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neverul again
2004-05-05 23:52:00


Ca e un violonist din Israel si continua traditia lunga de violonisti de mare calitate din aceasta tara (Perlman etc)


Ivry Gitlis

Ivry Gitlis was born in 1922, in Haifa, Israel. He received his first violin at the age of five and gave his first concert at age ten. When violinist Bronislav Huberman heard him play, he sent him to study at the Conservatoire de Paris, where he won a first prize at age 13.

In 1939, he went to England, and when World War II broke out, he worked in a British munitions factory and later in the entertainment unit of the British army.

In 1951, he made his debut in Paris; he has gone on to give concerts all over the world. He has played with the most prestigious orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, Philadelphia Philharmonic, and Israel Philharmonic.

Ivry Gitlis is considered one of the most talented musicians of his generation, and many of his recordings are considered classics. His first recording, "Le Concerto à La mémoire d'un ange," by Alban Berg, won the Grand Prix du Disque (Grand Record Prize) in France. Bruno Maderna wrote "Piece for Ivry" for him, and in 1972, Mr. Gitlis premiered "Mikka" by Xenakis.

2004-05-06 06:21:16


La 2004-05-05 23:52:00, neverul again a scris:

> Ca e un violonist din Israel si continua traditia lunga de violonisti
> de mare calitate din aceasta tara (Perlman etc)
Mai folosesc la ceva violonistii ? Sau cinta in pestera...
Sau ca Moise-n pustie !

2004-05-06 13:23:29


Ma nene...tu esti tzigan ? Ca prea iti place sa te lauzi..

La 2004-05-05 23:52:00, neverul again a scris:

> Ca e un violonist din Israel si continua traditia lunga de violonisti
> de mare calitate din aceasta tara (Perlman etc)
> Ivry Gitlis
> Ivry Gitlis was born in 1922, in Haifa, Israel. He received his first
> violin at the age of five and gave his first concert at age ten. When
> violinist Bronislav Huberman heard him play, he sent him to study at
> the Conservatoire de Paris, where he won a first prize at age 13.
> In 1939, he went to England, and when World War II broke out, he
> worked in a British munitions factory and later in the entertainment
> unit of the British army.
> In 1951, he made his debut in Paris; he has gone on to give concerts
> all over the world. He has played with the most prestigious
> orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic,
> Vienna Philharmonic, Philadelphia Philharmonic, and Israel
> Philharmonic.
> Ivry Gitlis is considered one of the most talented musicians of his
> generation, and many of his recordings are considered classics. His
> first recording, "Le Concerto à La mémoire d'un
> ange," by Alban Berg, won the Grand Prix du Disque (Grand Record
> Prize) in France. Bruno Maderna wrote "Piece for Ivry" for
> him, and in 1972, Mr. Gitlis premiered "Mikka" by Xenakis.

neverul again
2004-05-06 13:58:15


M-am contaminat in acest forum trebuie sa mi instalez un antilauda ..dar nu numai eu!

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