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  Nr. 3162 de miercuri, 3 noiembrie 2004 
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neverul again din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.166.87...)
2004-11-03 12:48

Trilogical Technologies wins $3m defense co contract
The company will supply supply advanced weapons command and control capabilities to defense contractors.
Batya Feldman 2 Nov 04 19:17

Trilogical Technologies announced today that it had won a $3 million contract to supply advanced weapons command and control capabilities to defense contractors. Trilogical will supply picture, command and control processing solutions for advanced weapons systems installed on tanks, APCs, Humvees, and other vehicles used in border defense.
Trilogical's product uses advanced combat computers to simultaneously control camera, cannon, mapping systems, GPS location, and communications with other units on the battlefield. The system's uniqueness lies in its ability to create a picture and lock on targets while in motion.

Trilogical recently displayed the system at the Eurosatory 2004 International Exhibition for Land and Land-Air Defense in France. Trilogical said senior European army officers were interested in buying the system.

Trilogical, a part of the Fishman group, develops hardware and software modules for integrating online two-way data communications solutions over cellular networks. The company has developed a family of products for enhancing business and applications capabilities for the defense establishment.

Founded in 1994, Trilogical was acquired by Fishman Holdings and two other shareholders for $3.5 million four years ago. $4 million has subsequently been invested in the company. Trilogical CEO Jacob Jacob says the company "earns more than its spends."

The company's products have been installed in systems built by IAI-Elta Electronics Industries, Malam Systems (TASE:MLAM), Israel Aircraft Industries and other defense contractors.

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