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  Nr. 3212 de miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2005 
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Aladroke din Cartagena (Spania) (...@hotmail.com, IP: 80.58.40...)
2005-01-05 12:10
Vytautas LANDSBERGIS.....ha ha ha

Note: I understand romanian, but I prefer not to write on that beautyfull language if I can't write it properly.

It's very intersting your article, talking about the "baltic states" and the freedom reached after the fall of the former Soviet Union.

The baltic states were occupied by Stalin in the WWII, that's true....
Putin is a dangerous neo-imperialist, that's true.....
Russia is intefering in the internal affairs of some countries, that's true..

1- What about the colaboracionism between your beloved country and the Nazis? YOU were helpling to send Jewsih to the crematoriums in the KZ ( abbreviature used in germany for the concentrations camps).

2- What about the non-citizens in your country. Russians with no passport and no nacionality that you are just showing them the exit door to Russia. No russian education, no right to associate, etc.... yes, very democratic.

3- Let's talk about the funds used in Estonia, Letonia and Lithuania to create associations to help the old "war veterans" that were fighting in the World War inside the "Panzer Divisions" and hunting jews.

Mr. LANDSBERGIS, please do not wite more stupid things, buy a Nazi uniform and go to kill some jews, I think that is the only think that your intelectual power is capable to do.

Multumesc :)

George-Felix (...@yahoo.com, IP: 132.195.96...)
2005-01-05 15:51
Re: Vytautas LANDSBERGIS.....ha ha ha

La 2005-01-05 12:10:02, Aladroke a scris:

> Note: I understand romanian, but I prefer not to write on that
> beautyfull language if I can't write it properly.

Din motive similare raspund in romana:)) INteleg engleza dar nu vreau sa fac greseli majore de gramatica:)

Cred ca amestecati doua chestii diferite:

- ceea ce face Putin face ACUM. Nu ieri, nu alaltaieri, nu in WWII.
- colaborationismul balticilor e de aceiasi factura cu cel al romanilor, al ucrainienilor, al francezilor etc. A fost josnic uman si gresit politic. Dar a fost IERI si, cel putin balticii, ucrainienii, romanii.., am platit cu varf si indesat pentru asta.

"Russians with no passport and no nacionality that you are just showing them the exit door to Russia"
- cat despre rusii din Lituania care nu stiu o boaba lituaniana dupa 40 ani de trait acolo, ei au de ales: fie invata limba oficiala a statului fie se cara. Ca si turcii din Germania. Sau pre limba engleza:
What about the turks in the Germany? What about the germans in the USA? They have two options:
- either they learn the official language of the state
- or they have to go back in their beloved origin countries.


Mentosana in Corpore Sana din Ararat (...@mail.md, IP: 24.6.189...)
2005-01-05 18:02
Re: Vytautas LANDSBERGIS.....ha ha ha

Ce personaj ranchiunos...

Sa stii Aladroke ca orice criminal are niste motive aparent "logice" pentru crimele comise. Ca a fost abuzat in copilarie, ca s-a uitat vecinul nu mai stiu cum la el, ca vrea razbunare pentru niste ofense numai de el stiute si intelese etc. etc.

Si rusii de cite ori ataca alta tara sau comit alte crime vin imediat cu explicatii din astea "logice" - ca au fost abuzati in secolul trecut, ca au dreptul la nu mai stiu ce "razbunare", ca-l doare pe Putin rana capatata in Germania, cind bause prea multa bere la un bar si a cazut cu capul de buda...

neamtu tiganu din nemtia (...@aol.com, IP: 195.93.60...)
2005-01-05 19:34
Re: beautyfull language.....ha ha ha

La 2005-01-05 12:10:02, Aladroke a scris:

> Note: I understand romanian, but I prefer not to write on that
> beautyfull language if I can't write it properly.
Esti sigura ca-n engleza te poti exprima "properly". E tare beautyfull nu?

I think that is the only think that your intelectual power is capable to do.

Vad ca te exprimi si-n germana (KZ). N-ar fi mai bine sa taci in limba ma-tii (asta-nseamna limba materna).

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