
> "A failure on the financial perspective (budget) would turn the
> big European difficulties into a big European crisis."

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 213.8.30...)
2005-06-03 21:16
Re: Nu te mai agita degeaba - cocos

El nu e gainar, cocoselule!
La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ?

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-06-03 21:20
Cocos: comunistii si nazistii au aceeasi ura neimpacata fata de SUA, dar matale...?

La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> Culmea este ca comunistii si nazistii lupta in impreuna impotriva
> constitutiei europene ....tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ?

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.133...)
2005-06-03 21:22
Re: Nu te mai agita degeaba

expresia mi-a placut si am preluat-o .....sue me !

La 2005-06-03 21:02:46, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > ca un gindac in cada de baie .....
> =========================================================
> Vezi ca asta e cu COPYRIGHT!
> tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ? BOTH!

George W. Bush din White House (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2005-06-03 21:42
comunistii si nazistii , dar matale...?

iata ca aparu' coru' fetelor vesele de la "haaretz rapsody".
voi le-ati inventat pa amandoua si le-ati bagat pa gat
omenirii,iar cand vi s-au intors impotriva,ati inceput
sa strigati ca din gura de sharpe ca suntetzi victime.

La 2005-06-03 21:20:18, Golanul a scris:

> La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > Culmea este ca comunistii si nazistii lupta in impreuna impotriva
> > constitutiei europene ....tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ?
> > 

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.133...)
2005-06-03 21:43
Re: Cocos: comunistii si nazistii au aceeasi ura neimpacata fata de SUA, dar matale...?

eu nu-s un idiot ca tine ....daca asa a fost intrebarea

La 2005-06-03 21:20:18, Golanul a scris:

> La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > Culmea este ca comunistii si nazistii lupta in impreuna impotriva
> > constitutiei europene ....tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ?
> >

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-06-03 22:09
Re: Asa este, esti... ca tine...

La 2005-06-03 21:43:33, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

>  eu nu-s un idiot ca tine ....daca asa a fost intrebarea

Golanul (...@sympatico.ca, IP: 192.75.80...)
2005-06-03 22:15
Nea georgica...

Inainte sa te bagi pe forum, stai o tzira si cugeta (daca ai cu ce).

Nu te prinsesi ca io nu mis evreu? Pina la a treia spita (pe care pot s-o urmaresc in timp), numai romani neaoshi am in familie.

Nu visezi decit evrei de dimineata pina seara, singurii responsabili de toate relele.

Poate acum sa va dati si voi seama cit sinteti de obsedati.

Altfel, cum ramine? Nu-i asa ca nazistii si comunistii urasc 100% pe americani? Te-ai intrebat vreodata de ce?

La 2005-06-03 21:42:00, George W. Bush a scris:

> iata ca aparu' coru' fetelor vesele de la "haaretz
> rapsody".
> voi le-ati inventat pa amandoua si le-ati bagat pa gat
> omenirii,iar cand vi s-au intors impotriva,ati inceput
> sa strigati ca din gura de sharpe ca suntetzi victime.
> La 2005-06-03 21:20:18, Golanul a scris:
> > La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > 
> > > Culmea este ca comunistii si nazistii lupta in impreuna impotriva
> > > constitutiei europene ....tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ?
> > > 
> > 
> > 

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2005-06-03 22:15
Re: comunistii si nazistii , dar matale...?

Cat se poate de corect. Dar stii cum o sa fi calificat, nu?

La 2005-06-03 21:42:00, George W. Bush a scris:

> iata ca aparu' coru' fetelor vesele de la "haaretz
> rapsody".
> voi le-ati inventat pa amandoua si le-ati bagat pa gat
> omenirii,iar cand vi s-au intors impotriva,ati inceput
> sa strigati ca din gura de sharpe ca suntetzi victime.

tete din fgklhui.öghoä (...@net-zone.ro, IP: 84.164.194...)
2005-06-03 22:18
Re: Nu te mai agita degeaba

La 2005-06-03 21:02:46, Mos Grigore a scris:

> La 2005-06-03 20:25:24, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > ca un gindac in cada de baie .....
> =========================================================
> Vezi ca asta e cu COPYRIGHT!
> tu de care esti ...comunist sau nazist ? BOTH!
> both,adica versalite..ziua comunist,noaptea nazist
shi pe la pranz tzie foame oare?!,nasha?
traiasca america libera!

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