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  Nr. 4212 de joi, 17 aprilie 2008 
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Romanian President wants no treaty with Moldovan Republic
While attending a debate arranged by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the President of Romania Traian Basescu put it straight: "I don't think we need to consolidate by our own will a document eleborated during WW II (the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact), which none of us takes for valid and legal." He argued Romania didn't need a document on its border with the Moldovan Republic, explaining that, since Kiev was making plans on the unification of Transdniestria to Ukraine, they should also take into account the return of southern Basarabia to the present Moldovan Republic.
As far as the future of Ukraine and Georgia is concerned, the President mentioned: "Moscow will never decide who joins NATO and who doesn't." Such stataments were his answers to questions asked by two ZIUA journalists during the debate on the NATO security in the enlarged Black Sea region.
A treaty with the Moldovan Republic is no priority, the President said yesterday. He added: "Right after the dismemberment of the USSR Romania recognized the new borders. We can't see why we need a treaty on the Romanian-Moldovan state border."
In his speech on the NATO summit held in Bucharest early this month, President Basescu explained Romania was for Ukraine's accession to NATO, since such a decision would meet security interests and since the Moldovan Republic would thus be among two NATO members.
Exchange of territories as solution
The Moldovan Republic has frequently argued for the need to sign a bilateral treaty with Romania. One first attempt was made while Petre Roman was in power, when Bucharest diplomats were about to sign the treaty in two language versions: one in Romania and one in 'Moldovan'. Later on in other versions of the treaty the pro-Moscow diplomats in Chishinau denied the need to denounce the consequences of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, stipulated in the text by the Romanian diplomats in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
And Traian Basescu made one more premier statement, which is sure to make the anti-Romanians in the pro-Russia space hot: while talking about certain Ukrainian claims on Transdniestria, President Basescu mentioned a historical situation: Stalin's fragmenting of Romanian territories such as Basarabia and northern Bucovina among the ex Soviet republics, the Soviet Socialist Moldovan Republic and Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine. He explained: "In Ukraine there are enough people, not state officials, who talk about a Transdniestria to go to Ukraine, but they forget to talk about southern Ukraine to go to the Moldovan Republic." He actually reminded about the way Transdniestria became part of the Moldovan Republic, in fact coming up with the idea of an exchange of territories. (G.D., V.R., M.I.)
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