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  Nr. 3162 de miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2004 
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zwilling carol din israel (...@012.net.il, IP: 80.179.94...)
2004-11-02 23:15
Sub nicio

forma nu poate fi inmormantat o "Naparca"ca Arahat la Ierusalim.
Acest virus al lumii arabe a adus teroarea internationala si crime ce niciun popor civilizat nu le poate accepta.
Sa-l stranga Dumnezeu cat mai repede si sa-l conserve acolo sus intr-un colt uitat.

Atamild (...@t-online.de, IP: 217.86.6...)
2004-11-02 23:38
Re: Sub nicio

La 2004-11-02 23:15:20, zwilling carol a scris:

> forma nu poate fi inmormantat o "Naparca"ca Arahat la
> Ierusalim.
> Acest virus al lumii arabe a adus teroarea internationala si crime ce
> niciun popor civilizat nu le poate accepta.
> Sa-l stranga Dumnezeu cat mai repede si sa-l conserve acolo sus
> intr-un colt uitat.
> Carol
Carol si ce conteaza unde-i inmormintat, daca si cum este inmormintat, eu zic ca a fost de mult inmormintat, Arafat. Si pionul si regele tot acolo ajung. Ginduri bune, acum.

ysl din jerusalem - israel (...@icqmail.com, IP: 80.230.46...)
2004-11-02 23:49
Re: matilda,

cred ca gresesti. este foarte important locul unde este inmormantat, mai ales intr-o zona in care simbolurile sunt foarte puternice, cum e zona in care traim noi...

mormantul lui arafat nu are ce cauta pe muntele templului.

<nici macar regele david nu isi are mormantul pe muntele templului, ci pe o alta colina, un pic mai la sud, pe muntele sion.>

unui criminal ca arahat nu are de ce sa i se faca o asemenea 'cinste', care nici regelui david nu i-a fost acordata macar...

La 2004-11-02 23:38:00, Atamild a scris:

>&nbsp;La 2004-11-02 23:15:20, zwilling carol a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;forma nu poate fi inmormantat o "Naparca"ca Arahat la
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Acest virus al lumii arabe a adus teroarea internationala si crime ce
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;niciun popor civilizat nu le poate accepta.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Sa-l stranga Dumnezeu cat mai repede si sa-l conserve acolo sus
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;intr-un colt uitat.
>&nbsp;Carol si ce conteaza unde-i inmormintat, daca si cum este inmormintat,
>&nbsp; eu zic ca a fost de mult inmormintat, Arafat. Si pionul si regele tot
>&nbsp;acolo ajung. Ginduri bune, acum.

parazitii_mereu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.161.110...)
2004-11-03 01:25
Re: matilda,

Voi credeti in simboluri si semne ?
Parc&aring; erati stat civilizat....pe ling&aring; atitia arabi ingropati acolo...mai conteaz&aring; unu' ?
Ori nu v&aring; simtiti atit de tari incit s&aring;-l primiti in mormint pe Arafat ?

Bey...serios...am urm&aring;rit la TV ....de vreo 3 zile....voi tr&aring;iti in evul mediu...jumate din populatie cel putin e fundamental orientat&aring; pe criterii religioase...
Si cic&aring; sinteti stat modern...
Nu injura...dac&aring; ai o explicatie logic&aring;...serveste-mi-o...altfel...hold your horses..

La 2004-11-02 23:49:54, ysl a scris:

> cred ca gresesti. este foarte important locul unde este inmormantat,
> mai ales intr-o zona in care simbolurile sunt foarte puternice, cum e
> zona in care traim noi...
> mormantul lui arafat nu are ce cauta pe muntele templului.
> <nici macar regele david nu isi are mormantul pe muntele templului, ci pe o alta colina, un pic mai la sud, pe muntele sion.>
> unui criminal ca arahat nu are de ce sa i se faca o asemenea 'cinste',
> care nici regelui david nu i-a fost acordata macar...
> La 2004-11-02 23:38:00, Atamild a scris:
> > La 2004-11-02 23:15:20, zwilling carol a scris:
> >
> > > forma nu poate fi inmormantat o "Naparca"ca Arahat la
> > > Ierusalim.
> > > Acest virus al lumii arabe a adus teroarea internationala si crime ce
> > > niciun popor civilizat nu le poate accepta.
> > > Sa-l stranga Dumnezeu cat mai repede si sa-l conserve acolo sus
> > > intr-un colt uitat.
> > > Carol
> > >
> > Carol si ce conteaza unde-i inmormintat, daca si cum este inmormintat,
> > eu zic ca a fost de mult inmormintat, Arafat. Si pionul si regele tot
> > acolo ajung. Ginduri bune, acum.
> > Matilda
> >

ysl din jerusalem - israel (...@icqmail.com, IP: 83.130.243...)
2004-11-03 08:34
Re: parazitii

La 2004-11-03 01:25:10, parazitii_mereu a scris:

>&nbsp;Voi credeti in simboluri si semne ? ///


>&nbsp;Parc&aring; erati stat civilizat....pe ling&aring; atitia arabi
>&nbsp;ingropati acolo...mai conteaz&aring; unu' ?///


>&nbsp;Ori nu v&aring; simtiti atit de tari incit s&aring;-l primiti in
>&nbsp;mormint pe Arafat ?///


>&nbsp;Bey...serios...am urm&aring;rit la TV ....de vreo 3 zile....voi
>&nbsp;tr&aring;iti in evul mediu...jumate din populatie cel putin e
>&nbsp;fundamental orientat&aring; pe criterii religioase...
>&nbsp;Si cic&aring; sinteti stat modern...
>&nbsp;Nu injura...dac&aring; ai o explicatie
>&nbsp;logic&aring;...serveste-mi-o...altfel...hold your horses..



antiohus (, IP: 81.218.184...)
2004-11-03 09:15

he he...e clar ca apa limpede de izvor ca nu stii ce-i aia muntele templului,ce semnificatie are si cu ce se mananca

oricum nu esti singurul...nu-i bai...

si eu am vazut la tv in urma cu 3 zile...dar ceva total diferit...la voi ce post se difuzeaza?

in rest ai dreptate 100%...de shabbat toata armata merge la sinagoga,ce deh,suntem peste jumate dintre noi fundamentalisti religiosi

iar in industria chimica,centralele termoelectrice si in spitale nu se lucreaza de shabbat de-asemenea,caci mai mult de jumate dintre fundamentalisti sunt implicit majoritatea electorala,deci ei fac si desfac legile...

ps. eu tocmai de acea nu ma uit la tv...nu-mi place ca cineva sa ma minta in fata,uitandu-se la mine pana in albul ochilor

bine macar ca arabii inca nu s-au prins de asta...

La 2004-11-03 01:25:10, parazitii_mereu a scris:

>&nbsp;Voi credeti in simboluri si semne ?
>&nbsp;Parc&aring; erati stat civilizat....pe ling&aring; atitia arabi
>&nbsp;ingropati acolo...mai conteaz&aring; unu' ?
>&nbsp;Ori nu v&aring; simtiti atit de tari incit s&aring;-l primiti in
>&nbsp;mormint pe Arafat ?
>&nbsp;Bey...serios...am urm&aring;rit la TV ....de vreo 3 zile....voi
>&nbsp;tr&aring;iti in evul mediu...jumate din populatie cel putin e
>&nbsp;fundamental orientat&aring; pe criterii religioase...
>&nbsp;Si cic&aring; sinteti stat modern...
>&nbsp;Nu injura...dac&aring; ai o explicatie
>&nbsp;logic&aring;...serveste-mi-o...altfel...hold your horses..
>&nbsp;La 2004-11-02 23:49:54, ysl a scris:
>&nbsp;> cred ca gresesti. este foarte important locul unde este inmormantat,
>&nbsp;> mai ales intr-o zona in care simbolurile sunt foarte puternice, cum e
>&nbsp;> zona in care traim noi...
>&nbsp;> mormantul lui arafat nu are ce cauta pe muntele templului.
>&nbsp;> <nici macar regele david nu isi are mormantul pe muntele templului, ci pe o alta colina, un pic mai la sud, pe muntele sion.>
>&nbsp;> unui criminal ca arahat nu are de ce sa i se faca o asemenea 'cinste',
>&nbsp;> care nici regelui david nu i-a fost acordata macar...
>&nbsp;> La 2004-11-02 23:38:00, Atamild a scris:
>&nbsp;> > La 2004-11-02 23:15:20, zwilling carol a scris:
>&nbsp;> >
>&nbsp;> > > forma nu poate fi inmormantat o "Naparca"ca Arahat la
>&nbsp;> > > Ierusalim.
>&nbsp;> > > Acest virus al lumii arabe a adus teroarea internationala si crime ce
>&nbsp;> > > niciun popor civilizat nu le poate accepta.
>&nbsp;> > > Sa-l stranga Dumnezeu cat mai repede si sa-l conserve acolo sus
>&nbsp;> > > intr-un colt uitat.
>&nbsp;> > > Carol
>&nbsp;> > >
>&nbsp;> > Carol si ce conteaza unde-i inmormintat, daca si cum este inmormintat,
>&nbsp;> > eu zic ca a fost de mult inmormintat, Arafat. Si pionul si regele tot
>&nbsp;> > acolo ajung. Ginduri bune, acum.
>&nbsp;> > Matilda
>&nbsp;> >

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 80.230.99...)
2004-11-03 10:23
Re: parazitul

Da ai dreptate, noi traim ca in evul mediu. Mai rau, traim in pesteri, vanam cu arcul si aprindem focul cu piatra.

Acum esti multzumit?

La 2004-11-03 01:25:10, parazitii_mereu a scris:

>&nbsp;Voi credeti in simboluri si semne ?
>&nbsp;Parc&aring; erati stat civilizat....pe ling&aring; atitia arabi
>&nbsp;ingropati acolo...mai conteaz&aring; unu' ?
>&nbsp;Ori nu v&aring; simtiti atit de tari incit s&aring;-l primiti in
>&nbsp;mormint pe Arafat ?
>&nbsp;Bey...serios...am urm&aring;rit la TV ....de vreo 3 zile....voi
>&nbsp;tr&aring;iti in evul mediu...jumate din populatie cel putin e
>&nbsp;fundamental orientat&aring; pe criterii religioase...
>&nbsp;Si cic&aring; sinteti stat modern...
>&nbsp;Nu injura...dac&aring; ai o explicatie
>&nbsp;logic&aring;...serveste-mi-o...altfel...hold your horses..
>&nbsp;La 2004-11-02 23:49:54, ysl a scris:
>&nbsp;> cred ca gresesti. este foarte important locul unde este inmormantat,
>&nbsp;> mai ales intr-o zona in care simbolurile sunt foarte puternice, cum e
>&nbsp;> zona in care traim noi...
>&nbsp;> mormantul lui arafat nu are ce cauta pe muntele templului.
>&nbsp;> <nici macar regele david nu isi are mormantul pe muntele templului, ci pe o alta colina, un pic mai la sud, pe muntele sion.>
>&nbsp;> unui criminal ca arahat nu are de ce sa i se faca o asemenea 'cinste',
>&nbsp;> care nici regelui david nu i-a fost acordata macar...
>&nbsp;> La 2004-11-02 23:38:00, Atamild a scris:
>&nbsp;> > La 2004-11-02 23:15:20, zwilling carol a scris:
>&nbsp;> >
>&nbsp;> > > forma nu poate fi inmormantat o "Naparca"ca Arahat la
>&nbsp;> > > Ierusalim.
>&nbsp;> > > Acest virus al lumii arabe a adus teroarea internationala si crime ce
>&nbsp;> > > niciun popor civilizat nu le poate accepta.
>&nbsp;> > > Sa-l stranga Dumnezeu cat mai repede si sa-l conserve acolo sus
>&nbsp;> > > intr-un colt uitat.
>&nbsp;> > > Carol
>&nbsp;> > >
>&nbsp;> > Carol si ce conteaza unde-i inmormintat, daca si cum este inmormintat,
>&nbsp;> > eu zic ca a fost de mult inmormintat, Arafat. Si pionul si regele tot
>&nbsp;> > acolo ajung. Ginduri bune, acum.
>&nbsp;> > Matilda
>&nbsp;> >

neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.87...)
2004-11-03 14:19
De ce are Mario o anumita dreptate..cititi un articol de un ziarist bolnav la cap


Terminal anxiety

03.11.2004 | 11:51

At the new terminal at Ben-Gurion Airport, the planners have emphasized that they made special efforts to satisfy the Israelis' extraordinary needs with respect to seeing people off and greeting them. Huge areas are intended for the people who are accompanying passengers arriving in and departing from this country.

The greeting hall is enormous because, according to the figures that have been published, in Israel the number of greeters is the largest in the world - about five people for every passenger.

The departure hall is designed to hold the many people who are accompanying the passenger and also to give them a feeling of "abroad" and surround them with lots of shops so they will participate in the passengers' shopping experience. And the icing on the cake - unprecedented in its magnitude and amplitude - that awaits departing passengers after going through passport control is the legendary "duty free."

Also molded into and reflected in the concrete and the glass of Ben-Gurion Airport 2000 are the psychological residues of the Jewish Israeli people, imprinted with the wandering Jew and the fear of Israeliness. The terminal is called "the gateway to Israel" and it is intended to impress the tourist with the achievements of this state, which is still clenched in a sense of siege and has not yet achieved the normalization for which the Jews in the diaspora longed.

The fact that the Jewish people have had to wait for so many years to get an airport with "sleeves" that lead directly into the airplanes is instructive of the Israeli bureaucracy's failings in building infrastructures. Today there is hardly an airport in the world, including the countries of Eastern Europe and the Third World, that does not have such sleeves. In Israel, there are people who are sorry about this, because from now on passengers will not be able to kiss the ground of the Holy Land upon their arrival.

For many people in Israel, Ben-Gurion International Airport is not just a fancy airport that enables an aviation connection to the rest of the world. It is also a kind of essential oxygen tube within their sense of isolation in their own country. From the airport, the Israeli flies to the big world out there in order to feel cosmopolitan and to cut himself off from the pressure cooker of the Jewish state.

In the reality of the cold peace with Egypt and Jordan, a land bridge has not yet been created that will link us with the world. The airport in Lod and the planes taking off and landing there were for years a target of Arab terror. In 1972, there was a massacre at the airport by Japanese terrorists, and to this airport the people who were hijacked in Entebbe, Uganda, returned in 1976.

Israel, which dealt with aviation terror in the face of an indifferent world, did not find the time to deal with the infrastructures at the airport. The sense of siege and terror pursues the Israeli right to the flight counter on the way back from anywhere in the world. The area for the counters for Israelis is always located, for security reasons, in the furthest reaches of the terminal or at some distance from the main terminal, as if to demonstrate the shunning and the isolation. The sight of armed soldiers and fences has transferred the siege on Israel to airports around the world.

Eventually, aviation terror became an international problem, and Israel has become a model for imitation in the field of airport security. The Israeli methods for security checks and questioning and the techniques for securing the surroundings of airports have been studied in other countries.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, had disastrous effects on international tourism and especially on aviation. As a result of the sharp drop in tourism and the huge expenditures on security, many businesses collapsed, and a number of major airlines in North America, Europe, Latin America and even Australia went bankrupt. Terminal anxiety, which had been a Jewish-Israeli syndrome, has become an international epidemic.

The new terminal closes the Israeli gap with respect to aviation infrastructures, but it cannot release those who enter its gates from the oppressive reality; the sense of festivity inside the glamorous and sophisticated structure will afford them only a little relief.


ysl din jerusalem - israel (...@icqmail.com, IP: 80.230.26...)
2004-11-03 14:59
Re: De ce are Mario o anumita dreptate..cititi un articol de un ziarist bolnav la cap

duminca noaptea o sa testez si eu 'terminal 3' ca am avion... sper ca mi-au rezervat un loc pentru fumat mai civilizat decat acvariul 'kent' din vechiul terminal.

oare ne dau hartzi sa ne descurcam in noul aeroport? de la tv am intzeles ca nimeni nu intzelege nimic ....e ca un fel de casa poporului a lui ceausescu...

fir-ar al naibii! urasc sa ma plimb cu bagajele in ditamai pestera preistorica...

La 2004-11-03 14:19:44, neverul again a scris:

>&nbsp;Terminal anxiety
>&nbsp; 03.11.2004 | 11:51
>&nbsp; Haaretz
>&nbsp;At the new terminal at Ben-Gurion Airport, the planners have
>&nbsp;emphasized that they made special efforts to satisfy the Israelis'
>&nbsp;extraordinary needs with respect to seeing people off and greeting
>&nbsp;them. Huge areas are intended for the people who are accompanying
>&nbsp;passengers arriving in and departing from this country.
>&nbsp;The greeting hall is enormous because, according to the figures that
>&nbsp;have been published, in Israel the number of greeters is the largest
>&nbsp;in the world - about five people for every passenger.
>&nbsp;The departure hall is designed to hold the many people who are
>&nbsp;accompanying the passenger and also to give them a feeling of
>&nbsp;"abroad" and surround them with lots of shops so they will
>&nbsp;participate in the passengers' shopping experience. And the icing on
>&nbsp;the cake - unprecedented in its magnitude and amplitude - that awaits
>&nbsp;departing passengers after going through passport control is the
>&nbsp;legendary "duty free."
>&nbsp;Also molded into and reflected in the concrete and the glass of
>&nbsp;Ben-Gurion Airport 2000 are the psychological residues of the Jewish
>&nbsp;Israeli people, imprinted with the wandering Jew and the fear of
>&nbsp;Israeliness. The terminal is called "the gateway to Israel"
>&nbsp;and it is intended to impress the tourist with the achievements of
>&nbsp;this state, which is still clenched in a sense of siege and has not
>&nbsp;yet achieved the normalization for which the Jews in the diaspora
>&nbsp;The fact that the Jewish people have had to wait for so many years to
>&nbsp;get an airport with "sleeves" that lead directly into the
>&nbsp;airplanes is instructive of the Israeli bureaucracy's failings in
>&nbsp;building infrastructures. Today there is hardly an airport in the
>&nbsp;world, including the countries of Eastern Europe and the Third World,
>&nbsp;that does not have such sleeves. In Israel, there are people who are
>&nbsp;sorry about this, because from now on passengers will not be able to
>&nbsp;kiss the ground of the Holy Land upon their arrival.
>&nbsp;For many people in Israel, Ben-Gurion International Airport is not
>&nbsp;just a fancy airport that enables an aviation connection to the rest
>&nbsp;of the world. It is also a kind of essential oxygen tube within their
>&nbsp;sense of isolation in their own country. From the airport, the Israeli
>&nbsp;flies to the big world out there in order to feel cosmopolitan and to
>&nbsp;cut himself off from the pressure cooker of the Jewish state.
>&nbsp;In the reality of the cold peace with Egypt and Jordan, a land bridge
>&nbsp;has not yet been created that will link us with the world. The
>&nbsp;airport in Lod and the planes taking off and landing there were for
>&nbsp;years a target of Arab terror. In 1972, there was a massacre at the
>&nbsp;airport by Japanese terrorists, and to this airport the people who
>&nbsp;were hijacked in Entebbe, Uganda, returned in 1976.
>&nbsp;Israel, which dealt with aviation terror in the face of an indifferent
>&nbsp;world, did not find the time to deal with the infrastructures at the
>&nbsp;airport. The sense of siege and terror pursues the Israeli right to
>&nbsp;the flight counter on the way back from anywhere in the world. The
>&nbsp;area for the counters for Israelis is always located, for security
>&nbsp;reasons, in the furthest reaches of the terminal or at some distance
>&nbsp;from the main terminal, as if to demonstrate the shunning and the
>&nbsp;isolation. The sight of armed soldiers and fences has transferred the
>&nbsp;siege on Israel to airports around the world.
>&nbsp;Eventually, aviation terror became an international problem, and
>&nbsp;Israel has become a model for imitation in the field of airport
>&nbsp;security. The Israeli methods for security checks and questioning and
>&nbsp;the techniques for securing the surroundings of airports have been
>&nbsp;studied in other countries.
>&nbsp;The terror attacks of September 11, 2001, had disastrous effects on
>&nbsp;international tourism and especially on aviation. As a result of the
>&nbsp;sharp drop in tourism and the huge expenditures on security, many
>&nbsp;businesses collapsed, and a number of major airlines in North
>&nbsp;America, Europe, Latin America and even Australia went bankrupt.
>&nbsp;Terminal anxiety, which had been a Jewish-Israeli syndrome, has
>&nbsp;become an international epidemic.
>&nbsp;The new terminal closes the Israeli gap with respect to aviation
>&nbsp;infrastructures, but it cannot release those who enter its gates from
>&nbsp;the oppressive reality; the sense of festivity inside the glamorous
>&nbsp;and sophisticated structure will afford them only a little relief.

FB din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 80.97.11...)
2004-11-03 20:56
Re: Ma cand ati fost voi civilizati?

Cand l-ati vandut pe Hristos? Cand bombardati din helicoptere si omorati femei si copii?Cand ati construit ziduri pentru ceilalti mai inferiori decat voi? Ati si uitat ce vi s-a intamplat in timpul razboiului?Dupa razboi i-ati trimis pe romani la canale ba ,pe romanii ce v-au protejat de nemti,nu pe ungurii ce intr-adevar v-au facut-o.Cu ungurii v-ati facut prieteni.La interes. Ati devenit din asupriti,asupritori.Nu exista scandal financiar in lumea asta ,bani furati ,sa nu fiti voi implicati.Mai nou,revendicati case .In Romania.Case in propietate romaneasca,da de da de poate pica ceva.
la munca ba cu voi si apoi discutam.Toata apa Iordanului nu este suficienta sa va spalati pacatele.

antiohus (...@hotmail.com, IP: 81.218.79...)
2004-11-03 21:43
FB---fuck a la zubi

eu sa fiu in locul tau mi-as lua avocat,translator din araba si as da in judecata pe cine mi se adreseaza astfel...

nu paca paca fara nici o adresa...

La 2004-11-03 20:56:31, FB a scris:

>&nbsp;Cand l-ati vandut pe Hristos? Cand bombardati din helicoptere si
>&nbsp;omorati femei si copii?Cand ati construit ziduri pentru ceilalti mai
>&nbsp;inferiori decat voi? Ati si uitat ce vi s-a intamplat in timpul
>&nbsp;razboiului?Dupa razboi i-ati trimis pe romani la canale ba ,pe
>&nbsp;romanii ce v-au protejat de nemti,nu pe ungurii ce intr-adevar v-au
>&nbsp;facut-o.Cu ungurii v-ati facut prieteni.La interes. Ati devenit din
>&nbsp;asupriti,asupritori.Nu exista scandal financiar in lumea asta ,bani
>&nbsp;furati ,sa nu fiti voi implicati.Mai nou,revendicati case .In
>&nbsp;Romania.Case in propietate romaneasca,da de da de poate pica ceva.
>&nbsp;la munca ba cu voi si apoi discutam.Toata apa Iordanului nu este
>&nbsp;suficienta sa va spalati pacatele.

ysl din jerusalem - israel (...@icqmail.com, IP: 83.130.244...)
2004-11-03 22:58
Re: trebuia sa apara si unul ca FB, nu? de mult nu mai auziram placa cu 'voi suntetzi de vina pt toate relele'...ndc

La 2004-11-03 21:43:06, antiohus a scris:

>&nbsp;eu sa fiu in locul tau mi-as lua avocat,translator din araba si as da
>&nbsp;in judecata pe cine mi se adreseaza astfel...
>&nbsp;nu paca paca fara nici o adresa...
>&nbsp;La 2004-11-03 20:56:31, FB a scris:
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Cand l-ati vandut pe Hristos? Cand bombardati din helicoptere si
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;omorati femei si copii?Cand ati construit ziduri pentru ceilalti mai
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;inferiori decat voi? Ati si uitat ce vi s-a intamplat in timpul
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;razboiului?Dupa razboi i-ati trimis pe romani la canale ba ,pe
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;romanii ce v-au protejat de nemti,nu pe ungurii ce intr-adevar v-au
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;facut-o.Cu ungurii v-ati facut prieteni.La interes. Ati devenit din
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;asupriti,asupritori.Nu exista scandal financiar in lumea asta ,bani
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;furati ,sa nu fiti voi implicati.Mai nou,revendicati case .In
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;Romania.Case in propietate romaneasca,da de da de poate pica ceva.
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;la munca ba cu voi si apoi discutam.Toata apa Iordanului nu este
>&nbsp;>&nbsp;suficienta sa va spalati pacatele.

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