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2004-03-20 08:23:13

VIN AMERICANI__stiri bune pentru Romania !

TechTeam Global Announces Establishment of Subsidiary in Bucharest, Romania
Friday March 19, 8:30 am ET
* New entity to provide Company with additional low-cost, high-quality resources to deliver contact center, helpdesk, and business process outsourcing support services * Expansion is the direct result of TechTeam's strong growth in Western Europe over the past five years and customer demand for a presence in Eastern Europe

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., March 19 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- TechTeam Global, Inc., (Nasdaq: TEAM - News), a global provider of information technology and business process outsourcing support services, today announced that is has established a new, wholly owned operating subsidiary in the Eastern European nation of Romania. S.C. TechTeam Global SRL, located in the capital city of Bucharest, is expected to commence operations in April 2004.

Commenting on this announcement, William F. Coyro, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of TechTeam Global, stated, "We are very excited about the opening of TechTeam's newest call center in Bucharest. Romania offers us access to a talented, well-educated, multilingual work force in a stable and friendly business environment. With employees fluent in the Romance, Germanic, and Slavic languages, we believe we will be better positioned to support our large and growing European customer base. We believe that the lower wage and cost structure inherent in operating a call center in Romania will enable us to provide the same level of high-quality, multilingual call center and help desk services that our customers have come to expect of TechTeam, but at a lower-unit cost. We believe that the staffing of new customer-driven activity in this call center will enable TechTeam to generate significant new revenues and to improve our overall profitability levels, beginning as soon as the second half of this year. Additionally, the Company's new Bucharest site will provide TechTeam with enhanced functional and service redundancy capabilities by permitting the routing of calls to either our Brussels or Bucharest call centers as changing operational conditions warrant."

Coyro added, "The establishment of our call center in Romania is the latest in a series of strategic initiatives which shows TechTeam is taking the lead in the global IT and business process outsourcing provider marketplace. We have made a substantial commitment to this important endeavor, as we believe it will become an integral and increasingly significant component of our global service provisioning capabilities. TechTeam's new Romanian operation will enable us to increase our blended-solution call center provisioning capabilities, enhancing our ability to continue delivering the best overall value proposition in our industry -- the best combination of high quality, low cost, focus, and customer satisfaction."

S.C. TechTeam Global SRL becomes the fifth TechTeam company to establish operations in Europe, joining TechTeam Global NV/SA in Brussels, Belgium; TechTeam Global, Ltd., in Uxbridge, United Kingdom; TechTeam Global, GmbH in Cologne, Germany; and TechTeam Global AB, in Gothenburg, Sweden.

TechTeam Global, Inc. is a global provider of information technology and business process outsourcing services. The Company's ability to integrate computer services into a flexible, total single point of contact solution is a key element of its success. Partnerships with some of the world's "best-in- class" corporations provide TechTeam with unparalleled experience and expertise in providing the following IT support solutions: help desk/call center services, technical staffing, professional services/systems integration, and training programs. For information about TechTeam Global, Inc. and its outstanding services call 1-800-522-4451.

2004-03-20 08:25:08

VIN AMERICANI__stiri bune pentru Romania ! // Confirmare

2004-03-20 08:43:23

MobiFone // NEWS // HOT !!!

Telesystem, Shareholders to Sell $199.5 Mln of Stock (Update3)
March 19 (Bloomberg) -- Telesystem International Wireless Inc., the Canadian mobile-phone provider whose shares have jumped nine fold in the last year, will join some of its biggest shareholders in selling stock to raise $199.5 million.

The 21 million common shares will be priced at $9.50 per share, Montreal-based Telesystem said in a BusinessWire release. Telesystem will sell 7 million shares, while Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. and EEIF Melville BV will sell 14 million shares.

Telesystem will use some of its $66.5 million proceeds to boost its stake in Amsterdam-based ClearWave NV to 99.8 percent from 85.6 percent. Clearwave owns controlling stakes in MobiFon and Cesky Mobil, which run mobile-phone networks in Romania and the Czech Republic.

The underwriters for the offering include BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities Inc., Lazard Freres & Co. LLC., UBS Securities Canada Inc. and TD Securities Inc., the company said in the statement.

Telesystem International's shares fell 35 cents, or 2.6 percent, to C$13.30 by the 4 p.m. close of trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange. They were worth C$1.475 on the same day last year.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Catherine McLean in Toronto at mclean@bloomberg.net.

To contact the editor of this story:
Erik Schatzker at eschatzker@bloomberg.net.
Last Updated: March 19, 2004 16:51 EST

2004-03-20 08:49:47

$25 MIL ! Asta da caz !

Former Kazaa Programmer Sues Sharman for $25 Million
By Jay Lyman
Part of the ECT News Network
March 19, 2004
"Any time you have a file-trading network using copyright law to their advantage is a little bit of a switch," Yankee Group senior analyst Mike Goodman told TechNewsWorld. "On the other hand, these networks don't see themselves as any different from Xerox because they're not the ones breaking copyright law."
A former Romanian software programmer who now works for Microsoft has filed a $25 million lawsuit against peer-to-peer (P2P) leader Sharman Networks, which owns and runs the Kazaa file-sharing utility that the man, Fabian Toader, claims is his work.
Toader, who worked on a freelance basis for Kazaa from Romania four years ago, claims he never signed any agreement with the company, which was purchased by Sharman in early 2002. Through a suit filed in Los Angeles earlier this month, he is asking for damages of $25 million.
Sydney, Australia-based Sharman, however, contends Toader is simply making a repeated attempt to elicit money after failing earlier to extort payment from the P2P purveyor. Sharman, which obtained an injunction against Toader after allegations of extortion last August, also indicated Toader is suing in the wrong jurisdiction.
A source at Sharman told TechNewsWorld that it would be a "reasonable inference" to assume the company will try to have the case thrown out on the basis of an agreement between Toader and Kazaa, which stipulated that disputes be settled in Amsterdam.
"The consulting agreement that dictated the rights and obligations of the parties required that any dispute be adjudicated in the courts of Amsterdam, pursuant to the laws of the Netherlands," Sharman said in a statement.
Sharman and Kazaa are no strangers to copyright claims, as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and other entertainment industry groups have sought to shut down the P2P service on the basis of copyright infringement.
In the Toader case, the software coder who now lives in Microsoft's hometown of Redmond, Washington, refutes that he signed any contract with Kazaa and contends he is the copyright owner of the software, which he claims to have written in Romania in 2000.
Toader argues that according to Romanian and U.S. copyright law, he is entitled to the damages award.
"Sharman has made millions using my software," said a Toader statement. "I just want to be fairly compensated for my contribution."
File-Sharing Shakedown
Sharman tells a different story, pointing to last year's injunction that resulted from Toader's alleged effort to blackmail the company.
"Mr. Toader had threatened to release over the Internet Sharman's early version of the confidential Kazaa Media Desktop source code unless he received a substantial cash payment from Sharman," the company said.
Sharman claims it obtained all rights to Kazaa Media Desktop from Kazaa BV in early 2002, when it acquired the popular file-sharing utility. The company claims Toader worked on early versions of the software under a work-for-hire agreement that expressly grants ownership and rights to any work related to the software's development to Kazaa.
"Sharman regards this recently filed Los Angeles lawsuit as nothing more than Mr. Toader's most recent shakedown effort," the company's statement said.
The Toader case is not the first instance of Kazaa owner Sharman undertaking a role reversal on copyright. Last September, the company successfully lobbied Google to remove links to the Kazaa Lite service -- a knockoff stripped of spyware, adware and pop-up ads -- based on copyright claims.
Analysts said the move, which angered Kazaa Lite users, marked Sharman's movement from free file-trading to a more legitimate service that may compete with Apple's iTunes and other online music stores. Sharman also released Kazaa Plus, which costs $30 and is not supported by advertisements that come in the free version of the software.

"Any time you have a file-trading network using copyright law to their advantage is a little bit of a switch," Yankee Group senior analyst Mike Goodman told TechNewsWorld. "On the other hand, these networks don't see themselves as any different from Xerox because they're not the ones breaking copyright law."

Allegations Denied, Agreement Doubted

Toader's attorney, Marc Fenster, told TechNewsWorld that his client vehemently denies the allegations of blackmail, calling the injunction Sharman refers to an ex-parte injunction obtained without notification to Toader.
Fenster, who said that case has been stayed as a result of the federal suit filed in Los Angeles, also said Toader did not sign any work-for-hire or other agreement with Kazaa, other than a nondisclosure agreement "that had nothing to do with work for hire or written assignment."

Fenster also indicated that despite repeated requests, Sharman has been unable to produce an agreement between Toader and Kazaa.
"We've asked them for a written agreement, and they say they can't find it," Fenster told TechNewsWorld. "I can't respond to allegations they say about an agreement or document that we don't believe exists and which they have been unable or unwilling to produce."

neverul again
2004-03-20 10:10:00


La 2004-03-20 08:25:08, CONU a scris:> 
> SOUTHFIELD - Outsourcing specialist TechTeam Global has opened a
> subsidiary in Romania to provide contact center, helpdesk, and
> business process support at lower costs to its global customers.

E bine o sa aiba x de lucru dar nu e centru de R&D care va favoriza aparitia unui brand name romanesc in domeniu . Outsourcing e un fel de a produce scaune la o masina Ford in Turcia .

2004-03-20 11:14:33

Re: conu

La 2004-03-20 10:10:00, neverul again a scris:

> La 2004-03-20 08:25:08, CONU a scris:> 
> > SOUTHFIELD - Outsourcing specialist TechTeam Global has opened a
> > subsidiary in Romania to provide contact center, helpdesk, and
> > business process support at lower costs to its global customers.
> > 
> E bine o sa aiba x de lucru dar nu e centru de R&D care va
> favoriza aparitia unui brand name romanesc in domeniu . Outsourcing e
> un fel de a produce scaune la o masina Ford in Turcia .
...De bine de rau acel #X este ceea cea au nevoie ca de aer Romanii si Romania, restul pe mai tarziu.

2004-03-20 19:45:37

Romania are nevoie de creierele care fug afara !

Macar ca aceste proiecte sa tina in tara creierele care fug peste hotare.
A pierdut si asa foarte multi si foarte buni specialisti IT. Altii beneficieza de noi nemeritat.

2004-03-21 01:01:30

Asa, Romania Uber Alles


sa fim nationalisti, stai nitel de ce nu gandesti mai global, si anume, cu ce anume doreai sa finanteze Romania acesti specialisti, cu povesti ?

Eu zic ca oamenii sunt liberi sa se duca unde cred ei ca e mai bine, subliniez CRED. Si nu cred neaparat ca altii beneficiaza de noi nemeritat, pe undeva e chiar bine ca au plecat acesti "gunneri" si astfel s-a creat si un fel de reclama pozitiva, in sensul, OPAAAA, ia uite ca in Romania nu e numai Dracula, si Gimnaste (sexy dealtfel) goale, astia sunt si tariceanu. Si iata ca rezultat TechTeam. Sa speram ca vor mai veni si alte companii de acest calibru.

Asta face parte din globalizare, si indienii deja o stiu demult, cu ce crezi ca au lovit americanii acum cativa ani pe partea de SCAM cu DOT COMurile, de au rupt NYSE. Cu indieni...

Eu as schimba nitel fraza ta, Romania are nevoie de creierele ei care sa o reprezinte, oriunde ar fi acestia pe mapamond. Este mult mai tare reclama asta decat orice capital investit....

2004-03-21 01:09:47

Corect CONU

Asa este,

E bine venit orice penny intra aici, si daca se vor face programe aici care se exporta si mai bine. Francezii au venit demult aici, si sunt in plina expansiune, ce le-a luat atat NATIONALISTILOR de americani ?

Deci bravo lor, insa odata, vor da de lucru la oameni, iar comparatia cu scaune pentru Ford e bune, totusi pana la un punct, priveste un lucru, ai observat ca mai toate brandurile din LUME, produc acuma in China. DE CE ? Si vorbim de mai toate numele mari, si europene si americane. DE CE ? Pentru ca e mana de lucru ieftina, disciplinata si serioasa.

Gandeste in felul urmator, ai multi bani, ce faci ? Incerci sa maximizezi profitul. CUM ? Cel mai dureros e la salarii crede-ma. Iti spun din proprie experienta pe SUA. Te doare rau la buzunar ca patron, doare rau de tot. In China, WOW, paradis. De ce crezi ca importau pana acuma indieni, sau colocau Call Centere in India ? Pentru ca aia au salarii mici lunare si vorbesc engleza (stiu cu un accent amuzant) Dar sunt si ei oameni, si chiar foarte seriosi sa stii.

Eu zic ca pe undeva Romania a cam avut pozitie privilegiata, adica tara nu e prea saraca, cum ni se para noua tuturor, dar stii vorba aia, hai sa ne plangem, ca o mai pica ceva.

2004-03-21 04:38:19

350 de romani lucreaza in Arabia Saudita // Numarul lor se pare ca va creste.

2004-03-21 15:25:28

Re: Asa, Romania Uber Alles

Perfect de acord, dar eu m-am referit la faptul ca nu au stiut sa-i protejeze si sa-i plateasca in asa fel incit prin aceste programe guvernametale care trebuiau facute de mult, sa reprezinte Romania afara sub o forma sau alta ca specialisti.Pentru ca asa cum au plecat marea majoritate, pe cont personal si apoi au realizat ceva (normal prin forte proprii) dar apare o alta imagine si anume '"a! roman" "daca sunteti asa de buni in calculatoare de ce nu ati stat la voi?" Asta e Europa, nu prea pun pret mai ales grecii, care sustin ca in Rom nu se face carte ca ai lor vin in Rom sa faca medicina si se intorc si nu stiu nimic. Cind am incercat sa ii explic unei directoare de scoli ca ei vin si platesc examenele a inceput sa rida, pentru ca pe prof. universitar nu il intereseaza ca isi va omori poporul ei daca nu e in stare (d-na doctor), atunci, mi-a dat dreptate. In rest imaginea este tot sifonata, sunt mai multi cesetori si hoti decit informaticieni, astia suntem.

neverul again
2004-03-21 15:37:14

corect Fofi

La 2004-03-21 15:25:28, Fofi a scris:> ati stat la voi?" Asta e Europa, nu prea pun pret mai ales
> grecii, care sustin ca in Rom nu se face carte ca ai lor vin in Rom
> sa faca medicina si se intorc si nu stiu nimic. Cind am incercat sa
> ii explic unei directoare de scoli ca ei vin si platesc examenele  

Corect si in Israel este mentalitatea asta ca cei care au terminat in Romania si in Italia sint slab profesionisti si au dreptate dar nu din cauza ce ai mentionat tu (cu plata etc) ci pt ca scoala e slaba d.p.d.v. tehnic cel putin la meseria mea de stomatolog si atunci in epoca de aur acum nu stiu care e situatie...noroc de examene care se da aici pt a primi drept de lucru si cu asta inchid gura la cei care au dubii..examenul nu e usor deloc

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