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  Nr. 3175 de joi, 18 noiembrie 2004 
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Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.27.211...)
2004-11-18 02:36
Se pare ca aceasta comisie a folosit "arhivele" "transferate" in URSS.

Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern and central Transnistria.

Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.

In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>

"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.

"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>

During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the 'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!

Rocky (...@hotmail.com, IP: 82.224.94...)
2004-11-18 02:56
Re: Se pare ca aceasta comisie a folosit "arhivele" "transferate" in URSS.

La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:

>&nbsp;Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
>Asa este dle din Ohio ! Acesti banditi hulpavi de bani si desp&agrave;gubiri, sunt in stare sa deformeze orice pentru buna lor stare financiar&agrave; !

E nevoi eca Rom&acirc;,nii sa ridice un pic capul din pam&acirc;nt si sa ceara raspicat dovezi clare si nu masluiri, acestor impostori&nbsp;.
POorcarria care se urzeste de actualii si viitorii guvernanti trebuie sa inceteze !


+ (...@web.de, IP: 212.144.83...)
2004-11-18 03:06
Re: Mai baietzi, voi nu reprezentatzi nimic pentru ei .

Nu atzi auzit ca e ORDEN ca cine are alta parere merge la mititica ??? Eheeeee...... Asa se scriu rapoartele . Iar domniile voastre trebuie sa le acceptatzi . Aici s-a terminat cu democratzia. La inchisoare cu cei ce nu sunt de acord. E ORDINANTZIE DA URJENTZA.

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.27.211...)
2004-11-18 03:12
Re: Eu nu vorbesc cu extremistii.

Dumneata ai o cu totul alta viziune despre lucrurile in discutie.Nu este vorba despre despagubiri, desi Romania ar trebui sa fie pregatita si pentru aceasta eventualitate.Crimele oribile impotriva evreilor au fost o realitate dureroasa.Acestea planeaza asupra Romaniei pe buna dreptate.Zeci de mii de oameni au fost omoriti intr-un fel sau altul pentru simplul fapt ca erau evrei.Cunosc unele cazuri de evrei din Romania ( nu numai din Basarabia sau Bucovina) care erau sa moara "din greseala" in Transnistria.Asumarea acestei parti RUSINOASE din istoria noastra este ESENTIALA pentru o societate sanatoasa moral.Ceea ce ma nelinisteste ,este folosirea de catre aceasta comisie (precum si de catre alti "cercetatori" ) a "arhivelor" "transferate" (adica furate si masluite) in Rusia.La 2004-11-18 02:56:30, Rocky a scris:

>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
>&nbsp;>Asa este dle din Ohio ! Acesti banditi hulpavi de bani si desp&agrave;gubiri, sunt in stare sa deformeze orice pentru buna lor stare financiar&agrave; !
>&nbsp;E nevoi eca Rom&acirc;,nii sa ridice un pic capul din pam&acirc;nt si
>&nbsp;sa ceara raspicat dovezi clare si nu masluiri, acestor
>&nbsp;POorcarria care se urzeste de actualii si viitorii guvernanti trebuie
>&nbsp;sa inceteze !

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 209.247.222...)
2004-11-18 03:14
Re: Se pare ca aceasta comisie a folosit "arhivele" "transferate" in URSS.

La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:

>&nbsp;Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
========================================================= Vezi ca asta descrie si Ioanid acum citiva ani in cartea lui!&nbsp;

Mark din US (...@rcn.com, IP: 207.38.226...)
2004-11-18 03:15
La voi in Ohio istoria se scrie cu stinga Paule?Daca esti habarnist cel putin taci!

La 2004-11-18 03:12:05, Paul din Ohio a scris:

>&nbsp;Dumneata ai o cu totul alta viziune despre lucrurile in discutie.Nu
>&nbsp;este vorba despre despagubiri, desi Romania ar trebui sa fie
>&nbsp;pregatita si pentru aceasta eventualitate.Crimele oribile impotriva
>&nbsp;evreilor au fost o realitate dureroasa.Acestea planeaza asupra
>&nbsp;Romaniei pe buna dreptate.Zeci de mii de oameni au fost omoriti
>&nbsp;intr-un fel sau altul pentru simplul fapt ca erau evrei.Cunosc unele
>&nbsp;cazuri de evrei din Romania ( nu numai din Basarabia sau Bucovina)
>&nbsp;care erau sa moara "din greseala" in Transnistria.Asumarea
>&nbsp;acestei parti RUSINOASE din istoria noastra este ESENTIALA pentru o
>&nbsp;societate sanatoasa moral.Ceea ce ma nelinisteste ,este folosirea de
>&nbsp;catre aceasta comisie (precum si de catre alti
>&nbsp;"cercetatori" ) a "arhivelor"
>&nbsp;"transferate" (adica furate si masluite) in Rusia.La
>&nbsp;2004-11-18 02:56:30, Rocky a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>Asa este dle din Ohio ! Acesti banditi hulpavi de bani si desp&agrave;gubiri, sunt in stare sa deformeze orice pentru buna lor stare financiar&agrave; !
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;E nevoi eca Rom&acirc;,nii sa ridice un pic capul din pam&acirc;nt si
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;sa ceara raspicat dovezi clare si nu masluiri, acestor
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;POorcarria care se urzeste de actualii si viitorii guvernanti trebuie
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;sa inceteze !

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 209.247.222...)
2004-11-18 03:16

La 2004-11-18 03:06:12, + a scris:

>&nbsp;Nu atzi auzit ca e ORDEN ca cine are alta parere merge la mititica ???
>&nbsp; Eheeeee...... Asa se scriu rapoartele . Iar domniile voastre trebuie
>&nbsp;sa le acceptatzi . Aici s-a terminat cu democratzia. La inchisoare cu
>&nbsp;cei ce nu sunt de acord. E ORDINANTZIE DA URJENTZA.

+ (...@web.de, IP: 212.144.83...)
2004-11-18 03:21
Re: BAI ,Mos tagartza ...

fi dreacului in stare sa zici si altceva in afara de injuraturi ! Vezi ca si eu stiu sa injur , vorba lu`Nastase, ca tot pe Cheiul Garlii am copilarit.

Florinyc (...@yahoo.com, IP: 128.111.9...)
2004-11-18 03:33
Re: BAI ,Mos tagartza ...

Injur-o pe ma-ta ba creinule. Sau pe taica-tau ca a facut greseala si si-a dat drumul la lichid.

La 2004-11-18 03:21:49, + a scris:

>&nbsp;fi dreacului in stare sa zici si altceva in afara de injuraturi !
>&nbsp;Vezi ca si eu stiu sa injur , vorba lu`Nastase, ca tot pe Cheiul
>&nbsp;Garlii am copilarit.

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.27.211...)
2004-11-18 03:54
Re: Se pare ca aceasta comisie a folosit "arhivele" "transferate" in URSS.Mos Grigore

Daca Ioanid era constient de aceste probleme, atunci, ca membru al comisiei ar fi trebuit sa scrie o nota (macar de subsol) privind aceste dubii justificate.Ma tem ca el a platit doar "lip service" in cartea lui si de fapt este de partea celor care au incredere absoluta in "arhivele" rusesti (hai sa le spunem "neobolsevici").La 2004-11-18 03:14:50, Mos Grigore a scris:

>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
>&nbsp;========================================================= Vezi ca asta
>&nbsp;descrie si Ioanid acum citiva ani in cartea lui!&nbsp;

America Number One din The Greatest City in The World (...@aol.com, IP: 152.163.100...)
2004-11-18 03:57
Daca o fi adevarat, ca datele n-ar fi reale, e pretul pe care Romania il plateste pentru negarea prosteasca de pina acum

La 2004-11-18 03:54:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:

>&nbsp;Daca Ioanid era constient de aceste probleme, atunci, ca membru al
>&nbsp;comisiei ar fi trebuit sa scrie o nota (macar de subsol) privind
>&nbsp;aceste dubii justificate.Ma tem ca el a platit doar "lip
>&nbsp;service" in cartea lui si de fapt este de partea celor care au
>&nbsp;incredere absoluta in "arhivele" rusesti (hai sa le spunem
>&nbsp;"neobolsevici").La 2004-11-18 03:14:50, Mos Grigore a
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;========================================================= Vezi ca asta
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;descrie si Ioanid acum citiva ani in cartea lui!&nbsp;

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.27.211...)
2004-11-18 04:06
Re: Daca o fi adevarat, ca datele n-ar fi reale, e pretul pe care Romania il plateste pentru negarea prosteasca de pina acum

Nu trebuie sa existe un asemenea "pret".Aceasta ar prinde foarte bine pentru rasistii gen "patriot", pentru ca falsurile provoaca intotdeauna dubii pentru cei mai putin avizati, asupra intregii situatii (in ESENTA adevarata).La 2004-11-18 03:57:12, America Number One a scris:

>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 03:54:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Daca Ioanid era constient de aceste probleme, atunci, ca membru al
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comisiei ar fi trebuit sa scrie o nota (macar de subsol) privind
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;aceste dubii justificate.Ma tem ca el a platit doar "lip
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;service" in cartea lui si de fapt este de partea celor care au
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;incredere absoluta in "arhivele" rusesti (hai sa le spunem
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"neobolsevici").La 2004-11-18 03:14:50, Mos Grigore a
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;"The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;========================================================= Vezi ca asta
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;>&nbsp;descrie si Ioanid acum citiva ani in cartea lui!&nbsp;

Aladin din york (...@optonline.net, IP: 24.186.58...)
2004-11-18 04:21
Ioanid este evreu, asta ca sa intelegeti valoarea celor scrise de el !

La 2004-11-18 04:06:28, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Nu trebuie sa existe un asemenea "pret".Aceasta ar prinde
> foarte bine pentru rasistii gen "patriot", pentru ca
> falsurile provoaca intotdeauna dubii pentru cei mai putin avizati,
> asupra intregii situatii (in ESENTA adevarata).La 2004-11-18
> 03:57:12, America Number One a scris:
> > La 2004-11-18 03:54:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> >
> > > Daca Ioanid era constient de aceste probleme, atunci, ca membru al
> > > comisiei ar fi trebuit sa scrie o nota (macar de subsol) privind
> > > aceste dubii justificate.Ma tem ca el a platit doar "lip
> > > service" in cartea lui si de fapt este de partea celor care au
> > > incredere absoluta in "arhivele" rusesti (hai sa le spunem
> > > "neobolsevici").La 2004-11-18 03:14:50, Mos Grigore a
> > > scris:
> > >
> > > > La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > > >
> > > > > Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
> > > > > Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
> > > > > of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
> > > > > and central Transnistria.
> > > > >
> > > > > Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
> > > > >
> > > > > In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
> > > > >
> > > > > "The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
> > > > >
> > > > > "The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
> > > > >
> > > > > During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
> > > > > 'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
> > > > > Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
> > > > > purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
> > > > > the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
> > > > > responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
> > > > > regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
> > > > > wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
> > > > > length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
> > > > > at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
> > > > > police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
> > > > > de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
> > > > > ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
> > > > > alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
> > > > > are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
> > > > > se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
> > > > > nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
> > > > > comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
> > > > > de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
> > > > > nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
> > > > > comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
> > > > > considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
> > > > > Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
> > > > > DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
> > > > ========================================================= Vezi ca asta
> > > > descrie si Ioanid acum citiva ani in cartea lui!
> >
> >
> >

Mark din Texaxul de west (...@rcn.com, IP: 207.38.226...)
2004-11-18 04:40
Re: Ioanid este evreu, ? Eu credeam ca e grec al dracu' pervers...

La 2004-11-18 04:21:15, Aladin a scris:

>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 04:06:28, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;> Nu trebuie sa existe un asemenea "pret".Aceasta ar prinde
>&nbsp;> foarte bine pentru rasistii gen "patriot", pentru ca
>&nbsp;> falsurile provoaca intotdeauna dubii pentru cei mai putin avizati,
>&nbsp;> asupra intregii situatii (in ESENTA adevarata).La 2004-11-18
>&nbsp;> 03:57:12, America Number One a scris:
>&nbsp;> > La 2004-11-18 03:54:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;> >
>&nbsp;> > > Daca Ioanid era constient de aceste probleme, atunci, ca membru al
>&nbsp;> > > comisiei ar fi trebuit sa scrie o nota (macar de subsol) privind
>&nbsp;> > > aceste dubii justificate.Ma tem ca el a platit doar "lip
>&nbsp;> > > service" in cartea lui si de fapt este de partea celor care au
>&nbsp;> > > incredere absoluta in "arhivele" rusesti (hai sa le spunem
>&nbsp;> > > "neobolsevici").La 2004-11-18 03:14:50, Mos Grigore a
>&nbsp;> > > scris:
>&nbsp;> > >
>&nbsp;> > > > La 2004-11-18 02:36:17, Paul din Ohio a scris:
>&nbsp;> > > >
>&nbsp;> > > > > Iata un citat din proiectul Nizkor :Some 130,000 Jewish deportees from
>&nbsp;> > > > > Romania, not counting the local Jews who had survived the first wave
>&nbsp;> > > > > of mass murder, had been concentrated until December 1941 in northern
>&nbsp;> > > > > and central Transnistria.
>&nbsp;> > > > >
>&nbsp;> > > > > Why was there a decision to cleanse southern Transnistria of Jews? The answer to this question lay hidden in Romanian archives that had been transferred to the Soviet Union, and have only recently become accessible to researchers. The documents reveal that late in 1941, the typhus epidemic among the deportees reached its peak, and it began to affect the Ukrainians. At least 50,000 Jews died from typhus during the harsh winter of 1941 - 1942; weakened by hunger, cold, lack of sanitation and brutal treatment, their bodies proved no match for the raging epidemic. The epidemic also posed a serious threat to the German and Romanian troops, as well as to the inhabitants of the areas south of Transnistria, including a large concentration of ethnic Germans who were not under Romanian jurisdiction"<25>.
>&nbsp;> > > > >
>&nbsp;> > > > > In an attempt to avoid the spread of the epidemic, "Ion Antonescu ordered the army and the Transnistria authorities to concentrate tens of thousands of Jews on the banks of the Bug River."<26>
>&nbsp;> > > > >
>&nbsp;> > > > > "The Nazi allies also evinced interest in the fate of the 70,000 Jews stranded on the banks of the Bug. They were put in cow sheds, pigsties, chicken coops, dilapidated storehouses, or in the fields without undergoing any registration, without food and water, in the harshest winter on record in the twentieth century"<27>.
>&nbsp;> > > > >
>&nbsp;> > > > > "The number of 70,000 Jews, which was quoted during Antonescu's trial, is corroborated for the first time in these documents, as is the fact that the decision to execute and burn such a large number of Jews was indeed taken by the Romanians. However, some details of the murder operations and incineration of the bodies were known before the discovery of the archives."<28>
>&nbsp;> > > > >
>&nbsp;> > > > > During the period of 1942 to 1944 the Germans decided to build the
>&nbsp;> > > > > 'Durchgangstrasse IV' [Highway IV] between Poland and southern
>&nbsp;> > > > > Ukraine. This highway was needed for military as well as economic
>&nbsp;> > > > > purposes. The technical supervision of this project was provided by
>&nbsp;> > > > > the German Todt Company. The recruitment of the manpower was the
>&nbsp;> > > > > responsibility of the SS, aided by the Ukrainian militia and
>&nbsp;> > > > > regiments of Lithuanian volunteers. Labour camps surrounded by barbed
>&nbsp;> > > > > wire were set up about ten to fifteen kilometres apart along the
>&nbsp;> > > > > length of the road. The camps were guarded by armed sentries standing
>&nbsp;> > > > > at every few meters; camp commanders were always members of the German
>&nbsp;> > > > > police". DAT FIIND ca romanii au o neincredere care este destul
>&nbsp;> > > > > de INDREPTATITA in "arhivele" rusesti mi se pare cel putin
>&nbsp;> > > > > ciudata afirmatia din raportul acestei comisii ca "Oricine are
>&nbsp;> > > > > alte opinii privind "locul" Romaniei in suprimarea evreilor
>&nbsp;> > > > > are si obligatia sa demonstreze ca lucrurile au stat altfel" mi
>&nbsp;> > > > > se pare cel putin ciudata daca nu total deplasata.Am spus in
>&nbsp;> > > > > nenumarate rindurui ca noi romanii trebuie sa ne asumam atrocitatile
>&nbsp;> > > > > comise de catre unii dintre inaintasii nostri impotriva evreilor.Dar
>&nbsp;> > > > > de aici pina la a ne asuma si atrocitatile ucrainienilor si ale
>&nbsp;> > > > > nemtilor impotriva evreilor este o cale lunga.Faptul ca aceasta
>&nbsp;> > > > > comisie ca si "Proiectul Nizkor" pe care l-am citat
>&nbsp;> > > > > considera ca dusmanii ireductibili ai Romaniei , conducatorii
>&nbsp;> > > > > Rusiei,care au monopolul asupra arhivelor tarii noastre, au si
>&nbsp;> > > > > DREPTATE, trebuie demonstrat de EI INSISI!
>&nbsp;> > > > ========================================================= Vezi ca asta
>&nbsp;> > > > descrie si Ioanid acum citiva ani in cartea lui!
>&nbsp;> >
>&nbsp;> >
>&nbsp;> >

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 209.247.222...)
2004-11-18 04:45
Re: Ioanid este evreu. Aici ai dat-o-n bara si se vede ca n-ai citit cartea dar vorbesti!

La 2004-11-18 04:21:15, Aladin a scris:

De altfel 99% din cei de aici cinta dupa ureche: n-au vazut o vorba scrisa despre subiect. Ei vorbesc dupa povestile lui tatamare de acum 40 de ani pe care le ascultau pe olitza!

Cam asta e si cazul tau!

Mark din Texaxul de west (...@rcn.com, IP: 207.38.226...)
2004-11-18 04:57
Re: Ioanid este evreu. Aici ai dat-o-n bara si se vede ca n-ai citit cartea dar vorbesti!

Eu nu citesc facaturi bai Grigore- ma pish pe cartea lu' Ioanid -

>&nbsp;La 2004-11-18 04:21:15, Aladin a scris:
>&nbsp;De altfel 99% din cei de aici cinta dupa ureche: n-au vazut o vorba
>&nbsp;scrisa despre subiect. Ei vorbesc dupa povestile lui tatamare de
>&nbsp;acum 40 de ani pe care le ascultau pe olitza!
>&nbsp;Cam asta e si cazul tau!

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